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Angels test. And lictor wip

Brother Nathan


Done some work last few days on multiple things. Not my most efficient method but hey. So started painting a lictor iv had from a bin buy. Had no talons but had thrse ones of a dnd model i will hopefully work on soon. They are bland detail wise compared but wirkable i think. Its nids and lictors they shouldnt be cookiecutter. There should be variety. Til we see what happens with lictors with the leapers announced. (Sound good to me)


And then blood angels. Or more apprioately my storm angels. Theve been my own successor for 15 til 20 years. Historically a darker red than bloodangels but following main bloodangels symbolism. So test paint and when working on the intercessor i decided to try a brighter red and... i kinda dig it but will it be too bright? Will it fit in. Or does it not look as bright as i think it does /does it work for the new marines to be brighter. Im split. Thoughts if you will. 






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