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Painting the Rest of Leviathan...



Well, it's been a while since I blogged last...too long in fact. I was only supposed to have a short break while I finished my Bladeguard and Assault Intercessors (and Bladeguard Ancient, and Captain...). They didn't end up being done till late November time as other things piled up.


Here's how they turned out:





This led to me finally starting the Marine half of the Leviathan box (I think I said before I wanted it done before New Year...That didn't happen).


I started with my favourite Marine sculpts, the Terminators. While I may of saved the best till last with the tyranids, I wasn't following that trend with these. So seven models hit the table (Captain, Librarian, Terminator Squad):


and at some point I added the old Terminator Marneus Calgar finecast (I didn't know this when I bought it) model to this.


They got a coat of blue, and silver aaannnddd that was it for a month or so.


Flash forward to January (same time I revived my thread in the wip area) when I picked up the paintbrush again.




I tried something new for these which I had only done in trial cases before, and that was building up to white (and going further for the chest aquillas, up to gold). I worked through dark grey to light grey to white. With the helmets, I worked in as layers, leaving grey showing as shadows. It was a time consuming process but I liked the results.


The capes on the captain and Calgar I'm particularly proud of, more so than my primaris calgar.



I was grateful that the captain's base gave me an opportunity to do another tyranid...even if it was a dead one.


I also attempted my first free handing here, and clearly I need more practice.


The rest of the models turned out quite well, I also held back a little on the blue highlights, not sure if it was effective or not.


It was about this time I realised that Calgar's little shield wing was glued on by the previous owner the wrong way. 



I didn't push myself on the Librarian as I should of but the GW standard paint scheme didn't appeal to me.



The Terminator Squad though, I'm quite happy with these guys, in fact I'm itching to get the multipart set now, just to have their various weapon options.


So, there was 25 models for the space marines in Leviathan, and I've done 7 models here. By my quick and dirty calculations, I've almost done a third. 


This brings us to the next batch for this mini project:


Orto Cassius aside, it's another 7 models (one being the big boi of the Ballistus Dreadnought). Completing these will take me over the half way point. Let's see if I can get them done in under three months this time! People who follow my other thread will have an idea of where I am with these guys...


Till next time,


Keep hobbying!




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