Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch
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About Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch

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bloodhound23 reacted to a post in a topic: * Retiring *
Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch reacted to a post in a topic: =][= COMMUNITY RULES AMENDMENT =][=
skylerboodie reacted to a post in a topic: The recent purchases/hauls/"Oh god I spent more money on toy soldiers" thread
Guardsman Bob reacted to a post in a topic: Necron Unit of the Week Series: Canoptek Wraiths
Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch reacted to a post in a topic: Liberalia Martiale 2024 - THE IRON GAUNTLET
Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch reacted to a post in a topic: Liberalia Martiale 2024 - THE IRON GAUNTLET
Codex Grey reacted to a post in a topic: * Retiring *
Lysimachus reacted to a post in a topic: Liberalia Martiale 2024 - THE IRON GAUNTLET
sitnam reacted to a post in a topic: * Retiring *
Trokair reacted to a post in a topic: The 7th Rhûnish Dragoons - Iron Gauntlet 2024
Brother Argent reacted to a post in a topic: Liberalia Martiale 2024 - THE IRON GAUNTLET
Brother Argent reacted to a post in a topic: * Retiring *
Hey all, Due to a variety of factors, including having my hobby focus drift else-net, IRL getting more demanding, and a number of irreconcilable differences between myself and a number of the other staff, I will be resigning my post as moderator, effective this date May Seventeen, 2024. It's been an honor and a privilege to serve the Liber as a moderator. You all have been the best part of the board for me, and I wish you all the best. Walk in the God-Emperor's Light, Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch
Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch reacted to a post in a topic: Liberalia Martiale 2024 - THE IRON GAUNTLET
Liberalia Martiale 2024 - THE IRON GAUNTLET
Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch replied to Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch's topic in + THE LIBER +
Hey all, I've gone through and added everyone's links to the main post. Sorry I've been AWOL. Life happened, which was part of it, but another part was, in fact, largely that over time I've found myself drifting away from the board, and also being driven away due to irreconcilable differences with other members of the team. As a result, I'll be stepping down as a Moderator shortly. I'm proud of all of you who have picked up the Gauntlet--I can say from experience that it's no easy task. I am entrusting you all into Lysimachus's capable and experienced hands--I expect great things! It's been my privilege to serve as a Liber Moderator. May your ink flow ever-ceaselessly from your quills, and for the God-Emperor's sake, don't go poking around the Liber kitchen! :P- 106 replies
- Liberalia Martiale
- Liberalia Martiale 2024
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Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch reacted to a post in a topic: Iron Gauntlet 2024: Index Quistoris Knight House Garaipeña
Iron Gauntlet 2024: The Sulphurborn
Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch replied to Lord Abaia's topic in + HERETIC ASTARTES +
Filthy Heretics! This is what happens when you reject the God-Emperor's divine designs! cough Anyway with the requisite cousinly posturing out of the way--I love this concept. The unwitting sacrifice. The tragedy of their determination to not let their geneseed be corrupted, and having that determination turned against them. I'm curious how their first legion heritage impacts their relationship with their new chaotic selves--obviously the rank and file wouldn't know about the Fallen, especially the Cacogens, but the Inner Circle, or what remained of it--how has this affected them? Now that they've become the very Fallen they vowed to hunt? Great DIY, definitely excited for you to develop it more.- 18 replies
- Custom Warband
- Renegades
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Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch reacted to a post in a topic: Iron Gauntlet 2024: The Sulphurborn
Index Astartes: Fists of Light (Iron Gauntlet 2024)
Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch replied to Rusted Boltgun's topic in + THE LIBER +
The entwined dichotomy between the Astartes and the Sororitas vis a vis recruiting is an interesting one indeed--presumably the world has a Scholam, which the Sisters get fresh blood from, what's to say that eventually the FoL couldn't recruit from amongst the boys of the schola? It would be an interesting read indeed to look inside the canoness's reasons for initially denying recruitment rights to the chapter, and how she's brought about, especially since one of her Sisters had a vision of the crusade arriving. Is it possible that Susannah and the Canoness don't get along? Some disciplinary problem, perhaps, or an interpersonal conflict, that would make her suspicious of the FoL? A "we thank you for your aid, now get lost, this is our jurisdiction" type thing? That's definitely excellent fodder with the scouts to work on figuring out how the whole thing goes down. -
Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch reacted to a post in a topic: Index Astartes: Fists of Light (Iron Gauntlet 2024)
The 7th Rhûnish Dragoons - Iron Gauntlet 2024
Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch replied to Trokair's topic in + THE LIBER +
Interesting concept! Especially the recycled designators that have the Munitiorum all in shambles at the confusion. The way that the armies were supplied and supported, but not commanded by any of the cities, is a REALLY intriguing idea. Humanity: we're so dependent on sharing that we'll enforce it at gunpoint or lack thereof. The Jade Lake identifier is interesting, but doesn't inform much of why the 7th Dragoons are the way that they are--how do their tribal tendencies show up? What makes them unique compared to, say, the 6th Dragoons, who presumably are from a different tribe? Would be a neat place to explore/expand further if you have the time/chance, or maybe to elaborate on in the 4th or 5th challenges. -
Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch reacted to a post in a topic: The 7th Rhûnish Dragoons - Iron Gauntlet 2024
Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch reacted to a post in a topic: Index Astartes: Fists of Light (Iron Gauntlet 2024)
Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch reacted to a post in a topic: Necron Artwork I made
Punting this one over to the Tombs @Grotsmasha, both Ophydian and Skorkeph destroyers can have plasmacytes. And in light of that, @Deus_Ex_Machina, given that Ophydian Destroyers were based off of the original metal Wraith sculpts, you could probably have it follow any old metal wraiths around, though I can't think of a good mechanical reason to do so offhand, as I don't have my 3rd ed dex with me. Alternatively, given the Plasmacyte's size, you could either fold it into a squad of Flayed Ones as an extra model, or given how big the original metal Scarabs were, could also maybe use it for that. Alternatively, you could just have it follow your Lord around to represent, say, Mindshackle Scarabs or another wargear option.
That enhancement is actually pretty interesting... I didn't figure that you could get double value out of it by eliminating a bodyguard and then the character itself! Triply useful if you manage to get a bodyguard, character, and lieutenant all out of it. I can see it being fairly powerful in small games where a single brick of a unit hits a lot harder, so advancing, say, a unit of Assault Intercessors with a captain and an apothecary in the unit (for instance, or other close assault unit), if you have the enhancement on a shooting squad, especially with a plasmancer for extra crits, you could remove his entire CP count over the course of a couple of turns. An Obeisance Phalanx might actually be the detachment for me to run all of my triarch stalkers at once, plus my poor unit of 5 Praetorians. (I really do need to repaint them at some point.) Would it be effective? Oh C'tans, no. Would it be funny as all get-out? Yeah, probably. Definitely not a competitive list, but something fun to do - Especially as they all have a 4+ invuln! (Not the most flavorful Quantum Shielding, per se, but definitely one of the most reliable versions, IMO). I do wish GW would fix the Szarekh and Imotekh issue. Obviously Imotekh is worth it just for being a CP battery each turn, but losing that overlord keyword hurts. Thanks for the writeup!
I forget where on the net this was, but someone said that the modern necron range was designed by someone who knew they'd never have to build it themself. I presume by 'scorpions', you're talking about the Skorpekh Destroyers? Because yeah, agreed, they're a pain to put together. Szarekh is worse, though, IMO.
Brother, unfortunately your image is flat-out broken. However, I can easily imagine what you mean, and though I haven't done it myself, others on the internet (a 15 second google search reveals a reddit thread on this exact topic) have, and seem to do the same thing-- just cut the neck to fit and add a little extra plastic glue to melt the plastic together properly.
Any time I come across a lore inconsistency, whether or not I actually like or agree with it (and in this case I do, to be clear), I just mutter to myself ‘everything is canon, not everything is true’— works pretty well for me. You raise an excellent point about real-world record keeping, Trysanna, and how that would mushroom into something truly unmanageable over an empire of millions of worlds and uncountable trillions of humans.
Necron Unit of the Week Series: Immortals
Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch replied to NTaW's topic in + NECRONS +
A squad of each is definitely the way to go. Neither is bad this edition, and having flat reroll 1's to wound is a GODSEND for both gauss and tesla, but especially tesla. And they synergize amazingly well with the Canoptek court-- crit hits on 5's, rull rerolls to hit in your power matrix, and full rerolls to wound if the enemy is on an objective... it's a wonderful feeling. Gauss is definitely better at sitting back and plinking, IMO, since they don't get assault, and can target somewhat heavier units as they push. But I can also say that a full squad of tesla immortals in the middle of the board can essentially threaten anything they want to with a wall of lightning. Toss some cryptothralls in and they get even tankier. -
Photodump incoming! So! Finished!* *in that I would put all these models on the board. I set myself a gargantuan task with the color scheme I chose for the monolith and while i do use both shades of red in this vow in my army I meant to do the brighter on the panels (I basically did no work last calendar week thanks to the siren call of Stargate), and i still have some technical paints and basing to do on the Lychguard. And two wrist breakages to fix. Very happy with how these turned out! Cheers for a great event, Argent! Sorry your hobby supplies got pillaged. (Now, I may get the red panels done later if i find the time and masking skill with my airbrush. We shall see. And i want to put some transfers on there too. )
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Liberalia Martiale 2024 - THE IRON GAUNTLET
Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch replied to Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch's topic in + THE LIBER +
Grot, PM me, and we'll discuss this more. The answer is 'it depends' depending on what you're asking. In the last Iron Gauntlet, working on painting once a participant had completed the First Challenge was allowed, and it will be here also. But please DO have your article and some constructive commentary in other Liberites' threads before you begin painting! Having looked over a a LI batrep, and a rules review for LI detachment building, I think this is a reasonable suggestion, and what I'll go with. Thanks much, apologist! Perils, Trokair, I think the marker I will set is ETL standard-- that is to say, an eligible model may be no more than primed, or basecoated with a single color. Perils, your Hellblasters will be fine, the Intercessors are not eligible but I definitely recommend putting a photo of them in your LA , and we'll talk more about the Vanguard Primaris subject--much like Grot, it'll depend on precisely what you mean by 'different chapter but same Crusade force'. Trokair, similarly, your assembled and unpainted stuff is fine, and I again encourage you to include pics of some of your painted models in your LI to help us visualize your Guard! Glad to see both new and returning faces to the Liber and the Iron Gauntlet! Best of luck to all of you!- 106 replies
- Liberalia Martiale
- Liberalia Martiale 2024
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Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch started following Liberalia Martiale 2024 - THE IRON GAUNTLET
Hail, Frater! Today, on the Liberalia Martiale, The IRON GAUNTLET has returned once more! Those of you who have been around the board for several years perhaps remember the last Iron Gauntlet, last run in 2020, and then before in 2017. Those of you who have joined after 2020 may not know the name--but I assure you, you will in time! The Iron Gauntlet is the Liber's Premiere DIY event--a year-long challenge, composed of five smaller challenges, each with three tiers designed to challenge fraters' creativity to the utmost. I invite all of you to visit the Liber, and consider its rigors, and perhaps take up the challenges, to prove yourselves worthy of the Iron Gauntlet! Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got to go searching through the Deepest Darkest Depths of the Liber, and see where the accursed relic has got off to this time. Perhaps the kitchens, I don't think they've been searched (or cleaned) for years....
- Iron Gauntlet
- Iron Gauntlet 2024
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