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About this blog

Welcome to my blog! In this space I'll be collecting my various painting projects, battle reports and general musings on the hobby as we know it.


B&C Long Fangs may already know of my Blood Angels, Tyranids, Xenos and Heresy painting logs, and this will not replace them, however this will collect the products of all of these, and be the home to my battle reports!


Army Specific Discussions

The Blood Angels 4th Company and Red Scar Crusade
Hive Fleet Jabberwocky

Xenith's Xenos

Advanced Infiltration: Alpha Legion




Entries in this blog

The Tyranids of 10th Edition: Leviathan

I thought I'd share a few of the photos I took of the models from the new 10th edition 40k boxed set, these are amazingly painted, and I look forward to getting my hands on them:   Neurogaunts   Neurotyrant   head detail on the Neurotyrant   Screamer Killer - look at the paint work on the dome!    Psychowhatsit   The Von Ryan's Leaper - lovely models, the GW photos don't do them justice, and a nice homage to the

Warhammer Fest Horus Heresy Event - Terrain Discussion

Not gonna lie, my heart fell when I got to WHFest and I seen the tables that the HH event would be played on. There were some ok tables, but others had a clear lack of terrain, and large, wide pen fire lanes. Playing a FA heavy Alpha Legion Leviathal, I braced myself for the worst and to get shot off the table by pretty much everything!    Thankfully (luckily?) the armies I played against were Emperor's Children and Custodes, which had less shooting than me so I blatted them off the bo
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