Psykic_scribe Posted October 20, 2016 Share Posted October 20, 2016 @Knight of the Raven: I just hope he never feels to need to pick his nose, because then that's going to be awkward. Just imagine the same problem for Tellos of the Soul Drinkers, stuck with twin chainblades! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Andvarr A Posted October 20, 2016 Share Posted October 20, 2016 He makes yellow a breeze Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted October 21, 2016 Author Share Posted October 21, 2016 Alright, next up is a couple of WIP pictures of the first half of XI Devastator Squad. I've recently purchased four sets of Devastator legs from eBay, and put them to good use in this squad. I went for a very tech-y look for these guys. The sergeant's body, for example, is of course a Techmarine body. He's not going to be used or painted as a techmarine, though - more as a battle-hardened veteran that is semi-learned in the ways of Mars, and is perhaps wearing void-hardened armour of some kind. They're all named by the participants of the Tale of 20 Hobbyists thread, which has some awesome projects going on. Check 'm out! Sergeant Weapon Specialist Spotter Weapon Specialist Vexilarius I hope you like them! Feedback, as always, very welcome. :)Replies: @ AndrewChristlieb: Thanks, buddy, I'll be alright. I'm thrilled to report the back is recovering. Slowly but steadily. I'll be sure to clean up the bases once I'll get around to painting the ones on these guys, above. @ Vaicorum: Cheers, friend! I'm glad this is the mental image he invokes, as that's exactly his function ;) @ Knight of the Raven: Sad to hear you're not up to naming any dudes... About the nose-picking business: you do realize the power gloves can come off, don't you? ;) @ Biohazard: Thanks! Yeah, just monotone yellow is a bit too much. The assault marine's bikes have to be yellow, and their possible jump packs also are pretty big surfaces, so I thought I'd mix things up a bit by making the leg and torso armour of all assault marines black. It's going to be a bit of a problem with the Command group bikers, though, as those guys aren't formally assault bikers and so have to be yellow themselves. I'll fix that probably by adding in lots of other black elements. @ Psykic_scribe: They can come off! Silly boys ;) @ Andvarr A: Who, me? Warm yellows are pretty easy with GW Averland Sunset. It's the cold yellow I'd hate to paint. AndrewChristlieb and Psykic_scribe 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Atia Posted October 21, 2016 Share Posted October 21, 2016 Awesome! Love the character you add to each of your guys - really really cool. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Knight of the Raven Posted October 21, 2016 Share Posted October 21, 2016 I love the sergeant and the spotter. Death to grav cannons though. Sad to hear you're not up to naming any dudes... Well, unless you want marines named Totes, Adorbz, Kicks and Giggles... yeah. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted October 26, 2016 Author Share Posted October 26, 2016 (edited) They´re done. May I present to you XI Devastator Squad? XI Devastator Squad is, together with XII Squad, the first to employ the recently developed portable Graviton Cannons. The new technology is a further development of the Graviton weaponry that was used during the Horus Heresy, made in the two millennia following the Horus Heresy by Techpriests of the Forgeworld Tigrus. With its strength in damaging heavier equipment, the Techmarines of the Imperial Fists have had an interest in the technology´s development since its inception, and have employed it during the recent quelling of the Risa Uprising, where the Imperial Fists eliminated the heretical pleasure cults led by the Risa Hedony. The weaponry is deployed by experimental squads, with a slight but authorized deviation from the Codex Astartes, in that they are led by Techmarines learned in Graviton technology. Recent tactics show good results in combat effectiveness through deployment in Drop Pods, in conjunction with Assault Squads. Veteran Tech-Sergeant - Jahan Hotar - Dosjetka Jahan Hotar was one of two Techmarines sent to the Forgeworld Tigrus to learn the appropriate maintenance, upkeep and firing rituals associated with the newly developed Graviton Weapons. He has learned to create strong bonds with the Machine Spirits of the weapons, and has functioned as the commanding officer of the experimental XI Devastator Squad. As such, he is obligated to wear the traditional officer's crest associated with that rank, a practice he grudgingly agreed to. More interested in the technological aspect of the weaponry, he has come to value the advice and tactical support of XI Squad´s comms officer, Svadir Har., and has formed a bond of friendship with him. Vexillarius - Bellos Galiko - Aquilanus Blessed with a rash and impetuous character, Brother Galiko was honoured with the Vexilla for actions during the breaching of Risa's weather control system, which destabalized the atmosphere, allowing for deployments that eventually led to the annihilation of the Temtibi Lagunate pleasure cult of Riza. Galiko is known for his crude and brash behaviour, but also for being menacingly effective in close range support. Heavy Weapon Specialist (Grav Cannon) - Cynerik Deorwin - Brother SP A stoic Astartes if there ever was one, brother Deorwin has proven crudely effective as a destroyer. Selected for his incredible strength, he wields his Graviton Cannon with ease. Unlike his squad's fellow weapon specialist brother Hason, however, he never boasts his achievements. Instead, he retreats in silence, listening to the tales of victory and destruction, with which his brothers share their achievements with him. Heavy Weapon Specialist (Grav Cannon) - Crassu Hason - Aeternas Aggressive and terribly strong, Brother Hason was drafted from his penance in IV Squad, where he served a five year penance duty for, after having been wounded, disobeying an apothecary's orders to accept treatment and returning to fighting instead. Brother Hason is a prideful man, who often boasts about his squad´s achievements among his brothers of 5th Company. He always relates the stories of his fellow squad brothers as well as his own in these tales, however, and so has earned the respect and friendship of them in return. Battle Brother - Jurgen Falku - deusmex Brother Falku's keen eye earned him a position of spotter in XI Squad, after having served as the comms officer of IX Squad for a period of two decades. He is a fine brother of the line, and despite his relatively old age of 65 standard years, does not mind at all his rank among his younger brothers. Instead, he relishes the opportunity to develop new tactics with which to rain destruction upon the enemies of mankind. Armorium Cherub The original condition of the Inquisitorial authorization of XI Devastator Squad's deviation from the Codex were that their activities would be monitored at all times by an Inquisitorial Acolyte. Captain Landa steadfastly refused this on the grounds of it inhibiting operations. Eventually he agreed that an Armorium Cherub would accompany the unit during deployments, so that they would reap benefits from the inclusion, as well as limiting recording of XI Squad´s activities to in situ operations. Hope you like! Replies: Awesome! Love the character you add to each of your guys - really really cool. Thanks Atia! Yeah it's cool to work on them. I love painting vehicles, but working on individual astartes is still the creme de la creme of my hobby time. I love the sergeant and the spotter. Death to grav cannons though. Sad to hear you're not up to naming any dudes... Well, unless you want marines named Totes, Adorbz, Kicks and Giggles... yeah. Right. Brother Totis Adors of XIII Assault Squad reported for duty. Thanks. KotR! Edited October 26, 2016 by Augustus b'Raass Dosjetka, A D-B, Kizzdougs and 13 others 16 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Warsmith Uveron Posted October 26, 2016 Share Posted October 26, 2016 ... WOW. The Speed you have put the squad together is crazy. Again Great Fluff, though I spy some almost IP jumping stuff in there Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Knight of the Raven Posted October 26, 2016 Share Posted October 26, 2016 The gravcannons' barrel have differently-sized holes, in case you haven't noticed. And I was looking for Svadir Hark in the squad until I realized he was in the other half. They look good, I love the techmarine sergeant especially.Still dislike how gravcannons look though. Right. Brother Totis Adors of XIII Assault Squad reported for duty. Thanks. KotR! I was joking. Take a name from someone who actually wants a model named by them; giving you a name when I'm not interested would be disrespectful, insulting and unfair to both you and all those who do want to name your models. Even joking about names was all of those, so I apologize for that. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Biohazard Posted October 26, 2016 Share Posted October 26, 2016 Wow! That's some fast work there. They look great :tu: Like the thoughts behind the black armour as well. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Race Bannon Posted October 26, 2016 Share Posted October 26, 2016 Great models :tu: Subbed yo. I want to pick a name ^_^ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted October 26, 2016 Author Share Posted October 26, 2016 @ Uveron:: Ha! THanks, bro. They were actually already finished on Monday, but Photobucket was acting up again so I couldn't post the completion until today PLEASE tell me what you mean with 'Spying some IP jumping stuff". :D @ Knight of the Raven: Well, I wasn't joking, but dead serious. It's hard enough to find enough frater willing to get a name, so if I can twist your words into a name that is cool and claim that you claimed a name, and provided one, sort of, there no-one stopping me from doing so! No backsees! ;)Thanks for spotting the different Grav muzzle hole's sizes. That's weird, as they come it two halves and thus have set sizes. I guess the washes clogged and created a very thin layer. I also hate the Grav Cannon look, but what can you do? IN a Skyhammer Annihilation Force, they're just too good not to include.... @ Biohazard: Thanks buddy! Yeah it allows me to differentiate them a bit. Wanna name another dude? See below... ;) @ Race Bannon: Thanks buddy! You're all over them, and I'm not complaining. I'm very glad you're so enthused by them, actually. It's a motivator to do more. You're very welcome to claim a name, by the way. Take your pick: XIII Assault Squad Veteran sergeant - Faramund Brandt - Venomlust Weapon Specialist (Flamer) - Totis Adors - Knight of the Raven Weapon Specialist (Eviscarator) - Battle Brother - Battle Brother - Vexillarius - Weapon Specialist (Flamer) - Weapon Specialist (Eviscarator) - Battle Brother - Battle Brother - Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Race Bannon Posted October 26, 2016 Share Posted October 26, 2016 (edited) I'm a bike project away from starting a Devastator Demi-squad so been looking for inspiration for plans :) EDIT - After PM, I choose an Enviscerator dude from the XIII Assault Squad. "Targus Vor" will report for duty or have a day with the Pain Glove. Edited October 26, 2016 by Race Bannon Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sgt. Blank Posted October 26, 2016 Share Posted October 26, 2016 (edited) I saw these models on the Tale of 20 Gamers thread - this is an amazing squad and it's unbelievable how fast you painted these up Edited October 27, 2016 by Sgt. Blank Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Knight of the Raven Posted October 27, 2016 Share Posted October 27, 2016 Well, I wasn't joking, but dead serious. It's hard enough to find enough frater willing to get a name, so if I can twist your words into a name that is cool and claim that you claimed a name, and provided one, sort of, there no-one stopping me from doing so! No backsees! Fine. If anyone asks, I will deny everything and claim it's an urban myth, just like the moon landing and Elvis' death. Thanks for spotting the different Grav muzzle hole's sizes. That's weird, as they come it two halves and thus have set sizes. I guess the washes clogged and created a very thin layer. I also hate the Grav Cannon look, but what can you do? IN a Skyhammer Annihilation Force, they're just too good not to include.... It might have been glue too. The games I play are too small to feature formations so I never will have to suffer using gravcannons. Gravguns look cool though. Maybe you could just glue two gravguns together and call it a gravcannon? Might be a little orkish though. Weapon Specialist (Flamer) - Totis Adors Well, my (current) biggest space marine army is Salamanders so I guess it's fitting. I just hope there's no jokester in that squad XIII though. "Heh, heh, you adore toting that flamer, heh?" *sounds of an assault marine being beaten to death with the butt of a flamer* Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted October 27, 2016 Author Share Posted October 27, 2016 @ Race Bannon: You shall be immortalized as the eviscerating maniac Targus Vor :tu: Thanks for participating! @ Sgt. Black: Thanks buddy! More to come like it! @ Knight of the Raven: That's right! Keep lighting the fire! ;) I'll do that if you have any Gravguns to spare. Ruight now, I'm totally short, so if you have any, I'll be a welcome recipient. :tu: I''ll write some appropriate fluff, no worries.... Race Bannon 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kizzdougs Posted October 28, 2016 Share Posted October 28, 2016 Great work, bro! The Devastators look excellent :tu: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted October 28, 2016 Share Posted October 28, 2016 Fantastic work on the Devastator squad, buddy, in spite of the terrible grav cannons! The Techmarine-based sergeant works brilliantly in IF colours! And since I painted that same cherubim model earlier this year, its inclusion in the squad made me smile. I only have one teeny tiny smartarse gripe: How is that kneeling guy ever going to fit a standard Mk. IV helmet over his bulky augmetic eye...? ;) Anyway, keep up the fantastic work! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted October 28, 2016 Author Share Posted October 28, 2016 (edited) @ Kizzdougs: Thanks, buddy Great inspiration was garnered from your thread. Black lining is the new hot thing now, in Augustus' man cave. Fantastic work on the Devastator squad, buddy, in spite of the terrible grav cannons! The Techmarine-based sergeant works brilliantly in IF colours! And since I painted that same cherubim model earlier this year, its inclusion in the squad made me smile. I only have one teeny tiny smartarse gripe: How is that kneeling guy ever going to fit a standard Mk. IV helmet over his bulky augmetic eye...? Thanks to you too, buddy. I totally agree: Grav Cannons are fugly. They just suck. The only thing cool about them is their backpack and the giant light of the gravamp. About your tiny smartass helmet gripe: Easy. You cannot see the bulky right side of the helmet, in the picture. There's a small potrusion that fits straight over Brother Falku's augmetic eye piece. It even has an internal mechanism that connects with the augmetic. So Brother Falku only has to put on the helmet, and then click the pieces together with a tiny dab on his right side. Like so: :p ;) Edited October 28, 2016 by Augustus b'Raass Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doctor Perils Posted October 28, 2016 Share Posted October 28, 2016 (edited) I don't know if I'd be allowed to name a second man since I already named a scout, but how about Hannes Kirchberg for one of the Eviscerator specialists? If you catch the reference you'll understand why Also, forgot to mention that you've made the devastators look particularly dashing, and even if you don't like the Grav Canons you've done a very good job. Edited October 28, 2016 by Lord Thørn Augustus b'Raass 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Biohazard Posted October 28, 2016 Share Posted October 28, 2016 If there is still an Eviscerator slot going I'd like to submit Garic Westrat to the Assault squad if you please :) Augustus b'Raass 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted October 28, 2016 Author Share Posted October 28, 2016 @ Lord Thorn: Thank, buddy! I don't get the reference. Johannes Kirchner is a musicion/composer, but how is that related to eviscertion? I'm intrigued. :) @ Biohazard: Aww, Thorn just beat you to it. I made you a flamer toting dude - would that be acceptable? Thanks for providing a name! :tu: Also: DOES NO-ONE NOTICE my ultra nerdy Star Trek references in the fluff of the latest Devastator squad? Biohazard and Elazar The Glorified 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dantay VI Posted October 28, 2016 Share Posted October 28, 2016 Wasnt Risa a pleasure world where federation troops liked to gor for some r n r? Augustus b'Raass 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Biohazard Posted October 28, 2016 Share Posted October 28, 2016 Ahhh so he did, ah yeah burning stuff is just as much fun as chopping. Sign me up. Also nope, never noticed.....Star Trek is for Nerds....:p Augustus b'Raass 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SalvationOfReason Posted October 29, 2016 Share Posted October 29, 2016 DS9 reference, episode where protesters that were upset over the Risans pleasure-focused lifestyle destabilized the weather system to try and teach them a lesson. Can I have a cookie now? Augustus b'Raass 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Race Bannon Posted October 29, 2016 Share Posted October 29, 2016 As a Star Trek nerd (Trekker, it matters), I'm a little ashamed of that. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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