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Tankus Wokus

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Tankus Wokus last won the day on June 25 2018

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About Tankus Wokus

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  • Location
    Margate, Thanet, Kent, England
  • Faction
    Crimson Guard

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  • Armies played
    Crimson Guard (Imperial Fist Successor) Space Marines, Death Guard, Tyranids (Hive Fleet Hydra)

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  1. @Reskin I use scotch tape as it doesn't pull the spray paint off the model They are Crimson Guard, same colours but halved instead of quartered
  2. I, Tankus Wokus, heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint 1 Knight Valiant for 10pts for the Glory of the Adeptus Astartes and the Imperium Stronghold on or before September 30th, or bear the badge of failure until year's end
  3. I take two Venerable Dreadnoughts with Las, one has a Missile Launcher and one has a Combat Weapon. I play Fists and they do quite a bit of work for me.
  4. Here are mine Mortarion House Cadmus Knight Warden
  5. @Lemondish I played a local tournament at the weekend, I took Bolster Barricades and it actually scored me pretty, the missions we used had most objectives outside of deployment zones so scoring 4 a time.
  6. Ah nice thanks.
  7. Hi all, What are everybody's go to secondaries for Nephilim? I'm not sure Bolster Defences is worth it. Thanks
  8. @Dr_Ruminahui that's the head he comes with. He's part of the praetor double pack from Forge World
  9. I suppose I should post some of mine
  10. Primaris Chaplain Primaris Agressors Squad 1 Venerable Dreadnought Fire Raptor Gunship Terminator Chaplain 1st Company Tartaros Terminators 4th Company Contemptor Dreadnought Mortis Pattern Thanks
  11. Hi all, Firstly let me apologise for this "Threadomancy" but I have actually had a chance to work on some new units for this army So here they are 1st Company Terminator Squad 1st Company Captain Terminator Librarian Lieutenant Calsius
  12. Those Dreadnoughts are FANTASTIC. Awesome work!!
  13. Hi all, I have a local 1500 point tournament coming up and I am looking at the following list 1500 Point Imperial Fists HQ Captain in Gravis Armour, Bolt Storm Gauntlet, Master Crafted Power Sword Warlord: Indomitable -1CP Relic: The Eye of Hypnoth – 1CP 115 Primaris Librarian, Bolt Pistol, Force Sword Psychic: Tectonic Purge, Fortify 95 Troops 5x Intercessors, Auto Bolt Rifles 100 5x Intercessors, Auto Bolt Rifles 100 5x Intercessors, Auto Bolt Rifles, Power Sword 105 5x Infiltrators, Marksman Bolt Carbines 120 Elites 3x Aggressors, Auto Bolt Storm Gauntlets, Frag Storm Grenade Launchers 135 Venerable Dreadnought, Twin Lascannons, Missile Launcher 155 Fast Attack 3x Inceptors, Assault Bolters 120 Heavy Support 3x Eliminators, Las Fusils 75 Predator Annihilator, 2x Lascannons 155 Sicaran Battle Tank, 2x Heavy Bolters -1CP 220 Total 1495 I have a unit of 3 Eradicators (require painting) and a unit of 3 Centurions (Heavy Bolters) available and I'm toying with the idea of replacing the tanks with them. Any feedback you can give would be appreciated
  14. I chose Crimson Guard as I struggled to paint red and yellow at the time so I used them to make myself paint better. This was of course before they retconned their origin.
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