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Start of Sagittarum

I'm currently working on this squad of Sagittarum as a Christmas Gift to my pal. We're currently getting into Underworlds as a gaming group as a chilled and quick board game. Currently I'm the only one with any teams so I've managed to snag them all a team that fits into an army they already collect. As such I thought this Stormcast team would work well as a crossover unit for his Custodes, the Crossbows keep the Knightly-esoteric vibes his army has so far. The missus and I have also just adopted a dog so I'm mostly working on projects I can do at the kitchen table without a daylight lamp I usually have at my desk.


They're currently very rough but the beginning stages usually are:









I've found that GW's coloured plastic tends to not take Leadbelcher very well, it's quite irratating!


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