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About this blog

Welcome to my blog! In this space I'll be collecting my various painting projects, battle reports and general musings on the hobby as we know it.


B&C Long Fangs may already know of my Blood Angels, Tyranids, Xenos and Heresy painting logs, and this will not replace them, however this will collect the products of all of these, and be the home to my battle reports!


Army Specific Discussions

The Blood Angels 4th Company and Red Scar Crusade
Hive Fleet Jabberwocky

Xenith's Xenos

Advanced Infiltration: Alpha Legion




Entries in this blog

Call to Arms 2023 Progress

Thought I'd make a quick post to share my Call to Arms progress after 23 days. Everything but the webway gate is undercoated, and the current colours things are are in the list below:   1x Neurotyrant (5pts) 2x neurospore things (2pts) 11x Neurogaunts (11pts) 5x Barbgaunts (5pts) 3x VRL's (3pts) 1x Screamer Killer (5pts?) 1x Winged Tyranid Prime (5pts) 1x Psychophage (5pts) 5x Wraithguard (5pts) 1x Spiritseer (5pts) 1x Webway gate (6pts


Xenith in Forum Challenges

A Call to Arms!

So the Call to Arms has begun! This is the Brainchild of @Grotsmashaand @Triszin, and is the first forumwide painting challenge in what feels like ages, so naturally I'm getting involved.    With the advent of the Leviathan box, Hive Fleet Jabberwocky hungers, and I have to vow for the Fleets, and accordingly updated my 2023 painting goals list...         Check out the Xenos Stronghold below, and vow to paint some models, win glory and prizes!   


Xenith in Forum Challenges

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