Augustus b'Raass Posted March 21, 2017 Author Share Posted March 21, 2017 On 3/20/2017 at 8:18 PM, Race Bannon said: I ... he lives! Hidden Content +++ Taking a deep breath, Targys could smell the fresh paint the artificers used on the replaced pauldron now fixed onto his right shoulder. The squad sigil shined from the available light in the room. Swiveling his arm, he registered soreness from the previous battle and pushed annoyance out of his mind. On the table rested his helmet, it's crimson colour cleaned from most of the grime still showed the mark from where the traitor's sword made contact. The artificer's expertise kept the helmet functional, but they refrained from the paint work at Targys' command. Next to the helm was his preferred weapon of combat: the Eviscerator. The massive teeth of the chain-blades gleamed bright against the dark casing. He refused to name the weapon due to the fact that it was just a tool ... an extension of himself. He was the weapon of the Chapter. For Dorn. For the Emperor. "Imperator Vult," whispered Targys as he etched another mark at the hilt . Another vendetta to maintain. +++ This is SO going into his fluff description in my 5th Company Imperial Fists showcase thread!!! Actually, this gave me the idea of writing these kinds of fluffy pieces about epic battles for the entire army! :D :tu: Thanks! @ MrBear: Thank you very much, buddy! Glad you like things around here so much! How is the 33rd company doing? Race Bannon 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hushrong Posted March 21, 2017 Share Posted March 21, 2017 (edited) Fantastic! In the future it would be sweet to see more in-game shots of your marines. Definitely sounds like a good game was had. Before Traitor Legions came out most of my matches were bloodbaths with my EC barely making enough points to actually win. So I can feel for Max. I usually just enjoyed how much carnage they could reap. Now, thanks to TL they are maniacs killing everything and raking in victory points. Edited March 21, 2017 by hushrong Augustus b'Raass 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MrBear Posted March 21, 2017 Share Posted March 21, 2017 Well there's always plenty of good stuff to see here, so I should actually drop by more regularly than I do. When it comes to the 33rd... They are on the backburner at the moment as I decided that I needed a break from all that Kantor Blue for a while. I have plenty of ideas for them though, and there will be tanks, cultists and some other stuff in the future. For now I've kind of switched gears when it comes to painting, still doing power armour but I've jumped on the 'Heresy Train' instead. Slowly (as always) building a Sons of Horus force (the second link in the signature), and aiming to actually play small battles with it sometime in the future! It might might take a while to get a proper force though... Augustus b'Raass 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Traitor Posted March 21, 2017 Share Posted March 21, 2017 Looks like it was a fun game, I do think that Chaos Daemons can take D Thirstiers now, got updated in Curse of the Wulfen I believe... However that is definitely not a warband :P. Imperial Fists vs Iron Warriors must be a much more interesting march now that Traitor Legions dropped in! Augustus b'Raass 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted March 24, 2017 Author Share Posted March 24, 2017 (edited) Finally finished the last five devastators of the Skyhammer Annihilation Force. Which is good, because I'll be bringing them to a local tournament tomorrow. Sadly, none of these guys are named! So if you've got a nice name skedaddling through your brain, let me know in the comments. XII Devastator Squad Comms Specialist - Matthias Fisch - SalvationOfReason (with fluff) Unlike his commanding officer, Specialist Fisch does not crave his position in the Chapter's armoury. His skills as a battlefield strategist are second to none, yet came to the fore only after commanding a lone predator squadron through a position ran over by Orks. He continues to guide his brothers, and has taken to carrying a siege shield to battle, which allows him more protection and thus better focus on his specialist task. Vexillarius - Heavy Weapon Specialist (Grav Cannon) - Heavy Weapon Specialist (Grav Cannon) - As you'll notice, the grav cannon's backpack isn't the original, but a modified missile launcher backpack. This is because I bought four of those cannons from ebay, and the seller neglected to send the backpack with one. Enter improvisation. I have come to like it, because the mechanical arm fits the theme of the squad. The grav 'bulge'/power generator on the back is from a Centurion Devastator, which I had left over from back when I converted them into my Obliterators. Battle Brother - I hope yu like them! Comments much appreciated, even more so than likes. Also, if you find yourself with a name to spare, please claim one of the above four nameless marines. I'll most definitely write fluff for them too. Cheers!Replies: @ hushrong: Yeah TL surely made a great deal of sense. I'm still a bit miffed that cult legions need to take their God's number in squads to get benefits, rather than the cult squads having to equal their God's numbers like they used to. Tzeentch armies with their minimum of nine TS is just ridiculous. @ MrBear: Welcome to it, buddy! Regarding your Night lords, I totally get your blue-burnout. It's the reason I started my fists! I'll be sure to run by your Sons of Horus thread! @ The Traitor: That's good to know, thanks. It was a fun game indeed! Hopefully he'll bring a stronger list (and I'll tone mine down a little), so the match can be even more interesting. Edited March 26, 2017 by Augustus b'Raass hushrong, The Traitor, ChazSexington and 6 others 9 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sagentus Posted March 24, 2017 Share Posted March 24, 2017 They look great as awlays mate. I really like Vexillarius' helmet and long muzzled bolter When are you getting back to the Fiend? looking forward to seeing that finished :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MrBear Posted March 24, 2017 Share Posted March 24, 2017 Solid work yet again mate, love the mix of parts and how you've made everything work together. I'm sure they and the rest of their company will do you proud at the tournament. 'Blue-burnout' is a nice phrase (first thing that popped into my head was a picture of a stressed out smurf though ), and definitly something I was heading towards. Always good with a bit of varition howeer much one might like any particular project, I'm fairly sure I'll be a bit sick of greenish grey some day aswell. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Traitor Posted March 24, 2017 Share Posted March 24, 2017 They look good, the addition of the phalax shield to the comms specialist was a great idea. Also one of the pics of the second heavy weapon specialists is repeated, I want to see that converted back pack! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted March 24, 2017 Author Share Posted March 24, 2017 @ Sagentus: Thanks, buddy! The long barreled bolter is just a Tigrus pattern bolter from the BoP MkIII set. :) The fiend will be done during the ETL, where I traditionally will be joining the forces of CHAOS! @ MrBear: I hope so! Truth be told: I'm not particularly going for the win this time, but more for a 'let's see what I can do with this list' type of thing :) Take care to exchange things properly :) @ The Traitor: Hot damn! No idea how that duplication happened - I recognize my failure and wil be sure to correct it. ;) Sagentus 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vairocanum Posted March 25, 2017 Share Posted March 25, 2017 That backpack on the comms specialist is amazing! Good luck at your tournament! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lionofjudah Posted March 25, 2017 Share Posted March 25, 2017 Best of luck at the tourney Auggy!!! Hope to see lots of pics of the glorious yellow smashing the enemies of Dorn to the dust Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hushrong Posted March 25, 2017 Share Posted March 25, 2017 Yep! That's nice! Best of luck at the tournament and take pictures! Lots of them! The last squad looks great but as I look at the double posted picture I wonder, what did you use for the tubing between the gravcannon and the backpack? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SalvationOfReason Posted March 25, 2017 Share Posted March 25, 2017 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted March 25, 2017 Author Share Posted March 25, 2017 (edited) +++ Tournament Report +++ ++ Date :: 08417M03 || Location :: Games Workshop Amsterdam South ++ Hey guys, as promised, a report about today's tournament! I went in hoping to have three fun games, and I wasn't sure my army was all that competitive. I wrote the list last night at 2AM, after coming home from an evening of beers with mates I hadn't seen in quite a while. I had never played with it, nor it's like, before. Turns out, my list was pretty good, because.... Well, not quite. Actually I didn't wipe out anyone. In fact all three of my games were close, intense, hard-fought battles, with lots of gambling, thought-through tactics, and some lucky dice rolls. But in the end, I came out as the only one with three wins and the first place in the tournament! Hurray!There were ten players (1x SM, 1x Necrons, 2x Tyranid, 2x Orks, 1x Eldar, 1x Harlequins, 1x Space Wolves, and 1x Mechanicum. We all played three games. A WIN scored 3 points, a draw scored 1 points, and a loss 0. Those with the most total points went up against their peers in consecutive round. My list was as follows:Demi Company (Gives ObSec to all units, plus one Tactical Doctrine) Captain (Bike, Power Fist) Dreadnought (Multimelta, Dreadnought CC Weapon) in Drop Pod Bike Squad (Biker Sergeant, 4x Bikers, 2 Grav Guns) Devastator Squad (Sergeant with Signum, 9 Marines, 2 Missile Launchers, 2 Lascannons) - I combat Squatted this squad, with the sergeant in the lascannon squad) Tactical Squad (Sergeant, 4 Marines, Grav Cannon with Grav Amp) in Razorback Tactical Squad (Sergeant with Combi-melta, 4 marines, Meltagun) in Drop Pod Tactical Squad (Sergeant with Combi-melta, 3 marines, Meltagun, Imperial Space Marine) in Drop Pod The three games I played went as follows: First Game Maelstrom Mission 3, Tactical Escalation, with the restriction/addition that objectives were placed after choosing table sides, and one of those objectives had to be put in your own deployment zone - which would be worth 4 VPs at the end of the game to the opposing player. Dawn of War deployment on a 4'x4' table. Opponents were determined through lottery, and for the third tournament in a row, I drew my namesake Michiel, who always plays an Eldar Scatbike list: CAD Farseer on Jetbike Jetbike squad (3 jetbikes, scatterlasers) Jetbike squad (3 jetbikes, scatterlasers) Jetbike squad (3 jetbikes, scatterlasers) Jetbike squad (3 jetbikes, scatterlasers) Jetbike squad (3 jetbikes, scatterlasers) D-cannon artillery D-cannon artillery FW Hornet Aspect Host Formation (giving +1 BS to the whole formation) Dark Reapers (Dark Reaper exarch with Barrage 3, Blast, S4 AP3 weapon, 2 Dark Reapers) Warp Spiders (6 Warp Spiders) Warp Spiders (6 Warp Spiders) Jetbike squad (3 jetbikes, scatterlasers)As you see, this list was SCARY. Holy crap. Luckily, I had first turn, and managed to alpha strike the living crap out of his units. He lost two Scatterbike units - mostly due to horrendous saving throws on his part) to the two drop podded tactical units (one of which landed dead on the important objective) and my devastators shot up his hornet. I was also lucky to get Master of Ambush for my warlord trait, which allowed me to infiltrate the remaining tactical squad, which shot up 2 more scatterbikes, leaving a single one. He then badly shot up two tactical squads in his deployment zone, but miraculously couldn't kill all of them. He also destroyed most of my bikes, who didn't do anything all game except dying. Other highlights: I killed his warlord with the Imperial Space Marine Both deepstriking tacticals were badly shot up, and both ended assaulting his artilley with one guy remaining, killing both units in two assault rounds his warpspiders were horrible, shooting my deepstruck dreadnought and a drop pod both his warpspiders units shot at my drop pod in the last turn, and stripped two hull points, but it wasn´t enough to kill it, landing me the prized objective. by the end of the game, I had one devastator squad, my razorback, one tactical marine, and a drop pod on one hullpoint left, while he had one scatterbike and two full squads of 6 warp spiders left. I was lucky the game ended when it did. My deployment zone: His deployment zone: End result: 16-2 WIN SECOND GAME Maelstrom Mission 5, Cloak and Shadows, with the addition of a Relic in the deadcentre of the board, worth 4 VPs to anyone holding/controlling it by the end of the game. Vanguard Strike Deployment on a 4'x4' table My opponent was Erik, a Tyranid player with a nasty Flyrant list: CAD Flying Hive Tyrant, Mastery level 3, 2x twin-linked Brainleech Devourers Flying Hive Tyrant, Mastery level 2, 2x twin-linked Brainleech Devourers Zoanthrope Mucolid Spore Mucolid Spore Carnifex Carnifex Exocrine I was incredibly lucky to get first turn, and managed to kill a Carnifex, his Exocrine, to put his second Carnifex down to two wounds, and one of the Spores to one. He then wiped out my bike squad with the remaining Carnifex and the Hive Tyrants (my god, the amount of shots those two terrible thing can churn out). He also charged with his spores, but I killed one with overwacth fire and the remainging one could kill only one tactical due to smart model placement on my part. My deepstruck tactical squads then killed off the zoanthrope and remaining carnifex, but I had absolutely no answer to those two flying Hive Tyrants, who in one turn of psychic powers and shooting managed to kill the grav tacticals, my two devastator squads, and the razorback! Poor maneuvering on his part forced him to put one (hs warlord) in ongoing reserves, while the remainging one landed - why he did that, I had no idea.... But I shot at it with everythign I had left, and then charged it with my warlord, who managed to strip him down to 0 wounds in two rounds. His warlord had come back by that point, but to no avail, The game was over in 40 minutes - after which I had three drop pods and four marines in two squads remaining. and he only one Flyrant. The game was played outside in the garden at the back of the store. Note that the droppod on the left, with the dreadnough, had not been deployed when I took this picture. As you see, the terrain was very sparse, with almost no line-of sight blockers - which ultimately didn't really favour either of us, except me in the first turn. End result: 14-4 WIN THIRD AND FINAL GAME Maelstrom mission 6, Deadlock, with the addition of the kill points system. Dawn of War Deployment, 4'x4' table. My tongue-in-cheek nemesis, Dean was my third and final opponent. We were the only two players with two wins in our pocket, so this was the battle of the titans. I hate Dean, because he always allies with Inquisitor Coteaz, who is the ultimate anti-drop pod character. Dean and I played a massive 3000 point KDK vs Mechanicum battle in my home a couple weeks back, which I narrowly lost, and for which I wanted revenge! So it was on! His list: I'm not sure what kind of detachments he brought, but his units were as follows: Cult mechanicus Tech Priest Dominus Kataphron Destroyers with Grav Cannons and Phosphor Blasters Kataphron Destroyers with Grav Cannons and Phosphor Blasters Inquisition Inquisitor Coteaz. Skitarii Vanguards (5 vanguards) Vanguards (5 vanguards) Sicarian Infiltrators (Princpesen, 5 Infiltrators) Ironstrider formation Dragoon Dragoon Ironstrider (twin-linked outocannon) He fricking seized the initiative on me, outflanking his Ironstriders right in my deployment zone and killing four of my five bikers. Luckily, there was a huge line-of sight blocking building in the middle of the table, which prevented him from totally shooting up my army. My devastators were deployed in a bunker on the edge of my deployment zone, while one each of his Vanguards and Kataphron Destroyer squads was deployed in a ruin on the edge of his. Neither could really shoot at each other. I then deepstruck my tacticals on the edge of Coteaz' 12" interceptor bubble, preventing their demise and capturing the two objectives I had to get, which of course were in his deployment zone. The fact that even my drop pods were objective secured helped a lot! The remaining biker and my Captain then proceeded to charge an Dragoon each, while my entire army shot at the infiltrated Sicarians, which threatened to overrun my deployment. I managed to kill all but one, while they shot up all but one of my lower-deployed devastators. Meanwhile my biker was killed by the Dragoon, so now my lascannon devastators had to decide who to shoot up - the Dragoon, or the remaining Sicarian Infiltrator. Both hit equally hard, but the Sicarian was easier to kill in combat. So the lascannons destroyed the Dragoon, was then charged and a bit beat up by the Sicarian, but managed to kill it. It was a very tense game, which somehow felt more like a game of chess than actual 40K. In the end, Dean made the mistake of casting Invisibility on his Destroyers and not on the Ironstrider with which it had been fighting. This allowed my Captain to kill the Ironstrider, claim an objective, and ultimately to secure another objective in his deployment zone, and thus also the point for Linebreaker. Aerial view of the game from my deployment zone. My captain (lower middle, was actually in the ruin on the top right) A massively enjoyable, tactically intense, and also good-natured game by the two old gits. Ironically, Dean threw his back out during the game, which coupled with my lingering slipped disc injury, caused many old-men jokes and Schadenfreude laughs. Grmbl grmbl. Final result: 17-16 WIN FINAL PLACES Which landed me the crown! A squad of Scout Bikers was my prize, which I will happily paint in the yellow of my Imperial Fists! I still cannot believe I won, because I honestly went in thinking my list wasn't top tier, and just aimed to have a couple of fun, if competitive games. There were four other players with two wins and one loss, namely all my former opponents Michiel, Eric, and Dean, as well as my hobby buddy Ruben, who played a terrifying Harlequin assault/psychic list. Their placings were determined by the total amount of points they garnered throughout the tournament, which led to the following listing: 1 Michiel (I) 2 Dean (Dino) 3 Ruben 4 Michiel 5 Eric Hope you like! Let me know if you enjoy these kinds of battle/event reports. Replies! @ Viarocanum: Thanks buddy! It worked @ lionofjudah: Thanks to you too! Both of your best wishes certainly helped! @ hushrong: Crap! I hadn't noticed that. I'll fix it tomorrow, when I have better lighting;. I'll be sure to post a couple pics of the conversion, with an explanation. @ SalvationOfReason: Cheers! Edited March 26, 2017 by Augustus b'Raass Brother Chaplain Ryld, Warsmith Uveron, Tekman and 7 others 10 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mitsman Posted March 25, 2017 Share Posted March 25, 2017 Well done on the win and of course well done on a very beautiful army. Mitsman Augustus b'Raass 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Race Bannon Posted March 26, 2017 Share Posted March 26, 2017 Copy list time. Wait for it ... YOINK! :P Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted March 26, 2017 Share Posted March 26, 2017 Congratulations, mate! And extra kudos for showing up to the tournament with a completely painted army -- and painted to a rather stunning standard, I might add! :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dragonlover Posted March 26, 2017 Share Posted March 26, 2017 Nicely done! Incidentally, there's a website called Challonge that lets you set up tournaments with whatever criteria you like. Easier than doing it by hand, I've used it at work a bunch of times for card game events. Dragonlover Augustus b'Raass 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Uprising Posted March 26, 2017 Share Posted March 26, 2017 you did a great job with both the models, and the tournaments. Keep it up. Also, I have a name for one of your bolter battle brother imperial fist: Garros Gravengar. Enjoy. Augustus b'Raass 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sgt. Blank Posted March 26, 2017 Share Posted March 26, 2017 Nice write up - congratz on the victory Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
misterkho Posted March 26, 2017 Share Posted March 26, 2017 Dean sounds like an amazing guy! I think he should've won;) Augustus b'Raass 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tekman Posted March 26, 2017 Share Posted March 26, 2017 Gratz on the victory, good list, bring down the hammer! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted March 26, 2017 Author Share Posted March 26, 2017 (edited) Cheers, guys! I'm glad I haven't let my online hobby mates down I promised hushrong some pictures of the alternative Grav Cannon backpack: The bits I used are as follows: a missile launcher backpack, with the open missile cannister filled with putty and filed down once dry. I then glued a cut-out bit of Grav 'charger/ammo' from a left-over piece of Grav Cannon from the centurion kit I used for my Chaos Obliterators. This bit: Hidden Content Once that was all done, I cut off the cables from the Grav Cannon itself, and drilled a 2mm and a 1.5mm hole where the cables used to enter the gun, as well as in the bottom of the backpack. I then put 2mm and 1.5mm pewter cables I bought years ago into those holes - done! I hope that helped/was informative Cheers! @ Mitsman: Thanks you! For both @ Race Bannon: Which one? @ KrautScientist: Thanks a lot, buddy! It's the only way I roll - I reneged on entering a recent Blood Bowl league because my Orks aren't quite finished... Turned out, had Ientered, I would have been the only one with actual painted models. @ Dragonlover: Hey, that's a great tip - thanks for that, I'll be sure to check it out. @ Uprising; YES! Another awesome name. He's on the list, and I'll write some fluff for him. @ Sgt. Blank: Thank you, mate. @ misterkho: Yeah, he's pretty awesome. He plays Death Guard too, which is an admirable choice. @ Tekman: Damn, we should still play a game! Edited March 26, 2017 by Augustus b'Raass Vairocanum, Brother Chaplain Ryld, Kierdale and 3 others 6 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tekman Posted March 26, 2017 Share Posted March 26, 2017 On 3/26/2017 at 4:13 PM, Augustus b'Raass said: @ Tekman: Damn, we should still play a game! Nevur! Reveal hidden contents pick an event or time/place and I'll smash my agenda Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Race Bannon Posted March 26, 2017 Share Posted March 26, 2017 Which one? Hmm. They all won games so ... all of them! Yoink, young to! Serioisly, big grats for the wins :tu: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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