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About appiah4

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  1. You can never have enough boltguns..
  2. Thank you. I have no plans to paint any vehicles - I honestly don't like the aesthetic of any Primaris vehicles. My pile of shame includes about two dozen more infantry, at this time.
  3. This Primaris Intercessor Squad has now been finished after retouches and basing:
  4. The Intercessor Squad is now retouched and based.
  5. Still here but no longer have any interest in 40K aside from occasionally painting my unsold pile of shame..
  6. Thanks, the positive feedback prompted me to take the risk and use this basing on the rest of my Fists.. I'll post more finished figures soon.
  7. A year and a half after actually painting this model, I got around to do the basing. I tried a rocks and snow basing scheme, do you think it works?
  8. I'm returning to this project after about a year and a half of Infinity painting. I'll go for some rocks & snow basing on these, and this is how the test figure turned out. I'm planning to base the intercessors sometime during the week. I also started working on a second batch of 5 Intercessors..
  9. This is how 'EM paints all faces these days and they all look ugly.
  10. DC detachment has been a thing since the rules for a DC army were published in White Dwarf in the 3E days.
  11. He is a pretty good model, unlike Astorath IMO. These details are pretty cool.. And no, he is NOT doing the Wolverine pose (and why I can clearly see the outline of Wolverine's gentialia in the photo above is beyond me..) but he actually probably just landed on the staircase, judging by how the ground has cratered where his feet are planted.. Well thought out figure, I like it quite a lot. It's better than the 5E one, which I really never liked much - that one always felt like they made a BA chaplain and remembered there was a named character in the 3E codex so just went with it (completely rewriting and :cuss:ting on the character's lore and in the process, but that is par for the course for GW..)
  12. I don't think that is how the Death Company works..
  13. For what it's worth it has the same waist guards, the same ankles, the same knee guards, the same closed abdomen, the same neckline etc. as Mk X. You could try arguing it's Mk VII but it's not, it does not have the abdomen cabling, that section is closed exactly like MkX. You could argue it's Mk VIII armor, but it's not, it doesn't have the collar, it has the Mk X neckline.
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