Knight of the Raven Posted November 5, 2016 Share Posted November 5, 2016 I never liked the helmet you used on your champion - none of my chaos warriors have it - but it sure looks better with a small plume... and the three slits make it look a little more like a space helmet, at least to me. I didn't know you could charge after using a slavo weapon... I'll have to reread the rules. And would you imagine that I completely missed your painted havocs? Gotta love those ryza-pattern lascannons. Gorgeous work.Oh, sorry. Goregeous work. Augustus b'Raass 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Race Bannon Posted November 5, 2016 Share Posted November 5, 2016 (edited) Salvo + charge = can't happen unless on a bike. And in today's world a little heresy is allowed ^_^ Edited November 5, 2016 by Race Bannon Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Midnightmare Posted November 5, 2016 Share Posted November 5, 2016 Your latest batch of Havocs are outstanding as ever! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted November 5, 2016 Author Share Posted November 5, 2016 Thanks guys :) About SALVO: Teetengee already pointed it out and I know you can't charge after salvo... @ Teetengee: You're totally right. In fact, the way I wrote about the Salvo rule was a regurgitation of the interpretation of a buddy, who was building a nasty list. Now that you've made me realize salvo actually prevents charging, this gives me ammo to nag him... - in the second to last post I was quoting my buddy who is making a new SM list and thought you can. I didn't check (I only just started painting guys with grav weapons recently and thus have never actually played with them. Turns out, someone´s been (accidentally) screwing me over for months! :O @ KrautScientist: Thanks a lot, buddy! I'll never forget my true first love, the Lords of the Night. @ Biohazard: Cheers! Actually all my Night Lords squads have banners made from flesh - check out my showcase thread if you want to see more. :tu: @ Sgt Blank: Glad the intent comes across! Thanks, mate. @ Knight of the Raven: Don't bother rereading salvo, your hunch that you can't charge was right. :tu: Also: HAHAHA that one´ll send you to the punitentiary... ;) @ Race Bannon: I know I know, no charging after salvo... :( Wasn't a little heresy allowed in previous worlds as well ;) @ MIdnight Runner: Thanks, buddy! Glad you like 'm! Biohazard 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vairocanum Posted November 6, 2016 Share Posted November 6, 2016 Always happy to see more chaos stuff from you. I really like the color of the flayed flesh that you've done on the banner. The new havoc squad looks suitably menacing too! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MrBear Posted November 6, 2016 Share Posted November 6, 2016 Great to see some Night Lords from you Augustus, I knew that you still had some VIIIth gene-seed in you! The painted squad looks smashing, and the wip-guys look mighty promising. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sockwithaticket Posted November 6, 2016 Share Posted November 6, 2016 The terror markings, on those bottom two in particular, are excellent. Those helmets really lend themselves to them. Fairly heavy-set and brutal look for a long range squad. RikuEru 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KBA Posted November 6, 2016 Share Posted November 6, 2016 Yeah, those mkIII suits are definitely lending themselves nicely to CSM. Just a tough-as-nails suit of armor that works very well with the traitor bitz, as your bashes are showing nicely :) Augustus b'Raass 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted November 7, 2016 Author Share Posted November 7, 2016 Thanks to all :)The swcond Night Lords Havoc squad is finished! It's secretly just half of the complete squad, but more on that later. Here's the pictures! I'm done with Night Lords for a while now, though. I might paint up a squad of Rapier Laser Destroyers for them, but don't count on it. I'm really focussing on my Imperial Fists at the moment, with a few contributions to my upcoming HH Iron Warriors and Khorne Daemonkin. Anyway, without further ado: Complete squad Aspiring Champion Battle Brother Weapon Specialist Battle Brother Weapon Specialist And the complete Havocs Squad Thanks for looking and I hope you like them! Sorry for the dark pictures. I really should get a new daylight lamp... Replies! @ Vairocanum: Cheers buddy! It has a base of !:! mix of GW Bugman's Glow and GW Rakarth Flesh. :tu: @ MrBear: Of course! One does not simply crawl out of the skinning pits! Hidden Content @ sockwithaticket: Yeah it's part of the reason why I really liek them for my Night Lords - they provide the perfect canvas for terror markings. :tu: :) In my mind, the Havocs should be heavy set, as they have to carry around these heavy weapons. It's the raptors and CC marines that wear the lighter stuff, in my mind at least. ;)@ KBA: Cheers, buddy! Yeah, MkIII is just awesome for Chaos. ALl my Night Lords heavy weapon carriers, Plague Marines and Khorne Berzerkers have MkIII legs, since forever! MrBear, Race Bannon, DimDim and 8 others 11 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AndrewChristlieb Posted November 7, 2016 Share Posted November 7, 2016 Good job on that lightning Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thousand Eyes Posted November 7, 2016 Share Posted November 7, 2016 Well played on that squad, the bigger MK3 armour works really well with them, especially over the rather dated CSM kit. The backpacks, helmets and shoulder pad touches all bring the right feel to things. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted November 7, 2016 Author Share Posted November 7, 2016 (edited) Cheers! With those Night Lords Havocs finally done (I had postponed doing them for over a year, while continually proxying my Missile Launcher squad as lascannons. Shame on me, right! ), I can return to the Loyalist fold and start painting the second Imperial Fists bikers, VIII Biker Assault Squad. Here are their WiP pictures: VIII Assault Biker Squad Veteran Sergeant - Askel Langsdov - Lord Commander Eidolon Weapon Specialist - Horatio Ghaer - Obscura Weapon Specialist - Kato Ikaeinade - Kurama Comms Specialist - Sierad Gault - Uveron Battle Brother - Estedan Slaega - SW1 I hope you like 'm! Thanks for looking and commenting as always. Replies! @ AndrewChristlieb: Cheers, buddy. Flow improver is your friend when painting thin lines. @ Thousand Eyes: I know right?! MkIII just is the coolest armour there is. Shots fired? Edited November 7, 2016 by Augustus b'Raass MrBear, Thousand Eyes, Kizzdougs and 3 others 6 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Race Bannon Posted November 7, 2016 Share Posted November 7, 2016 I liked the NL dudes as a hobbyist, yet the Imperialist in me cannot like them on moral grounds. :lol: The bikers are a bit of an inspiration atm, because my current project is a bike squad with plans on leadership dudes on bikes. I had a few questions which the pics solved for me so the timing here was spot marvelously coincidental :tu: Augustus b'Raass 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tekman Posted November 7, 2016 Share Posted November 7, 2016 As a purestrain loyalist: "ew yucky, heretics!" As a hobbyist, I like the modeling and kitbashing and I love your color pallet. We must bang plastics at some point! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted November 7, 2016 Author Share Posted November 7, 2016 Thanks, you two! @ Race Bannon: Well, the DV bikes are great for bikers with a command function of any legion. With some simple filing and scraping, you´re golden! @ Tekman: Absolutely! Would you like to bang my plastics of the Chaotic or the Imperial kind? ;) :p Race Bannon 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
malcharion Posted November 7, 2016 Share Posted November 7, 2016 Your night lords havoc are impressive and your imperial fist no less. Even if I'm late I'll follow this thread carefully :) Augustus b'Raass 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SalvationOfReason Posted November 7, 2016 Share Posted November 7, 2016 Damn. Just when you thought it could t get better; havocs are great, just make sure you save some of those hobby-guru magiks (and some of that mk3) for your IVth Legion Havocs! Bikes look super characterful as well (especially that laurel'ed helmet on that first weapons specialist), very much individuals that make up a greater whole. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thrillhouse Posted November 7, 2016 Share Posted November 7, 2016 You are the loyalist version of krautscientist! Makes me wanna build build build and paint paint paint! Thanks!! Augustus b'Raass and KrautScientist 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kizzdougs Posted November 8, 2016 Share Posted November 8, 2016 Awesome work, dude! I love the MkIV helmet on the sergeant and the extra details on the coms expert :tu: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted November 8, 2016 Author Share Posted November 8, 2016 (edited) This is a bit of a shout-out to Kalrath, who is working on a truly beautiful rendition of an Ultramarine army with a classic, classic 2nd edition look. Go check out his thread Old Dogs, New Tricks. Now, back when I started the hobby, 2nd edition had been around for about maybe 18 months. Codex Chaos was yet to be released, and only when that happened did I settle on an army. I played the crap out of this game, and even when 3rd edition was released, I remember playing 2nd edition battles with a particular friend. Even during 3d edition, I made a goofy SM army specially to be played with 2nd edition rules± the Purple Marauders. Nyar! I used to work in a shop called Fantasty Fanatics, and there was a group of about 8 guys there with which we formed a hard core group of gamers. 40K, WFB, BloodBowl, Necromunda, BFG, we did it all, but we also read comics, played Vampire the Masquerade and AD&D, and yes, Magic. Basically we were Ultrageeks. #oldschoolgeek Sadly, I lost contact with those guys when I went to university. I got all serious, but in recent years - as this veritable tome of a thread attests - the hobby juices have been flowing liberally. I also got into contact with that same group of guys again, and even started a new pen&paper V:tM campaign with them! Super fun times indeed! But also, and this is the main reason I'm writing this post, I made plans to do a 2nd edition battle with my buddy Joris! So when I visited my parents the other day, I snuck into the attic where I have a couple boxes of my high school stuff - and found my copy of Warhammer 40,000 2nd Edition and Dark Millenium! WOOOOOO Everything is in there, counters, dice, templates, the whole sh-bang. So guess who is fielding his über-beardy Icon Bearer on Bike with the Plague Banner???? That's right THIS GUY!!! Anyway, thanks again to frater Kalrath, who fired up my love for 2nd edition. Replies! @ Malcharion: Thanks, buddy! Your night lords and charcharodons are quite impressive, to say the least! @ SalvationOfReason: Oh no worries, I have another unit of Grav devastators and some schmexy Heavy Bolter toting dues at the ready! @ Thrillhouse: You comment made me go :D It's true, I think. The cool thing is that Krauty and I started plogging here aroudn the same time, and our threads are around the same number of comments and views, too. :tu: @ kizzdougs: Thanks! It's all in the details as they say? I wish you'd name another one of my dudes! Perhaps a guy from XIII Assault Squad? EDIT: comments Edited November 8, 2016 by Augustus b'Raass Race Bannon, m0nolith, Vairocanum and 3 others 6 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kizzdougs Posted November 8, 2016 Share Posted November 8, 2016 (edited) It would be an honour! Let me have a bit of a think and I'll get back to you with a name Edit: How about Battle Brother Rainard Folcher? Edited November 8, 2016 by kizzdougs Augustus b'Raass 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kalrath Posted November 9, 2016 Share Posted November 9, 2016 Outstanding stuff mate! Will definitely be going through all the pages! Enjoy your 2nd ed gaming! Glad to have sparkled the interest! When played with the right spirit, makes for one hell of an evening! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted November 9, 2016 Share Posted November 9, 2016 The complete Havoc squad is looking fantastic -- I envy your speed! The biggest surprise is how the champion's helmet ended up looking so good when I am really not a fan of that particular head you chose. Fantastic work! I can also sympathise with your 2nd edition nostalgia: The Codex Imperialis that came with the starter box is still a brilliant sourcebook for the 40k universe, and the rulebook featured the most iconic colour section of the 90s ;) Come to think of it, I actually wrote a fairly wordy love letter about those books at one point, if you'll excuse the shameless plug... As for the actual game, I only really remember that one time when I couldn't hit anything for 95% of the game, and when I finally managed to take out my buddy Phil's tank, my cry of triumph was cut short when the burning wreck proceeded to bounce around my army, taking with it a sizeable chunk of my force. Gah, good times! ;) Augustus b'Raass 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GhostMalone Posted November 10, 2016 Share Posted November 10, 2016 Can't help but always be amazed by your work Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sockwithaticket Posted November 13, 2016 Share Posted November 13, 2016 @ sockwithaticket: Yeah it's part of the reason why I really liek them for my Night Lords - they provide the perfect canvas for terror markings. In my mind, the Havocs should be heavy set, as they have to carry around these heavy weapons. It's the raptors and CC marines that wear the lighter stuff, in my mind at least. And the Mk. III torsos are a great canvas for lightning it would seem. Another great looking squad, they look too brutal to be standing back shooting things! I hadn't thought about it it like that, like many I always go with 'Getting up close and personal? Armour up', but then I suppose dexterity and manouevrability are also handy in a scrap and GW did up-armour the Devastators with the recent kit (is it that recent anymore? Time travels strangely in the warp...) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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