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About AndrewChristlieb

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  • Location
    Tennessee, USA
  • Faction
    Black Templar

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  1. Okay the skillet... sure, you can crack some heads with that so okay. Anyone with a mom probably knows what can be done with a spatula or wooden spoon even. The wisk though... oh man... “I’m going to scramble your face” :D
  2. Those bits are from a Stormcast model. Looks kinda like the Lord Veritant's sword.
  3. I just did a bit of a repose on my metal EC. Nothing more then moving the sword around a bit.
  4. @Trokair The base color you have down there looks really good. I had to reread what you said, because it looks like they're still unpainted factory metal! (A complement for Necrons I'm sure ;))
  5. Nice work, y'all gotta stop making Primaris look good :D I don't mind the DA crozius much, but it would look a lot more fitting if he had a big honking cross on it like Grims or similar. Maybe a bit of greenstuff to form one around the angel? :/ I do really like the use of BT bits around the model as that sets it apart from the basic primary school marines and the head looks spot on, I've used chaos bits myself so you won't hear me complain ;) I'll second that a tabard or at least half tabard like the EC would really help sell it for me.
  6. I hadn't thought of doung a flat base before, I'll have to try that out. I suppose you could even use a bit of stiff card as the base and sculpt the folds over that.
  7. @Kordhal the tubing looks really good there and the heads are an appealing change from the stock mk4 look alikes they come with.
  8. I would keep playing around with the green stuff. Even if it's just for table top models it's a useful skill to have. I've got a whole slew of terribly sculpted tabards (and well a lot of stuff) ;) Still though I feel like I'm improving a little bit. My most recent tabard was for the Dawn challenge: It's still not the greatest (and the top half is a modified biker sergeant from the DV box set), but it's still a huge improvement over my earliest attempts... :D
  9. Squad number on one knee is what they show in the book, but really whatever you want (if anything, I like to mix and match).
  10. The Contemptor would probably be a good match for the detail level. Actually given the size of that marine and how plain it is I would think it's going to be pretty interesting to see how any detailing is done.
  11. That's awesome! Thanks for sharing, now... do I actually own a light bulb that isn't led? Might have to head to the store to try this one.
  12. That's just awesome. Really good work on the chest there. I'm awed, especially as I'm filling in some gaps from reposing right now and kicking myself on how poorly it's coming ;) Edit:
  13. Well I have plenty to choose from for a 5 man squad ;). I'm going to dig through these poor misbegotten souls and pick out a couple. I'll post another update once I get the winners broken down and reposed.
  14. I, Andrew Christlieb accept the challenge set to me by Trokair, and step into the Arena, where we shall build, paint and base a [general category unit]. I shall bring forth an Infantry unit in need of refurbishment before the deadline of August 31st, 2017. If they complete their challenge, eternal glory will be theirs. If they fail, they shall wear the badge of shame until the end of 018M02. When I get home from work if it's not too late I'll dig through my pile of eBay rescues and see what I can work up for this, pics in the next update.
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