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Might as well get my first vow in while I still have time!


I, Macabre Slaaneshi Prince, rise to the challenge of E TENBRAE LUX on the side of the Adeptus Astartes and vow to complete 11 Rainbow Warrior Intercessors with the total value of 204 points on or before August 1st, 2018. Success will bring me eternal glory and failure will doom me to wear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end.



I haven't made any progress at all. My local store announced that they were closing, and I've kinda lost all the motivation I've had for hobby work. After 13 years of having a place to play, now its looking like Garagehammer is going to have to be the call of the day.


I'll try and plow through my vow before August, but sadly I've lost the umph.

  On 5/25/2018 at 3:26 AM, Larkyn said:

I haven't made any progress at all. My local store announced that they were closing, and I've kinda lost all the motivation I've had for hobby work. After 13 years of having a place to play, now its looking like Garagehammer is going to have to be the call of the day.


I'll try and plow through my vow before August, but sadly I've lost the umph.


Don't let this bring you down! Let this community and event motivate you to persevere! After all, your vow is quite sizeable, if I'm not mistaken, your pledged points exceed the average SM vow, which is isn't nothing.


If not for gaming or your brethren of this subforum, do this for the sake of having awesomely painted (I wanted to say cool, but your vow mostly consists of Primaris :P) models! As you've experienced it first-hand, this is the only 'guaranteed' part of the hobby. Rules change, groups fall apart, stores close, but your models stay with you!


For the Emperor! And the Adeptus Astartes! Onwards!

  On 5/25/2018 at 3:26 AM, Larkyn said:

I haven't made any progress at all. My local store announced that they were closing, and I've kinda lost all the motivation I've had for hobby work. After 13 years of having a place to play, now its looking like Garagehammer is going to have to be the call of the day.


I'll try and plow through my vow before August, but sadly I've lost the umph.


"Garagehammer", as you put it, is the way I play the majority of my games and I have to say, it's a lot of fun. Nice to mull over a game with a few beers and have a laugh, and allows actually a lot more flexibility in terms of time (we often play past midnight, which in a store wouldn't be feasible). 


I know that's not necessarily the best fit for everybody, but try to look at it as a new opportunity, and maybe see if the closing-down store wants to part with some of it's terrain collection for your own use!

  On 5/25/2018 at 3:26 AM, Larkyn said:

I haven't made any progress at all. My local store announced that they were closing, and I've kinda lost all the motivation I've had for hobby work. After 13 years of having a place to play, now its looking like Garagehammer is going to have to be the call of the day.


I'll try and plow through my vow before August, but sadly I've lost the umph.

If it can be of any consolation my progress has been minimal, too, and I'm sure we're not alone in this. I'd suggest concentrating on one unit at a time and setting a few realistic deadlines to get you motivated. Checklists, a reward system (if I paint x unit by y date, I can have that bar of my favourite chocolate all for myself, etc), progress trackers are all effective ways to motivate you to get stuff done. :tu:
  On 5/26/2018 at 7:00 AM, Chaplain Dosjetka said:

Congrats, Brother Azreal! Interested in a second helping? ;)

Chaplain Dosjekta

I am in the process of preparing my second vow now.

It should be ready to go later today as long as the family leave me alone lol.

Hey guys here is vow number 2 for my Crimson Fists

Primaris lieutenant

Power sword - 74pts

Iron clad dreadnought

Combat fist heavy flamer

Seismic hammer heavy flamer - 162pts

Replusor tank

2x krakstorm grenade launchers

4x fragstorm grenade launchers

Icarus ironhail heavy stubber

Iron hail heavy stubber

Onslaught gatling cannon


Twin lascannon - 352pts

Total points - 588pts


Great to see some completions guys - and some re-vowing!


@ Brother Azrael: Great blue - the end result must be very rewarding for you. Good luck with your second vow mate!


@ Rogue: Excellent stuff! Looks awesome - especially the blue-ish hue on the axe! Weill you be going again?


HighMarshalAmp: Wow! Second vow done! And a third one coming our way? Excellent! :yes:





Thanks, Captain. That’s been my stock power weapon colour for ever - everything from power axes to lightning claws goes that way.


I’m not sure about a second vow. This guy has taken me a month, and I’ve got nothing in the ‘to do’ pile less than squad sized. On the other hand, now I’ve done one, I’d take on a bigger first vow next time :)

Right then, the LIBER calls and I must answer.

I, Brother Cambrius rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX on the side of the LIBER ASTARTES and vow to complete 1 Dreadnought with a Twin-Linked Lascannon and Close Combat Weapon, of total value 120pts on or before August 1st, 2018. Success will bring me eternal glory and failure will doom me to wear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end



Based and built by a friend 10 years ago, it's time to bring back Operation Reclamation once again and repair this honoured soul into something befitting the Emperor's Astartes.


Well, finally some progress, although its goes slowly:



I’ve been slowly blocking in all the basecoats and decided to go ahead on the bases as a little distraction. Bases are done except for a few touch-ups and weathering. The basecoats are almost done, just a few smaller areas, then touch-ups, washes, highlights etc.

EDIT: images went wrong somehow, fixed.

I, Aegir Einarsson, Rise to the challenge of E Tenebrae Lux for the glory of the Black Templars. I do vow to complete the following vow (817 points total) before August 1st, 2018. Success will bring me eternal glory and failure will doom me to wear the “Badge of the Oathbreaker” until the end of the year.


1x apothecary on bike - 80

1x captain on bike with TH&SS - 134

1x chaplain on bike with olasma pistol - 103


Three crusader squads:


4x Initiates + Sword Brother with combi melta and power sword - 88

4x Initiates + Sword Brother with combi melta and power sword - 88

4x Initiates + Sword Brother with combi melta and power sword - 88


1x Emperor's Champion - 75


1x Lieutenant with chainsowrd and MCBG - 63

1x Lieutenant with Jump pack combi plasma and p. Axe - 98


I'll post pics later when I'll be back home.


Onward Brothers fro Sigismund and Dorn!


p.s. I hope that points value are correct:)





pictures before:


initaites, all in one 15 models ready to paint. 





Lieutenants x2, Emperor's Champion, Apothecary on bike





Chaplain on bike:




And last Captain on bike:



Two more participants on the side of Space Marines? Excellent!


Good luck Cambrius and Aegir! 






I, HighMarshalAmp, hereby vow to finish another 5 Man Tac Squad with a Multi-Melta, a Combi-Melta and a Power Sword for a total of 115 points by or before the end of the ETL. Failure would suck since it would nullify my previous vows and I'd get the shameful Badge of the Oathbreaker instead of something that rocks.

Unfortunately, there's still a few pieces of the Sergeant in the mail but I kinda need to get going on this...

So here's part 1 of the vow:

  Reveal hidden contents

Part 2 will follow asap.

Edited to put the pic in the spoiler instead of just the link.

I, longjohnsilver, rise to the challenge of E Tenebrae Lux on the side of the Space Crows chapter and the Liber Astartes and vow to complete two squads of 5 space marine scouts with shotguns and sgts with boltpistol and close combat weapon, for a combined total of 110 points, on or before August 1st 2018. Success will bring me eternal glory and failure will doom me to wear the Badge of the Oathbreaker till the end of the year. 





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