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Wow, thanks everyone, for the awesome feedback! I'm happy Kunig Vall is so popular. :D


@The Psycho: Aww, thanks buddy!


@Slipstreams: Pardon?


@Barabbas Sogalon: You're awesome!


@MrBear: Ha cheers! Glad you like the details. It was great fun putting those transfers on, even though I was too quick in adding Varnish, so there's still some air left under them, so you can see it's a sticker... :(


@Broither Heinrich: Go get one! Glad you like him. Also: what do you think of the ammo?


@Kriegris: Dude take a breather! They're only models. ;) Haha your comment gave me a laugh. Thanks buddy! I'm super happy you got inspired to do some models again!


@Fangbanger: Schwing!


@Noctem Cultor: He does! He absolutely does. ;)


@Nickos: The sergeant's head piece (and I'm guessing you're referring to this guy) is teh plume from a MkIII head with a plume, that comes with the Rapier Quad Heavy Bolter kit. It's a fiddly resin connection that easily breaks, which it did. So I used the plume on this sergeant and had a normal MkIII head left over. :) :tu:


@Uveron: Ah you're comment makes up for it big time. Thanks buddy! 


@hushrong: Thanks!!



@Grizzly_bear: That 'dead'? ;)


@Black_out: Cheers, Blackout! glad you liek the belts. They took some effort, but I think it all paid off in the end. :)


@Wicced: AHAHAHAHA finally someone that spotted it! It is indeed a typo, which I only discovered after posting the dread itself. I left it in there, to see if someone would spot it. BUSTED!! I guess either my math is off (8-1=8?) or you're right and I'm still chaotic at heart. 


@kizzdougs: Cheers, kizz!


@Knight of the Raven: Glad you're convinced of the solvability of the deredeo. lol


@teetengee: cheers!

JUst adding my admiration on the Deredeo and the quality of the pics too.


As to the 8-1, I thought that this was just your true colours pressing through?  :biggrin.:




Sevatar masked his white face beneath the skullish Chiropteran wings that rose from the helmet in a feral crest, cast in dark iron.
His voice was a vox-altered snarl. ‘I am a son of the sunless world, and Eighth Legion to my core. Of course I’m lying, Trez. It’s what we do.’


[ADB - Prince of Crows]

KrautScientist asked me via PM for a tutorial on how to magnetize Contemptor weapons. So here goes:


You will need the following:

  • A 1:1 mixture of Green Stuff and Milliput. Greenstuff adds strength amd maleability. Milliput adds hardness and sandability.

  • Magnets. I used 5mm/2mm round N42 magnets. Any will do, but make sure they can hold at least 250 grams.
  • Super glue
  • A hand drill
  • Drills ranging from 1mm until your magnet's size, with increments of 0.5mm (why? Because you're working with resin and resin is brittle. The small increases in size will reduce the strain on the material being drilled, preventing possible breaks. Also, it aids in keeping control of the hole you're drilling.
  • The weapon connector points between the weapon itself and the contemptor's shoulder. (on the HH:BaC plastic weapons, the weapon connector is attached to the weapon itself.

  • This step is only necessary if you're using the plastic HH:BaC contemptor weapons. Cut the weapons from the shoulder at the connectors and make sure they fit the Shoulder connector points. Fill the holes up with the putty mixture.
  • Wait 24hrs for it to dry.

  • Drill a hole in both the weapon connector points, using the 1mm drill, and increase the size of the your drill by 0.5mm until you reach your magnet's size. In the picture, I don't show the 0.5mm steps for reasons of brevity, but I assure you, I did do these steps, for the reasons explained in the tools section.
  • Drill a little deeper than your magnets require.

  • Fill the hole with a bit of the mixed putty and stamp it in using the magnets.
  • Remove excess putty.

  • Put a tiny drop of super glue on the putty and put the magnet in. MAKE SURE the alignment of the magnets is correct. I use the same alignment on all my dreadnoughts, meaning I can mix and match weaponry across my collection.
  • Put some of the putty on top and forcibly wipe it off with your finger or a clay shaper. This ensures that even the tiny gaps are filled with putty.
  • Put some super glue on the magnet and again wipe off with your finger.
  • Wait at least 24 hours.

  • DONE. You now have magnetized your weapons in a way tat you´ll be able to mix and match across your contemptor collection!


I hope this helps. :tu:




@Slipstreams: AH! That clarifies a lot, mate. English is not my first language and though I try to keep up with a lot of regional vernacular, I can't know it all. Much appreciated though!


Psykic_scribe: Hahaha perhaps, buddy! ;)

Edited by Augustus b'Raass

Another one of the IMperial Fists tactical squads is finished! Only four more of those and the Chaplain to go and my 1250 list is done, power armour-wise. 


++ V Squad, Fifth Company Imperial Fists ++ 

++ Tactical Officer // Wolfgang Voss\\ Des. Veteran Sergeant ++






Individual pict captures:


Veteran Sergeant Wolfgang Voss. A former assault marine, Voss is know for his strong dedication to devotional rites and zeal in combat. He keeps a tight regime of prayers among the battle brothers of Fifth Squad, even in the midst of battle.



Heavy Weapon Specialist Ansel Neor



Battle Brother Zad Hadun



Communications Specialist Valdor Bas 



Battle Brother Vonn Kurt



I hope you like them. 


I've also started working on the next squad's sergeant. He's built from the 25th anniversary model, which I was able to trade minus the banner for some armour plates with my regular hobby buddy Ruben. Hence, his name will be Reuben! 




Feedback on him is much appreciated. Thanks for looking. 




@Warmasterwillie: Thank you buddy, I appreciate it. Let me tell you, the ammo clips were not easy to do. Were it not for one of the armoured ammo hoppers breaking, I would have never tried it. ;)

Edited by Augustus b'Raass

This latest batch is especially awesome, in spite of being loyalist scum, of course. Sergeant Reuben is particularly badass -- although his right hand seems freakishly huge for some reason. I know it should work out just fine, but it is a bit distracting -- maybe you should shave off some plastic from the top of it to make it slightly shorter...?!


Anyway, keep up the excellent work! :)

That squad looks fantastic, and I like the fact you've gone to the trouble of naming them all. Is that going to be a continual theme for the rest of your Fists?


One slightly sour note, got to agree with KrautScientist. I don't know if it's the angle or the pose, but that right hand on Sergeant Reuben does look like it's a lot bigger than the Dark Angels hand holding the bolter.


Actually, looking at it again, I think it's just the angle. If that's the hand I'm thinking of from the Sternguard kit, it's no bigger than the bolter-carrying hand and so it's just a matter of perspective.

Your banners make me want to use them on my War Hounds/Salamanders/World Eaters/whatevernobodycares, except that then they don't fit my army case anymore.


So instead I'll gaze lovingly at my crimson fist sternguard sergeant with the hand-painted banner.


EDIT: Is Reuben a typo? I'm asking this because your friend doesn't have an e in his name.

Edited by Knight of the Raven

Thanks for the feedback, guys. Especially KrautScientist and Viridia about the large hand. When I looked at the pictures and at the miniature itself, I knew you guys were right. Thanks for noticing it. I removed some plastic material from the wrist, in between the 'wrist ring' on his armour and the actual hand. What do you think of the result?




Thanks for looking again.



@the emperor is scottish: haha I agree mate. I'm just soooo fed up with painting blue, I wanted something new.



@Barabbas Sogalon: Thank you! I'm really happy you frequent my thread so often. Really appreciate it buddy. :tu:



@MrBear: Cheers, MrBear! Reuben is so filled with detail, his sergeant rank seems somewhat lowly... he should actually be a lieutenant or something.... 


@KrautScientist: Thanks for the feedback, pal! What do you think of him now? Also: your Pedro Kantor banner will be featured very soon - be sure of it!


@Viridia: It wasn't the angle entirely, but thanks for 'defending' the pic. ;) I will be naming all my fists, yes. If you want a place - feel free to tag along!


@Knight of the Raven: MOAR Banners! Banners for the banner god! Reuben is not a typo. I said I'll name the mini after him, he said it was fine - as long as it wasn't literal. Wolfgang Voss' first name is the actual name of his dad, though. ;)


@Black_out: Cheers Blackout! Glad you like him!


@Psykic_scribe: I think my speed comes from my developing a system, which I repeat for every squad. Because I kee things very consistent, I become more and more efficient in painting that particular system. I've kinda made it as efficient as possible by this point, which explains my recent picking up speed. It's a double-edged sword though, as I will burn out. I would NOT want to paint any Night Lords for quite a while, because I painted about 10,000 points of them in little over 2 years. I'm done with blue. I will be working on my Khornate Daemonkin army for ETLV for that very reason.

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