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WIP [fallen] Inquisitor Remus (updated, again)

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thanks for the replies thus far.


The head is from the Zombie sprue, which is full of fantastic sculpts. The ribs inside the armor are also from that sprue :blush:


Dawn of the Dogs: Chaos Lord and leader of my pending Death Guard army, with a backstory brewing in my head. Apparently, this inquisitor couldn't resist the offerings of Father Nurgle. As for plans, if I could draw, I'd sketch him out. I've got a basic idea in my head, but I pretty much just go along with the flow of the model and let it take me where it will.


He will be armed with a plague sword, which is pretty much worked out, but since the blade is made from plasticard, it is difficult to photograph against white, so once it is on the model ya'll will see it.

Currently he's looking a little too zombified in my opinion, are you going to be doing anything more to the head?


I was thinking metal studs in the bone part of his skull, and a breather tube or two coming from his mouth.


I'm trying to stay a bit away from the common bloated nurgle character look, instead going with the diseased emaciated shambling look. He is a fallen inquisitor, and as such doomed to an eternity as a creature less than what he was.


Father Nurgle promised greatness, but as a cruel joke took it all away from Remus

ahhh good ol DG. takin me back to my roots. looks fantastic...even this early WIP its definately going to be impressive (not to add any undue pressure or anything :D )


pressure? B) no prob ;)


I grew up playing Space Wolves, but have always had a soft spot in my heart for Nurgle and the Death Guard. :D


Seeing as how I'm just getting back into 40k after a lenghty break, I decided to finally make AND complete a death guard army.


I should have more work done to it today, I haven't decided on which part to start on. Either the other leg, to match the one w/ work done already, or straight to the chest and start working on that detail...or the head...I just can't decide, lol. I'll probably go for the chest as I have a rough idea of where I want to be with that.

Really good Greenstuff work. Great concepts and very nice execution. It's cool to see a model at this rough stage while still having finely finished details like the neck, brain, and chest.


Thank you for pointing that out. I am very pleased with how the neck came out, I may revisit it and tighten it up a little. That area still requires some "entry way" into the armor piece.


i love it.. tho im interested in how you did the pock-marked acid burns on the breastplate.. that really is somethin


its all in the hand dremel baby :unsure: You can get just the tip of the bit in for the smaller holes, or dig in a little deeper.


Got a little more work done, but no images as of yet. Gotta fix up the left leg to closer resemble the lines of the right and that will be set, for now. Sword is pinned to a portion of the forearm and is about ready to get some putty work. Will post once I'm happy w/ the current stage.


as an aside, I'm keeping a blog of this on my site. I'm waiting on confirmation about the sub domain forwarding and masking, as well as attempting to update the application manually since my host does not offer the most current version.


Until that time, the blog is tentatively at http://monkey-garage.com/serendipity/


Feel free to leave any comments there as well, I plan to link to the blog for the updates as I am posting at various message boards in the future.

thanks guys!


More work done, not much...but I can tease you a little bit more B)




then go here to see the rest, since I use big images=> http://monkey-garage.com/serendipity/

;) alas, I fell to the second page! At least there has been a ton of stuff in WIP for my to look at and keep me going (I'm notorious for letting projects go....)


anyway, another update, we're moving along swimingly now.


Plague sword hand needs some work fo'sho. I have to cut the glue off and reglue the sucker...it is pinned, but apparently unhappy. :(




Since I love using LARGE images, 3 more can be found at my blog --> The B-Files Blog


Anyway, comments, critiques, suggestions. I know the little blob coming from his stomach seems out of place at the moment, but I've further plans.

I much prefer the arm up pose. It's a total change of character. I think he loses some of his strength. A frail body effortlessly lifting an absurdly large and heavy sword is ... scary!!


What is the new Greenstuff coming out the other side of his head?

I much prefer the arm up pose. It's a total change of character. I think he loses some of his strength. A frail body effortlessly lifting an absurdly large and heavy sword is ... scary!!


What is the new Greenstuff coming out the other side of his head?


He is supposed to look frail, a great Inquisitor brought down by Father Nurgle


The GS on his head is a horn, at this point, I may redo it. The arm is not glued in, so we'll see about it's position. I feel the arm down flows better with the overall model. Kinda of limping along, but we'll see. I'm still playing with it

I would say lose the horn altogether. I think it detracts.


I know he's supposed to be frail :) You say brought down, do you mean "from grace" or in strength? I assumed he's a formerly powerful Inquisitor now made powerful by Father Nurgle. Although he *looks* frail he's incredibly strong in every way (except purity ;)). If this were a Zombie I'd say yeah, sword down limping along but as a Chaos Lord and leader of your army it's appropriate to model him with a strength that doesn't necessarily match his outer appearance.


Just my thoughts from what I've seen =) I don't know what else you have planned for the second arm for example. So you'd know better about the flow and of course since you invented him, the character.


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