Augustus b'Raass Posted May 26, 2016 Author Share Posted May 26, 2016 @ Kruama± Sure thing, dude. I´m planning on doing a Knight as well. @ Thousand Eyes: It's not a lot of effort and it's actually not quite so time consuming at all. The thing is, there is no drying time in the process, excepts when the base is done and you have to wait 12 hrs to go back with thinned PVA glue. This base took me five minutes or something. You only need the materials, that's all. @ codystuart: You should, buddy! The puppies are a bit behind where they were last year in week two. ;) :p Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted May 26, 2016 Author Share Posted May 26, 2016 Sorry to double post here, but I thought I'd complement the basing tutorial with another, showing how I go about painting the bases. I undercoat the base black. Then, it's a couple simple steps: Step 1: Airbrush or paint all the parts that are supposed to be metal in GW Rhinox Hide. Step 2: Airbrush or paint all the other parts with GW Steel Legion Drab Step 3: Drybrush everything except the 'metal' parts with GW Karak Stone. Step 4: Cover all the non-metal parts with GW Agrax Earthshade. Step 5: Retouch the side of the base with GW Steel Legion Drab and the metal parts with GW Rhinox Hide. Step 6: Drybrush the skulls with GW Rakarth Flesh. Step 7: Stiple the metal parts with GW Leadbelcher. Step 8: Stiple the metal parts with some watered down FW Aged Rust weathering powders. Step 9: Use some PVA glue to stick some GW Mordheid Turf tuft. Done! :) ShVagYeR, Teetengee, GhostMalone and 10 others 13 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GrandMagnus Posted May 26, 2016 Share Posted May 26, 2016 Hey Augustus, where are the skulls on the base from? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted May 26, 2016 Author Share Posted May 26, 2016 I use 32 mm skulls from Dark World Creations ;) GrandMagnus 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GhostMalone Posted May 26, 2016 Share Posted May 26, 2016 I may have to steel that recipe for a Mechanicum based force so I can transport them and bring them to yours, I truly can't wait to see the Kytan your planning Alpharaz and Teetengee 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Eldrick Shadowblade Posted May 28, 2016 Share Posted May 28, 2016 The dreadclaw is sweet! Maybe just on the bottom add some black / scorch marks or chipping? to show it entering orbit repeatedly? Otherwise it looks really nice. Doctor Perils and Augustus b'Raass 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rednekkboss Posted May 28, 2016 Share Posted May 28, 2016 Sweet Fairy Jeebus! There is some beautiful stuff in this thread! I just spent @ 20 minutes looking through it. Great stuff! Augustus b'Raass 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flint13 Posted May 28, 2016 Share Posted May 28, 2016 I may have to steel that recipe for a Mechanicum based force Was that pun intentional? Cause I'm not sure which way is funnier. Augs - Those Slaughterers are looking pretty boss! Augustus b'Raass 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GhostMalone Posted May 29, 2016 Share Posted May 29, 2016 Yeah it was intentional Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherJim Posted May 29, 2016 Share Posted May 29, 2016 Those tutorials are tops buddy, its just nice to watch them come together. Like the old eavy metal step by steps. You should make a tutorial when you do the cytan, for us mere mortals *waves hand Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted May 30, 2016 Author Share Posted May 30, 2016 (edited) Hey guys, small update on the Bloodthirster I'm working on. As you may have read in the ETL V Chaos Strategium, I'm not enjoying it as much as I expected. It somehow doesn't really resonate with me. It's maybe becuase I love painting vehicles so much that this mostly organic model doesn't jive with me. Oh well. Here he is. All armour arts and his head are bluetaced one. The base is done, as well as the wings. The gold and bone parts need another wash of Agrax and a highlight. The leather need a highlight, wash and final highlight. The metal bits need another wash, and the chains need a basecoat of leadbelcher. They all need another highlight. Oh, and the eyes. I'm thinking blue. Would blue be appropriate? What do you think so far? Again, I'm having trouble with this mini and any comments or feedback would be most welcome. Cheers! Replies: @ Kurama: work on the Kytan will start as soon as the BT is done! @ Eldrick Shadowblade: Black scorch marks are an excellent idea! Will get to it! @ redneckboss: Thanks buddy! Your threads are a particular source of inspiration for me, even though our painting styles are very different. Your converions and paint jobs just have that je ne sais quo... So I'm very happy to read you liked my work too! @ Flint13: Cheers you! Long time no comment. I was impressed by your fellblade! Was it posted on one of your threads too, as I didn't see it on the ones I know of except for the HH Strategium... @ Kurama: puns for the pun god! @ BrotherJim: Are you my aussie buddy Jacob on FB? I'll do a tut on the Khorne colour scheme with the Kytan, I promise! Edited May 30, 2016 by Augustus b'Raass Atia and Kizzdougs 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Quixus Posted May 30, 2016 Share Posted May 30, 2016 (edited) The Bloodthirster looks great so far. I like that the skin isn't red, but it could be a bit lighter. It may be the photo though. The Daemon Prince and Bloodthirster models are some of the best GW has IMHO. *must resist resist the voices telling me to start a chaos army* Edited May 30, 2016 by Quixus Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kizzdougs Posted May 30, 2016 Share Posted May 30, 2016 Nice work on the Bloodthirster, dude :tu: Can't wait to see him finished :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
codyrstuart Posted May 30, 2016 Share Posted May 30, 2016 I feel you on the BT. It is a great looking model, but doesn't look fun to paint. As for the eyes, I think blue eyes would be a great compliment to the rest of the model. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Biohazard Posted May 31, 2016 Share Posted May 31, 2016 Your soulgrinders and blood slaughterers are looking awesome. Nice touch with the rod to hold the slaughterers on the base. I have two of them to paint and base and was looking to do something similar. Thirsters looking good too. I say yes to the blue eyes :tu: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Atia Posted May 31, 2016 Share Posted May 31, 2016 (edited) Aww I love that base! Turfs rock! Cool to see a different approach to the Bloodthirster, with red armour and black skin! Although, a shame point for not using that awesome head with the khorne rune shaped horns! You need to do another one now Edit: Or not, as you may not enjoy him as much :/ - what exactly is your problem? The skin is made for a drybrush and glazes (even if it sounds a bit crazy to use a drybrush :P). I really enjoyed my Ang'grath, although I guess the FW one has better details to work with? Edited May 31, 2016 by Atia Augustus b'Raass 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rednekkboss Posted June 1, 2016 Share Posted June 1, 2016 Love the red armor black skin. Planning some Khorney deamons myself with obsidian/cooled lava type skin. I know they got the whole "blood for the sausage God" thing going on, but Khorne stuff always screams to me rage on a volcanic scale. Looking forward to watching the progress on this guy. One of these day's I'll have to get that model myself. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted June 1, 2016 Author Share Posted June 1, 2016 (edited) Hurray! I managed to finish the 'Thirster! In the end, it was just a case of keeping my eyes on the prize and ploughing through it. I'm reasonably happy with how he turned out, and I might even do another one in the future - with red skin, bone armour, and black wings. I made pics of all four sides and of some details. Sorry if they are a bit over-exposed and/or out of focus: the thing is so huge, with such weird dimensions, my hoto botth was just too small and my camera not good enough to focus on it properly... Anyway, without fiurther ado, here are some pics! And some details: The bloody axe Arm and face, which for some reason looks super crappy here but IRL looks fine. And something I'm actually reasonably proud of: the wet-blended fire below his hoove... So! Lemme know what you think! C&C is always welcome. I know it's not the best mini I ever painted, so feel free to destroy me. I could use a good whoopin', as I'm only half-way in my vow and it's already almost three weeks into the ETL. Cheers! Replies: @ Quixus: hey buddy! Long time no comment here I hope the skin issue has been solved. If not, lemme know. @ kizzdougs: Thanks, kizz! What do yoy think of the finished product? @ codystuart: Blue it went! Hope you like the end result. @ Biohazard: YAY Biohazard! Yeah the rod really makes the 'slaughterers worthwhile to base - the legs are far too flimsey to hold their weight. @ Atia: Oh the skin was easy: I did drybrush the skin. No glazes though... ANyway, you might have convinced me to buy another one, with that comment. @ rednekkboss: You should. The more I look at him finished, the more I likee that I ploughed through it and actually made an effort to not rush him. It is an awesome kit, just a pain to paint. EDIT: fixed an issue with pictures Edited June 1, 2016 by Augustus b'Raass Quixus, Brother Chaplain Ryld, Eldrick Shadowblade and 3 others 6 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Atia Posted June 1, 2016 Share Posted June 1, 2016 Awesome! Sadly I'm out of likes for today so you will get a *like* here :D Hurray! I managed to finish the 'Thirster! In the end, it was just a case of keeping my eyes on the prize and ploughing through it. I'm reasonably happy with how he turned out, and I might even do another one in the future - with red skin, bone armour, and black wings AND THE COOL KHORNRUNE SHAPED HEAD. ANyway, you might have convinced me to buy another one, with that comment. Mission accomplished Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted June 1, 2016 Share Posted June 1, 2016 Don't worry, buddy: He's looking great! I only have one suggestion, and that would be to give the face some extra attention: The actual face could do with a final layer of "sharper" highlights (check out Duncan Rhodes' Bloodthirster tutorial: He uses completely different colours, but the actual approach will still be enormously helpful to you!). The tongue seems to be missing for some reason, which deprives you of a chance for a tiny spot of contrasting colour. And what about those eyes? Didn't you want to paint them blue...? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Quixus Posted June 1, 2016 Share Posted June 1, 2016 (edited) He looks awesome, the dark blue/grey skin looks great. Edited June 1, 2016 by Quixus Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted June 2, 2016 Author Share Posted June 2, 2016 (edited) Abandon hope, all ye who gaze upon the foul visage of Scabeiathrax the Bloated, also known amongst his followers and his enemies as Papa g'Aap, Lord of the Blighted Pit, the Wind of Nurgle, Poopy McPoopface, and, according to a certain Aasfresser, Poopiwhoop Potato Pooper. So yeah. This is a one day paint job, allowed to me because I 'worked from home' during very quiet times at work. Great fun to paint, and a veritable festivity after the Bloodthirster! I used a white undercoat for him, obviously, Then with a 1:1 mix of GW Rotting Flesh and GW Loren Forest, I made sure all lower areas and nooks and crannies on the model were covered. The raised areas and all the wounds were then covered in a 1:1 mix of GW Rotting Flesh and GW Kislev Flesh, followed by a complete zenithal highlight of thinned down VMA ELf Flesh, which was also sprayed directly in all larger open sores.. I then started mixing various colours into a base 1:1 mix of GW Rotting Flesh and GW Kislev Flesh and applying those to the model to mimic skin discolouration and bruises, like VMA French Blue, and GW Wazdakke Red. I then liberally washed his entire body with washes of GW Riekland Flesh shade, GW Coroughburough Crimson, GW Drakenhof Nightshade, and GW Coela Grreenshade, all mixed with a few drops of Vallejo Flow Improver - which is a wonderful non-matte alternative to GW Lahmian Medium. Then, all pustules were painted with GW Averland Sunset mixed with Vallejo Airbrush Flow Improver. The sores where then done by painting them with GW BFTBG mixed with Flow improver. The Sword's haft is Vallejo Liquid White Gold with an AP strong tone wash, followed by GW Nihilak Oxide. The blade itself is based with GW Rhinox Hide, then stipled with various mixed-in oranges. I then drybrushed the blade with GW Leadbelcher, after which I stipled the two FW Rust-coloured weathering powders into it. The intestines were done with GW Daemonette Hide, which was highlighted up by mixing GW Ytriel Yellow into it. It was then given a wash of Drakenhof Nightshade, and when that was dry a very watered down BFTBG. The tongue was done the same as the intestines except I used Rakarth Flesh instead of the yellow, and I left out the BFTBG. Anyway, here he is, take a look! I hope you like! Feedback, as always, most welcome! Replies!! @ Atia: My bank account hates you. @ KrautScientist: Hey buddy, you're right! Although the picture quality washes some colours out, I agree that his face could do with some more attention. I left the tongue out intentionally, as I think the tongue sticking out makes him, and, frankly, all models, look like a doofus. @ Quixus: Cheers, mate! Edited June 2, 2016 by Augustus b'Raass JeffTibbetts, KrautScientist, Psykic_scribe and 8 others 11 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Warsmith Uveron Posted June 2, 2016 Share Posted June 2, 2016 WOW! He looks fantastic! Very very good. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Atia Posted June 2, 2016 Share Posted June 2, 2016 @ Atia: My bank account hates you. Gnehehehehhehe Mhm, you did Scaby in a day? I may have to do mine too for this years ETL after all Augustus b'Raass 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Midnightmare Posted June 2, 2016 Share Posted June 2, 2016 Maaaaaaaaaate Scaby is all the awesomez, great work Love the scheme on the BT too, glad you battled through Got to say, the standard of your workmanship in the timescales you achieve them in is nothing short of astonishing. Do you do commissions? (I am not after one, just genuinely curious. I you don't, you should) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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