Brother-Sergeant Valorum Posted August 29, 2015 Share Posted August 29, 2015 (edited) Helios Guard. I have a painter image and an IA. I hope this is still happening! Edited September 18, 2016 by Brother-Sergeant Valorum Philip S 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zxyogi Posted November 26, 2015 Share Posted November 26, 2015 (edited) My Chapter already has a link in the 1000 Chapter project, just needs their background added. Founding Chapter :- Ultramarines [claimed, descended from Silver Skulls] Founding :- Rumoured M32, records lost Chapter Master :- Dionysos Homeworld :- Athos Fortress :- Destroyed by Chaos, now Fleet based. Colours :- Purple armour, Bone/white pauldrons, Gold trim, Gold helmets, Corinthian helmet symbol. Speciality :- Close combat. Strength :- Unknown. Battle cry :- δείχνουν κανένα έλεος,deíchnoun kanéna éleos, Show no mercy. Sons of Heracles. Isstvan V... the Drop Site Massacre... Although the Traitor Legions thought they purged the Loyalists among their ranks, when the Legion Companies came to Isstvan V, some of the Legionnaires felt the cowardly ambush was too great an insult to their martial honor, and decided they wanted no further part in Horus' rebellion. These Legionnaires- from the Iron Warriors, Word Bearers, and a small contingent of the Sons of Horus- retreated into the warp, totally disgusted by what they witnessed. A miniature civil war occurred on the battle barges and troop carriers that left; not all agreed on leaving the battlefield and abandoning their brothers in their parent Legions. Many died. The Warp currents carried them to a system unknown to all but the Iron Warriors, and only as a "primitive world" with Iron Age technology, where Perturabo's Sons enslaved some of the natives inhabitants to replenish losses from a siege laid 20 years ago. When the Legion ships reentered the material realm, their was a standoff between the different Legions' ships, with the Sons of Horus firing warning shots at the Word Bearers. Further tragedy was averted when the Iron Warriors battle barge Iron Furnace hailed the others, her Captain convincing his peers to each send down a command squad to the nearest planet, Athos.The Marines discussed the rebellion and the motivations behind its leaders. All agreed they no longer wanted a part in it. They were now "twice-renegades"- once to their grandfather the Emperor, and once to their fathers the Traitor Primarchs. They agreed to strike back at their Traitor kin, but knew they could never face their former brothers-in-arms in the loyalist Legions again. At this point, their numbers included 2785 marines and three Imperial Army battalions (approximately 2000 human soldiers). The war band held no name other than the "twice-renegades," and was ruled by a committee of their most senior officers, as no individual had the charisma to lead them all.First, the "twice-renegades" removed all evidence of their original Chapters, stripped their armour to bare ceramite, and painted on both pauldrons with the Aquila, the two-headed eagle that was the Emperor's personal symbol; the only other markings were rank insignia. During this, a single man watched them with hatred in his heart.The "twice-renegades" chose to land in the middle of a massive, extinct volcano, in which they would build a new fortress-monastery. The former Iron Warriors set about building a base-of-operations, while the rest began exploring the surrounding land. Here they met the watcher- a local "warrior-king" named Heracles, who summoned an army of Laconists- also known as "Spartans," after their capital city of Sparta. Heracles had a son who bore his name; a son the Iron Warriors seized during their last visit; a son the warrior-king swore to avenge. He sent an envoy to the approaching Astartes, announcing his intentions. Although the "twice-renegades" could use their firepower to annihilate the Laconists- who only had iron spears and swords, and wooden shields- Heracles' courage and honor impressed them, and they chose to return the honor shown them, by fighting with close combat weapons. To the Astartes' surprise, the Laconists held their own, with King Heracles killing many of the Astrates in single combat. At the construction site, the Iron Warriors were confused to hear "Heracles" was fighting and killing the "twice-renegades"- for wasn't Heracles among them, helping to dig the fortress-monastery's foundations? Even as a 12-year-old child, King Heracles' son was notable for his strength; the Iron Warriors Apothecaries chose to implant him with gene-seed and transform him into one of their own. On hearing his father led attacking forces, the Younger Heracles moved to intervene. The Elder Heracles, though surprised to see his son among the "enslavers," refused to retreat; the Laconists' honor demanded that fighting end only with their deaths. The Younger Heracles then challenged his father to single combat, the condition being the loser's warriors must join the winner's army- not as slaves, but as brothers-in-arms. Returning the honor shown him, King Heracles agreed. The fight lasted an hour, so fiercely did the two fight, neither side holding back on account of their blood relations. When the Elder Heracles fell, he acknowledged his son as his heir, and died smiling; his warriors immediately knelt and pledged allegiance to their new warrior-king. The watching "twice-renegades" hailed the Younger Heracles as their leader, despite his youth, for the honor he demonstrated; they felt confident Heracles would not send them to their deaths for his own glory, as their Primarchs did. The Astartes were renamed the "Sons of Heracles," and painted their armor the purple of the Elder Heracles' cloak. The new King Heracles ordered his men to attack traitor-held planets and supply convoys, both to punish those who followed Horus into Heresy, and to seize war materiel for the use of the Sons of Heracles. Along the way, they rescued stragglers from loyalist Legions escaping from the Isstvan system; many of these stragglers, finding no purpose in their lives after losing or losing contact with their Primarchs, swore loyalty to the charismatic Heracles. The Sons of Heracles pleged to strike hard and ruthlessly, to tear out the Traitor Legions' heart, to bring an end to Horus and his betrayal. They remained a thorn in the Traitor Legions' sides for 300 years, until their home world was devastated. Chaos did not do this via a Chaos Space Marine starfleet, but via men from Athos, who the Laconists ignored, so confident their brothers in the Sons of Heracles could overcome any threat. The Achaemen- also known as "Perxians," after their capital city of Perxia- were an old enemy of the Laconists. Seeing the latter as uncivilized "beastmen," they regularly raided Sparta, and enslaved their captives- one reason the Elder Heracles hated the Iron Warriors so much, for the similarities in their behavior. The Laconists- given Imperial Army weapons, and the training to effectively use these weapons- ended these raids by besieging to Perxia and forcing the Achaemen king to submit. Humiliated, the Achaemen knelt before the "Black Obelisk" they erected to honor their gods, and prayed for retribution- retribution the Chaos Gods granted, their Daemons using the submitting Achaemen as vessels. At the time, Heracles and his personal Chapter- a mere 1000 Marines- were on Athos, along with 70,000 human warriors of the Royal Laconist Army. The other Astartes- 2000 Marines divided among multiple starfleets- were out fighting the Traitors and raiding their supply lines. When Chaos consumed Perxia, Heracles and his men fought bravely, forcing back the Chaos Daemons' tide at great loss, especially among the Royal Laconist Army's ranks. Then an Iron Warriors starfleet- the Black Obelisk drawing them to Athos, before Heracles destroyed the Chaos monument- descended upon the planet, and destroyed the fortress-monastery from orbit. Heracles and his men were cut down, During the Chaos invasion of Athos, King Heracles II was critically injured when he used the Kraken Hammer to shatter the Black Obelisk. The Iron Warriors struck then, capturing the Sons of Heracles Chapter Master before his brothers could evacuate him [ the Traitor Marines spend 300 years using torture, Warpcraft, and profane rituals to desecrate the still-living Heracles' body, transforming it into a Daemonhost ] the gene-seed vault's contents were declared the Iron Warriors' rightful property, and seized; Nicanor, a loyalist in the ranks of the Sons of Heracles, was crucified to a defaced Aquila. When the Sons of Heracles returned to Athos, they found Nicanor grievously mutilated, but alive; he told them what occurred. They excavated the fortress-monastery's ruins, finding Dreadnoughts, Land Raiders, and other vehicles the Iron Warriors failed to destroy, so hastily the traitors fled the justice of the Sons of Heracles. Entombing the still loyal Nicanor in a Contemptor Dreadnought, the Sons of Heracles declared the fortress-monastery a monument; although they built strongholds around Sparta's ruins to protect the site from scavengers, the Sons of Heracles became fleet-based, with star forts dotting their star system. During the second Chaos invasion of Athos, the Daemonhost Heracles led the enemy forces, though the Sons of Heracles loyalists were able to overpower and defeat him; some suspect this was because a fragment of Heracles' mind resisted the Daemon, sabotaging the host (and by extension, the forces this Daemon led) from within. The Sons of Heracles loyalists then attempt to exorcise the Daemon from the body of King Heracles II, but were initially unsuccessful. In desperation, the Sons of Heracles Chaplains (former Word Bearers) use rituals intended to invoke the "God-Emperor's" powers, though the Chaplains admit they have little faith in these rituals. To everyone's surprise, the God-Emperor manifests before the Daemonhost, says, "I failed my sons- Perturabo, Lorgar, and Horus most of all. I should have prepared them for the trials they faced, and prevented the tragedies that occurred. I will not fail my grandson," touches the Daemon (which is screaming in terror), and purifies the Younger Heracles' body, before fading away. Seeing the Younger Heracles' body deteriorate before his eyes, Nicanor orders the Sons of Heracles to remove him from the Dreadnought sarcophagus so their former Chapter Master may take his place, despite knowing this would cause Nicanor's true death. The Younger Heracles refuses, and says, "You proved yourself more worthy of this honor; despite every physical, mental, and psychic torture the Traitors and their Daemon masters could inflict upon you, they failed to break your will. Now you must prepare to bear a greater burden: To face the greatest terrors you can imagine, fighting enemies within and without; enduring their attacks and your own doubts. This must be done so humanity may survive, and the Emperor's Great Plan may come to fruition." Then the Younger Heracles' body disintegrated, for no mortal body- not even a Space Marine's- could endure the Emperor's psychic touch. Their faith renewed, Nicanor and the Sons of Heracles all swear to follow the example of King Heracles II. By M34, the Sons of Heracles numbered 3000 Marines. While trailing an Iron Warriors starfleet to exact revenge, they intercepted a distress signal from an Astartes Chapter known as the "Silver Skulls," who were besieged on the planet Sikinos. Deciding to intervene, the Sons of Heracles bombarded the Iron Warriors positions from orbit, allowing the Silver Skulls to break out. After the lifting the siege, the Sons of Heracles learned what befell the Imperium during the intervening millennia; how the Primarch Guilliman penned the Codex Astartes and separated the loyalist Legions into Chapters, so no individual would wield the power the Warmaster Horus used to tear apart the Emperor's realm; how. Surprised to find genetic similarities in the Silver Skulls' gene-seed, the Sons of Heracles claimed they were an Ultramarines successor Chapter, descended via the Silver Skulls in an unknown Founding, the exact records lost during the Howling of M34. The Sons of Heracles faced the Inquisition's scrutiny, willingly endured the many tests of loyalty, before they were welcomed back into the Imperium. The Inquisition remains suspicious of the Sons of Heracles, for Chaos starfleets attack the Chapter planet of Athos every 300 years, for reasons not even the Sons of Heracles know. Deep within Perxia's ruins, the Black Obelisk's fragments continue calling to the Chaos Gods' worshipers, despite the damage King Heracles inflicted upon the monument. Deciding to keep a close watch on the Chapter, the Inquisition stationed a contingent of Exorcists in one of the strongholds of the Sons of Heracles, and built an Inquisitorial stronghold on Athos, where 20 Grey Knights are stationed. The Sons of Heracles had to disperse to nearby systems, to hide the fact their numbers were above Codex-allowed limits; despite the inconvenience, the Chapter welcomes the opportunities this grants them. By swearing to defend forge worlds, the Sons of Heracles are given materiel these worlds produce; in addition, many Tech-Priests will offer great rewards for an opportunity to study the vehicles, arms and armor of the Sons of Heracles, for many are rare and ancient, their patterns not seen since the Horus Heresy. The Sons of Heracles also seizes opportunities to form alliances with other loyalist Chapters. For example, they aided the Marines Malevolent in purging the Attica System of Orks. The next time Chaos attacked Athos, the traitors found Silver Skulls, Marines Malevolent, Grey Knights, and Exorcists defending the planet, in addition to the Sons of Heracles. Edited November 30, 2015 by zxyogi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
VanguardVeteran Posted January 11, 2017 Share Posted January 11, 2017 Valedictors: A canon GW chapter' Sources: Philip S 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Evz Posted March 8, 2017 Share Posted March 8, 2017 Void Vultures, formerly known as the Vermilion Wings. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Tyler Posted December 21, 2018 Share Posted December 21, 2018 Phil Sibbering is back and has asked for this topic to be re-opened. Felix Antipodes, Dosjetka and Philip S 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Philip S Posted December 21, 2018 Author Share Posted December 21, 2018 Thank you Brother Tyler, I'm in the process of added a whole bunch of canon chapters at the moment. Once done, I'll be collecting up DIY chapters once more! I'll then sort through the thread as see what I missed before I disappeared. One day we will have 1,000 chapters on the primary list - canon and DIY (all the MIA cast aside, unless people want to grab 'em) Philip NovemberIX 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Tyler Posted December 21, 2018 Share Posted December 21, 2018 I'm going to ask the question before others get to it... For the Chapters that are Primaris-only, will you be accepting an image other than the B&C's SMP image (which is Mk VI/VII)? A lot of hobbyists have been using the image that GW put it, and there are several varieties posted in the Liber Astartes forum in this topic. It might require a bit of work - cropping the image to just show the Space Marine. Panzer and Philip S 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Philip S Posted December 22, 2018 Author Share Posted December 22, 2018 Is B&C going to make a Primaris painter with wargear (i.e. bolter) is the same style as the v5 beta? (I would like others to add their DIYs) I only heard about the Primaris recently on B&C! How many canon Primaris chapters are there? (just in case I can do it by hand) Since being back, I realised there is a lot of things that need to be Philhammered :P Philip Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Tyler Posted December 22, 2018 Share Posted December 22, 2018 No, no Primaris painter is planned (not that we don't want to do it, mind you, it's a matter of resources). There are at least 18 official Ultima Founding Chapters (and quite a few DIYs, though I haven't counted them). Those are Primaris-only. In addition, the vast majority of earlier Chapters (including all of those named for the 1st Founding Legions and the most popular of 2nd Founding Chapters such as the Black Templars) have Primaris in their ranks. GW's practice now is to show Chapters using the Primaris. GW provided that sheet that I linked to previously, so a lot of players have been using that. It's not the same as using the B&C painter, but it's workable. Philip S 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Philip S Posted December 22, 2018 Author Share Posted December 22, 2018 Sad to hear there will be no B&C painter, as that would make my life easier! Which resources are missing, is it server resources? I'll use the template you linked to later and create the 18, and I'll probably leave it there. If I remember the v5 painter is double size in Photoshop, and I think I duplicated that style of shading, so I should all match up - though the Primaris are a little taller which may cause an issue... Philip Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Felix Antipodes Posted December 22, 2018 Share Posted December 22, 2018 Very happy to see this fine project back up and running. Now I just have to stop procrastinating and finish my own DIY IA lol Dracos, Philip S and Dosjetka 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Philip S Posted December 22, 2018 Author Share Posted December 22, 2018 Very happy to see this fine project back up and running. Now I just have to stop procrastinating and finish my own DIY IA lol You are more than welcome, and have you started? Sometimes starting badly is better than never starting at all. Write out a draft, even a rough idea, post it, and you may find inspiration strikes... I suggest start an IA thread, leave the first post as a place holder for the finished IA (that I'll link to later, when finished) and the second post as the rough idea and start building! Philip Felix Antipodes 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Cambrius Posted December 27, 2018 Share Posted December 27, 2018 (edited) -pops head in- Well then. Great to see you back Philip! I'd better seek out the updates to my Chapters from over the last few years. <EDIT> In fact I have 1 to add, my new army, the Vanquishers. Cambrius Edited December 27, 2018 by Brother Cambrius Dosjetka and Philip S 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Cambrius Posted December 30, 2018 Share Posted December 30, 2018 Right so here's some updates/reclaims/new entries: Updates: Decimators - Link Shield Bearers (with new Heraldry) - Link Swords of Orion - Link Reclaimed MIA: Demolishers - Link Avenging Fists (with new Heraldry) - Link New Entries: Vanquishers - Link I'll keep my eyes out for any more. But Philip if you still have the full images of the Warp Guardians and Knights of Guilliman, can you shoot them to me as they are mine, just missing their images in my files. Cambrius Dosjetka and Philip S 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Philip S Posted December 31, 2018 Author Share Posted December 31, 2018 (edited) Right so here's some updates/reclaims/new entries: Thanks Cambrius. Can you do me a favour and separate out the Vanquishers into their own IA thread? And it's good to be back! Edit: I do not have the original imagines for Warp Guardians or the Knights of Guilliman, only the 'thumbnails' in the gallery. Also, I have the Knights of Guilliman down as MIA, do you wish to claim them? Do you have an IA for them I can link to? Philip Edited January 2, 2019 by Philip S Brother Cambrius 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kelborn Posted December 31, 2018 Share Posted December 31, 2018 I just discovered this thread and oh my what a tremendous work! :O Would love to add my chapters, as well. Do you accept only fully fleshed out chapters or those still in progress, as well? If the former, I'd gladly join with three finished chapters. If the latter, a handful of Primaris chapters would be ready, as well. ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Philip S Posted December 31, 2018 Author Share Posted December 31, 2018 I just discovered this thread and oh my what a tremendous work! Would love to add my chapters, as well. Do you accept only fully fleshed out chapters or those still in progress, as well? If the former, I'd gladly join with three finished chapters. If the latter, a handful of Primaris chapters would be ready, as well. Fully fleshed out chapters only. Please post your links to your IA! I have not figured out what to do with the Primaris chapters: Brother Tyler said earlier that B&C have no plans to make a Primaris PA painter which makes fan submission a bit tough Philip Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kelborn Posted January 1, 2019 Share Posted January 1, 2019 (edited) Alrighty then, here we go with my three finished DIY chapters: Storm Riders Imperial Sons Phantom Blades (for the records: I'm intending to revise this one, maybe even changing the name, etc.) oh...I just saw that the chapter symbols need to be visable on the marines, as well. I will update this post, when I've got it done. *edit* How about using the B&C generator to show the chapter's scheme nonetheless? Would it be possible to create a seperate slide for Primaris chapters or leave a note behind their name like Umbral Knights [Primaris]? Edited January 1, 2019 by Kelborn Philip S 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Philip S Posted January 2, 2019 Author Share Posted January 2, 2019 oh...I just saw that the chapter symbols need to be visable on the marines, as well. I will update this post, when I've got it done. Good stuff. However, these are not v5 created images with the standard bolter and chapter markings applied for a standard tactical marine, including the chapter symbol on the shoulder... *edit* How about using the B&C generator to show the chapter's scheme nonetheless? Would it be possible to create a seperate slide for Primaris chapters or leave a note behind their name like Umbral Knights [Primaris]? The Primaris chapters are going to have to wait until someone creates a painter for them Philip Kelborn 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dracos Posted January 2, 2019 Share Posted January 2, 2019 Are actual painted models appropriate for this? I’d like to include my Primaris Warhawks if appropriate. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Cambrius Posted January 2, 2019 Share Posted January 2, 2019 Are actual painted models appropriate for this? I’d like to include my Primaris Warhawks if appropriate. Yes they are as mine are featured even though they have 1 miniature. And as a present for Kelborn, I v5'd his 2 Chapters: Imperial Sons: The Phantom Blades: @Philip S - No worries on the Knights of Guilliman and Warp Guardians. It's been fun going through finding lost chapters of my own. I might write up something on the Knights of Guilliman first before claiming them, unless someone else wishes to. Same applies for the Warp Guardians. Cambrius Philip S 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kelborn Posted January 3, 2019 Share Posted January 3, 2019 Thank you! I downloaded an appropriate program to integrate their chapter symbols but was overwhelmed by it. Need to have a look again with the Manuel. ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Cambrius Posted January 3, 2019 Share Posted January 3, 2019 Thank you! I downloaded an appropriate program to integrate their chapter symbols but was overwhelmed by it. Need to have a look again with the Manuel. It took me a while to learn how to do it after the old tutorial disappeared with the Librarium here. I used GIMP way back when and it's not too difficult, trick is having a clean symbol with no background to add onto the image. Cambrius Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Knightsword Posted January 3, 2019 Share Posted January 3, 2019 My only fully finished DIY chapter:Ardent Swords IA article link - the first post and second posts are the Index Astartes article just in different formats. Homebrew wiki link - this contains absolutely everything I have done for the Chapter and has their full background / lore taking them all the way up to the opening of the Great Rift and some bits after the Indomitus Crusade. Philip S 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dosjetka Posted January 4, 2019 Share Posted January 4, 2019 (edited) Cambrius: Don't forget to add your DIYs to the Tabula Astartes! You've already got a few in there but I haven't seen the Vanquishers, f'rex, so there might be others! Edited January 4, 2019 by Chaplain Dosjetka Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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