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A log for projects that don't really fit my current WIP logs or a projects that I'm working on for pals

Entries in this blog

Start of Sagittarum

I'm currently working on this squad of Sagittarum as a Christmas Gift to my pal. We're currently getting into Underworlds as a gaming group as a chilled and quick board game. Currently I'm the only one with any teams so I've managed to snag them all a team that fits into an army they already collect. As such I thought this Stormcast team would work well as a crossover unit for his Custodes, the Crossbows keep the Knightly-esoteric vibes his army has so far. The missus and I have also just adopte


TrawlingCleaner in Custards

The Start of a pal's Custodes

A good friend of mine wanted to create a Custodes project that looked more Knightly than they currently do. Their armour usually is all rounded and basically bigger marines, so Stormcast were perfect for the idea he was going for. He slung me a couple of models to try a test scheme on so he can get to work on building the rest with the brief being: Silver, blue and battered armour. I reckon I can do that! WIPS so far:  


TrawlingCleaner in Custards

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