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Got some way to go but it's taken me ages to get this far and I need a break.


Not a fan of "blue" librarians and I've got a lot of green paint.!


Plans are for a crackle green base. 



Still waiting on the paint to arrive for his face but based on my practice head tree and just basing with bugmans glow, I don't have the fine motor control.  Should be interesting but might have to go looking for a helmet.


(Photo bomb of Headless Fred from the Adeptus Fashionista, the victim of my green glow experiments.)




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The green works well on them, even if it is heresy not quite Codex-compliant. :tongue: :smile: 


I'll second the suggestion of Gulliman Flesh - it's a little bit like witch-craft (example courtesy of Tyler Mengel). It might be worth thinning it with Contrast Medium, and applying more than one coat (or one all-over coat and one or more targeted ones for the recesses).

That was done with Gulliman Flesh... impressive. 


I have two warpaints on the way, kobold skin and flesh wash. They both seemed popular choices for similar shortcuts (and i ordered them before your suggestions).  


Also a DA upgrade kit, so if push turns to shove.. helmet.

  • 1 month later...

Not the update you're looking for.. hope it makes you laugh.


I was reaching for the librarian, got distracted with putting transfers on some DA and Salamanders...  and then stumbled across a full can of Retro Kyosho Optima Green which was gifted to me by a friend with a serious 80s nostalgia RC car addiction. We are talking £000's . 



Quick test spray onto some card...errr okay.. this could be interesting.  


Dug out Test bed Fred the tailors dummy, and quicker than you can guess an Alpha Legionnaires name... Alphafugfugssake what did I just do...? 


I might have a thing for green but there are limits.


It sprayed on badly and over the top of an experiment with blue.. plus it was colder than i expected . 

That said... if you can suggest a chapter scheme i might try to do an 80s retro marine. 


Had to photo it against other green marines for context.



Librarian finished... probably


Capt tidied up but now, I think I need to redo the dead tyrannid he's standing on in Hivefleet Farva colours


And the 1st of 5 terminators.. who looks like he supports the Northampton Saints!











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