Mithrilforge Posted July 12, 2020 Share Posted July 12, 2020 Well done toaae, That's a BIG model and a lot of work, i do love the rust effects (they really make ork models pop) . And i can see the considerable amount of differing textures which if your in a bit of a painting slump can be quite taxing to push through with (god knows we've all had that at one stage or another,especially with this covid stuff,...i thought "yeah i'm home working but sure i'll fit in painting time?...then the reality of work/ kids/family etc come down on top of it's not like taking a weeks holiday to stay home and paint Ghaz or something) well, what i'm trying to say is well done on the Big Guy I'll def be getting him when he's in a standalone box... who knows when that'll be, well at least I should have a small army by then so he can lead it Cheers, Mithril toaae 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kierdale Posted July 16, 2020 Share Posted July 16, 2020 Great work! I love the colours and the weathering, and the power cables bring one’s attention to his head nicely :tu: toaae 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wulf Vengis Posted July 22, 2020 Share Posted July 22, 2020 + TRANSMISSION INTERRUPTED + + SIGNAL RECEIVED + + BEGIN FEED + "Dis "Toy" 'ere'z got a roight good 'orde goin. Lookit aww dem boyz an' toyz. BUT IT AINT NUTTIN TA DA MOIGHT O' DA CRUSHA! DA HULKSTA'Z COMIN' BROTHA! An when Da Crusha maykz planetfall errywun knowzit! So do da roight ding brutha, send out ya best. So det my winnin' looks fayuh." + TRANSMISSION LOST + toaae 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
toaae Posted October 12, 2020 Author Share Posted October 12, 2020 (edited) Finally, something to update. A trukk that has been three-quarters painted for almost all of 8th edition (see a picture of it in an index-era game in this post). I no longer paint my vehicles like this, but there's no sense in throwing out something that's already so far along (and is only 65 points), especially when I'm struggling to get the energy to paint anything at all. I'm now going to use the rest of this post to talk about my Orks in 9th edition. I've played 0 real games of 40k in this edition. I played a 25pl game against myself to get familiar with the rules, and I've played two 1000pt games on TableTop Simulator. But 0 games with my miniatures against other people and their miniatures. In fact, since LVO ended, I've only played 2 games; once with my BA in February, and 1000 points in June. So, I don't have a lot of experience to go on. But I don't think my LVO list, or an updated version of it, works in 9th very well. The loss of the Dread WAAAGH! specialist detachment is brutal; the list didn't use a lot of CP for anything other than double-firing a *orkanaut and the SAG. Losing the relic SAG and the Kustom Ammo stratagem mean a lot of the list's offensive power is gone, and adding Kustom Jobs doesn't make up for it, in my mind. The general points increase, and specifically the Grot increase, is brutal, and without infantry to accomplish objectives, 9th is a hard game to win. So, where to go from here? Well, there seems to be three schools of thought in the community (of people who can actually play right now): Deathskulls horde, Deathskulls Vehicles/MSU, and Goff Horde. Evil Sunz Horde seems to have fallen out of favor due to two things: lacking durability and the game being more about objectives then killing. Getting to the enemy faster just isn't as important as sitting on objectives. Oh, and enemies have to push forward to get on those objectives, decreasing the range Orks have to cover. This is the principal behind the Deathskulls horde, that getting a 6++ on boys helps keep them on an objective for longer, and then the re-rolls make other, more potent units even more... potent. The early winner for Orks looked like the Deathskulls vehicles/MSU lists, which made use of those re-rolls on fleets of buggies and characters. This is obviously what the Deathskullz trait is built for; as mentioned the re-rolls help a lot when each buggie is its own unit, but the 6++ means a vehicle might survive on 1-2 wounds, and since they don't have a degrading profile, they are able to keep blasting with no loss in efficacy. All infantry getting ObSec is just icing on the cake, as some characters can just walk onto an objective to stop an opposing non-ObSec from scoring it. This archetype is about leveraging the efficiency of the buggies and the Deathskulls clan trait, and it seems like such an obvious way to go. But recently, a surprising archetype has been making waves. All Ork players should rejoice, as the quintessential Ork stereotype, the Goff horde, has shown some competitive legs! The premise is simple: Ghaz is a proppa' beatstick, and Goff boyz are both meaty and punchy, and together, they can take on (almost) any threat. Ghazghkull is a vehicle and monster smasher, but doesn't really have that many attacks, which means he's liable to get tarpitted. Ork Boyz, however, do have a ton of attacks, and are able to clear those tarpits so the Grand Warlord can punch the targets he should be. This archetype isn't so much about playing the mission as it is about punishing the enemy for playing the mission. That's a lot more analysis then I planned, but the point is: how do I feel about running my Orks here in early 9th? Well, the answer is... I don't know. I don't have the models to do the Deathskulls vehicles/MSU list, though it's the most similar to way I was playing my Orks in late 8th. I'd really love to play the Goff horde, as the Ghaz model is magnificent, I love my paintjob on him, but I lack the sheer number of boys for the list (and most of mine are shoota boys, when you obviously want choppa boyz as Goffs). And while the Deathskullz horde could probably work for me, I'm not sure I'm really motivated to play a horde list that isn't about smashing into enemy lines. If I want to be tactical, I'd prefer fewer models. So, I'm punting on Orks for now. I've been struggling with hobby motivation during the pandemic, and the longer I go without a game, the harder it gets to find the energy to do anything. The only success I've had is with my new Necron army, because unlike my Orks (and SoB), I went with a simple scheme and low table-top quality in the execution. I'm going to embrace the path of least resistance and focus on my Necrons, getting a 9th-ready list prepared. I'm hoping that once I can start playing games again, the hobby-energy will return, and I'll be able to update my Orks with a 9th-appropriate list (and work on my Sisters). Edited June 24, 2022 by toaae Mithrilforge, Warhead01, Azaiel and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mithrilforge Posted October 14, 2020 Share Posted October 14, 2020 Thanks for the write up toaae, and the nice lookin trukk You just made me happy that I'm halfway through my new Deathskullz army fate has been kind to me. as to your necrons, good luck with em and make sure you get at least one Doomstalker and 3x Spyders they are going to be awesome with a technomancer behind em Cheers, Mithril toaae 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
toaae Posted May 11, 2021 Author Share Posted May 11, 2021 Jesus, seven months without another update? Well, as with anything else during this pandemic, it seems like an eternity ago, but also, it's felt like nothing has happened since.Except, that's wrong. Things have happened. I've completed another two models for my orks (alongside non-Ork/40k stuff), I've gotten vaccinated, and my household grew by one. That's right, I can meet people again! Oh, and I have a second child now. But yay for a return to gaming soon!So, those two models. If you've been following the excellent 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, you might have seen me come in under the wire for the last two months to turn in a completed Ork in time. Well, here's Makari and a converted weirdboy: Next up is to finally bite the bullet and start the process of moving my boys to 32mm bases. I fully intend to get back to going to tournaments, and I doubt many are still allowing boyz on their original 25mm bases. I've avoided doing it for two major reasons: aesthetics and ease of transportation. I use a TableWar tower case, and in it, you can fit twenty 25mm bases on a tray, but only twelve 32mm bases (here). This has a profound impact when you're transporting 100+ models, going from five trays to eight. But the bigger issue was the aesthetics. I know the overwhelming consensus is that boyz look better on 32s, but I disagree. I think the wider bases have a warping effect on the perspective, making the boys appear wider than they are tall (or at least, shifting the ratio). I also think the extra space between the models that the bigger bases force makes the unit look less like a mob. All told, I feel like going from 25mm bases to 32mm is a downgrade, and I avoided doing it because I didn't want my models to look worse. So why change now? Well, it's been like a year and a half since I played with my boyz. Before the pandemic, I started running my Big Vehicles list partly so I could avoid the basing issue in tournaments. Anyways, since then I've softened on my conviction, and I've come to terms with the fact that if I don't want to pigeonhole myself into never playing Boyz again, I've got to do this. Furthermore, just because my one transportation solution will be more complicated doesn't mean it's not worth doing. After all, the TableWar case is only useful for games where I can drive to the destination; if I ever plan on flying to tournaments (and I do), then I'd have to find another transportation solution anyways. Finally, in 8th I was running 50+ gretchin and they took three trays; in 9th, I don't see myself running as many, opening space in the case alongside the higher points meaning smaller lists. I do want to note that my distaste for the 32mm bases only applied to boys. I think it's definitely better for the offboyz, like Stormboyz, Lootas, hell, even the nob bosses in the boyz units (mine were already on 32s, just for fun). Anyways, here's the start:With the codex coming soon, I expect to be doing a lot of stuff for my Orks. Still haven't settled on a list in the meantime; might just do an updated version of my Big Vehicles list, even though I don't think it would be very good. It would at least be fun. Dumah, Mithrilforge, andes and 3 others 6 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
toaae Posted July 11, 2021 Author Share Posted July 11, 2021 (edited) New codex soon! And an absolute horde of new kits are coming! I am so giddy and buzzing with excitement, I can't stay in my chair. Since the last update, I managed to finish rebasing the first 30 boys: The next 28 (rounding out two 30-boy units) is my next project: In between those two halves, I also kitbashed and painted a unit of 5 kommandos. Perfectly suited to 9th edition's missions, this small, inexpensive unit has the Infantry keyword that allows them to undertake most secondary objective actions, and don't cost any CP to place into strategic reserve. Now, of course, I managed to finish them on the same day we learned that new, plastic kommandos were going to be included in the killteam box. As far as I'm concerned, this is a great problem to have! I used my best kitbash ideas on these 5, and any future can just be the new stellar models. Edited July 11, 2021 by toaae Warhead01, Holier Than Thou, Brother Casman and 3 others 6 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Holier Than Thou Posted July 11, 2021 Share Posted July 11, 2021 Great work. toaae 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Triszin Posted July 11, 2021 Share Posted July 11, 2021 Rad stuff Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
toaae Posted August 30, 2021 Author Share Posted August 30, 2021 So I've spent the last month working on finishing 40 choppa boyz that have sat at a 3-color minimum for two-and-a-half years. Shootas are straight up useless* in the new codex, and here I sat with 100% of my fully painted boyz rocking the gun.But eventually, the momentum I had to work on such a large mob faded as I hit the metallics base-coating stage, so I took ten random ones and knocked them out on their own. My first completed choppa boy mob: The rest will be finished this year, I'm swearing to myself. But I need a break, so I'm planning to work one (or both) of the buggies I have, and maybe the Squighog Boyz from my beast snagga set. *=I'll expand on this in a future post when I talk gaming plans. andes, Warhead01, Mithrilforge and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mithrilforge Posted August 31, 2021 Share Posted August 31, 2021 Great to see you working on your Orks again… it’s not the Ork forum if toaee isn’t painting something !! . I really like the Kommando’s (I too was halfway through building a unit of kit bashed kommando’s…but I stopped(for now) so I can actually do the new Kommando’s ;-D Well done on your huge job of rebasing!!… Mithril toaae 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
toaae Posted September 21, 2021 Author Share Posted September 21, 2021 Finished my first two buggies, a Shokkjump Dragsta and a Rukkatrukk Squigbuggy. There will be more, I'm sure, but it's what I had now, and I've still got so much more to work on. Probably going to go back to another 10 choppa boys and try and finish them before Orktober 1st, where I'll be painting Beast Snaggas for the Orktoberfest event. space wolf, andes, Warhead01 and 3 others 6 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
toaae Posted September 28, 2021 Author Share Posted September 28, 2021 Ten more choppa boyz:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------So where do my Orks stand in the new codex? As previously mentioned, I went from playing 3-8 games a month before the pandemic to having played 11 since February 2020. It's been a brutal slog, that I thought was finally fading when I got my vaccination in May. I went to two tournaments in a 3-week span and figured things were finally looking up for me. But then the new Ork codex came out, and after sitting on it for over two months now, I have a few conclusions: You can make absurdly strong lists out of it, as seen in tournament results My collection is made up of things that aren't great now The Blood Axe or Freeboota buggy-a-thon has been running ramshackle over tournaments, powered by incredibly points-efficient, durable units. It's incredibly effective, and it's not something I want to run. More power to the people that do, but I like Orks as a horde army, and a list of essentially a bunch of elite models doesn't appeal to me. In addition, I'm too slow a painter and do not have the funds to put together that list before the heat-death of the universe. Sadly, I'm not terribly optimistic about any other kind of Ork list. My collection, built up over the last decade, is made up of stuff that doesn't look very good. Boyz are just too expensive, having no real buffs that take advantage of their unit-size outside of Warpath, and shoota boyz are even worst off. Between Dakka weapons not being able to shoot after advancing and the AP-1 being added to the choppa, shoota boyz are just flat out bad. I was able to make an argument for them in the last codex, but there's no real situation where they stand out as a better choice than choppa boyz. The Gorkanaut and Morkanaut were already suffering without the Dread WAAAGH! specialist detachment to boost their offensive power, and then they got moved to the Lord of War slot. The additional wounds are nice, but largely meaningless. Losing out on clan kulturs unless you field 3 Lords of War is a blow, and no amount of wounds is going to make up for that. And the Gorkanaut lost an attack! Very sad day indeed for my two orange sons. Ghazghkull is interesting. As a beatstick, he largely didn't change, but losing the stratagem to heal him with a painboy makes him easier to kill quickly. He no longer provides units +1 attack, which is another hit Boyz didn't need. He does get the Great WAAAGH!, but this actually means he needs a list that does both shooting and chopping. The Squigbuggy and Scrapjet both have capable shooting and melee, Warbikers are back in a big way, and the Killrig is just so much for not enough points, so I think there's a list there for him. I just don't think he's worth taking in the fluff-appropriate Ork horde. Bonebreakas are just flat out bad when compared to a killrig, and Battlewagons aren't much better. Maybe if you want to take advantage of the transport capacity, but I don't know what you'd want to put in it that would make it worth taking instead of a Killrig. And the last thing I want to mention is Gretchin. They are the worst unit in the game. Unless you absolutely need to fill a troop slot, take kommandos or Stormboyz instead. So, yeah, my collection isn't really great. I mean, the Dakkajet is grossly underprice, the Wazbom Blastajet is a bunch of good guns, and hey, I already had a Warboss in Mega-Armor. But by and large, I feel like any list I make is going to require me to collect, build, and paint a majority of new stuff. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Doom and gloom over, what am I going to do? Well, I think I've settled on this list: Goff Patrol -Beastboss on Squig: Warlord, Beasthide Mantle, WLT:Brutal but Kunnin -Weirdboy: Warpath, Da Jump -20x Beast Snagga Boyz -10x Trukk Boyz, Power Klaw -Two units of 5x Squighog Boyz, Bomb squig -Nob on Smasha Squig Deathskullz Outrider -Beastboss on Squig: 'Eadchoppa's Killwhoppa, WLT: Big Killa Boss -Weirdboy: Fists of Gork, Jabbin' Fingerz -10x Trukk Boyz, Power Klaw -5x Kommandos -Two units of 5x Stormboyz -Rukkatruk Squigbuggy w/ Nitro Squigs -Shokkjump Dragsta -Dakkajet w/ 6 guns, More Dakka -Wazbom Blastajet w/ Tellyporta Mega-Blasts (no KFF) -2x Trukks With my recently completed boys, that's about 1,015 points of new stuff I need to knock out, for 46 models. The principle behind the list is having stuff that can get onto objectives or do actions, with the Beast Bosses and Squighogs being bruisers in the mid-field. The Trukk boyz are there to trade early, and hopefully I can bring in the Beast Snagga Boyz later or da-jump them to really hold the mid-board.It's not a great list and it won't win tournaments. But it's more in line with how I want to play orks and it's not that much new stuff, especially since most of those models are stuff I've already bought, and I hope I can pilot it to my usual place of 2-1 or 3-2 in the mid-tables.Maybe next time I'll talk about crusade? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
toaae Posted January 1, 2022 Author Share Posted January 1, 2022 2021 Hobby Recap Well, it was another rough year for my hobby progress. Despite being able to play more games than I did in 2020, it still wasn't enough to drive my motivation, and the pandemic lethargy really grew on me. Add on to the fact that I don't really like the new Ork codex (more below), and what I ended up with is my worst year of hobby since 8th edition began. But first, here's the models I finished in the last quarter of the year:First, a Nob on Smasha Squig for Orktoberfest. This is my test model for the new Beast Snaggas; I tried a bold color for the squig, had to figure out how I wanted to do the scarred, wounded flesh, and how to do the animal skin/pelt. I'm very happy with how this one turned out. Next up was a special grot on an even specialer squig: Da Red Gobbo and Bounca! Because I received this in a Secret Santa exchange, I was determined to have it done before Christmas. A quick paint from me, but a fun little model. And because I don't really think I'll ever play with the model, on account of its legends-only and PL-only status, I made it into a tree ornament! Now my children will grow up knowing there's a squig in their tree. Finally, I finished the other half of my Secret Santa gift a few days ago: these three Killa Kans! I decided to go all Skorchas, so I converted the other two with burnas in pretty simple conversions. ------------------------- In total this year, I painted 1,665 points of new stuff, as well as rebasing those 60 boys. 555 of that was AoS, another 65 was Sororitas, with 215 for my Necrons. The other 830 points were my Orks: Again, the 60 shoota boys are included in the picture but their points are not since they were just a rebasing project.A very disappointing output, but on the brightside, painted models are better than grey plastic. This also doesn't include the 20 choppa boyz that are about 80% finished, or the outstanding stuff from Orktoberfest which is probably over halfway finished. In addition, I tracked a #305DaysOfHobby goal on Twitter (follow me for no good content or takes, ever), and I ended up at 308 days with some form of hobby. That's over 84% of the days of the year!In 2022, I plan to continue with the consistency I re-developed this past year, but with more concrete aspirations. For my Orks, that's just continue expanding my collections; my major goal is related to my Sororitas. ------------------------Ok, why do I not like the Ork codex?It's certainly powerful. The buggy-and-flyer-heavy list that was dominating shortly after the codex's release was the first development, but since then, there's been a nerf that has forced some more list diversity that has still seen some powerful army lists rise up. Whether it's still Freeboota buggies, or the new Kult of Speed Army of Renown, or what's being termed the "Goff Pressure" lists, it's clear that Orks can compete.But, that hasn't translated to my experience. All three of those list archetypes rely on small units and vehicles to do all their work; the days of the Ork horde are over. I tried to be optimistic that the loss of Green Tide (+1 Attack when over 20 models for boyz), reliable charges from reserve/da jump, harder-to-cast da jump, loss of widespread morale mitigation, loss on stratagems that really benefit from large unit sizes, and a point increase were out-weighed by the toughness boost and AP on choppas. But I was wrong. Large boy units are no more resilient than they were previously, because in spite of the toughness boost (which only matters to weapons of certain strength values), the KFF going to 6++ and the damage sustained in the morale phase means large units just evaporate under any kind of decent firepower. And even when they do reach combat, they lack the ability to do much damage to things that don't easily fold to any kind of pressure. There's other things, too. Gretchin are the worst unit in the game; even if they were discounted back to 3 points per model, I'd have a hard time justifying taking them. Bonebreakas are straight up outclassed by the new Killrig. The Gorka and Morkanaut became Lords of War, a straight nerf before considering that they added points to both and even took away an attack from the Gorkanaut (spare me the extra wounds; the game is so lethal that that is a minor boost at best, and meaningless far too often). What I'm saying is, the staples I built my armies on pre-pandemic are all hilariously bad now.And as such, despite collecting Orks for a decade, I find myself unable to field a list that doesn't immediately fold against any kind of pressure. I'm forced to look at buying and painting hundreds and hundreds of points of new models, at a time where I can't justify the expense.The 8th edition codex was a triumph. It made the thematic Ork Horde the way to play, and did it in such a way that was powerful but was never oppressive (like Drukhari have been for 8 months or whatever). The 9th edition codex, in comparison, is powerful and even oppressive at times, but leaves far too much of the datasheets longing for some reason to be fielded. Warhead01, Mithrilforge, ranulf the revenant and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
toaae Posted February 8, 2022 Author Share Posted February 8, 2022 Finished my first unit of Squighog Boys last week: In the end, I did not enjoy building and painting this unit. I don't really want to turn my log into posts of me whining all the time, but the reality is that I'm not terribly optimistic about a lot of things Ork right now. These models are phenomenal sculpts, and I am happy with the results of my effort. But it became a real slog to finish them, and despite putting more time than I'm comfortable with into building them and converting the 4th and 5th for variety, I think they lack of built-in variety of the kit means I've sort of hit the wall of what I want to do with these models. They just have too much detail, and I think that has come at the cost of modular miniatures. I constantly found myself thinking I was done with some step in painting, only to discover another small but visible detail I needed to paint, and I just felt all motivation to finish the unit drain out of me. In the end, the only reason I completed them was because I had set a goal to finish two units a month this year, and I wasn't going to fail in January. I guess my point is that I think it will be a long time before I paint another unit of Squighogs. ------------------------ But what about gaming? Well, still none of that going on for me, but I do hope to get back into it soon. It's starting to look like my oldest son will be able to be vaccinated soon, which would cover the whole family (the infant got it in the womb through his mother), and put my mind at a little bit of ease. In addition, I am very motivated to get my Adepta Sororitas gaming this year, and while I don't think I'll have a playable army for that until the fall, it has lit the fires in me for 40k in general. Building off my last post, I know I have to abandon my old methods of army building and try new things. I don't have Killrigs, warbikers, deffkoptas, or a bunch of buggies, nor do I have the time and money to acquire them, so I can't just netlist what is working for Orks. As is my way, I think I'm going to have to just go with a list that tries to utilize the strengths of the Ork codex where I can, and just accept that I'm going to have some very, very bad match-ups. So, with that in mind, here's what I'm thinking: Da 'Big Load' Orks Patrol Detachment - Goffs Ghazghkull Thraka - Warlord - 300pts Boyz - 9x Choppa/Slugga, Nob w/ Choppa/Power Klaw - 100pts Meganobs - 6x Power Klaw/Kombi-Skorcha - 240pts Battlewagon - 'ard Case, Deff Rolla - 135pts Killa Kans - 3x Skorchas - 120pts Dakkajet - 2x Extra Supa Shootas - 120pts Trukk - 70pts Patrol Detachment - Goffs Beastboss on Squigosaur - Big Boss: Brutal but Kunnin, Relic: Beasthide Mantle, Thumpgun - 180pts Boyz - 9x Choppa/Slugga, Nob w/ Choppa/Power Klaw - 100pts Meganobs - 6x Power Klaw/Kombi-Skorcha - 240pts Battlewagon - 'ard Case, Deff Rolla - 135pts Wazbom Blastajet - Tellyport Mega-Blastas, Stikkbomb Flinga - 190pts Trukk - 70pts The list is in the same vein as the "Goff Pressure" archetype of lists you'll see in tournament round-ups, but just... a lot worse. Battlewagons are not Killrigs, but like I said, I gotta work with what I can work with. And I own all the models in this list. Sure, it doesn't include the Squighogs I just finished, or the two buggies I do have, or Stormboyz for easy action monkeys, or any real objective sitters, or... Look, I don't think the list is good. But, I need a list that at least plays the way modern 40k plays, and this my favorite thought so far. I gotta dig out the meganobs I have; most were acquired second-hand, so I gotta figure out if I even have a dozen kombi-skorchas. Other than those two units, I just need to paint this second trukk, and the Beastboss. And then I'd have a full list. Man, I really don't like this codex. Warbringer and Mithrilforge 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Sergeant Tiberius Posted February 9, 2022 Share Posted February 9, 2022 If your short some meganobz skorcha bits, I should have a few I can help with if your UK based. Not using them myself atm. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Malakithe Posted February 10, 2022 Share Posted February 10, 2022 Ork list building outside of buggies does take a bit of finkin. Im not a buggy spam person myself so my list is quite varied Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
toaae Posted February 12, 2022 Author Share Posted February 12, 2022 If your short some meganobz skorcha bits, I should have a few I can help with if your UK based. Not using them myself atm. That's incredibly generous of you, but, alas, I live in the western US. In the end, I found I had 5 kombi-skorchas, of which two are from the old, metal meganobz. I'll have to convert 7. I have considered picking up one more box of Meganobz, so I'd only have to do 4, but we'll see. As part of my goal to paint two units a month, I'm thinking the Beastboss will be the non-Sororitas unit for February. I was going to do the Stormboyz I started for Orktoberfest, but since they aren't in this list, I'll try to focus on stuff that I need more immediately. The next season of the local league starts in a couple of weeks, and then runs for 3-ish months, so I have that much time to finish the remaining parts of the list. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Sergeant Tiberius Posted February 12, 2022 Share Posted February 12, 2022 If your short some meganobz skorcha bits, I should have a few I can help with if your UK based. Not using them myself atm. That's incredibly generous of you, but, alas, I live in the western US. In the end, I found I had 5 kombi-skorchas, of which two are from the old, metal meganobz. I'll have to convert 7. I have considered picking up one more box of Meganobz, so I'd only have to do 4, but we'll see. As part of my goal to paint two units a month, I'm thinking the Beastboss will be the non-Sororitas unit for February. I was going to do the Stormboyz I started for Orktoberfest, but since they aren't in this list, I'll try to focus on stuff that I need more immediately. The next season of the local league starts in a couple of weeks, and then runs for 3-ish months, so I have that much time to finish the remaining parts of the list. No worries, if the cost isn't too prohibitive I still don't mind dude. Us orks always need new gubbinz haha toaae and ranulf the revenant 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
toaae Posted March 1, 2022 Author Share Posted March 1, 2022 Another month, another completion. This time I worked on my Beastboss on Squigosaur conversion. It's Mozrog's body and right arm, on the non-Big Chompa squig. The claw arm is replaced with the non-Mozrog's choppa (just a little rescuplting of the elbow required). The nobz kit was raided for two bosspoles and a cybork head. In my mind, this is a good model for the Beasthide Mantle relic, with the cybork body representing the FNP and the extra attack coming from that hydraulic-powered arm. Anyways, Wurthok da Unkillable and his loyal steed Krush are ready to brutally murder some poor folks on the battlefield: Brother Casman, Magos Takatus, Mithrilforge and 4 others 7 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Warbringer Posted March 8, 2022 Share Posted March 8, 2022 Another month, another completion. This time I worked on my Beastboss on Squigosaur conversion. It's Mozrog's body and right arm, on the non-Big Chompa squig. The claw arm is replaced with the non-Mozrog's choppa (just a little rescuplting of the elbow required). The nobz kit was raided for two bosspoles and a cybork head. In my mind, this is a good model for the Beasthide Mantle relic, with the cybork body representing the FNP and the extra attack coming from that hydraulic-powered arm. Anyways, Wurthok da Unkillable and his loyal steed Krush are ready to brutally murder some poor folks on the battlefield: The more i see of this model the more i really think i would like one. I've just got myself a combat patrol box and once I've done some of that i might grab one. toaae 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mithrilforge Posted March 18, 2022 Share Posted March 18, 2022 That's a really nice looking model there toaee, the orange is very well done and suits it incredibly well Mithril toaae 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
toaae Posted July 20, 2022 Author Share Posted July 20, 2022 A little update. I played four games in my local Summer league. While I lost each one, I had fun rolling dice again, but I'm definitely just over this codex. I need to play games to have motivation to paint, so while building my Sororitas army, I'm going to focus on self-defined goals. Such as, winning best-painted/ITC Hobby Track points at local events. There's one such event this weekend, and I'll be bringing this: It's not going to be good, but it'll be fun enough, and it's all stuff I'm very proud of how I painted (and 20 grots for gameplay reasons). I'll let you know how I do! YoungWolf7, andes and Magos Takatus 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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