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Helbrect has never looked nicer :wub:

Hey thanks!

I got some basic work done on him the last few days, but he has a long way to go.


Only basic colors are down for the most part. Was hoping for a corroded green-bronze look for most of the metal parts that aren't silver, they still need work as do the washes for the rest of the model. His front tabard is going to be green while his hood, cloak/cape and armor will be black.

My original plan for the two goons on either side of him was to have them be orange like my Ryza Admech army, but I am afraid they might call to much attention away from the watch master himself, so I may settle for a brooding Dark Angels green?

Really enjoying painting him though, and his multiple bases.

Finished the first half of my reiver squad today:


Sergeant Oktor of the Raptors chapter:


This jungle is not neutral. It is dark and dank, noxious and poisonous, lethal, and deadly.It will fight us for every gasp of air and every step we take. Then it will slice us to pieces the moment we let our guards down.

This jungle is a nightmare, and that’s before you factor in the bio-form we are chasing can turn invisible.

– quote attributed to Sergeant Oktor of the Raptors while hunting a tyrannid vanguard-species through the jungles of Melkon Secundus


Marine Name: Sergeant Oktor

Duty Position: Reiver Sergeant armed with bolt pistol and combat knives, grav-chutes

Chapter Name: Raptors

Successor of: Raven Guard (2nd Founding)

Homeworld: Unclear; possibilities include Numina, Ra, Cortiz-Pol, or Badwater. Believed to be located near the Eye of Terror


The penultimate tacticool marines, I had ready-made Raptors chapter transfers on some of the sheets I purchased a few months back. My reiver squad seemed like a great opportunity to try them out.


This sergeant does not have magnetized weapon options, unlike most of his squad. I still had at least one extra reiver body I wasn’t planning to use for anything else, so instead of magnetizing all five members of the squad I magnetized four, glued the weapons options on for the sergeant, and added a sixth marine with the carbine loadout. I figure I can swap out the sergeant for the bolt-carbine reiver should I ever want to run the squad with carbines instead of the bolt-pistol-and-combat-knife-sword combo.


Next up is Brother Grigoriu of the Angels Encarmine:


But just look at them!

The Reivers wear armor and masks tailor-made to instill fear in their opponents when they finally are seen. They have vox-casters to project sounds of terror into the ears of their foes. They have been constructed into ready-made terror troops by that abominable gene-wright!

I suspect they have been inspired by and forged heart, soul, and gene-seed from the traitor stock of the VIIIth legio…

-last words of Inquisitor [redacted], investigating heretical claims of tech-heresy committed by Belasarius Cawl in the construction of the Primaris Marines that have since been completely disproven, please report down the hall to room 421B for processing…


Marine Name: Brother Grigoriu

Duty Position: Reiver armed with bolt pistol and combat knives, grav-chutes and grapnel launcher

Chapter Name: Angels Encarmine

Successor of: Blood Angels (2nd Founding)

Homeworld: Unknown


The chapter badge for Brother Grigoriu was one I purchased some time ago and I have been wanting to try it out. I like the bat-wings of the Angels Encarmine, they seem naturally be a great choice for a Reiver marine.

Originally, I was going to name him Brother Wayne but that felt too on-the-nose… so instead I named him after a guy I knew originally from Transylvannia. Really great guy, also a way better artist than me! I remember his plan was to go join the alpine corps (who do a lot of rappelling up and down mountains), therefore Brother Grigoriu of the Deathwatch is equipped with a grapnel launcher in his arsenal ready to scale the battlefields of the 41st millennium!


Main reason I gave him battle scars was because I failed three times in a row painting his yellow eye lense... so decided to experiment instead!


Last reiver for the day is Brother Hanzo of the Koi:


The shadow stayed true to his nature as he hid from the light and banished countless souls into the black depths of the netherworld.

Thus it lives, fights, and dies in the darkness, so the light can continue to shine.

That is the fate of the shadow.


Marine Name: Brother Hanzo

Duty Position: Reiver armed with bolt pistol and combat knives, grav-chutes and grapnel launcher

Chapter Name: The Koi

Successor of: Unknown (secretly Emperor’s Children successors)

Homeworld: Edo, urbanized archipelago world


Brother Hanzo is originally from the chapter known as the Koi, a chapter of my own creation with lots of inspiration from Medieval Japan. He is a member of the ruling Bekko Clan within the chapter in the service to the chapter master shogun, and prior to joining the ranks of the Deathwatch was accomplished in the arts of stealth and terror tactics, able to instill terror in the hearts of the clan’s enemies.


Like the rest of the reivers, I see Brother Hanzo as experts in urban-warfare, hence my inclusion of grapnel-launchers as a weapons option for most of them.

He also has a Lizardmen skull on his base.


Brother Hanzo is named for Hattori Hanzo, who served Tokugawa Ieyasu during Sengoku Era Japan as a samurai and ninja leader, and was also known as Oni no Hanzo or Demon Hanzo due to his effectiveness.


Both Hanzo and Grigoriu are magnetized to run with bolt pistol/combat knives, bolt carbines, or grapnel launchers:



Three more reivers to do next!

Reiver #4 is complete, Brother Baldric of the Space Wolves:


I am the best there is at what I do, but what I do isn’t very nice…

-quote from Brother Baldric of the Deathwatch after orchestrating a xenos ambush and extermination on asteroid Gulo 3-59


Marine Name: Brother Baldric

Duty Position: Reiver armed with bolt pistol and combat knives, grav-chutes

Chapter Name: Space Wolves, Blackmanes Great Company

Homeworld: icy deathworld of Fenris


Had so much fun painting this guy! Was happy with how his Space Wolf transfer came out too. Surprisingly I had a transfer sheet for Space Wolves 13th company but it didn't have the Blackmanes Great Company on it, so I had to print this one myself. Turned out pretty good and works ok with the rest of the colors on his armor.


I was going to name this guy Logan originally, if only for the head I used which was from the ancient Storm Claws pack I purchased a long time ago and used its bits for my firstborn Templar army. I still have a few bits leftover, and repurposed this head for my helmet-less Reiver. Between the head and colors he is very much Wolverine-looking, and that makes me very happy :biggrin.:

Now I need to find some lightning claws! He is magnetized to use a bolt carbine, so if I find bits that work I may convert some up. I have a set of Blood Bowl humans that might do the job...


I was inspired by the work of Lord of Wolves Triszin, specifically his reiver LT converted into an epic Incursor Sergeant. Also loved the triangle-stripe-patterns on the armor, and did my best to recreate them on Brother Baldric’s backpack.


Brother Baldric now has the title for my favorite Reiver, we shall see if the next two dethrone him!

Last two Reivers and therefore the last two models of the new year are complete!


Brother Shibata of the Emperor's Shadows:


“Come, you shell of a warrior. Show the galaxy how a warrior dies.” – Reiver Brother Shibata taunting a xenos species from the shadows during a raid on an alien world


Marine Name: Brother Shibata

Duty Position: Reiver armed with bolt carbine and grav-chutes

Chapter Name: Emperor’s Shadows

Successor of: Unknown, obscure records point to Iron Hands

Homeworld: Unknown


It was fun painting that heraldry!

The Emperor’s Shadows were created by Victoria Lamb and featured in a White Dwarf article I saw ages ago. Is it the same Victoria of Victoria Miniatures? Not sure about that one.

No magnetization options for this guy. If I ever run a squad of five reivers with bolt carbines I will swap him in for the sergeant.


Brother Shibata is named for the Shibata Clan of medieval Japan, who were at one point retainers under the command of Uesugi Kenshin, though Shibata Katsuie was a famous general in service of Oda Nobunaga during his rise to power. He was later defeated by his former ally Toyotomi Hideyoshi upon Nobunaga’s death.


FInal reiver is Brother Ratanui of the Space Sharks:


They were dispatched into the Outer Darkness upon that first Day of Exile, there to ravage the foes of mankind until their final atonement. Their Forgotten One gave them remit unbound, to set about the Traitor, the Alien, and the Renegade without mercy, and to harrow them in their places of strength. So began their long hunt. They hunt still. –Mythos Angelica Mortis, Chapter 17, Paragraph 98, ca. M36.


Marine Name: Brother Ratanui

Duty Position: Reiver armed with bolt pistol and combat knives, grav-chutes and grapnel launcher

Chapter Name: Space Sharks (high gothic Carcharodons Astra)

Successor of: Unknown, theorized as possibly Raven Guard or the traitorous Night Lords/World Eaters

Homeworld: Fleet-based (Nomad-Predation pattern), known to patrol the void beneath the galactic plane


Big fan of the Space Sharks and their aesthetic. They look great in grey armor, I have seen some great examples of beautiful maori-inspired tatoos on them as well. I did my best to replicate some from examples I have found on pinterest.


Brother Ratanui has three different weapons combo options, including his pistol/knife, bolt carbine, and a grapnel launcher.


Loved how the heraldry came out, I am going to be doing another Space Shark soon and I think this one will have the reverse heraldry pattern (black shark on while field, red border).



Last up for today is a roll of my full reiver squad with all their weapon options.

Grapnel launchers:


Bolt Carbines:


Bolt Pistol and Combat Knives:


I will be taking a new picture with my entire Deathwatch force shortly to round off my painting progress for the year. Glad with how the force is shaping up, Happy New Year!


The Emperor’s Shadows were created by Victoria Lamb and featured in a White Dwarf article I saw ages ago. Is it the same Victoria of Victoria Miniatures? Not sure about that one.

It's the same Victora. 


Also, I asked her about the Emperor's Shadows some time ago, if she created any kind of background, culture or similar for that chapter, and she said: "Just vaguely 'Japanese'.  the tree motto on the shoulder pad was from the 80's karate Kid movie. Cheers, V"


So if you creat some more of htem do I suggest using the Karate Kid movies (and now TV-series) as inspiration for their ways - I have personally thought about giving them a tradition of carpentry and having old ships (as a nod to Mr. Miyagi) if I ever wrote something about them


To sum up the year, here are all the Deathwatch marines I have painted in 2021:


List so far:

  • 2x Fortis Kill Teams (10 each Intercessors/Hellblasters)
  • Most of an Indomitor Kill Team (currently eight strong, missing two Aggressors that are currently WIP)
  • Reiver Squad (6)
  • Suppressor Squad (3)
  • Contemptor Dreadnought
  • Stormspeeder
  • AA Stalker

And the character list continues to grow!

  • Primaris Librarian (Black Templars)
  • Primaris Captain (Metamarines)
  • Jump-pack Captain (Yellowjackets)
  • Phobos Lieutenant (Mantis Warriors)
  • Primaris Lieutanant (Iron Snakes)
  • Primaris Chaplain (Dread Saurians) w/ Thunder Hammer, currently working on his power fist
  • Primaris Apothecary (Sons of Medusa)
  • Primaris Techmarine (Fighting Tigers of Veda)
  • Kill Marine (Clockwork Ravens)

The Emperor’s Shadows were created by Victoria Lamb and featured in a White Dwarf article I saw ages ago. Is it the same Victoria of Victoria Miniatures? Not sure about that one.

It's the same Victora.

Also, I asked her about the Emperor's Shadows some time ago, if she created any kind of background, culture or similar for that chapter, and she said: "Just vaguely 'Japanese'. the tree motto on the shoulder pad was from the 80's karate Kid movie. Cheers, V"

So if you creat some more of htem do I suggest using the Karate Kid movies (and now TV-series) as inspiration for their ways - I have personally thought about giving them a tradition of carpentry and having old ships (as a nod to Mr. Miyagi) if I ever wrote something about them

That is really good to know! Never saw those movies, Miyagi would make a great name for a techmarine or some other wizened teacher of Deathwatch marines. If I ever paint up another Emperor's Shadow I will make a point to watch the movies!

Only assembly photos today; I have my next two aggressors ready to be painted:


Already decided the one on the left with no helmet will be a second Space Shark. Still a toss up on the first one, I have yet to decide if I want to do a second Dark Kraken or a member of the Gorgons chapter.

Also got most of my next Captain conversion ready to go, just need to get his head in the mail.


Arms are magnetized so I can give him some options.

I was super happy when I got this box, because now I was able to cast some power fists to give my squad sergeants and some characters!



Already decided the one on the left with no helmet will be a second Space Shark. Still a toss up on the first one, I have yet to decide if I want to do a second Dark Kraken or a member of the Gorgons chapter. 

I wote for the Gorgons chapter, the more chapter representation the better. 

Edited by Gamiel

 Still a toss up on the first one, I have yet to decide if I want to do a second Dark Kraken or a member of the Gorgons chapter. 

Re. the Gorgons chapter, if you want inspiration do one appear as DW member in this fancomic: EataTau

The author has them as IH successors, with some kind of cosmetic mutation and a different philosophy to the IH

Finished converting up my next captain! Going to be part of the Black Dragons chapter.


I hope the bone spikes in his arms make it fairly obvious which direction I am going for his parent chapter...

His arms are magnetized so I can swap in all the gravis weapon options.


Looking forward to getting his new chainsword in the mail too!


Also put together my first vindicator!


I was also able to cast and slap together my own quad-las front turrent for this beastie too:


Another fantastic project - like I told Duke DM it's great to find likeminded Deathwatch hobbyists! Loving your Watch Fortress so far.

Glad to see you here! Big fan of your work, it is a great source of inspiration!

Still a toss up on the first one, I have yet to decide if I want to do a second Dark Kraken or a member of the Gorgons chapter.

Re. the Gorgons chapter, if you want inspiration do one appear as DW member in this fancomic: EataTau

The author has them as IH successors, with some kind of cosmetic mutation and a different philosophy to the IH

Wow that is pretty cool, you may have just sold me on the Gorgons after all.

Thanks for the link, it was a good resource into seeing one fan's take on an unexplored chapter.

Heh, I've been meaning to use that arm from the Saurus set you've used on the splendid Reiver LT for ages, thanks for the reminder! Turned out great!

I am glad it fit so well, its a bit larger than a normal space marine hand... but then again I just painted up a bunch of power fists too :biggrin.:

Speaking of power fists... my fortress now has more weapon options at its disposal!


Captain Memnon with his new powerfist:


I printed off some Metamarine transfers, and they look good! I think they are a bit better than the original molded one too.


New Sergeant options are ready too. Sergeant Burchard of the Marines Malevolent:


I am happy with the additions of the extra wires on the side of the fist:


Sergeant Ah'kin of the Valedictors:



Both intercessor sergeants:


Though not strictly a legal codex option, I wanted to give my Heavy Intercessor sergeant a weapon option too.


Lastly, my Chaplain:


Now I can swap between his thunder hammer or fist/crozius. The freehand on his shoulderpad turned out good too!


My plan for this mini all along was to remake my original favorite chaplain model I painted ages ago, I think the new one turned out pretty good!


Edited by Smoke Frog

Maybe you have thought about it but I just want to point out that we have at least the Astral Knights (as pressented in the Adeptus Astartes: Successor Chapters), Dark BrotherhoodImperial Paladins, and the Hospitallers, all have symbols that colour variants of the Black Templars' symbol or the cross and skull combo that some of the BT shoulder pads have. So if you get a BT uppgrade kit you have shouldpads for a number of chapters 

Maybe you have thought about it but I just want to point out that we have at least the Astral Knights (as pressented in the Adeptus Astartes: Successor Chapters), Dark BrotherhoodImperial Paladins, and the Hospitallers, all have symbols that colour variants of the Black Templars' symbol or the cross and skull combo that some of the BT shoulder pads have. So if you get a BT uppgrade kit you have shouldpads for a number of chapters 


I have considered doing a few more Templar successors in the future, right now I only have standard Black Templars and a Red Templar. My goal was to (eventually) make a five-bike outrider squad for another Fortis kill team made up of onlyTemplar "successors."


The Hospitallers were the only one of these chapters I had heard of before, I was considering making my future Judiciar from this chapter. I have a red heraldic cross known as a "cross bottony" on one of my transfer sheets I was going to use, it looks like this except red:




It doesn't look exactly like the space-marine Hospitallers, but I figure it would match them better than the heraldry for the White Templars chapter who are all white-and-black. 


I have considered getting the Templar bits pack, but I don't know how well I would be able to make use of the rest of the bits though. Maybe use those primaris scout shotgun arms for some veteran conversions? I don't know how well the scale lines up though...


Maybe you have thought about it but I just want to point out that we have at least the Astral Knights (as pressented in the Adeptus Astartes: Successor Chapters), Dark BrotherhoodImperial Paladins, and the Hospitallers, all have symbols that colour variants of the Black Templars' symbol or the cross and skull combo that some of the BT shoulder pads have. So if you get a BT uppgrade kit you have shouldpads for a number of chapters 


I have considered doing a few more Templar successors in the future, right now I only have standard Black Templars and a Red Templar. My goal was to (eventually) make a five-bike outrider squad for another Fortis kill team made up of onlyTemplar "successors."

Cool idea. Since we don't know the origin for any of those Chapters (beside the Astral Knights and Hospitallers being of IF gene-seed) can you have any of them being BT successors.


The Hospitallers were the only one of these chapters I had heard of before, I was considering making my future Judiciar from this chapter. I have a red heraldic cross known as a "cross bottony" on one of my transfer sheets I was going to use, it looks like this except red:




It doesn't look exactly like the space-marine Hospitallers, but I figure it would match them better than the heraldry for the White Templars chapter who are all white-and-black. 

That actually sound like the symbol for the Fire Angels  


I have considered getting the Templar bits pack, but I don't know how well I would be able to make use of the rest of the bits though. Maybe use those primaris scout shotgun arms for some veteran conversions? I don't know how well the scale lines up though...

I would say that most of those bits could be useful for any Chapter that's supposed to be knightly or religious

Edited by Gamiel

The Hospitallers were the only one of these chapters I had heard of before, I was considering making my future Judiciar from this chapter. I have a red heraldic cross known as a "cross bottony" on one of my transfer sheets I was going to use, it looks like this except red:


It doesn't look exactly like the space-marine Hospitallers, but I figure it would match them better than the heraldry for the White Templars chapter who are all white-and-black.

That actually sound like the symbol for the Fire Angels

That's a great find! I never noticed this chapter before, they have been around for some time.


Turns out they have a history of worshipping the Emperor as a god and working close in hand with the Minisortium and the Sororitas on occasion to purge heretics.

Also happy their Techmarines are painted orange, they may be sworn to Holy Ryza instead of Mars along the same vein as my Watch Fortress!


Finished my Reiver LT: Lieutenant Tepochli of the Blood Jaguars:


The Blood Jaguars Chapter sees little honor in any form of combat other than man-to-man, eye-to-eye. The chapter eschews many other aspects of war, and always seeks to deliver the killing blow in person, at the very speartip of battle. Blood Jaguars have a preponderance of close combat weaponry habitually carried by its rank-and-file, from ubiquitous combat blades, to chainblades, flay-cutters or mono-serrated bayonets, or the ornate macuahuitl weapons that harken back to an ancient age. Many indulge in grisly rituals to prove their measure upon the battlefield such as taking the heads of their enemies, or ripping out the foe’s still-beating heart before his very eyes.

–testimony of remembrancer Algrim the Whitefang concerning the practices of the Blood Jaguars Chapter


Marine Name: Lieutenant Tepochli

Duty Position: Lieutenant of Watch Company Quartus (4th Company), Watch Fortress Sentinel IX, equipped with bolt pistol, combat blades, and combat claw of unknown xenos origin

Chapter Name: Blood Jaguars

Successor of: Blood Angels (by way of the Flesh Tearers, ~M34)

Homeworld: jungle hive world of Tenocit


Chapter heraldry is a transfer I printed myself. Since none of the colors would show up on a black surface, I originally painted the center of the shoulderpad white prior to placing the transfer. Then I filled in the edges around the stylized jaguar head with more black paint.

I did my best to add more yellow geometric designs to his armor, with mixed success!


Since I never planned to make more than a five- or six-marine reiver squad (and didn’t want to pay an extra $35 bucks for a character) I decided to make my primaris reiver LT from my leftover bodies and parts, with a healthy addition of Lizardmen bits leftover from an oldblood and carnosaur I painted a few years ago.

Between the claw, the feathers, and the overall pose of the model I really like the feeling of movement and charging this model has, much like the actual reiver lieutenant model.


The lore for this chapter I originally found on the Blood Jaguars fan wiki, which in turn is from 1d4chan's article. They are an Aztec-themed Flesh Tearers successor, originally made for the Deathwatch, so it was fitting I included one in the ranks of my watch fortress.


The name Tepochli is a shortened version of a tlaximatepoztli, or just the tepoztli, a weapon (looked like a bronze axe) used in war by the Aztecs and the got Tepoztecatl.


Very happy with how this guy turned out, and glad I was able to make him from the bits I had in the reiver box and leftovers from past projects!


Another possible kitbash suggestion: Cities of Sigmar's Dark Riders' shield have all a symbol that is simlar to the symbol of the Black ConsulsWhite ConsulsRaptorsNecropolis HawksMentorsSolar HawksEmperor's StormIron Hawks, and Liberators - maybe that's a way to make one of them stand out?

Another possible kitbash suggestion: Cities of Sigmar's Dark Riders' shield have all a symbol that is simlar to the symbol of the Black Consuls, White Consuls, Raptors, Necropolis Hawks, Mentors, Solar Hawks, Emperor's Storm, Iron Hawks, and Liberators - maybe that's a way to make one of them stand out?

That is a good idea, never noticed those bits before. The name of the unit at first confused me as I forgot the Dark Elves are now rolled into the generic Sigmar AOS faction now.

I did like the banner bit, that would make a nice banner for a lance on an outrider/biker marine.

And I like the color scheme for the Liberators, may do a marine of them at some point. He would be easy to replicate with the transfers I have on hand.


Final two Aggressors are complete!


First is Brother Yorgos of the Gorgons chapter:


“Our mother Legion shares the Machine Creed, or part of it. Our brothers believe our Father died because of his emotions and weakness of his flesh. But they are WRONG. Yes, the flesh may be weak, but we are born meat and bone. Substituting them is not strength, just fleeing the problem, and we NEVER flee. Machines are mere tools to be used, but they grew dependent on them. Dependence is weakness, and we are NOT weak!

– Brother Orphus of the Gorgons chapter, as recorded by Remembrancer Darius Eta Tau


Marine Name: Brother Yorgos

Duty Position: Aggressor armed with dual boltstorm gauntlets and fragstorm grenade launchers

Chapter Name: Gorgons (7th Company)

Successor of: Unknown according to Imperial records, believed to be successors of the Iron Hands

Homeworld: Unknown


It was a big toss up between me painting up another Dark Kraken or a member of the Gorgons, but the link provided by Gamiel tipped the balance firmly in favor for trying out the Gorgons chapter. Really interesting to see the chapter depicted as a character in the comic! I love the potential for discovering more about this chapter in the future, hope the comic continues (even though Brother Orphus is a side character).


Brother Yorgos is meanwhile an aggressor assigned to Watch Fortress Sentinel IX. I decided I wanted to change up his shoulderpad trim to purple instead of red, partially as a nod to my original intent to make him a Kraken, but also to differentiate him a bit from the Space Shark I was painting right next to him.


Even though the 7th company would normally not be a space marine battle company, I figure if the Gorgons are in fact Iron Hands successors there is a chance they maintained the “clan” structure within their chapter, and maintained ten self-sufficient battle-clan companies.



Last aggressor up is Brother Oraka of the Space Sharks:


We iz gonna need a bigg’r space hulk!

– Ork first-mate to his captain after initial boarding of the Carcharodons results in over 50% ork casualties within minutes of first contact


Marine Name: Brother Oraka

Duty Position: Aggressor armed with dual boltstorm gauntlets and fragstorm grenade launchers

Chapter Name: Space Sharks (high gothic Carcharodons Astra)

Successor of: Unknown, possibly Raven Guard or the traitorous Night Lords/World Eaters

Homeworld: Fleet-based, known to patrol the void beneath the galactic plane

Chapter heraldry:


Deathwatch heraldry:


A second Space Shark for the watch fortress, as I really do like this chapter. I had fun trying my hand at painting up more tattoos and markings on his armor and face. Also used a few savage orc bits to bling out his appearance.


The chapter symbol was based off of this picture by Dan Morrison. Would have loved to give him a helmet like that, but I had fun painting his tattoos instead.


The force is looking great mate and you making some serious headway.

had to take a break over the holidays myself with work.


looking forward to seeing the vindicator done, if you decide to go nuts on scrolls like me be careful they all flow the same direction on tanks or they look weird.

  • 2 weeks later...

Here is the full Indomitor Kill Team!



  • Top Row: Blood Angels, Black Templars, Sons of Medusa, Koi Chapter, and the Yellowjackets Chapter
  • Bottom Row: Aurora Talons, Dark Angels Deathwing, Carmine Blades, Gorgons Chapter, and the Space Sharks


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