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About this blog

The Aksha'i Cruentes is a warband of Heretic Astartes, originally formed by a zealous conclave of warriors from the World Eaters Legion during the Heresy. They have dedicated every moment of their existence to spreading war throughout the galaxy. Even if they are repelled, the sector they were repelled from is invariably drowned in violence and civil strife for decades to come.


Entries in this blog

Kratus is dead

For weeks, Kratus's physical form had been in flux. His movement was not a fluid motion, as if viewed through a pict feed at a low framerate. In the blink of an eye, Kratus would appear in a totally different position; blink again, and he might appear to have never moved, as if he were totally disconnected from reality.   Kratus has offered many a worthy skull to the Blood God's throne, felling skilled warriors and titanic Knights alike. It was the foul xenoform known as the Salt Wyrm


Cheex in Campaign Narrative

Prologue: War Zone Lalor

With the Blogs feature unlocked, I have decided to move my previous efforts from the World Eaters subforum to my own little corner of the B&C. Here I plan to catalogue my force's trials and tribulations as we carve our way through our group's own sub-sector of space.   War Zone Lalor is entirely a homebrew setting, with the background having been produced over three separate Crusade campaigns that our group has played over the past couple of years.   Background The Great


Cheex in Campaign Narrative

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