Soldier of Dorn Posted September 30, 2015 Share Posted September 30, 2015 Whirlwind/Razorback/Rhino looks nice. Have I mentioned that I like your yellow? :D It is still *so* weird that you're doing loyalists, though. Every damn time I check out a new update here, I forget you're not doing Chaos right now, and I get so confused. ;) Dragonlover, HellChyld and Augustus b'Raass 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted October 2, 2015 Author Share Posted October 2, 2015 Cheers guys! I finished the Whirlwind/Razorback today. Here's pictures of both configurations. WHIRLWIND and the front. It says IMP. VICT., short for Imperium Victor, or (the) Imperium (shall be) victorious. RAZORBACK Hope you like - feedback msot welcome. I'm supernew to this crisp Imperial vehicle business, so rant away. :tu: Replies: @SkimaskMohawk: I'm interested to see which turret you'll be using for the converted Scorpius tank. Where can I find this awesomesauce? @Tarvick: The dorito dread is almost readuy for painting. I did the base and the back ammo hoppers today. Both are drying currently - pictures tonight. @The Psycho: Once or twice, yes. ;) It feels weird doing loyalists, dude. Seriously, I've done nothing but Chaos marines all my life (well, the last 19 years) so it's a superweird for me too. Still, not to worry - I'll be rocking Chaos for ETL V :tu: Atia, Barabbas Sogalon, Psykic_scribe and 3 others 6 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Atia Posted October 2, 2015 Share Posted October 2, 2015 Awesome!!! :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Barabbas Sogalon Posted October 2, 2015 Share Posted October 2, 2015 That yellow makes me want to do Fists again. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Midnightmare Posted October 2, 2015 Share Posted October 2, 2015 Fair do's, yellow when done right is awesome. That right there is AWESOME!! Nice mate :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flint13 Posted October 2, 2015 Share Posted October 2, 2015 How did you go about weathering it? It's the perfect blend of "used but well maintained" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Soldier of Dorn Posted October 2, 2015 Share Posted October 2, 2015 Crikey, that yellow is amazeballs on that Rhino chassis! We need to do a HH collaboration together sometime. Perhaps the anti-Fury and Zeal, call it the Angelic and the Stubborn ;) JK Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SkimaskMohawk Posted October 2, 2015 Share Posted October 2, 2015 I knew the finished weathering would be awesome :P As for my "scorpius", its the furthest thing from awesome lol. Just made something that looks like an alternate turret so there's no confusion when it doesn't shoot normal WW blasts for tournament/competitive play Augustus b'Raass 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted October 2, 2015 Author Share Posted October 2, 2015 (edited) Update time, with recipes, the Deredeo, and another Whirlwind. Wow, thanks everyone, for the ultra-positive feedback. I'm super grateful for it, and am very glad you all appreciate the recipes for yellow and weathering I concocted. The recipe is this, Flint: Begin with a basecoat of GW Averland Sunset all over. Then reverse highlight with a 1:1 mix of GW Averland Sunset and VMA Hult Red Vallejo Satin Varnish all over Paint a thin line of AP Strong Tone in all nooks and crannies, around rivets and other detail. Sponge GW Rhinox Hide on places where damage and mud would splatter In the biggest brown spots, I put some highlights of VMA Steel Rust streaks with GW Reikland Flesh and GW Typhus Corrosion add sponge spots with FW Fresh Mud weathering powder drenched in alcohol More replies below the next update: the Deredeo I made the base for him. I vowed the deredeo as a piece of scenery for an Iron Warriors Chaos Lord. UNfortunately the IF juices are flowing harder than the Nurgles ROt atm, so I had to cancel all my other CoC vows. I will finish this one, if only to deny those pesky IF players the joy of having it as a reinforcement. Or whatever. So here's the base. I'll paint it up compleetely, and then pour some Vallejo Water Effect in the puddle, so the face of the Iron Warrior will be partially submerged. Next up is the Ammo Hopper. I fixed it as best I could, but it was impossible to get the hopper to completely adher to the NATO rounds. It's close enough, however. ROOL OF COOL!!! I will have to adjust the pose slightly, but I'll manage that surely. And then, last but not least: another Whirlwind!! (There's one more after this one ) Hope you enjoyed the update, let me know what you think Replies: @Atia: Thanks Atia! Good luck with those photo backgrounds I sent you @Barabbas Sogalon: DO IIIIIIIT! @Midnight Runner: Fair do's? What does that mean? I'm glad you like it!! @Flint13: Cheers! That's exactly the look I was going for Weathering recipe above! @The Psycho: Not a bad idea, buddy! Let's do it! @SkimaskMohawk: Cheers. That tank looks pretty decent. Is that from a discontinued FW kit? Edited October 3, 2015 by Augustus b'Raass Kizzdougs, GrandMagnus, The Prophet and 5 others 8 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Slips Posted October 2, 2015 Share Posted October 2, 2015 DUuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude That looks AWESOME! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grizzly_bear Posted October 2, 2015 Share Posted October 2, 2015 That yellow recipe looks very familiar ;) lol I just love that dread man. So cool Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Soldier of Dorn Posted October 2, 2015 Share Posted October 2, 2015 Christ, man, do you ever rest??? :o Slow down, you make the rest of us look bad ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SkimaskMohawk Posted October 3, 2015 Share Posted October 3, 2015 Valk rocket pods Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Warsmith Uveron Posted October 3, 2015 Share Posted October 3, 2015 How did you do the 'Burnt paint' affects on the Rhinos? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Heinrich Posted October 3, 2015 Share Posted October 3, 2015 God a Deredeo clashes horribly with the feng shui of both my armies, but the way you've done yours just makes me want dat dakka so bad! Also nice work on the Razor/Whirlwind. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kizzdougs Posted October 3, 2015 Share Posted October 3, 2015 Damn! The Deredeo just gets better, and better. I can already tell it's going to be the best Deredeo on the interwebs :tu: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ShVagYeR Posted October 3, 2015 Share Posted October 3, 2015 Gotta love that yellow and all the weathering, you do just enough - not too much, not too little. I'll have to invest in an airbrush somewhere down the road. ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flint13 Posted October 3, 2015 Share Posted October 3, 2015 Christ, man, do you ever rest??? :o Slow down, you make the rest of us look bad ;) I kno rite? Damn Augs, take a nap, have a sandwich or something. You can't do all the Fists in a week. :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted October 4, 2015 Author Share Posted October 4, 2015 Update on the second Whirlwind. I decied that this will be the command tank of the three, so he had to have a proper pilot, and a little more fancy iconography. So I gave him on of the cool Acquila/IF symbol crossover pieces in the front, and one of the large fists from the IF Edged Brass sprues. Also, I wanted the fifth company heraldry (where the field of the heraldry is guartered black and white) to be very prominent on this vehicle - hence the side doors. What do you think so far? in addition, the Deredeo's base is completely dry now, so it was time for the final test-fit of all the aprts! I think I might try some scroll sculpting or perhaps a wrath of laurels. I dunno yet. Ideas are MOST welcome here. Replies: @Slipstreams: Thanks buddy! @Grizzly_bear: Really? I wonder where you've seen it before? ;) Christ, man, do you ever rest??? Slow down, you make the rest of us look bad Phrasing!! But seriously: Hidden Content [ @SkimaskMohawk: Ah, of course. Thanks, and an interesting build, that is. Looks great! @Uveron: The 'burnt paint'effects? What do you mean? The weathering? That's mostly sponging. See this post for a how-to. @Brother Heinrich: Cheers buddy! And what the hell man, HOW does a Deredeo mess with your amries' feng shui? @kizzdougs: Wow, putting hte bar a little high there? @ShVagYer: Thanks mate! That's what I was kinda going for - like they've bene in the field for some time, but not a complete atrition war kinda thing. @Flint13: Are you seriously telling me to take a nap? Me, a Night Lords player? Sleep is overrated, Flint. Especially when when you drink coffee from this mug: Hidden Content ;) SkimaskMohawk, Psykic_scribe, The Prophet and 4 others 7 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
helterskelter Posted October 4, 2015 Share Posted October 4, 2015 I look at your eddy and I can hear the chinking sound the ejected shells make when they hit solid ground. Going to look incredible in your yellow this is for certain and awesome base you've done from him too Augustus b'Raass 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
geektom Posted October 6, 2015 Share Posted October 6, 2015 Dang, that looks soooo good! The pose is awesome-- I can just picture it blasting things out of the sky! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Prophet Posted October 7, 2015 Share Posted October 7, 2015 WOW! This stuff is awesome! That ammunition on the Deredeo is really something and you have found a nice yellow to go with your Fists! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted October 7, 2015 Author Share Posted October 7, 2015 (edited) Thanks for the positive feedback, guys! It's funny how almost all of it is about the yellow and/or the deredeo - while the Whirlwinds have been getting most of my love recently. I agree that the deredeo is a much cooler model, but there's something about whirlwinds that just scream 'Chaotic Battlefield of Death' to me. When I see one, I instantly think about warriors in the mud, shooting at range and battling it out up close, while being pounded by pouring rain and death from above. As such, they just epitomize Imperial Fist warfare to me. As you might have guessed from the above, I finished the second whirlwind (which can also be used as a razorback). I went a teeny tiny bit overboard with the weathering, especially with the smoke from the exhausts, but oh well - there's nine more vehicles in my 1850 list, so I can just say that this one got stuck in the mud and pushed the throttle a bit to hard in low gear... The side door holds the Imperial Fists badge and the Vehicle's number in the squadron (in this case, number 1) Both side doors have the quartered shield in black-and-white iconography of the Fifth Company. Techmarine pilot Of course, it's also a razorback. The scroll says IMP. VULT., short for Imperatum Vult, which is Latin High Gothic for (The) Emperor Wills (It). The left V or 5 is for the Fifth Company. The skull is the campaign badge. Aaaand the two of them together. Thanks for looking! Replies: I look at your eddy and I can hear the chinking sound the ejected shells make when they hit solid ground. Going to look incredible in your yellow this is for certain and awesome base you've done from him tooThanks buddy! I love how you have the same image in your head as I do. Only I imagine a dull plumping sound when the shells hit the mud. Dang, that looks soooo good! The pose is awesome-- I can just picture it blasting things out of the sky!DAKKA DAKKA DAKKA! Oh wait, wrong forum WOW! This stuff is awesome! That ammunition on the Deredeo is really something and you have found a nice yellow to go with your Fists!Cheers, Prophet! Have you received the shoulder pads I sent you? Edited October 8, 2015 by Augustus b'Raass Atia, Psykic_scribe, Aasfresser and 3 others 6 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Atia Posted October 7, 2015 Share Posted October 7, 2015 They look awesome, especially next to each other^^ how have you done the black exhausts here: Just airbrushed with black/grey? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted October 7, 2015 Author Share Posted October 7, 2015 They look awesome, especially next to each other^^ How have you done the black exhausts here: *snip* Just airbrushed with black/grey? Thanks Atia! It's simply airbrushed AP Matt Black. This is not an airbrush colour, so it requires thinning. So I made sure I thinned it not by as much as required for 'real' airbrushing work, so the paint would come out in slightly thicker droplets - which I hoped would give off a nice soot-y effect. And it worked! Next tank I will limit the area I do it on though, as I think the 'sooted' area is slightly too big. :tu: Atia 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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