Brother-Sergeant Bohemond Posted April 15, 2014 Share Posted April 15, 2014 I am aware that there is still some considerable work to do on this, particularly in terms of images. Also does anyone know how to insert text boxes other than through BB Codes? Anyway, please critique. Index Astartes: Angels of Caliban Chapter Name: Angels of Caliban Chapter Number: XXXII Primarch: Lion el’Jonson Grand-Master: Bohemond 1V Homeworld: None, Fleet Based Chapter Fortress-Monastery: Imperial Battleship, Glory of Caliban Main Colours: Black and Forest Green Speciality: Tactical flexibility Successors: None recorded Current Strength: Unconfirmed Battle Cry: “Mortis et Traditore!” “Imperator Vult!” Origins “Adeptus Astartes! Angels of the First Legion! Today is a historic day indeed! Today, today we start the Great Crusade to liberate and unite Mankind!” - Extract from the Emperor’s speech to Legio I on the day he launched the Great Crusade The Angels of Caliban can trace their origins back beyond the Great Betrayal of Horus and the discovery of the First Legion’s Liege to the hallowed ground of Terra herself. The 18th Chapter of the First Legion was established upon Terra raised from recruits drawn all over Europa. In particular they were drawn from that region of Europe known as Alba. The Chapter, and Legion, participated in the final stages of the Unification Wars cutting their teeth against the Techno-Barbarians of Terra. Following the launch of the Great Crusade they began to wage war in the name of the Emperor and his vision of unity. The 18th Chapter had spent much of their early service away from the bulk of the Legion. A result of an altercation between Chapter-Master Elisha and, it seems, the Legion commander, Chapter-Master Astelan. Although the cause of this rift is lost to time suffice to say it meant that the Chapter was absent from the Legion during its most gruelling campaign against the Callix Tech-Empire. It appears that four out of every five marines died during the conflict leading to one of the most gutted Chapters in the entire Legion. However, victory was total and a large number of resource rich worlds were added to the Imperium of Man including the world Prydien which would be of importance to the later Angels of Caliban. It was during the conclusion of this campaign that they received word of the discovery of their Primarch on the world of Caliban. So it was that they made haste towards Caliban, the new home world of the I Legion – newly renamed ‘The Dark Angels’ by Lion el’Jonson. Malachi and Raul were brothers and sons of the Order. Raised in the latter days of Caliban’s Great Crusade the two honed their skills against each other and the last of the great beasts that plagued their home. These two mighty Heroes fought side by side in every conflict, in every war, their swords rose and fell as one, they lived and breathed as one, their bond was as inseparable as that of the Lion and Luther! True Sons of Caliban, they immortalised all that was good and pure about their world, they truly were Dark Angels, sons of the Lion! - Extract written by Remembrancer Wulfnorth, M.31 Chapter-Master Elisha and the 18th Chapter arrived at Caliban to be greeted by their Primarch. Jonson renamed the Chapter the 18th Order and ordered that large numbers of recruits would be added to the Order to bring them back up to full strength. Over the next six months Elisha worked these recruits hard to integrate them all into the Order. His training was a success leading to one of the most integrated Order’s in the Legion with a strong working relationship between the Terran and Caliban born Astartes. It was during this time that two Marines would rise to prominence. Both were dedicated sons of Caliban who had completed their initial training in ‘The Order’ Malachi and Raul, firm friends and brothers in arms. They served together well, each rising to the rank of Company-Master determined that they would work together. Yet this was not to be and, as the Order finished campaigning in the Revedor system, Raul was ordered back to Caliban to take command of the 42nd Chapter as Grandmaster. This moment marked the last time the two friends would see each other, for Raul would not leave Caliban again until its destruction. Shortly following his recall to Caliban Elisha fell, mortally wounded, in combat against Orks of Yanus III. Although the subsequent battle was a total victory, the Order mourned the loss of their first GrandMaster. He survived his wounds, however, as he was interred in a Dreadnought Sarcopoghus on the order of the Company-Master of the First Company, Malachi. The position of GrandMaster was filled by the promotion of Malachi who was a popular choice among both the few remaining Terran Astartes and the sons of Caliban. As the Horus Heresy broke over the Imperium the 18th Chapter was part of the Dark Angels force which was in the Thramas crusade against the Night Lords. Throughout the Heresy the Order distinguished themselves fighting with fervour and dedication against every traitor. Yet their efforts were not enough and Horus struck down the Emperor. With heavy hearts the Legion returned to Caliban, and with it went Malachi and the remnants of the 18th Order. It was in orbit around Caliban that the Order faced their biggest threat yet, treachery from their own. The battle for Caliban ended with the Lion missing and their home destroyed. Luther, considered the arch-traitor, was found in the wreckage of the Fortress-Monastry. But it was not Luther who Malachi sought to find when he descended upon the ruined world. He sought his once brother, the nemesis of the Angels of Caliban – Raul. Sadly, he would not find him and exact his vengeance upon the traitor. The entire Legion had suffered badly with heavy casualties across all the Orders. As part of the Second Founding Malachi was able to form a new Chapter from the remnants of the 18th Order naming the Angels of Caliban in honour of both the Legion and their homeworld. Included amongst the number of Astartes that he took with him was his mentor, Elisha. Malachi established the Imperial Battleship Glory of Caliban as the Chapters Fortress-Monastery; henceforth would the Chapter ply the stars seeking out the Emperor’s foes. Founding Brothers…this is a dark day indeed, for not only must we split the Legion, but we also have lost our Leige.” - Corswain, Seneschal of the Lion Following the establishment of the 18th Order as the ‘Angels of Caliban’ Malachi led the Chapter over the next seven hundred years against remnants of the Warmaster’s armies. It was upon the planet Prydien that Malachi fell duelling the Night Lords Captain, Xavian, who was, in turn, cut down by the Company-Master of the First Company, Bohemond. It was he who completed the second liberation of the planet and decreed that Prydien would be forever under the protection of the Angels of Caliban. Throughout the history of the Imperium the Chapter has been instrumental in most major engagements across Segmentum Obscuras. Due to their proximity to the Eye of Terror the Chapter also has every Black Crusade mentioned on their honour rolls, for at least one company has always stood against their traitorous brethren. In recent years the Chapter has been seen in greater strength around the Eye than it has for a long time. Increasing numbers of raids from the Eye has seen the Chapter engaging much more frequently with their hated foe. A Homeworld? Technically the Angels of Caliban do not have a homeworld due to their status as a fleet based chapter. If they do have a homeworld, then it will be Caliban that they mention. However, observers will note the Chapter’s closeness to the world of Prydien and others in the Callix subsector. Prydien has close ties due to the role that the Chapter played in its liberation and Bohemond I’s decision to declare the world under their protection. It also is the location of the Tomb of Malachi where the first GrandMaster lies buried. Prydien is a Terra-like world with a temperate climate. There are three large landmasses and numerous islands situated in a sea which covers the world much like the ancient histories claim Terra once had. The natives of the world are divided into fairly primitive clans which practice a subsistence based agrarian society that has a strict honour code. While metalworking, and the wider Imperium, is known to these clans they prefer to keep life simpler remembering the dark days of the Callix Tech-Empire. The clans frequently engage in warfare, most of the young males will form the King’s warbands and they constantly vie with the neighbours for control of resources, glory and women. Alliances, too, are a source of constant violence as one clan will march to another’s aid even if they suffer themselves. The ruler of each Clan is referred to as the ‘King’ but this is not a hereditary position or title. Upon their ruler’s death the elders come together and select a new ruler out of the warriors of the Clan, one who is wise, canny and a skilled warrior. They must undergo the ‘Ritual of the Night’ where they must survive the night without falling asleep or perishing. If they are found asleep they are beaten to death or must choose suicide, for the shame is too great. Should they pass, they become the Clan’s ruler. The Clans have a loose political organisation which allows them to deal with the Imperium, once every five years they will meet on the hallowed ground of Malachi’s Rest, the only city in the entire world, in what is called the ‘Great Theng’. Here they meet to sort out their grievances and, at times, to select a world leader to represent their people. Smaller ‘Theng’s’ also exist in regions in order to provide the Clan Kings the ability to properly meet and talk to one another. Theng’s are also a place where death is not allowed, though violence in the form of wrestling is encouraged between warriors, as it considered a betrayal of sacred oaths. Anyone who commits violence leading to death is, himself, executed. It is considered a great honour to be chosen by the Angels by these clans and so budding youngsters are taken to the Great Theng and presented to be chosen. On the culmination of the month long event, these youngsters are taken by the Chapters representatives to the Keep of Elisha, situated in the northern part of the world, where they must survive the night outside, naked, in the manner of the selection process undertaken by the Order. Those who live are taken into the Order to begin their training, those who fail and die are returned to their clans. There is a second Fortress that the Angels maintain upon Prydien, near Malachi’s Rest. It is built next to a large lake, though much of it is constructed deep underground. It is this Citadel, called Angels Falls, which leads many to assume that Prydein is the homeworld. It maintains massive armouries, geneseed banks and enough room to hold at least a Thousand Astartes. Massive orbital batteries also exist scattered across the world garrisoned by the Angel’s Chapter Serfs, mere mortals who are generally failed aspirants and female soldiers. This network, which interacts with the native population, keeps Prydein safe from invasion and most hostile raids. Karasnor lacks valuable resources with much of what it once had already mined. It is inhabited by primitive, nomadic, tribes ruled over by a tribal leader and shaman. These tribes constantly war with one another for resources and it is not unknown for an entire tribe to be wiped out, their womenfolk assimilated, by a stronger tribe. It is these warriors which makes the planet attractive to the Chapter and the Imperium. The Angels maintain a Chapter-Keep aloof from the planets population and almost never intervene in their affairs. This Fortress is built into one of the largest mountain ranges and, once every generation, aspirants come from across the planet to the massive Adamantium gates set into Mt Corswain. The tribes themselves describe their ability to know when to send their best young warriors as ‘the call’ when the Shamans receive a dream of a mighty Lion roaring from the peak of a tall mountain. They will then select a number of their best warriors to travel to the Lion’s Range, the greatest mountain range, where the greatest of them are taken by the Angels of the Sun God to serve him among the stars. Callix V was the heart of the Callix Tech-Empire and, for that reason; the Angels of Caliban maintain a visible presence on the planet. The planet is industrially powerful, although it lacks the hives that many other industrial planets have. However, the world is a source of potential recruits from the military academies the world maintains where the nobility of the planet send their young men. It also is a source of valuable industrial material. Aspirants from Callix are taken to the Keep of Elisha on Prydein to undergo the same test that all recruits must, ultimately, pass – the night spent in the cold. Callix V also maintains strong links with the Adeptus Mechanicus and it is from Callix that many of the Chapters Techmarines and Armoury Marines are drawn. Although these three worlds form the core of the Chapters recruits, they do recruit from other worlds, many of which they have conducted operations upon. Upon each world they maintain a Keep that watches over the world and acts as the central location for new recruits. Maintained by Chapter Serfs and aging Astartes, each Keep is the first testing ground of any potential recruits. Often set in harsh locations: high up in mountain ranges, or in the middle of a desert or some other inhospitable location recruits must make their own way to the Keep. True to the traditions of the order those who make it must spend a full night outside the doors before they are accepted. Those who fail perish or, if they demand entrance to the Keep may be admitted to the ranks of the Chapter’s Serfs. Notable Engagements N.B. All engagements date from after the official Founding of the Chapter, for notable engagements dating prior check the Imperial Records on the Dark Angels Legion noting entries for the 18th Chapter/Order Liberation of Prydien M.31: As part of the wars in the Scouring the Chapter engaged with segments of the IV and VIII Legions. During one of the later wars parts of the VIII, Night Lords, Legion occupied the world of Prydien which served as a temporary recruitment world for the Chapter. Incensed by this the Chapter invaded in force. During a brutal campaign the world was finally liberated but with the loss of Malachi and many Angels, however the entire Night Lords force was destroyed. Pacification of Tandras M.31: The Fifth Company of the Angels of Caliban engaged in rebel forces who had taken over the world. They were led by an enigmatic figure known only as ‘The Prophet’. The capture of the figure by Imperial forces led the Fifth Company to realise this was one of the Fallen, During a botched rescue attempt of the Prophet the entire Imperial force holding him died bar the Angels who prevented its success. Interestingly all vid records of the episode were corrupted beyond repair and the Prophet himself was removed by the Angels. Despite this isolated incident it appears that the entire rebel elite forces had already been wiped out. For their excellent work in the pacification the Fifth Company was awarded laurels. The Chartos Crusade M.32: Early in the 32nd Millennium the Imperium ordered a crusade to be launched in order to reclaim lost worlds in the Chartos Sector, Segmentum Obscuras. Many of the worlds had been initially claimed by the Imperium during the Great Crusade but the expedition had abandoned it due to the Heresy. This was a campaign of reclamation and expansion into the remainder of the Sector accompanied by two companies of the Angels of Caliban. The crusade was a success and the entire Sector was swiftly recaptured and pacified. The Astartes of the Chapter had proved to be instrumental in holding down the liberated worlds as they built Keeps on the worlds they seized allowing the Imperial forces bases to strike from. Taurus Prime M.33: The world of Taurus Prime turned to Heresy abandoning the Emperor’s light. The Eighth Company of the Angels responded first, before the Imperial expedition caught up. By the time they arrived the entire world was liberated bar the central Fortress. In a combined assault the Angels captured the rebel commander and left behind a world pacified through the destruction of almost the entire rebel population. The Defence of Radian Prime M.34: Radian Prime was the name of the primary Hive on the Hive world called Newton. An industrial and scientific world, the forces of the predatory Ork race descended in force. The Tenth Company was passing through the region when they received the world’s distress calls. Knowing that the Imperial response would take longer than the world had time the Angels landed in force on the Primary Hive determined to defend the world. For the next two years the Company fought against the Ork forces holding them at bay. The Ork warboss refused to leave the world determined to slaughter the Astartes. The remnants of the Tenth were saved by the arrival of the rest of the Chapter which descended on Newton scouring it clean of the Ork taint. Before they left they established a Chapter-Keep to ensure that any infestation would be swiftly destroyed. The Tenth Company had suffered heavy causalities, out of ninety-seven Astartes and eleven Initiates which landed only thirty-two Astartes remained. Every Initiate was either dead or had been elevated to a full Astartes. Fall of Drychnath M.34: Elements of the Chapter’s First, Second, Fourth and Sixth Companies led by GrandMaster Amos II engaged with heretic forces in the Drychnath system. Despite the best efforts of the Angels of Caliban they were unable to prevent the Heretical seizure of the system although they were instrumental in the evacuation of tens of thousands of Imperial citizens. Battle of Ryas Hive M.34: It was at the scene of Ryas Hive that Ser Rafael, a legend of the Chapter, finally fell. The Angels had engaged with the forces of Chaos led by Mendares, a mighty Daemon-Prince. During the climactic battle in which the Angels defended Ryas Hive Rafael fought Mendares in single combat. He was no match for the creature of darkness but, before he was cast down and slain, he slammed a melta bomb into the creature which banished him for some time. The Angels were then able to swiftly defeat the fractured enemy forces. The Nova Terra Interregnum M.35: The Angels of Caliban were active in the greatest threat to the Imperium since the dark days of the Heresy. Driven by their belief in the treachery of the Ur-Council the Angels are frequently seen on the battlefields. Operating on reports gained, GrandMaster Malachi II visits the Rock and, for some reason, suggests the idea of a strike against Nova Terra itself by the Unforgiven. His suggestion is considered by the Dark Angels but they choose not to sanction such a strike in force instead it is rumoured they deploy elements of the Ravenwing. Following his return, the Angels are even more instrumental in bringing Imperial rule back to the systems along the borders and eventually take part in the destruction of the Ur-Council. One key engagement in this war is the Battle of Smythes Corner where the entire Flight of Angels gathers and annihaltes an entire subsector fleet in the Smythe system. Battle of Endras Lore M.36: Endras Lore was the Homeworld of the Avenging Wolves, an Ultramarine successor chapter which fell to the lure of Chaos. The Angels fell upon their homeworld destroying most of the renegade Chapter and capturing much of their remaining hardware and fleet. The Chapter itself had been understrength due to a civil war which tore the Chapter apart as they fell and the Angels left them even more weakened with less than a hundred Marines. They would be finally cornered almost two hundred years later and annihilated at the Battle of Tyrgan. The Battle of Myxtragos Prime M.37: During the dark times of The Occlusiad when the forces of the Blind King ravaged the North-West of the Imperium, the Angels of Caliban earned many honours for themselves. Their greatest honour was the Battle of Myxtragos Prime. It was here that the first major defeat for the Apostles was handed to them. During the battle the Apostles attempted to destroy the sun and it was only the sacrifice of the Strike Cruiser, Sword of Elisha, which prevented them from activating their weapon. The Pacification of Hallias Tertius M.38: Hallias Tertius has a history of electing their Governors every fifteen years. It was one of these elected officials which finally decided they would be better off without the Imperium and declared themselves independent. The Angels responded in force descending on the system spearheading the invasion force. During the six month campaign the Angels were in the forefront slaying the Governor and executing much of the planets upper classes as they captured the last city. The Sirastus Campaign M.39: The Third Company under the command of Company-Master Saul engaged with Eldar raiders during a campaign which lasted two hundred years. Through persistence, study and dedication the Angels finally managed to completely destroy the Eldar raiders and their fleet although Saul was cut down in the final moments by the Autarch. Their victory would end Eldar privations in the Sirastus Sector for the next two thousand years or so. Destruction of the Angelus Fidelas M.39: The destruction of what was the Chapters third Battle-Barge. This disastrous event took with it the majority of two entire companies, a disaster that the Chapter spent much time rebuilding from. The Chapter captured a traitor Astartes, one who wielded two pistols. He was transferred from the surface to the Barge with much of the Fourth and Seventh Companies, leaving the Third Company to complete pacification. At some point shortly after the Barge was destroyed and, while most of the bodies were accounted for, the prisoner’s was never located. Vortega IV M.40: Not much is known about what happened on Vortega IV bar that, in the moment of victory, much of the Imperial force was destroyed. Despite the loss of much of the Imperial forces victory was still attained. Records suggest that the destruction was caused by the movement of high profile prisoners, some of whom may have been renegade Astartes, to the command centre, prisoners which may have contained a deadly secret. It is believed that somehow they initiated the destruction of the Imperial forces, a speculation supported by the only Imperial force to survive, the Angels of Caliban, who avenged the deaths of their fellow Imperial forces. No prisoners are recorded to have survived. The Macharian Crusade and Heresy M.41: Due to their proximity with the Western reaches of the Imperium the Angels are called upon to assist in parts of Macharius’ Crusade, but they do not play a major role. In the Heresy which follows his death they are part of the One Hundred Chapters which puts down the rebellion. Abaddon’s Black Crusades: The Angels of Caliban have been involved in every single of the twelve so called ‘Black Crusades’ launched by Abaddon. At least one detachment of Astartes has fought against the Lost and the Damned as they attempt to defeat the Imperium. As the dawn of the 41st Millennium draws ever closer the Chapter is committed to thwarting the ancient enemy’s plans to launch yet another Black Crusade. Defence of Onyx III 982.M.41: As the 41st Millenium draws to a close the Angels engage with heretical forces on Onyx III. Despite a successful defence of the world GrandMaster Elisha VII is cut down by a renegade who manages to escape the Angels. Company-Master Bohemond is selected to replace him. The Flight of Angels The Flight of Angels is a colloquial term that refers to the extensive fleet the Chapter has acquired over the millennia. The Core of the fleet is the Glory of Caliban, a large Crusade-era Imperial Battleship, and two Battle-Barges; Fist of Malachi and The Prydien. There are also five Strike Cruisers, attached to the Third through Seventh Companies. It is The Prydien that is formally attached to the Second Company and First Companies, though neither company has made that much use of it. The Glory of Caliban is a Crusade-era Battleship built in the shipyards of Luna for the launch of the Great Crusade. Originally named Wrath of Terra, the Glory of Caliban was attached to the 227th Expeditionary force under Chapter-Master Eliphas and the 18th Chapter of the 1st legion. After the Fall, Malachi renamed the mighty warship the ‘Glory of Caliban’ to honour his lost homeworld and to provide a link with what he and his brothers had lost. The Battleship itself is larger than the later Emperor Class battleships and contains the central armoury, forges, Reclusiam, Apothecarian and Librarias as well as the Grand-Masters quarters. Large numbers of relics and geneseed stores are stored upon the warship, although there are caches secreted on their Fortress which are scattered throughout the Segmentum. With its formidable power and its ability to deploy large numbers of Gunships and Fighters, this Fortress-Monastery grants the Angels the potential military power that younger Chapters cannot hope to achieve. Few outsiders are allowed to enter the mighty warship and, of those who are honoured so, they will spend most of their time on the Seventh Deck. The remainder of the Flight of Angels is made up of a large number of escorts, resupply craft and Imperial Cruisers acquired in the last ten thousand years. This sizable fleet gives the Angels power and ability to strike against their foes wherever they are and no matter the strength of their defences. The First Company maintains twenty Frigates which one assigned to each squad of the First Company. This allows them to operate independently, although usually they are attached to one of the Battle Companies. The reason for this organisation is unclear, and indeed frowned upon by many other Chapters and Imperial organisations. In a battle, it is not unusual for the entire complement of the First Company to leave the campaign zone aboard their frigate. While observers in the know might note it as not unusual of the Unforgiven, the Angels have managed to avoid much of the stigma associated with these actions by only withdrawing their elite forces. However, there are still instances of entire Battle-Companies being pulled from a conflict with no explanation given. Chapter Organisation "The Codex, you say, yes we follow ours to the letter. Is yours not the same?” - Grand Master Elijah III in response to accusations from Chapter-Master Lucius Cornelius of the Knights of Corothia, M.35 The Chapter, like most Dark Angel successors, fields the Second Company mounted entirely on bikes and speeders and the First Company are made up of Veterans. The rest of the Chapter is divided into eight Battle-Companies of around one hundred Astartes divided into, usually, ten squads. This number can increase temporarily depending on numbers of Astartes that are able to interface with their suits of Power Armour. Each Battle-Company also has a complement of Initiates who are attached to each Company for their entire careers, unless transferred to a specialist field or the First and Second Companies or for some other reason which is never explained. This mode of training replaces the standard Tenth Company in other Codex Chapters although they will be attached to a Veteran-Sergeant who trains and guides them on their way to becoming full Astartes. A Company can number well over a Hundred Astartes depending on the numbers of current recruits and the number of battlefield casualties. The Ninth Company currently stands at One Hundred and Twenty-Three combat ready Astartes plus Company Command as well as Twenty-Two Initiates. This is due to high recruitment rates in recent years and the Ninth’s low combat losses. As part of the Chapters organisation, too, a Company that suffers high losses will be taken out of active service and placed in strategic reserve upon the Fortress-Monastery for several years granting them time to rebuild, as is currently the case with the Fourth and was, until recently, the case with the Ninth. This does not mean that such a Company will not see action; on the contrary they are Astartes after all and will be used when and where necessary. Like the First Company, the Second recruits from among the entire Chapter. They never explain the selection processes and an Astartes who has shown a lack of skill on a Bike may, for some reason, be pulled into the Company. Events like this, however, are rare and most of those recruited to the Company are the most skilled at Bikes and controlling the Landspeeders of the Chapter. Due to the nature of mounted warfare of Pyrdien the vast majority of the Company are made up of Astartes who hail from that planet. The Company, like the Battle-Companies, can number upwards of One Hundred Astartes. Unlike the other Companies the First Company never numbers more than One Hundred and Five Angels, the reason for this has never been made clear, though, due to the numbers of highly skilled Angels who have not been raised to the First due to ‘lack of available space’ some rumour that this hints that it is a way to control the procession of Marines within the Chapter. There are twenty squads in the first company and each has its own Frigate complete with armoury, LandRaider and a Thunder Hawk. This flexibility sees the Veterans of the Angels of Caliban striking all over the Imperium, even at seemingly innocent locations. The First Company, along with the Second, also has access to the Battle-Barge The Prydien where the two Company-Master’s and their Command Squads are based along with the support personnel essential to the Companies. Every Company is under the command of a Company-Master who, unlike some Chapters, does not fulfil any extra role. The Chapter considers that they need to be focused on their duty to lead, train and fight where they are called to go. Most roles are fulfilled by high ranking serfs who are often privy to parts of the Chapter Cult. There are two roles which are occupied by Astartes, however, these are the Master of the Recruits and the Master of the Fleet. The Master of the Recruits is a role which is fulfilled by an older Astartes and can often be short term. They are responsible for the initial stages of recruitment and training before they join the Battle-Companies. The Master of the Fleet is a position granted to an Astartes who has a talent for space command. Usually they are advised by a Chapter Serf who holds the title of Admiral of the Flight of Angels, a career officer who has spent much of his, or her, life as an officer in the Flight of Angels and so knows the Chapter’s fleet intimately. Outside of the Astartes the Chapter maintains a large number of serfs to fulfil a number of roles. These include soldiers, failed aspirants, hereditary serfs and those recruited as they pass through warzones. Higher ranking serfs include those who command the mighty warships of the Flight of Angels as well as those who are highly trusted with the administration of the Chapter. The highest ranking Serf is the Seneschal of Prydein who is appointed by the GrandMaster to oversee the highest levels of administration of the Chapter. Serfs are used for many roles below this including military roles where they protect recruitment worlds and form garrisons for Chapter-Keeps across the Segmentum. The Armoury also has a large number of Serfs to help with the maintainence of Astartes vehicles and weapons. The Serfs are loyal to the Chapter and often participate in the more public rites of the Chapter taking honour in the valuable position and role they occupy. Without the thousands of Serfs the Chapter has they would find it harder to function as well as they do. Some Astartes maintain their own personal households of Serfs who they are responsible for. These help them with their armour and other duties and, in return, they are granted protection and higher access than most Serfs. The practice is not frowned upon as it reflects the bond of Knighthood which The Order once prized. Recruitment “Welcome, from now on, you will address me as Master and I shall address you all as Child. I care nought for you station in your previous life, the moment you stepped through these doors you became the Chapters until you die.” - Master Kylos, Master of the Recruits, to initiates on Prydien M.41 ‘There is nothing but the Chapter’ is an apt summary of the training of each Angel. Cultures and traditions are broken down and replaced with the Chapter traditions; faith is replaced with the Chapter Cult. No matter which world one brother comes from, their world view is reshaped to that of the Chapter. Once they enter the gates of a Keep they become children again, no matter the position they had in their previous life. Their trainers, whether Serfs or Astartes, are the only adults in the training halls, and only adults have any authority which is more than fleeting. More than one recruit who has been treated as a man in his home world, usually with the greatest of honours, will break under this pressure and demand they are treated better. These individuals are removed from training and never seen again. The initial training before implantation is the roughest on the mind of the raw recruits. Organs are too valuable to waste. Librarians and Chaplains will thoroughly work them over indoctrinating them into the Chapter, stripping away the rituals of their past life. Punishments are handed out for any cultural norm or ritual which is not considered worthy to remain in an initiate and they soon learn to replace these with the Chapters own rituals. Once they are considered worthy they are implanted with the first of their organs and begin the true training of an Astartes. Training occurs not only on-board the Glory of Caliban but also in the mighty fortresses of Prydein. Recruits will usually start their training at Prydien before moving to the Battleship where they complete their training and see the heart of the Chapter for the first time. Training not only includes combat doctrine but the history of the Chapter and histories of each Company. They are taught much of the history of the wider Imperium, too, or, at least, that which the Chapter deems to be what they should know. Once an initiates implants are mostly finished and they are deemed ready to progress by their trainers, the Initiates move on to join one of the eight Battle-Companies. This is just after the time that an initiate will join the Tenth Company in a more codex chapter. Once they join the Company they are added to squads where they study under a Veteran Sergeant and gain more battle experience. Once an initiate is deemed to be worthy to become a full Astartes they receive their Power Armour, which most Astartes will wear for the rest of their lives. As part of their initiation as a full Angel they are granted the right to wear their own personal heraldry which will be permanently added to their role of honour. This heraldry incorporates part of their Sergeant’s heraldry as a sign of the bond to those who had gone before, those who came with them and those yet to come. Appearance The Angels have a halved Green and Black scheme for their armour. The Green is that which represents Caliban and their heritage and serves as a reminder for what they consider to be their true home and their duty to the Lion. The Black represents the Legion and the Emperor, an ever constant reminder of their duty to the Imperium. Worn on the Right Pauldron, the Chapter symbol is a White Circle that represents The Order and Caliban, while the left Pauldron bears the personal heraldry of each Astartes that is presented when formally inducted into the Brotherhood. The heraldry of each brother contains some element of their mentor’s heraldry, in this way the traditions and respect for the senior brothers continues throughout the new recruits. Combat Doctrine Discipline, Knowledge, Skill and Dedication are the hallmarks of the approach which the Angels of Caliban takes to warfare. The Chapter seeks excellence across all areas of war and scorns the idea that a Chapter should specialise in one approach above others. To this end the Astartes of the Chapter trains constantly with every weapon they will use and practice simulations against as many opponents as they can gain access too. Knowledge in the context of their combat doctrine refers to the ideal that they should know how to defeat their enemies with the minimal of effort and they will spend countless hours studying the war plans of famous enemy commanders, such as Abaddon, Khârn, Yriel and many others looking for weaknesses. In recent years the famed Lord Castellan of Cadia, Creed himself, is considered a popular figure to read on for his insights as is the study of Macharius’ campaigns. The Chapter contains one of the largest depositories on Xenos and Traitor military doctrines in the Imperium, though there are parts of this library which none bar the Librarius and Company-Master’s may read. The rank and file do not remain curious, as they know there are some things they should never read. For a Chapter which encourages flexibility in a theatre of war the Angels of Caliban will almost never withdraw when there is a slim chance for victory. This increases particularly when facing the Traitor and Renegade, whom they hate with a fervour greater than many other Chapters. When faced with a Traitor force the Chapter will almost never abandon a position and fight to the bitter end determined to take as many of their foe to the Emperor’s Judgement as possible. Beliefs “It is the traitor, above and beyond the Xenos, that will destroy the Imperium. There can be no mercy shown to a traitor for by their acts, they show you how worthless they view the Emperor and, for that, there can be no forgiveness.” - Grand Master Malachi I, Volume II of the Tome of Malachi The Emperor is revered as the greatest man, and ruler, who has ever lived and continues to live. The Angels also acknowledge the immense power of the Emperor and maintain that he still helps those of his servants when they are in dire need. Notably they cite fortunate reinforcements arriving in the nick of time, unexplained destructions of enemy forces and their own existence. Second only to the Emperor in reverence is their Primarch, Lion el’Jonson whom the Angels of Caliban maintain is the greatest of all the Emperor’s sons. The Chapter does not actually believe in the death of the Lion and state that, when the Imperium needs him most, the last loyal son will return and lead the Imperium in a glorious Crusade sweeping all before him. This particular part of their faith is not usually shared with outsiders, including those in the Unforgiven. Past heroes of the Chapter, and Legion, are also honoured in the Chapter Cult. Malachi, Corswain and Elisha all feature prominently after the Lion and the Emperor. The Legion occupies a special part of the Chapter’s faith and, as a result of this, the Angels of Caliban maintain their closest links with the other Unforgiven chapters – in particular the Dark Angels and the other Second Founding Chapters. Over the years the Chapter has developed closer links with other Imperial organisations and entities, including individual Inquisitors and, through Callix V, the Adeptus Mechanicus. These links, though, are regularly tested by the closed nature of the Angels of Caliban who, like all Unforgiven Chapters, maintain their own counsel. Caliban is considered the spiritual and natural home of the Angels of Caliban and they regret its destruction above all else. The story told to Initiates once they have reached the appropriate stage differs in nature to that of other Unforgiven Chapters. The Angels tell a story of the mighty warrior, Raul, close friend of Malachi who, in his jealousy and hatred broke every oath and destroyed Caliban and caused the disappearance of the Lion. The shame that one of their own killed every one of his brothers on the surface of Caliban and turned his back on the Legion and the Lion has forced the Chapter to never mention this to their Unforgiven brethren. This tale may be told to the rank and file of the Chapter, however, but as they rise in the circles of knowledge they learn the darker, uglier truth: That it was not merely Raul who turned in jealousy. The recruitment of the Angels resembles much of the old inductions utilised by the Order. It is said that Malachi initiated this so that the legacy of the greatest Knightly Order of its age would never be forgotten. Over time much has changed, but the core values of the Order are retained – albeit in a different form. Ever since the establishment of the Chapter hatred for Traitors has been at the centre of their beliefs. In particular they reserve a greater hatred for any and all Astartes Traitor, mortals are not accorded as great a hatred as they are considered fallible and therefore easily led astray. The flip side to hate for treachery is a focus on loyalty to the Chapter and to the Emperor of Mankind. It is striking that in ten thousand years there has not been a single recorded traitor from within the ranks of the Angels of Caliban. The Inner Circle of the Angels of Caliban knows the truth about the Fall of Caliban and that Raul was a traitor who escaped judgement. They are committed to the hunt and redeeming the Chapter once and for all. In particular they seek the capture of Raul and his closest followers, all of whom were drawn from the 18th Chapter of the 1st Legion. The final capture and redemption of those Astartes will remove the black stain on the Chapters past almost as much as the return of the Lion and restoration of the Legion would. ++++++REPORT NUMBER [REDACTED] FILED [REDACTED] M.33+++++++ [interrogator]: Tell me about your feelings before the killings started? [Prisoner]: May the Emperor forgive me. We were filled with jubilation at our success in removing the Imperial authority. We believed we could defeat anything sent against us…we were wrong. [interrogator]: How so? [Prisoner]: You saw it…all those…bodies… People I knew, people that had been so full of hope before. We stood no chance, but did not know it at the time. [interrogator]: Tell me again, how did they die? [Prisoner]: I killed them all. WE killed them all…we believed everyone was a traitor to the cause. Petty insults put us on edge. In our minds we saw everyone around us as an Imperial sympathiser and over time everyone killed everyone else. Violence tore us apart, I don’t know how they did it, but they turned us on one another…we slaughtered an entire world…we damned our entire world! [The prisoner here broke down ending the interview] ++++ [interrogator]: Tell me, Colonel, what was different about the central Fortress? [Colonel Jafar]: For starters it was the old Arbites Fortress, before they captured it. What was different? Other than being secure? The psy-shield that had been erected over it which seems to have kept out whatever it was that caused the minds of the rest of the world to see everyone else as a traitor to their cause. [interrogator]: You are saying that the shield protected those inside? [Colonel Jafar]: It seems that way. [interrogator]: Hmmm. It says here you were the first senior officer to enter the Fortress after the Angels took out the high command? Tell me, what was the most important thing you noticed after entry? [Colonel Jafar]: Other than the slaughtered heretics? The writing scorched into the walls by what appeared to be plasma fire ‘Such is the fate of all Traitors’ in the command centre. That stood out to me quite vividly, particularly as the scenes of some of the largest numbers of Heretic dead were showing on the vid slates. [interrogator]: Was there anything else…unusual…? [Colonel Jafar]: Only that the so-called ‘Liberator’ was never found, either as a prisoner or a dead body. Rumour had it he was a ruthless and calculating warrior – and leader. I was surprised we never located him, but we found his commanders and bodyguards, or what was left of them. [interrogator]: Thank you Colonel +++ [REDACTED] Notes: It appears that the traitors on Taurus Prime killed themselves due to mental trauma inflicted upon them. A possible cause seems to be the presence of a number of Librarians from the Angels of Caliban who were the first Imperial force on the scene. It seems the instigator of the rebellion disappeared, whether he died or was arrested by the Angels is unknown. Extracts from [REDACTED] submitted to [REDACTED] on the Liberation of Taurus Prime M.33 Rituals The Festum Angelis, or The Feast of Angels, is a feast that happens once every Hundred years, the entire Chapter, or as many as can come, returns to the Glory of Caliban which, by this stage, has reached orbit around Prydein. For one month the Chapter renews their oaths of fealty and loyalty with those worlds under their dominion through a series of banquets. The Chapter also spends time in bonding with one another and they re-affirm their oaths of fealty to the Emperor and the Primarch as well as honour distant Caliban and Terra through reflection and meditation. It is a time of happiness, joy and celebration, but also one of mourning, reflection and dedication to the cause once more. Only twice has the Festum Angelis not gone ahead in Ten Thousand years, and both times have been considered as harbingers of doom. The most recent time was when Grand Master Bohemond cancelled the Festum Angelis in order to respond to the death of Elisha a mere fifty years ago. It has been widely considered a bad omen heading into the 42nd Millennium, though they intend to host one on the very start of the Millennium. Trial of the Night: This is the official trial which every new recruit must pass in order to be accepted into training as an Astartes. The recruit spends a cold night, naked, outside one of the Chapter’s fortresses after journeying to reach it. Those who pass the test begin their training. Noble Titles: The taking of noble titles is not an uncommon occurrence among the Chapters of the Emperor’s finest. Clear examples can be found in the Ultramarine Chapter, such as Captain Sicarius, and the same is true of the Angels of Caliban. Every Astartes is considered a Knight with the honorific ‘Ser’ remaining true to the memory of the Order. Heraldry The taking of heraldry is an ancient practice all Astartes once raised into their Battle-Company participate in. Once they become a full Astartes they take their own design that will stay with them until their death, unless some momentous event causes them to change it. The taking of heraldry links the Chapter with those warriors who have come before and those who are yet to come. It links them back to the days when the Lion led the Legion in person, and to Caliban itself as well as a reminder that what once was may yet be again. When the practice first started is not known, though Chronicler Gwalchavad’s research of the past history indicates that it was first adopted by the Veterans of Malachi after he was made Master of the First Company under Eliphas. This belief is reinforced by tradition, all Astartes are told that the practice dates to before the Fall and therefore is a link to lost Caliban. As part of their reverence every Astartes adopts part of the heraldry that the Sergeant who trained them bears. Often this will be the same emblem they adopted from their own trainer. This practice keeps the legacy of their Mentor alive well after his death. For example it is known that the heraldry of Grand-master Bohemond 1V bears the White Cross of Scout Sergeant Ser Rafael, a mighty hero who died in M.34, and that this emblem is still borne today by newly initiated Astartes of the Fourth Company after their own sergeant, Ser Gideon, who was trained by Bohemond himself. This example may be the oldest currently around, but nevertheless; it is a pertinent reminder of the exploits of Rafael and every Astartes who has ever borne the White Cross. Inside the Glory of Caliban there exists the Repostri Heraldis in which the Heraldry of every Angel is kept alongside a record of the Astartes who bore it and a list of their deeds and achievements. It is considered a great honour to be able to trace a piece of heraldry back in time which has accumulated many mighty deeds. Relics Justice: Within the Reclusiam of the Angels of Caliban lie several prominent Relics. Most notably is the great Sword Justice that was once wielded by Grand Master Eliphas and, in turn, has been borne by every Grand Master since. The Sword was forged upon Holy Terra, rumoured to have been crafted by the hands of the Emperor himself. The rumours may have some truth in them as the blade has never been broken and is of such quality that craftsmen from the times of the Great Crusade down to the present Age have marvelled at it. Sacred Standards: There are three Sacred Standards belonging to the Angels of Caliban, however, unlike their primogenitors, the Angels of Caliban do not maintain each as an aspect of war but instead revere their first three Chapter Banners. While hardly ever borne into battle, whenever they are borne the situation is so vital that they will risk these banners. The first of these is the Standard of the Pride of Terra, the very first Chapter Banner, said to have been touched by the hand of the Emperor, its black banner proudly bears the markings of the XVIII Chapter of the I Legion. The second is the first banner forged after the Fall, the Standard of the Pride of Caliban serves as a tenuous link to the Dark Angels Chapter and Caliban and is revered as such. The final banner is the Standard of the Pride of Prydien which symbolises the link that the Chapter has forged in their new life after the Fall. Each banner represents the story of the Angels from the Emperor and Terra, through Caliban and the Primarch and down to the current status of the Chapter. Chalice Memoria: This Chalice is the sacred cup of the Angels of Caliban, and is said to have been one of the Chalices commissioned by Lion el’Jonson to commemorate the final extermination of the Beasts of Caliban. Though most were destroyed during the Fall, this one had been granted to Eliphas on his arrival upon Caliban by el’Jonson himself. The Chalice is used in all important ceremonies by the Inner Circle and in the Festum Angelis. Mortis Amulet: The ‘Amulet of the Dead’ worn by the Grand Master of the Chaplains once every hundred years during the Festus Angelis, in particular the Ceremonius Mortis. This ceremony honours the slain heroes of the Chapter in the time since the last Festus. The Chapter also honours their greatest heroes of all time including such figures as Sergeant Rafael, Grand Master Malachi and Grand Master Elisha. Geneseed The Geneseed of the Angels of Caliban is that of Lion el’Jonson and is perfect with no traces of mutation, just like the Dark Angels Chapter itself. Champions of the Chapter GrandMaster Elisha I “The Wise”: Elisha was the first Chapter-Master appointed to command the 18th Chapter. Raised in a noble house on hallowed Tellus his past is largely lost to the mists of time, with only his time in the Legion remembered. He was struck down by Orks during the last days of the Great Crusade and was interred in a Contemptor Dreadnought following the Chapter when it became the ‘Angels of Caliban’. There is no official recorded date for his death in any Imperial Records, and many merely list him as MIA. The truth is that he is still alive, though rarely seen, as he sleep for much of the time only waking in order to advise new GrandMasters in times of need. GrandMaster Malachi I: Malachi was the first Calibanite to lead the Chapter following the internment of Elisha. He established the Chapter as the ‘Angels of Caliban’ following the re-organisation of the Imperium. His beliefs and attitudes were fundamental in shaping the Angels following the dismemberment of the Legion. For seven hundred years after the Heresy he led the Chapter until he was slain by the Night Lords Captain, Xavian. GrandMaster Bohemond I: The immediate successor to Malachi, he was already an old Astartes by the time he became GrandMaster and had led the First Company for over seven hundred years. His leadership was short but he instilled in the Chapter a commitment to the doctrines laid down by Malachi and established Prydien as the Chapters primary recruitment world. GrandMaster Bohemond IV: The current leader of the Chapter, Bohemond faces severe threats to the Chapter including the re-emergence of Raul, the traitor they have long waited for. He slew Bohemond’s mentor, Elisha VII, and Bohemond has vowed that he will bring the traitor to justice. The Chapter also faces grim prophecies and portents all pointing that Abaddon will launch yet another infernal attempt to break the Cadian Gate. Company-Master Saul of the Third Company: Cut down in 867 M.39, Saul was a pragmatic hero of the Chapter. Renowned for his ability to accurately guess the actions of the enigmatic Eldar his treatises on the subject are used by the Officers of the Chapter and Imperial Guard to provide insight when faced with this foe. It is a tragic irony that he was cut down by an Eldar Autarch at the moment of his greatest victory over the Xenos foe. Company-Master Jereboam of the Ninth Company: The Ninth Company recently suffered heavy losses including the loss of their Company-Master when facing down the traitor Raul and his followers. Jereboam at the time was a Sergeant of the First Company known to be a skilled warrior and consummate leader, as well as being one of the best Sergeants to have ever trained recruits. Bohemond pulled him out and appointed him as Company-Master of the Ninth to rebuild them as swiftly as possible so as to join him on his quest to end Raul. He has proved masterful at the current task raising the Company up to new heights. Company-Master Tiberius of the First Company: Tiberius has a cold personality, even for a son of the Lion, and has few, if any, friends. He would not have been the first choice for Company-Master of the First for most GrandMasters. However, Bohemond saw in him a skilled warrior and implacable leader who was willing to lead his warriors into hell and be counted on to bring them back out. GrandMaster of the Librarians Absolum One-Eye: As a young Librarian Absolum sought to develop his powers and delved too far into the warp. As he realised his mistake he pulled himself free but was not strong enough. He claims that he saw a bright light save him and carry him out, but light destroyed his left eye and he was informed this would be a permanent reminder of why he should never stray from the Emperor’s light. To this day no artificial or lab-grown eye can repair his damaged sight in the left eye. They always fail or wither and die, but his power has grown. Certain Astartes believe that he may have made a deal, but every test for purity has shown him to remain pure. He claims that the light was the soul of the Emperor saving him, whatever it really was none can doubt his loyalty or purity as well as the power his excursion granted him. GrandMaster of the Chaplains Solomon: Out of all the Chaplains Solomon is the only one who has any respect for Absolum, although he refuses to ever test his friend for purity. Despite this he is resepcted by the entire Chaplaincy and Chapter for his ability to stir even the most flagging warrior to greater acts of bravery and dedication. He is also one of the most skilled warriors and it is widely known that, had he not become a Chaplain he would probably be the Chapter Champion by now. Veteran-Sergeant Ser Rafael: A hero of the Chapter often celebrated during the Festum Angelis and told to many a new recruit. During a period of two years behind enemy lines he, and his squad of Initiates, harassed Traitor forces on the planet of Esias III. He recruited and guided Imperial loyalists to engage in guerrilla warfare against the occupying Traitor forces forcing them to divert more and more resources to stamp out his forces. When Imperial forces recovered the world they discovered only himself and two Initiates left alive, both of whom were immediately raised to full Astartes and their names re-added to the roll of Serving Astartes. This was merely the start of his legend as he would go on to add to it through greater exploits until he was, so the legends say, finally cut down by a Daemon Prince which he killed by stabbing a melta bomb in its neck ending the Chaos organisation an allowing the Imperials to mop up. However much truth there is in these exploits is unknown, but it is telling that the white cross of Rafael is still in use on the heraldry of much of the Fourth Company. Veteran-Sergeant Ser Gideon: Trained by Bohemond IV, Gideon is a skilled trainer of Initiates. He has been offered the chance to move back in to the line but has refused stating that the best use of his talents is in developing the young ones of the Chapter. Cod, Urael and Brother Bahram 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grand Master Belial Posted April 16, 2014 Author Share Posted April 16, 2014 Nice work so far! I only know the BBCode text boxes but putting them in Italics or changing Font Size might due for now. It is interesting to see how you threaded the needle of making them a 2nd Founding but it looks like they are not acknowledged by the rest of the Unforgiven since I don't see any links. Or perhaps I am missing something. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother-Sergeant Bohemond Posted April 16, 2014 Share Posted April 16, 2014 (edited) Oh, they are very much linked...whoops. I just realised there is no explicit link...I think the reason for that is much of my original material which included some of the links was included in sidebars, which didn't survive the transfer over to the new article. I will weave something more explicit into the article. As for the Second Founding, it initially started as a side project to deal with how to create a Second Founding chapter now that we had larger Legions and could, therefore, afford to increase the number of Chapters made. I wanted to create something different to a bog standard 2nd Founding but didn't want to use the usual suspect plot hooks - ie: force on a mission, missing Legion, lost Loyal-Traitors who decide to reject Horus or lost-in-the-warp. So they arose from my pre-Heresy project, which is the 18th Order as a 'what happened after the Scouring/Fall' EDIT: I re-wrote some stuff to include relations with the Unforgiven Chapters as well as a couple of engagements where they worked together. The Defence of Radian Prime M.34: Radian Prime was the name of the primary Hive on the Hive world called Newton. An industrial and scientific world, the forces of the predatory Ork race descended in force. The Tenth Company was passing through the region when they received the world’s distress calls. Knowing that the Imperial response would take longer than the world had time the Angels landed in force on the Primary Hive determined to defend the world. For the next two years the Company fought against the Ork forces holding them at bay. The Ork warboss refused to leave the world determined to slaughter the Astartes. The remnants of the Tenth were saved by the arrival of the rest of the Chapter as well as elements of the Dark Angels and Angels of Vengeance Chapters who scoured the planet clean of Orks. Battle of Endras Lore M.36: Endras Lore was the Homeworld of the Avenging Wolves, an Ultramarine successor chapter which fell to the lure of Chaos. The Wolves were understrength as a result of the civil war which tore them apart, but even so with their Fortress-Monastery they were a formidable force. Almost the entire Angels of Caliban, assisted by two companies of the Angels of Absolution descended upon their homeworld breaking them apart and capturing much of their remaining assets. The remnants of the Avenging Wolves who escaped the battle would finally be cornered by the Nights Watch Chapter almost two hundred years later and annihilated at the Battle of Tyrgan. and here in the Chapter Beliefs section: The Emperor is revered as the greatest man, and ruler, who has ever lived and continues to live. The Angels also acknowledge the immense power of the Emperor and maintain that he still helps those of his servants when they are in dire need. Notably they cite fortunate reinforcements arriving in the nick of time, unexplained destructions of enemy forces and their own existence. Second only to the Emperor in reverence is their Primarch, Lion el’Jonson whom the Angels of Caliban maintain is the greatest of all the Emperor’s sons. The Chapter does not actually believe in the death of the Lion and state that, when the Imperium needs him most, the last loyal son will return, reform the First Legion and lead the Imperium in a glorious Crusade sweeping all before him. This particular part of their faith is not usually shared with outsiders, including those in the Unforgiven. While the Chapter may not share some aspects of their cult with the Unforgiven it would be wrong to assume they are estranged. Like most Unforgiven Chapters they maintain close relations, some would say too close, with their primogenitor Chapter and the Grand Master of the Angels of Caliban is always welcome at the Rock frequently meeting with the Supreme Grand Master. (The last bit is not intended as a jab, but a clarification ;)) Edited April 16, 2014 by Brother-Sergeant Bohemond Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cod Posted April 16, 2014 Share Posted April 16, 2014 Angels of Revelation Our brothers turned on each other. Our home world was torn asunder. We however, would not learn of this for thousands of years. For we had already fallen. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Shadow Guard Posted April 16, 2014 Share Posted April 16, 2014 Aaaahhhhhh...... more great stuff...... excellent! :) SG Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grand Master Belial Posted April 16, 2014 Author Share Posted April 16, 2014 I have an announcement for all of us in this competition. The Inner Circle has convened and has asked that this competition be incorporated into the upcoming ETL competition. What does this mean for us? It means that end date will now be the SAME as the ETL competition when it is announced. It was further discussed that those who choose to participate in the ETL can combine entries and paint up miniatures that can be included in their write ups. A great example is cod_lover's post here or Arkley's writeup and facmanpob's writeup from the 2012 BoA Also as part of the discussion, it was made obvious that I hold a librarian rank in the B&C. While that means I don't have any Mod powers, I am a part of a group of people that are responsible for maintaining the B&C's Librarium which is still sealed for the time being. This means I am free to assist in helping anyone with their submissions that asks via PM. Keep submitting those teasers and WIP articles. It is great seeing the work done for this competition so far and it is to be commended. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hidicul Posted April 16, 2014 Share Posted April 16, 2014 Well since the deadline has been pushed back, I, chapter master Hidicul of the Angels of Desolation, in the name of the Lion, make this oath of moment to submit a complete history of my chapter and it's honoured brothers. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cod Posted April 17, 2014 Share Posted April 17, 2014 The extension is appreciated and should get more brothers involved with the ETL crossover. Excellent contributions so far. There is also an added bonus, now nothing should stop SG from getting his submission done too! Over here we're off to the specialist today so I won't have anything to add till next week. Have a great easter weekend everybody Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Tyler Posted April 17, 2014 Share Posted April 17, 2014 This is great news! I was stressing getting a decent submission completed in time, but this both allows time for me to develop something worthy of the ages (okay, maybe a slight exaggeration) and maybe, just maybe get one or more minis assembled and painted to accompany the text- and image-based submission. Also, I'm going to have to up my game based on recent posts. That Deathwatch veteran I have might be getting a major overhaul now. And now for something completely different... And as has been said, TSG has less of a chance of weaseling out now. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Tyler Posted April 18, 2014 Share Posted April 18, 2014 Okay, since I have more time, and since I'm going to be gone for a bit, I figure I don't need to hold this one in reserve anymore. Brother Bahram 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ioldanach Posted April 19, 2014 Share Posted April 19, 2014 Okay, you win the Deathwatch veteran challenge. Here's a terminator. And here's a picture of the Eternity Gate from the 3rd edition rulebook (it will be relevant when I publish the finished article - right now it means nothing). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
swartsengagger Posted April 19, 2014 Share Posted April 19, 2014 I, Caym, chapter master of the Shadow Angels, in the name of the Lion, make this oath of moment to submit a complete history of my chapter and it's honoured brothers. Caym being the chapter master of the chapter obviously and not my forum name. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
swartsengagger Posted April 19, 2014 Share Posted April 19, 2014 Shadow Angels GENE-SEED(PREDECESSOR) : Dark AngelsFOUNDING: Unstated [M.37]CHAPTER MASTER: Grand Master CaymCHAPTER WORLD: Asteroid Belt, Arthenis TertiusFORTRESS MONASTERY: The Shelter, Space station.MAIN COLOURS: BlackSPECIALITY: Orks and Close Quarter CombatBATTLE CRY: Never stand still, Always forwards, For the Lion!CURRENT STRENGTH: 1053KNOWN DESCENDANTS: NoneOrigins: The origin of the Shadow Angels Space Marine Chapter is a tale worth telling, they appear to be the descendants of an original chapter of Dark Angels from during the Great Crusade. During the latter stages of the Great Crusade and merely months before the Drop Site Massacre, the Dark Angels Legion ordered one of its chapters, the 38th chapter “Shadow Angels”, with a special task. They were to field test new equipment and tactics, also their battle fleet was joined by several Mechanicus manufactorum ships, and even a Mechanicus Ark. Within these ships they had the facilities to both train and induct new recruits and transform them into worthy Space Marines and to manufacture the needed war machines and equipment.When the Horus Heresy began in earnest the 38th chapter was fighting a host of Orks hell-bent on invading a backwater system with several planets. Most of the fighting took place on the world “Olmen” which housed a small Knights House, House Raaf, and was inhabited by 148 million humans. The Ork Waagh! was kept under control in the earlier stages of the war, but after “Mek Glowytinkerer” used commandos to deliver several strong nuclear bombs to the main population centres of the world, the war took a turn for the worst. Only days after the disaster, the Dark Angels received a message from Legion Command. They were to return to the main fleet immediately. Unwilling to leave millions of civilians to their doom, the Chapter Master Mortias ordered to evacuate as many humans as possible. In doing so they saved around 18 million lives, unfortunately they lost a few dozen marines and several Army brigades. Only four Knights made it of the planet as well. Just as the ships approached the jump point to leave the system, a fleet of Ork reinforcement ships entered the system. The fleet was in no position to engage for a prolonged battle so the decision was made to strike and disengage. After a short but fierce brawl which saw the destruction of several Ork vessels, the Marines jumped in the warp. What happened next is still discussed by the navigators and appropriate officers. It is believed that the Orks jumped after them and used a coven of Weirdboyz in an attempt to knock the Imperial fleet out of the warp, instead there was another phenomena that none of the Imperials experienced before. Somehow a small realspace bubble was formed in which the Imperial fleet and a portion of the Ork fleet emerged. After regaining composure, the battle erupted anew. But this time the odds were in favor of the Dark Angels. The follow hours saw the devastation of the entire Ork fleet. Unfortunately even this was not without cost as the Battle Barge “Lion’s Gaze” and 3 Strike Cruisers along with several Civilian ships and ascore of smaller fighters and Thunderhawks were destroyed. Unfortunately for the Imperials their problems were far from over. They were trapped in the bubble, all around them huge warp storms made travel impossible, it is believed by investigators that the psychic attack of the weirdboyz in combination with the widespread turbulence caused by the Warmaster’s fall are to blame for this. The fleet would remain trapped here for what seemed like two hundred years, little did they know that for the outside world several millennia had passed. During their time in seclusion the Marines used the large amounts of scrap metal to rebuild their forces and used the last remaining hulk as a training facility with live Orks as target practice, the hulk was destroyed when they finally made their way back to the Imperium. The time spent requisitioning base materials and rebuilding proved to be invaluable on their subsequent return as the Chapter was equipped with huge numbers of war machines. The civilians were another resource that was used to great effect, soon after the fighting was over a decree was made. The human population would stay under the protection of the Angels but they would govern themselves in the ships that survived the battles. Only a few million people actually survived the whole ordeal and they wanted to help wherever they could. Soon the Mechanicus send out scouting parties to dismantle the Ork vessels and repair the damaged Imperial ships. Much of the security was done by the Marines themselves, but their numbers had been depleted so they could not be everywhere. The remains of the Army and local forces started training normal civilians to pick up this role. After a few skirmishes with surviving greenskins the Marines were impressed by their resolve and a new alliance was made. Wherever needed a single marine would accompany a squad or platoon of highly trained troops, this tactic ensured that the efforts of the techpriests could be performed faster and more importantly, safer. Eventually the best of the new recruits would start to be inducted into the Astartes ranks and over the course of the following decades, all factions would work together on a scale that is not often seen in the greater Imperium. By the time they made their way out of the anomaly the universe was a different place. On the coordinates that were given nothing was to be found, so the decision was made to travel back to Caliban. On arrival only debris and asteroids could be found and after some time the grim realization of Calibans fate became clear. Their homeworld was no more. After sending out an astropathic message another ship showed up bearing Dark Angels livery. The only reason that the never arrivals did not open fire immediately was because they knew they stood no chance against the massive fleet in combat, so a line of communications was opened. Soon thereafter the entire chapters of Dark Angels and the Angels of Absolution arrived. The story told by the Shadow Angels was first met with unbelief, but after great scrutiny and psychic interrogations of key officers including the Chapter Master Ortias. After contact with the High Lords of Terra and an inquiry by the inquisition the chapter was officially recognized as the “Shadow Angels” chapter. CHAPTER HOME WORLD: The following centuries the Shadow Angels traveled the stars looking for their place in this strange new universe. They had been allowed to keep most of their fleet, with only several ships of the Adeptus Mechanicus choosing to return to Mars. Nearly a thousand years later they picked up a distress call from the governor of the Arthenis sub-sector. Arthenis Primaris and Secundus both were systems with a number of habitable planets but they were under constant threat of the pirates from the Tertius system, a system that has besides two gas giants with a few moons nothing to offer except for an asteroid and debris field of unimaginable proportions. After a swift campaign that enveloped several grueling battles some of which even surpassed the Ork battles of old in their ferocity, the threat was removed. The chapter decided to use the old pirates space fortress as their chapter monastery and after a long and thorough overhaul the monastery was officially adopted as their “Homeworld” in M39.026. The space station has since been named simply “The Shelter”. Since then the remaining Mechanicus ships have been harvesting the asteroid belt for raw material and made some interesting discoveries. CHAPTER ORGANIZATION: After learning of the events that happened on Caliban the chapter was reformed to match the “standard” Unforgiven template. With equivalent companies for the Deathwing and Ravenwing. The Chapter is ruled by the Grand Master and his council of senior Inner Circle members.The Inner Circle consists of the Reclusiam, Librarius and the first and second companies, Shadow Guardians and Shadow Hunters. The rest of the chapter follows the standard Adeptus Astartas pattern of 3 Battle, 4 Reserve and one Scout company. Notable differences are the high amounts of Dreadnoughts and the usage of non-Astartes troops as support. Officially designated as Chapter serfs, the chapter has acces to a great number of well-trained human troops to support their forces in combat. These “Serfs” are often used to secure objectives after the initial attack has swept away the enemy resistance, this force is the equivalent of veteran Astra Militarum or even Militarum Tempestus troops. There have also been unconfirmed reports of Knights and Legion-era superheavy vehicles being used. FLEET ASSETS: The Shadow Angels fleet is a force to be reckoned with. First of all their Fortress monastery is a deep space station of great size and strength. It consists of a main structure with two rings around it that come together at the north and south poles. These rings have a diameter of approximately 25km and are almost 500m thick. Inside these rings a great diversity of natural environments are simulated and used as training grounds. The main structure consists of several distinct sections. Some of which are the Tower, where the Astartes live, the docking bays, living quarters for the Chapter serfs, the armory and several others who have their own functions. The fleet itself consists of two main parts, first of all is their battlefleet with three Battle barges, several cruisers and frigates. The second part is their defence fleet, this fleet rarely leaves the sub-sector as most of the vessels are used in the asteroid belt to mine resources from the multitude of wrecks and other objects found there. RECRUITMENT: Most aspiring Astartes are recruited from the best of the fighting arm of the chapter serfs. The Shelter is more of a hive than a normal monastery, children are expected to go to school from a young age where they are trained in both physical and mental skills. This results in a steady influx of great candidates who have a good base to start Astartes training from. Candidates are put in special groups who are trained and pushed every day until they reach a level of physical and mental strength that shows they are prime candidates of becoming Space Marines. This way of preparing the candidates has made sure that a great number of candidates actually survive their transformation, often a greater percentage than traditional methods. These techniques also have the additional result that the serf who do not make the standards are trained to a higher standard than most Astra Militarum Regiments can hope to aspire to. COMBAT DOCTRINE: The Shadow Angels favored method of attack is a brutal swift strike using both the Hunters and Guardians to dislodge the defenders in their strongholds, while the normal battle companies attack the lines from different directions. Another key feature in this tactic is that they move on immediately after destroying the opposition, leaving the securing of key area’s in the capable hands of the Serfs. The Shadow Angels favor close range fights, where no quarter is given. Both in melee and close range firefights are places where they feel at home. Although it is known for them to adapt to situations and keep their distance if the tactical situation demands it. BELIEFS: The spacemarines of the Shadow Angels chapter are part of the Unforgiven and hunt the Fallen with possibly even more vigor than others. They are ashamed that they were not present during the Fall of Caliban and have been known to track down some notorious Fallen. After being told of the events that transpired during that horrible period of time the Inner Circle had long discussions to decide on the best course of action. Chapter Master Ortias eventually decided that they would honor the Lion’s last order until stated otherwise. The acquisition of new technologies and tactics was to be their main focus, after the capture of the Fallen. Since then the Shadow Angels have been able to acquire a great many rare or special weapons. Some weapons have changed their way of war completely. After learning of the Razorback STC, the chapter changed nearly every Rhino APC to Razorbacks. This had the effect that most of the Battle and Reserve companies now have two Razorbacks to carry each normal 10 man squads, often these squads are nearly permanently separated. On some occasions the chapter has had hostilities or even came to blows with other allied forced after a piece of technology “disappeared”. However no official reports state that the Shadow Angels have actually stolen equipment from allies. BATTLE HONOURS: M.?? The battle in the warpM.38 The cleansing of Space Hulk “Woe of many”M.38 Battle at Skorfeld PeakM.38 Liberation of The ShelterM.39 Hornblower CampainM.40 Waagh! Fistsmasha PRESENT ACTIVITIES: Currently the chapter is being led by Chapter Master Caym. The chapter is engaged in two campains.First Company Master Astaroth is fighting in the Zyglrox system with elements of the First, Second, Fourth and Tenth companies.The Sixth company has taken grave losses fighting a Waagh close to home and has been sent support of the Third, Eight and Ninth companies. An Imperialbattlegroup is also underway. CHAPTER COLOURS: Power Armour Terminator Armour Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grand Master Aldric Posted April 19, 2014 Share Posted April 19, 2014 (edited) Reposting my chapter I change a few things. tactical marine . marine librarian. devestator. Chaplin. assalt marine. (this marine a vet of fir sstqaud first company) Symbol: Bloodhounds Founding:2nd. gene-seed: Lynn Elgonsen Successors of: dark angels Chapter master: Sakage the reformer. battle cry: ''for the Imperium for the Primarch and for the chapter!''(Also at the end they howl like a dog .) Main colours:black and red. Full strength: 1460 Current: Unknown. Tactics: the chapter favors Stealth above all else. cameleisoline and refractor fields to all marines. specialty: close combat and stealth. Known descendants: doom angels. Beliefs: the chapter believes in the protection of humanity above all else and that one day all of the enemies of mankind will one day be destroyed. Armour: While they were mostly mk7 armour the blood hound have always been seen wearing mk6 helmets and greaves. the also have special retractable mono filament 4 inch claws built into their finger tips. worlds: Kardon: temperate flat green planet which has on the great grassy plain sits the larger of the 2 chapter monastery's. Ardon: the sister planet to Kardon, which spins in the same orbit and in the largest canyon sits the the second and smaller chapter monastery.Mostly grey mountains and jungle. Here in the ultima segmentum you will see kardon history: the blood hound are a mysterious chapter indeed all that known about them is that they may be an 2nd founding unforgiven chapter descended from the dark angels charge with hunting down the fallen. Though they are mysterious they are one of the friendliest to normal human around. Whole company of blood hound have been known to sacrifice themselves to protect civilians. It is said that the blood hounds were formed to eliminate all chaos. Known only to marines of t the space marines attacked the he blood hounds it is said that after the chapters founding the chief apothecary figured out how to make female space marines something the emperor did not want. Respecting the emperors wishes he did not show his finding to the chapter master. Shortly afterwards he was killed trying to save a marine from a chaos terminator. But now his research has surfaced and there are female space marines. Is believed that newest chapter master implemented it after coming across it in the chapter house grand library were all the information that that the blood hounds can find. Weather it be top secret or the random rumors going a round. One my think that only marines of the chapter are allowed in the grand library but in fact the whole chapter house is open to almost everyone. The chapter house is a gigantic fortress that is made to serve as a shelter for the entire population in times of invasion.The chapter entirely rejects servitors on the basis that robot are not trust worthy and has the ships run by volunteers from the planetary defense forces. And our vehicles run by space marines. Also the chapter frowns upon bionics so much that they go and find heretekhs that know how to regrow flesh promising them protection from the Adeptus Mechanicus. Scouts in the blood hounds wear the full power armour like the rest of the chapter. The chapter also frowns upon removing you helmet in combat. Once the chapter has won a planet from heretics or aliens they fix it to a ultramarine-grade planet. Recruitment: ultramarine style recruitment. when the trainee is 13 he along with 9 other are knocked out and awaken in some harsh terrain on the planet. They are left with a sidle recording that tells them that they are being chased by chaos marines and that the have to evade them and get to the storm raven. Actually the chaos marine are really blood hounds in disguise only shooting them with stun rounds. Enemy's in the empire Administratum Inquisition, Iron Snakes and Storm Wardens Terran sisters (blood hounds can tolerate the non terran sisters beacus they will fix things and would have just killed the flesh tears instead of leaving.) main enemies chaos dark eldar and tyrinnds. Xeno pact: the blood hounds have a pact with Ulthwé and somewhere along the road the blood hounds them to show them how to make better plasma that does not explode. Battles: the blood hounds have fought in the 1 4 5 6 8 10 and 13 black crusades they were present when the swooping hawks turned traitor. Also the wear in the babab war fighting alongside the astral claws believing that the high lords of Terra were way over stepping their authority . The blood hound home world has been evaded by both dark elder and tyrninds. The blood hounds were in the battle in which space marines attacked vandire. The blood hound were also at Commorragh when the strike cruiser was captured. Organisation: 13 squads per company ten man command squads all of fist company ride in storm eagles and the rest of the chapter rides in storm ravens. All squads ride in land raiders. Terminator squads are ten man. 6th is all tactical company 7th all devastator 8th company is all marines with boarding shields and special weapons. And 9th company is all assault. 10th is all sniper squads. And 11th is all vehicles with centurions. Battle company :command squad 6 tactical squads 2 devastator 2 assault squads 2 sniper squads 2 dreadnoughts 4 land speeders 4 leman russes 13 storm ravens 23 thunder hawk transporters 4 thunder hawks 4 storm talons. 4 whirlwinds, 4 predators 2 stalkers and 2 hunters. Squad break down: command 1 captain 1 lieutenant 1 standard bearer 1 company champion 4 apothecaries 1 chaplain 1 tech marine. Tactical 1 sergeant 1 corporal 6 rifle men 1 heavy weapon 1 special weapon. Devastator 1 sergeant 1 corporal 4 special weapons 4 heavy weapons. Assault 1 sergeant 1 corporal 2 special weapons 6 marines with bolt pistols and chain swords. Recon squads 5 marines with sniper rifles and 5 marines with bolters. Centurion: 5 centurions. (notes: all blood hound are recruited for the psychic ability the blood hounds try to get psychic for the whole chapter only really strong physic get to be librarians.) Sergeants and ranks above all wear dog shaped helmets. And corporals get laurels. Red stripe worn by marines and marine officers. White stripe: worn by medics. Blue stripe: worn by librarians. Yellow stripe: worn by tech marines. Black stripe worn by chaplain's . red stripe with blue stripe running through it: worn by veterans. (Notes: In the pictures above it should be noted that red shoulder trim is first company and midnight blue trim is second company.) Edited June 9, 2014 by blood hounds Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aqui Posted April 20, 2014 Share Posted April 20, 2014 (edited) I, Aquilanus , chapter master of the Angels of Salvation, in the name of the Lion, make this oath of moment to submit a complete history of my chapter and it's honoured brothers. Details to follow... Edited April 20, 2014 by Aquilanus Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grand Master Belial Posted April 20, 2014 Author Share Posted April 20, 2014 Woohoo! More worthy brothers have accepted the challenge! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Retaliation Posted April 21, 2014 Share Posted April 21, 2014 I suppose now is the time to capitalize on that big backstory text document I still have to finish... I, Retaliation, upon the honor of the Angels Aptenodytes pledge to record the chapter's honored brother's and turbulent history Brother Bahram 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grand Master Belial Posted April 23, 2014 Author Share Posted April 23, 2014 (edited) Your oath has been logged, good luck on your back story. We are now up to 24 vows with a few completions already. Let us see if we can not get a few more to sign up and get some more wonderful work posted up to inspire the rest of us. Edited April 23, 2014 by Grand Master Belial Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Greenz Posted April 24, 2014 Share Posted April 24, 2014 Well, I've been lurking on this site long enough, it's about time I start joining in. I, Greenz , chapter master of the Angels Hospitaller, in the name of the Lion, make this oath of moment to submit a complete history of my chapter and it's honoured brothers. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hidicul Posted April 24, 2014 Share Posted April 24, 2014 Well I have everything written up, just need to go back and make some adjustments. Other then that I'm waiting for the ETL. Since I'm on my phone I can't make the nice armour pics everyone else has so I have to use painted minis. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spaced Hulk Posted April 25, 2014 Share Posted April 25, 2014 I, Spaced Hulk, Master of Sanctity of the Night Watch, in the name of the Lion, make this oath of moment to re-submit a complete history of my chapter and it's honoured brethren. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spaced Hulk Posted April 25, 2014 Share Posted April 25, 2014 (edited) INDEX ASTARTES: NIGHT WATCH The Brotherhood of Silence CHAPTER NAME: Night Watch+ GENE-SEED (PREDECESSOR): Dark Angels FOUNDING: 4th (Astartes Praeses Beta) CHAPTER MASTER: Lord Orphaeus, Master of Sanctity CHAPTER WORLD: Silence FORTRESS MONASTERY: The Labyrinth MAIN COLOURS: Light Grey & Black SPECIALITY: Defence of the Eye of Terror BATTLE CRY: N/A (cross ref. 'Oath of Solitude') CURRENT STRENGTH: 798 currently active Initiates & Neophytes ++ KNOWN DESCENDANTS: None [+ Also referred to as The Brotherhood of Silence in the Mythos Angelica Mortis] [++ Note that this information is from the Chapter's officially declared Forces Roster. Some Investigators estimate that their actual strength could be closer to 1100] One of the most reclusive and secretive Chapters, the Night Watch nevertheless play a pivotal role in the defence of the Imperium. Created during the 4th Founding, they were part of a second wave of the Astartes Praeses: Space Marine forces whose sole purpose is to guard the Eye of Terror. From their home world of Silence, located in the galactic north of the Segmentum Obscurus, they continuously patrol the surrounding region. From hunting down renegade raiding parties to defending against the full fury of the Black Crusades, the Night Watch is engaged in almost constant warfare with the forces of Chaos. However, unknown to the wider Imperium, the Chapter is also dedicated to another, far more sinister mission. A quest that ties them ever closer to the Dark Angels and the Unforgiven. As a result the Night Watch are torn constantly between two duties, a conflict of interests that may yet lead them into damnation. ORIGINS Although most official records from the time have been lost, it is generally believed that the 4th Founding occurred around 612.M32, in the aftermath of the 2nd Black Crusade of Abaddon the Despoiler. Whilst this incursion was a famous victory for the Imperium, with the forces of Chaos unable to breach the newly created defences of the Cadian Gate, the High Lords of Terra were forced to accept an uncomfortable truth. Twice now a tide of destruction had swept from the Eye of Terror, with world after world burning at the hands of the enemy. Each time they had been stopped, but only at a terrible cost. The traitor legions that had been driven into the Eye at the conclusion of the Horus Heresy were far from defeated, and although two devastating Black Crusades had been repelled, it was highly unlikely that they would be the last. Defences would have to be increased still further. In addition, as the foul tide of Abaddon's armies had broken against the fortresses of Cadia, many of the survivors had dispersed into surrounding systems, starting a guerilla war that was a constant drain on resources and manpower. Additional Astartes forces were required, to hunt down these raiders and widen the ring of defences around the Eye in preparation for the next invasion. The 4th Founding was designed primarily to add to the so called Astartes Praeses. The original Praeses Chapters had been assigned the guardianship of the Eye of Terror during the time known as the Scouring, and consisted entirely of 2nd Founding Successors to the Ultramarines and Imperial Fists. Chapters such as the White Consuls and Excoriators had been at the forefront of the defence against the Black Crusades. However, the second wave, or Astartes Praeses Beta, were created from the gene stock of all the Space Marine Legions that had remained loyal. Many of these renowned warriors, such as the Iron Talons, Knights Unyielding and Marines Exemplar, are still active to the present day. Amongst their number, only one chapter was created from the gene-seed of the legendary Lion El'Jonson. Even at that time, the High Lords were strangely reluctant to sanction new successors to the First Legion. However, the need was great, and the pressure from the Dark Angels and the Unforgiven to be included was considerable. So were born the Night Watch, Sons of the Lion, the Brotherhood of Silence. As with all the new Astartes Praeses chapters, the Night Watch were exceptionally well supported and armed from the moment of their founding. Supplying them with the best weapons, armour and equipment that was available at the time, the High Lords of Terra tried to prepare them for the trials that would lie ahead. Command staff and instructors were volunteered from the Dark Angels and their successor Chapters, while a fleet of newly built strike cruisers and warships was provided by the Adeptus Mechanicus. In addition, it is widely believed that the Unforgiven donated resources from their own, extensive armouries, including many ancient relics and over a hundred suits of Terminator armour. Once confirmed as battle ready, the chapter was dispatched to the Eye of Terror and prepared themselves for an eternity of conflict. From the very beginning the Night Watch were reclusive and isolationist, shunning the company of their fellow Praeses Chapters. In part this was due to the territories they were assigned to protect. Stationed at the so called North East Portal, a relatively stable minor warp route leading to the edge of the Eye of Terror, they were far from the main concentration of Imperial forces around the Cadian Gate. However, even when invited to participate in the Council of Containment, a grand strategy meeting of all Space Marine, Mechanicus and Imperial commanders in the Segmentum Obscurus, the Master of the Night Watch declined to attend, immediately attracting accusations of disloyalty. Those accusations were silenced the following year, when the Night Watch deployed at full strength to oppose Abaddon's 3rd Black Crusade, playing a crucial role in the defence of the Cadia and suffering extremely heavy casualties. Throughout their long history the Night Watch has rarely refused a request for aid and have engaged in almost constant warfare with the enemies of the Imperium. However, despite this their relations with other Chapters and Imperial organisations remain distant at best. The only exception appears to be with the Dark Angels and their successors, with whom the Night Watch continue to maintain close ties. A particularly curious trait of the Night Watch, and one which has helped isolate them further from the Imperium as a whole, is their refusal to personally speak to any outside their own chapter. Instead, all communication from them to others is relayed through specialist vocalisation servitors. It is believed that no outsider has ever heard the true voice of a Night Watch Space Marine. Amongst themselves, all communication takes place over a sealed, private vox net whenever others are present, and it is presumed even the other members of the Unforgiven are excluded from the private conversations of the Night Watch. UNFORGIVEN As descendants of the original Dark Angel Legion, the Night Watch have full knowledge of the destruction of Caliban and the hunt for the Fallen. Like the other members of the Unforgiven, this information is carefully restricted within the Chapter. Only the most experienced veterans, Space Marines whose loyalties have been tested again and again, are initiated into the shadowy Inner Circle, and only then when their superiors deem them both worthy and capable of withstanding the shame caused by such revelations. These grim, haunted warriors form an additional Company outside the Chapter's standard organisation, whose existence has never been officially declared or acknowledged. Due to the nature of their deployment, the Night Watch are particularly well placed to search for any of the Fallen who have joined the ranks of the other Traitor Legions. Sentinels keep constant watch throughout the region, carefully searching for any sign that may lead them to their quarry. When a Fallen Angel is located, a heavily armed strike force is quickly dispatched to capture them if possible, or execute them if not. In addition, the Chapter is quite willing to follow the trail of the Fallen wherever it may lead, and there have been confirmed sightings of Night Watch Space Marines as far afield as the Ghoul Stars and Charadon. Such operations have at times resulted in claims of dereliction of duty from both the High Lords and the Inquisition, who believe, even if they cannot enforce, that the Chapter's primary obligation is the defence of the Eye. Like all members of the Unforgiven, the search for the Fallen is the Night Watch's highest priority, and there have been many occasions where their covert quest has compromised their role as Astartes Praeses. The most infamous example of this was during the 8th Black Crusade, when they were only able to dispatch a single Battle Group, the 4th Company, to the defence of Cadia. For unspecified reasons, the bulk of the Chapter had redeployed to the Eastern Fringe some months previously as part of combined Unforgiven task force. All 92 members of 4th Company were killed in action defending the walls and fortifications of Cadia from the besieging Chaos forces. Despite this sacrifice, in the aftermath of the crusade the Night Watch were heavily criticised by both the High Lords and many of their fellow Space Marine chapters. To this day, their conflict of interests continues to drive a wedge between the Chapter and the Imperium. HOMEWORLD Located in the star system of the same name, Silence is the fourth of eight planets, all of which are uninhabitable. Devoid of atmosphere, it is aptly named: a dry, desolate, lifeless world. However, this was not always the case. Millennia ago, an unknown alien civilisation prospered there, cutting vast labyrinthine cities into the bedrock of the continental plates. At some point, a disaster of cataclysmic proportions must have befallen the planet, stripping away the atmosphere and exterminating all life [Note: some historians believe this to be entirely consistent with the attack patterns of the Hive Fleets. However, the time scale involved would mean a Tyrannic incursion several million years before the earliest officially recognised encounter]. Now all that remains are the ruined towers and subterranean streets of the rock cities. It was within this maze of underground chambers that the Night Watch built their fortress monastery. Known as the Labyrinth, it is situated deep below the planet's surface, and is capable of withstanding almost any orbital bombardment. The few visitors who have been allowed access to the chapter's home have described an endless warren of candlelit tunnels, where robed figures appear and disappear like phantoms. The planet's surface remains as barren and lifeless as it was before the arrival of the Night Watch. Weapon's batteries and missile silos are hidden amongst the ruined alien architecture, but are as powerful as those of any Astartes home world. A Ramilies class starfort is positioned in high orbit, providing a docking port for the chapters fleet as well as adding it's considerable fire-power to the planetary defence grid. However, Silence's greatest defence lies in it's obscurity. Located in the wilderness of the Galactic North, far from the nearest civilised system, it's existence remains largely unknown even amongst the Chapter's sworn enemies. ORGANISATION To an outsider, the Night Watch appear to be organised as a strict Codex Chapter, following the usual template of Veteran, Battle and Reserve Companies. However, behind this veneer of orthodoxy, the Brothers of Silence hide an organisation perhaps even more divergent than their First Legion antecedents. Most distinctive of all is the inclusion of an additional Veteran formation, meaning that the Night Watch actually consists of eleven companies rather than the codex proscribed ten. Known amongst the Chapter as the Sentinels, this mysterious order does not officially exist, leading to a great deal of confusion and contradiction amongst Imperial records. Like their forebears, the Night Watch are well supplied with suits of tactical-dreadnought armour, and can deploy almost the entire First Company as Terminator Squads if the need arises. However, unlike the Dark Angels and other Unforgiven, these veterans are not inducted into the Chapter's secretive Inner Circle. Known as the Dusk Guard, the Chapter's First Company is dedicated to the defence of the Eye of Terror, acting as a heavy assault formation to provide overwhelming force wherever it is most needed. As they perform these essential and demanding duties, each Dusk Guard is watched and scrutinised by the Chapter's Librarians and Chaplains, who assess each individual for their suitability to join the ranks of the Inner Circle. Discipline, faith and mental fortitude are all tested, and only the most worthy are chosen to advance into the secretive order of Sentinels. Those who are found wanting are destined to end their days amongst the First Company, unable to advance further within the Chapter's hierarchy. Following the stipulations of the Codex Astartes, at full strength the Dusk Guard consists of a hundred battle hardened veterans, but constant attrition and unpredictable advancement into the 11th Company mean their numbers can vary dramatically. As per the Codex, Companies Two to Five are each configured as a Battle Company, consisting of 6 Tactical, 2 Assault and 2 Devastator Squads. These provide the Night Watch with the bulk of their fighting strength, and form the core of each strike force that departs from Silence. The Chapter's fleet includes four unique Ravager class Cruisers, known collectively as the Voidborn, and each is permanently attached to a Battle Company, acting as both transport and a mobile base of operations. 6th Company is configured as a Tactical Reserve and is used to reinforce the Battle Companies during long campaigns, replacing casualties to keep each Strike Force operational. Although the 7th Company is also officially designated as a Reserve, it is actually permanently deployed as a dedicated Rapid Assault force, utilising Bikes and Land speeders in a manner similar to the Dark Angel's legendary Ravenwing. As the Codex makes allowances for such tactics, this practice is not deemed controversial, even by the Chapter's many critics. Chosen from the brethren of the Battle Companies with an aptitude for this form of warfare, they are known collectively as the Night Runners and are said to be as skilled as any of their counterparts amongst the Unforgiven. Elements of the 7th are usually assigned to each Strike Force, providing them with an experienced, highly mobile attack wing to spearhead their assaults. The Chapter's 8th Company is a dedicated mobile infantry formation, consisting of up to ten Assault squads. Unlike many Codex Chapters, where attachment to the Assault Reserve is usually seen as an advancement for newly inducted Initiates, the Night Watch consider it a demotion, a punishment for those who fail to maintain their strict codes of conduct. The most bloodthirsty and volatile members of the Chapter are assigned to the Eighth Company, as such traits are deemed unpredictable and therefore unreliable. Equipped as jump infantry, the 8th are kept in reserve and used solely as shock assault troops, deployed wherever such crude, brutal tactics are considered necessary. Ninth Company specialises in siege warfare and at full strength consists of 100 Devastator marines, each selected from within the ranks of the Battle Companies for their tenacity and steadfastness. In addition, the Master of the Forge and the majority of the chapter's Techmarines are permanently attached to this Siege Company, along with the most destructive weapons in the Night Watch armoury. As the most heavily armed formation in the Chapter, the Ninth are deployed whenever the defence of the Imperium is at it's most critical. It is the Siege Company that holds the line when the fighting is at it's fiercest, and as a result it rarely operates at full strength. As with most Astartes Chapters, the Tenth Company consists of Neophytes who are undergoing the process of transformation into a Space Marine. Due to heavy and constant recruitment, this Scout Company is unusually large, although the controversial nature of the Chapter's training methods means that Neophytes progress far quicker than normal. Unlike other Chapters, Scout squads rarely accompany Strike Forces, as their Eye of Terror deployment is deemed too demanding for these inexperienced warriors. Instead, the Tenth Company operates almost exclusively in the systems surrounding Silence, guarding the Chapter's home and honing their skills against a variety of minor Xenos races. It is believed that the small, feral Ork dominated jungle world of Adixar is allowed to exist solely for the purpose of these training exercises. Once fully initiated, recruits are transferred into the Sixth Company to await their place in the Battle Companies. Due to the near constant attrition the Chapter suffers, this waiting period is usually very brief. The Eleventh, or Sentinel Company as it is known, consists of the oldest and most experienced veterans in the entire chapter. Each of these warriors has served the Chapter for many hundreds of years, and are easily distinguished by their completely black armour, which represents their induction into the secrets of the Inner Circle. Unlike the other Companies, whose maximum strength is set at 100 battle brothers, the size of the Sentinel Company is effectively unlimited, although it's numbers regularly fluctuate due to strict initiation criteria. However, it is very rare for the 11th Company to operate as a unified force. Instead the Sentinels are usually dispersed throughout the region on intelligence gathering missions, constantly searching the worlds surrounding the Eye of Terror for potential Chaotic infiltration and, in particular, any sign of the Fallen Dark Angels. They are the eyes and ears of the Unforgiven, unknown and unseen by any outside the Night Watch. On the battlefield, Sentinels fulfil a variety of tactical roles, and deploy in several specific squad types. Heavily armed Seeker squads, a fusion of conventional Sternguard and Vanguard, deploy by drop pod directly into enemy lines to destroy command elements and other high value targets. Outrider Kindreds, each mounted on a rare MkIV Raven pattern bike, act as highly mobile hunters, roaming the battlefield in search of their prey. The greatest warriors of the 11th Company are known as the Night Guard, and are equipped with terminator armour, storm shields and powerful relic power maces to confront the most dangerous and monstrous foes. Each company is led by a Watch Commander, a rank equivalent to Captain in Codex Chapters. All high ranking officers, with the exception of techmarines, are members of the Inner Circle and will have served as a Sentinel for a time. Librarians, although no more numerous than in any other chapter, form a crucial part in the Night Watch command structure. Accompanying each task force that departs from Silence, they use their psychic gifts to search both the minds of the enemy for information about the Fallen, and the minds of their fellow Space Marines for any sign of temptation or negligence. The Chapter is also known to have an unusually high number of Chaplains within it's ranks. Each Company has it's own Reclusiarch to minister to it's brethren, while lower level Chaplains often lead individual squads into combat. Unlike the Dark Angels, the rank of Interrogator Chaplain does not exist, as any Fallen that are captured are immediately put into stasis and transported to the Rock for their judgement. In addition, the Night Watch is believed to be unique in that it's Chapter Master is always chosen from amongst the Reclusiarchs, rather than the Company Commanders. Known as both the Master of Sanctity and the Lord of Silence, he embodies the Chapter's faith, loyalty and commitment to the Emperor, steering them in their dual roles as both guardians of the Imperium and hunters of the Fallen. COMBAT DOCTRINE As Successors to the Dark Angel Legion, the Night Watch operates as a tactically flexible, highly mobile strike force. Nevertheless, they do not shy away from battles of attrition, and indeed, are considered to be as stubborn and intractable as their predecessors. This, combined with the unrelenting nature of their Eye of Terror deployment and the demands of their role as members of the Unforgiven, has resulted in one of the highest consistent casualty rates in all the Adeptus Astartes. With over fifty percent of Initiates falling in combat during their first twenty years of service, it is only by constant recruitment and questionable training methods that the Night Watch maintains it's fighting strength. Conversely, those that do survive are amongst the most battle hardened and experienced warriors in the Imperium, explaining the Chapter's unusually large number of veteran and specialist forces. The Night Watch is also renowned for it's use of overwhelming force and a callous disregard for human life, thinking nothing of unleashing devastating fire-power even when civilian casualties will result. In addition, there have been several instances when the Chapter has ruthlessly purged whole worlds that have, allegedly, been contaminated by the forces of Chaos. Whether such claims are based on truth, or whether the Chapter is seeking to destroy evidence and witnesses to it's activities is a matter of debate. Regardless of it's motives, the Night Watch has earned a brutal reputation amongst it's allies, isolating them even further from the Imperium they are sworn to protect. APPEARANCE AND LIVERY The recognised colours of the Night Watch are grey armour with a jet black helm. However, this livery alters with advancement through the chapter's hierarchy. As each Initiate progresses, they are allowed to change a particular element of their armour from grey to black. In addition, promotion to a particular rank or Company is also accompanied by a change in colours. For example, all sergeants throughout the Chapter repaint both arms black as a symbol of leadership, whilst marines of the 7th Company have black greaves on their leg armour to represent membership of the Night Runners. Upon initiation into the Sentinel Company, each battle brother paints their whole armour completely black. They are also the only members of the Night Watch who are allowed to repaint the chest plate, indicating their place as the dark heart of the chapter. Symbolically, this change represents both a reward and a curse, for advancement into the Inner Circle brings with it the full knowledge of the Fall of Caliban, and the responsibility to hunt down those responsible. As a monastic order, members of the Night Watch also regularly wear robes, cloaks and tunics over their armour. These robes are usually dark green, both as a tribute to their founding Chapter and as a mark of respect for the First Legion's lost home world. Devastator, 4th Squad, Night Watch 9th 'Siege' Company Tactical Marine, 3rd Squad, Night Watch 5th Battle Company Sergeant, 6th Tactical Squad, 2nd Battle Company Night Runner, 3rd Mounted Assault Squadron, 7th Company Dusk Guard Terminator, Night Watch 1st Company Watch Commander, 4th Battle Company Sentinel, Seeker Squad, Night Watch 11th Company Night Guard Terminator, 11th Company RECRUITMENT Like the Dark Angels themselves, the Night Watch do not recruit from any single world or star system. Instead a regular tithe of potential recruits is selected from inhabited planets surrounding the Eye of Terror, including Cadia itself from time to time. Neophytes are chosen from a wide variety of different cultures, from the militarised planets of the Gate to primitive feudal worlds with little direct Imperial contact. Whatever their origin, once inducted into the Chapter each subject is effectively mind wiped, erasing all memories prior to their selection and enforcing loyalty from the very beginning. Due to constant attrition, the Night Watch is forced to recruit at a substantially higher rate than most Space Marine Chapters. Although the tests and trials that new recruits are subjected to are as stringent as any amongst the Adeptus Astartes, once accepted the transition from Neophyte to Initiate is unusually swift. It is suspected that the Chapter utilises hypno-indoctrination, psychological conditioning, and neuro-surgery to an almost unprecedented degree, accelerating the development of new recruits to replace it's almost constant battle losses. Although not prohibited, these techniques are considered by many to be too dangerous to utilise at such high levels, often resulting in physical and mental damage to the candidate. It is unknown what percentage of Neophytes to the Chapter survive this rapid training programme. BELIEFS Highly devout, the Night Watch are closer to the Imperial Creed than their brothers in the Unforgiven, believing absolutely in the divinity of the God Emperor and his loyal sons. This motivates them both to defend his domains no matter the cost to themselves or others, and also to strive constantly to redeem themselves from the sins of the past. That these objectives often conflict with one another is considered irrelevant, and frequently drives the Chapter to attempt the impossible in the prosecution of it's duties. Like their predecessors, the Night Watch are a particularly monastic chapter, with daily prayer, study and meditation forming an essential part of their daily routine. It is believed by some that this regime of spiritual contemplation is necessary to overcome the psychological damage inflicted by the Chapter's harsh training techniques. Others point to the brutality of the Chapter's actions as an indication of inherent flaws in their character, that no amount of devotion to the Emperor can disguise. For the Night Watch themselves there is no debate. Perhaps the ultimate pragmatists, to them the ends always justifies the means, and they are willing to sacrifice anything to achieve their goals. Faith, and redemption, demands nothing less. Of particular importance to the Chapter is the Oath of Solitude. Sworn upon their selection to the training programme, the Oath forbids each Night Watch Space Marine from personally speaking to anyone outside the Chapter. All communication must take place through an Intermediary, a specially designed servitor that records, monitors and censors every word spoken. This applies to all members of the Night Watch, from the newest recruit to the Master of Sanctity himself, ensuring that the Chapter's secrets remain eternally hidden. As with all members of the Unforgiven, the character and beliefs of the Night Watch have been profoundly shaped by the events surrounding the destruction of Caliban. In their particular case, the sense of guilt has led them to worship the Emperor in a way that is far closer to the ideals of the Ecclesiarchy than to the warrior creed practised by most Astartes chapters. Conversely, that same guilt, and the need to hide the truth for fear of reprisal, has driven them to isolate themselves from the rest of the Imperium, both as a penance and as a security measure. However, perhaps the most defining characteristic of the Night Watch is an overriding sense of self doubt. In their eyes, the past has shown that members of the First Legion can fall from grace, and there is no reason why it could not happen again. As a result, the Inner Circle controls every aspect of the chapter with an iron grip. From the moment of their recruitment, the loyalty of each battle brother is enforced and strictly monitored, their very thoughts moulded by the training process and constantly scrutinised for any sign of corruption. In essence, the Night Watch don't trust anyone, especially themselves. The guardianship of the Eye of Terror is just part of their duty to the Emperor, they must also be eternally vigilant for the darkness within. RELICS An ancient Chapter, the Night Watch has accumulated a large number of relics, trophies and battle standards over it's long history. The two most well known artefacts are usually carried by the Chapter's Master of Sanctity as a symbol of his leadership. These are The Lion's Wrath, an ancient wrist mounted storm bolter, reputedly from the personal armoury of Lion El'Jonson himself; and the Staff of Redemption, a massive, two handed crozius arcanum handed down from each Lord of the Night Watch to his successor. GENE-SEED As descendants of the First Legion, the gene-seed of the Night Watch remains as pure and uncorrupted as the Dark Angels themselves. Nevertheless, as with their predecessors, the High Lords have been reluctant to utilise their genetic material to create new Space Marine chapters, and to date, there have been no Successor chapters created from the Night Watch gene-seed. Whether this is due to the fractious relationship between the chapter and other Imperial forces, or because of their close ties with the other Unforgiven is a matter of debate. BATTLECRY Unlike most Astartes forces, the Night Watch do not have a battlecry, as the oath of Solitude extends even onto the field of combat. In war, the chapter is renowned for it's relentless advance and implacable defence, each conducted in the same complete, eerie silence. Edited April 25, 2014 by spacedhulk Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Shadow Guard Posted April 25, 2014 Share Posted April 25, 2014 Wow, welcome back to the BHoA SpacedHulk..... that makes it 26 entries..... I am so very impressed by the participation and the quality of the work..... extremely excited by the interest this has generated..... and inspired by the detail in the back stories......and then...appalled at the amount of work I will have to do in churning out the PDFs!!!! .... but.... Keep 'em coming..... As Brother Tyler stated previously on his oath.... I, Brother Tyler, Inquisitor Lord of the Ordo Tyrannus, in the name of the Lion, make this oath of moment to submit a complete history of the Angels of Vigilance Chapter and its honoured brothers; in hopes that The Shadow Guard will enlighten us with the history of the Knights Revenant without weaseling out due to so-called "drowning" in real life or some other lame excuse. .... would the excuse... "I was too busy converting everyone else's submissions to PDF files"... be a good enough, non-weasely excuse?? SG Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grand Master Belial Posted April 26, 2014 Author Share Posted April 26, 2014 That would be a bad excuse SG. I have been waiting to hear more about this elusive chapter of yours for several years now. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Isiah Posted April 26, 2014 Share Posted April 26, 2014 Really enjoyed reading your entry Spaced Hulk. Very well thought through with some nice quirky details - the armour colour changing with rank advancement for instance. Cheers I Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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