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About this blog

Yes, the name is boring (I'm bad at naming things:sweat:). 


This is my attempt to keep myself on task with the hobby and showcase projects without having to create a new WIP thread for each one. 


For those of you familiar with my projects in the barracks and forge I intend to keep both of those updated as I post here as well. 


My intention is that by having everything all in one place I can help combat the absolutely glacial pace of my updates to the B&C. 


Armies to expect: 

  • Imperial Guard
  • Imperial Militia
  • Inquisition
  • Space Marines (40K)
  • Iron Hands (30K)
  • Alpha Legion (30K)
  • Necrons (maybe)
  • Whatever other madness or project I dream up between writing this and when you see it on the blog 


So without further ado..... 

Entries in this blog

Krieg Commissars

I managed to pick up the Krieg Commissar kit from GW (I wanted to get it before new plastics come along). These are probably the cleanest FW sculpts I've ever gotten:      I'm thinking I'll put the tank commander in a Demolisher with a dozer blade, melta sponsons, a lascannon, and a heavy stubber (for good measure) as a linebreaker to hold the advancing infantry together. 


Harrowmaster in 53rd Army Group

Autocannon Completion

I have finished off the fire support squad for the 479th:      With these guys done I have the following complete (bar basing):  1 Fire Support Heavy Weapons Squad 1 Infantry Squad  1 Leman Russ Battle Tank    I have 10 combat engineers/hardened veterans and 4 officers (including a quartermaster) all from anvil which are in the process of being painted.    Still to be primed are:  1 Command HQ (FW)  1 Platoon HQ and Master of Ordna

Krieg Autocannons

A bit more progress on the Krieg, I have managed to get some paint onto this autocannon squad from Anvil:      These are a really nice kit, sharp details but not too busy (which helps for guard infantry) and the customisation options from Anvil are really great. 

53rd Army Group

I have bits of background for my Imperial Guard project scattered throughout my WIP thread in the barracks so I figured I should put it all in one place; so here goes:    Army group numerical designation: 53 Officer Commanding: Lord General Matthias Fischer Commissariat supervision: Lord Commissars Bane and Helgen. Operational Strength: Less than 1%   Composite Units: Cadian 1st Infantry Regiment "The Sentinels" Cadian 223rd Artillery Regiment

Senior Officer

I have completed building the mini for Lord General Matthias Fischer, the commander of the 53rd Army Group:   Parts wise he is mostly the standard Castellan with the sheathed power sword from the Cadian Command Squad and the addition of a patrician cloak from Anvil Industry's regiments range. I just need to decide on a paint scheme and build a command squad to accompany him (possibly based on the rogue trader voidsmen). 

Clean Up

A very brief update (The Old World has been taking most of my attention).    I got some psykers and servitors stripped of their old paintjobs and ready for cleaning.      The psykers will be used as primaris psykers or astropaths as needed, I've not got enough to field the psyker battle squad.    The gun servitors will be added to inquisitorial retinues while the tech servitors will accompany the enginseer. 


Harrowmaster in 53rd Army Group

Krieg Command Squad

I have kitbashed a command squad for my Krieg out of the plastic box.    The standard bearer:   Medic:   Meltagunner:    And a Master of Ordnance:   Not pictured is the officer, who is a resin mini from Anvil. I'll try grab one of him later. 


Harrowmaster in 53rd Army Group

Salamander Progress

I have made some more progress on the Salamander Command vehicle:      The top heavy bolter is from the old heavy weapons squad while the hull heavy flamer is from the chimera chassis vehicles.    The plasticard in the back is a platform so that the crew can access the heavy bolter. 


Harrowmaster in 53rd Army Group

Salamander command vehicle

Using the left over chimera chassis from the basilisk kit I have started a Command Salamander for the Cadian 223rd Artillery. It's early days but coming along well. The Sloped armour pieces are the top plates from the Leman Russ sponsons while the long pieces with the dip are the spare plates that come in every chimera chassis vehicle kit that sit on the back of the platform.    


Harrowmaster in 53rd Army Group

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