teku Posted January 14, 2019 Share Posted January 14, 2019 @ augustus b'Raass: Oooh Mortarion? when? Where!? I did recall the colour. Maybe with the big guy in the picture it will make more clear. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/286791-augustus-braass-pre-heresy-brass-scorpion-p247/page/210/#findComment-5234407 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maarten Posted January 14, 2019 Share Posted January 14, 2019 I really like that little guy's mohawk!It is always crazy to see how productive you are, the knights are still my favourite models of yours from 2018.(even beating out THE land raider.) Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/286791-augustus-braass-pre-heresy-brass-scorpion-p247/page/210/#findComment-5234440 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Midnightmare Posted January 14, 2019 Share Posted January 14, 2019 Mow for the Nurgleth!!! That looks like it could have been painful to build - worth it though, looks awesome :tu: Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/286791-augustus-braass-pre-heresy-brass-scorpion-p247/page/210/#findComment-5234615 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted January 14, 2019 Author Share Posted January 14, 2019 Cheers, guys! Busy day today, so I didn't get to work on the redo of the Bilogis Putrifier's vials. I have managed to finish the build of the third (the second I showed here) Bloat Drone. It's funny how from the Bloat Drone kit there's so much stuf left over you only need a cheap Dark Imperium drone to make a fully equiped second one that is totally unique! Here's what I did: Frontal view. The Flesh Mower was made by cutting down a plastic hexagonal balpoint shaft and glueing on sharpened triangles of plasticard. Simple, but effective, if I may say so :D :) The arms are done the same way as the guy in the previous post - using Storm Raven landing gear and two halves of a chaos spike ring. :tu: Now, the good part: the Bloat Drone kit has a second set of 'mouth piece with cables' It's the spike thing under the lense with attached cables that function as the base. I had to crudely cut out the DI Blot Drones mouth piece to make space, and add the frotal pice. I then added the carapace to make things sturdier and have the putty fit the parts exactly. Then all I had to do was wait! Unfortunately the plastic cablea are so flimsy that I didn't trust them to hold up the entire piece. So I sneakily drilled in two more holes in the bottom of the mouth piece and added two brass rods, which I integrated in the whole cable thing - these contribute greatly to the structural strength of the whole ensemble, and makes it possible for the drone to have a slight tilt while still being structurally sound. That's it! I hope you like him! I'll post the second, standard drone tomorrow, and then I can start painting them all three! Woooooooo! Thanks for looking. Comments and feedback welcome! Cheers Replies: @ Pearson73: Haha thanks! As for Morty, I think I'll add some touches to the base now that there are no more burglings left for decoration. But besides some glass micro bead buboes, he'll be stock. I still have to decide whether to build him as a righty or a lefty though... @ teku: Probably? I don't know. After the drones, there's be two daemon characters and three helbrutes. Then it's Morty time! @ Maarten: THE LAND RAIDER was a highlight too. I remember concocting how I was going to construct him and paint him, laying it out in my mind, while swimming over a lake in France. I must've swam from one end to the other about 50 times. I ended up tired, not quite ripped, but knowing exactly how to go about constructing THE LAND RAIDER! @ Midnight Runner: Haha it was. Many drops of blood were spilled. I almost dedicated it to the wrong god! Midnightmare, Biohazard, DuskRaider and 3 others 6 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/286791-augustus-braass-pre-heresy-brass-scorpion-p247/page/210/#findComment-5234877 Share on other sites More sharing options...
gaurdian31 Posted January 16, 2019 Share Posted January 16, 2019 Blight drones are looking good! Can't wait to see Mortarion! Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/286791-augustus-braass-pre-heresy-brass-scorpion-p247/page/210/#findComment-5236279 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xin Ceithan Posted January 16, 2019 Share Posted January 16, 2019 (edited) If you dreamed of owning a mow`ah since you were protozoa…. then this is certainly the most wicked Thing you can get your claws on ! The Drone Mowerlooks great - and thanks for aharing the tutorial. Edited January 16, 2019 by Xin Ceithan Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/286791-augustus-braass-pre-heresy-brass-scorpion-p247/page/210/#findComment-5236339 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Midnightmare Posted January 17, 2019 Share Posted January 17, 2019 That is a lot of work you have put in there, and it all looks seamless in the finished product. Looking forward to seeing these guys painted! Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/286791-augustus-braass-pre-heresy-brass-scorpion-p247/page/210/#findComment-5236564 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother-Chaplain Kage Posted January 17, 2019 Share Posted January 17, 2019 Looking good and nasty! Love that mower. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/286791-augustus-braass-pre-heresy-brass-scorpion-p247/page/210/#findComment-5237012 Share on other sites More sharing options...
teku Posted January 18, 2019 Share Posted January 18, 2019 Liking those drones! ;) Amazing conversions. So Morty? Its time to get swifty!? Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/286791-augustus-braass-pre-heresy-brass-scorpion-p247/page/210/#findComment-5237140 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted January 24, 2019 Author Share Posted January 24, 2019 (edited) Hi team! Sorry for the long wait since my last update. Things have been going in overdrive on the hobby front. I'll list them in no particular order, except the first, major news. A while ago, I applied to No Retreat 8. No Retreat is a fantastic hobby retreat/ITC tournament one the isle of Gibraltar for a very select group of players - there's only 42 spots! With over a hundred applicants, I didn't really rate my chances. I almost forgot about the application, and then suddenly.... a package arrived from Gibraltar! In it, a mysterious box, and a small envelope reading 'confidential'.... The contents of the box were as fun as they were enticing. Three custom SN-dice, a special 'Seize the Initiative'-dice, some candy, stickers, and an ominous 'the journey begins....' The envelope had the mark of the Inquisition on the other side: And inside it, it was basically GOD NEWS, EVERYONE! So I'm going to Gibraltar by the end of September! Woooooo Huff huff. Alright, back to regular updates. I have to admit: My name is Augustus b'Raass and I'm an addict. I recently got into Necromunda and I'm hooked. HOOKED! I went on a shopping spree and bought the basic set, an additional new Esscher gang, 20 old metal Escher miniatures from eBay, 15 Necromunda 25mm bases, the two new books, the extra tiles, and all Gang Cards sets... I played my first game of Necromunda in over two decades yesterday. As any and all the miniatures I fielded were unpainted (also a first in over two decades) I of course failed to wound a single enemy ganger. Seriously, 12 consecutive 3+ and 4+ wound rolls in a row showed up either 1 or 2 on the dice. When finally I mamaged to wound on the 13th roll, my opponent mamnaged to make his 6+ save roll. In addition, two of my gangers failed their 2+ initiative rolls and fell in a pit, while my leader died from a grenade. That'll teach me to field unpainted miniatures! Hahahaha When I finally bottled out, I scrapped the gang and will start anew, as I am not satisfied with how this gang works. In addition, I finished building the third drone and have started painting all three of them. Here's WIP pics of the bog standard lawnmower drone: Then there's the three Helverins I started a while ago but which got bogged down by other stuff. I've since did some work on them, but will show you more later. And finally, I bought the new plastic paint trays by GW and honestly there fantastic. I used to store my paints in racks, which together took up most of my hobby table. Now, my paint it just stored in a corner of the table, giving me so much more space to hobby on! So... that's it, that's all I have... for now. Cheers, and thanks for looking! Replies: @ guardian31: Cheers, bro! Morty will be on the back burner due to Necromunda and drones.... @ Xin Ceithan: hahaha nice rhyme, there, dude! @ Midnight Runner: I'll hopefully get those done soon too! @ BCK: It sounds like this: BWRRRGRZLBWRAAAAA when it mows over Imperial Guard infantry. @ teku: http://media.giphy.com/media/l1J9NjcVR6bmDGpDa/giphy.gif Edited January 24, 2019 by Augustus b'Raass Brother-Chaplain Kage, Subtle Discord, DuskRaider and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/286791-augustus-braass-pre-heresy-brass-scorpion-p247/page/210/#findComment-5240762 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted January 24, 2019 Author Share Posted January 24, 2019 Double post! That'l teach me to leave so much time between posts. Here's some pictures of the first Renegade Heleverins I am converting. Of course, there's a pilot! I've used a zombie head by puppetswar for the head, a Genestealer Cult Neophyte body, and a sentinel pilot for the legs. :) He's not quite finished - I'm still finishing the skull plate for the head, and contemplating whether or not to add little horns to the head. In addition, the horns on his carapace still need trim to affix them to the plate. He'll also get a few trophies - mostly skulls and perhaps a helmet on spikes, some flesh, and maybe even some chain or a body part. Puppetswar has started making some amazing body part trophies lately: I hope you like him so far. Thanks for looking and hpefully your comments! More updates sooner than later. Sgt. Blank, Eldrick Shadowblade, KrautScientist and 3 others 6 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/286791-augustus-braass-pre-heresy-brass-scorpion-p247/page/210/#findComment-5240841 Share on other sites More sharing options...
DuskRaider Posted January 24, 2019 Share Posted January 24, 2019 I spend some time in the AT forum and this is what I come back to. That Armiger looks the bidness and I'm happy to see the Decimator Autocannons look good on it. Can't wait to see some paint on it! Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/286791-augustus-braass-pre-heresy-brass-scorpion-p247/page/210/#findComment-5240846 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted January 24, 2019 Author Share Posted January 24, 2019 Thanks, Dusky! Here's my latest work on Necromunda. I salvaged three Escher miniatures from my old, old collection: 'Mad' Donna Ulanti (missing her plasma pistol arm) and two Juves. As I rad on the interwebs that the old Esscher range is, amongst the different gangs, the one that best fits into the new style of the GW plastics. So I bought a set of twenty metal miniatures to boost my four Escher gang sprues. They haven't arrived yet, but seeing as I would be having extras of the Juves, I decided to try out how well the parts fit together: Here's a Juve with a new head and a new left arm: And old, untouched metal Juve on a new base: And finally, meet 'Mad' Deana Kholanti, after my hobby buddy Dino Kho, who also is short and ill tempered. :D ;) (I named a Librarian after him before) Deana will be sporting a laspistol and a sword that can either be a Stiletto Sword or a Power Sword I hope you like them! Brother-Chaplain Kage, Quixus, Grotsmasha and 3 others 6 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/286791-augustus-braass-pre-heresy-brass-scorpion-p247/page/210/#findComment-5240919 Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted January 24, 2019 Share Posted January 24, 2019 Congrats on being admitted to that event in Gibraltar, buddy! Let's face it, though: Your armies are brilliant, so why wouldn't they have admitted you? ;) The new Helverin is coming along well -- small surprise, there ;) I think I'd lose the horn directly above the head, though, and maybe move the one directly above that a bit forward? The ensemble looks a bit wacky as is. And I'd also argue against adding horns to the pilot's head -- he's looking crazy enough as is ;) Really looking forward to seeing your Necromunda gang take shape! That'll be a sight to see! :) Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/286791-augustus-braass-pre-heresy-brass-scorpion-p247/page/210/#findComment-5241110 Share on other sites More sharing options...
gaurdian31 Posted January 24, 2019 Share Posted January 24, 2019 Congrats on getting into the event! New stuff is looking good! Necromunda looks good, I have a bunch of the gangs, but haven't actually gotten the chance to play. Mostly I play Kill Team now. Sad to hear it will be a minute before we see old Morty but I can't wait to see those drones painted. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/286791-augustus-braass-pre-heresy-brass-scorpion-p247/page/210/#findComment-5241154 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Eldrick Shadowblade Posted January 25, 2019 Share Posted January 25, 2019 Really cool update! Looking forward to hearing more about Necromunda. I'm thinking about getting a few gangs to get my non-warhammer friends into the hobby. I'd be interested in hearing how your games go. The new helverin is looking pretty awesome. Love the old metal thirster tabard, too. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/286791-augustus-braass-pre-heresy-brass-scorpion-p247/page/210/#findComment-5241397 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted January 25, 2019 Author Share Posted January 25, 2019 Thanks, guys! Two more Necromunda miniatures - this time made from Third Party bodies. I'm not sure where I got these, as I believe I bought them back in the winter of 2015, when I was intending to make Septimus, Octavia and Deltrian to complement my First Claw conversions... Let me know what you think! :) Cheers Replies: @ KrautScientist: Thanks! And yes, you're right that the horn on the carapace should be lowered - I have since, but I quite like the dual middle horns. I'll post some more pictures when I have completed the build :) @ guardian31: Oh dude, go and play Necromunda - it's such a treat. I was annihilated and still had fun! @ Eldrick Shadowblade: Thanks! Yeah the thirster tabard idea came from KrautScientist, but I added the Blood Throne 'wheel shield' to bulk it up slightly. sockwithaticket, Brother-Chaplain Kage, Quixus and 4 others 7 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/286791-augustus-braass-pre-heresy-brass-scorpion-p247/page/210/#findComment-5241519 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted January 25, 2019 Author Share Posted January 25, 2019 Another Double Post, then! The first of three Chaos Helverins is finished: So in the end, I decided to keep both middle horns, but lower the angle of them against the carapace. I added some more trim to them, as well as a ball of greenstuff in the round hole of the plastic tabard, to make it into a gem-like structure. Please also note that the weapon arms aren't necessarily the final arms, as they're magnetized and can be exchanged for the Butcher Cannons I have for the other two. I particularly enjoyed sculpting the thigh-and-knee armour pads - so much so that I also started doing the two sets for the other two Helverins I'm planning. Here's this one's kneepads: And here's the other two sets: I hope you like 'm! Please comment :) I appricate likes, but this is a community, so there's nothing to keep this thread, me, and ultimately the forum going as comments do, people! Subtle Discord, Sagentus, Sgt. Blank and 8 others 11 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/286791-augustus-braass-pre-heresy-brass-scorpion-p247/page/210/#findComment-5241593 Share on other sites More sharing options...
gaurdian31 Posted January 25, 2019 Share Posted January 25, 2019 Man that trim is looking good, you should definitely be proud of those thigh and knee pad armor parts. And the two new gangers are looking really nice. The second one seems to have no back? Maybe it is the angle of the photo or she has a real skinny abdomen? The more I look at that helverin the more details pop out. I didn't even notice the chainblades under the guns at first, but man those are a nice touch! Form certain angles his forehead seems a little big, but it is chaos after all. I'd love to play Necromunda, but I would have to find a) time to play it as I game on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, every other Fridays and Sundays at this point and if I play anymore my wife might kill me also b) I have to find people to play with. There is some interest so b might happen and I just have to figure out a. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/286791-augustus-braass-pre-heresy-brass-scorpion-p247/page/210/#findComment-5241633 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Eldrick Shadowblade Posted January 25, 2019 Share Posted January 25, 2019 I particularly like the second set of kneepads! The spikes are a nice touch! And I agree about the comments... so many views and very few say a single thing. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/286791-augustus-braass-pre-heresy-brass-scorpion-p247/page/210/#findComment-5241669 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother-Chaplain Kage Posted January 25, 2019 Share Posted January 25, 2019 Congrats on the No Retreat invite! Thanks, guys! Two more Necromunda miniatures - this time made from Third Party bodies. I'm not sure where I got these, as I believe I bought them back in the winter of 2015, when I was intending to make Septimus, Octavia and Deltrian to complement my First Claw conversions... The first one is a Reaper miniature from their Chronoscope line called Sascha Dubois. A friend bought one to use in a Rogue Trader rpg game I ran a few years back. Augustus b'Raass 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/286791-augustus-braass-pre-heresy-brass-scorpion-p247/page/210/#findComment-5241736 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Subtle Discord Posted January 25, 2019 Share Posted January 25, 2019 *Subtle makes a mental note* Interesting. *Takes another mental note* Ooo... I like that. *Another note* That's a unique idea too. *Note* Damn it, so much awesome going on with those Armigers and the myriad of little details you added. Much food for thought an inspirations for my own future projects. Thanks for doing what you do, but please stop being so prolific in your output; I can't be the only one who feels like they work in slow motion when they see what you achieve month after month. Naturally, I kid, please don't stop. Eldrick Shadowblade and Augustus b'Raass 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/286791-augustus-braass-pre-heresy-brass-scorpion-p247/page/210/#findComment-5241788 Share on other sites More sharing options...
DuskRaider Posted January 25, 2019 Share Posted January 25, 2019 Is this a game to you? Butchering my poor Pestigor and wearing them? The Armiger looks great and I like how you've integrated the skulls into the trim. Head works well too ;) Augustus b'Raass and Eldrick Shadowblade 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/286791-augustus-braass-pre-heresy-brass-scorpion-p247/page/210/#findComment-5241831 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted January 26, 2019 Share Posted January 26, 2019 I like the way you customized the Chaos Knights, except for one detail: The chainswords attached to their autocannons. Shouldn't the blades be mounted near the autocannon muzzle, so they may serve as bayonets? Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/286791-augustus-braass-pre-heresy-brass-scorpion-p247/page/210/#findComment-5241938 Share on other sites More sharing options...
rednekkboss Posted January 26, 2019 Share Posted January 26, 2019 Beautiful work, Augs. Very flavorful! I really need to get my hands on a couple of those. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/286791-augustus-braass-pre-heresy-brass-scorpion-p247/page/210/#findComment-5241978 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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