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Preparing to Call to Arms 2023 - Colour testing





I joined B&C during the BCK Vehicle Challenge in 2022. It has been a great source of motivation in order to stop procrastination and reboost my modelling and painting. 

The Call to Arms challenge will be another motivation to refuel the dynamics, which has slowed down a little bit lately.


My first objective is declutering of some Aeldari minis I have in a crate for 20+ years, barely assemblied and primed. At the time they were Eldars, not Aeldari...

My first vow will be to paint the equivalent of a Aeldari detachment:

  • Farseer
  • Guardian defender squad
  • 6 jet bikes

As I have an already painted Wraithlord, I will instead make a skyrunner warlock. 


All are mounted and primed already.


Note that it is the "equivalent" of a detachment box - made only of ooP miniatures and converted ones (the warlock essentially).


But before putting hand on the mini, which will have to wait for the GO date of July 1st, here are 2 test models.


First a close up of a WFB mini (Dark Emissary) I used to test combinations of reds - the result is what I would like to get on the guardians:




The base is Mephiston red washed with Flesh Tearer red. highlight with Wazdakka red.


I then tested it on a second Wave Serpent Model I had - some paint rescue job in fact. But the result was not as appealing as expected so I recoated everything and changed the recipe. The result is based on the same Mephiston red base coat with a slight dry brush of Wazdakka + fine lining with the same. Only use of Flesh Tearer red is in the grooves.






Not too bad, but not exactly what I wanted.

It has also been the firt time I tried Microsale products on decals. Well, I am not so satisfied - it left a shinny/bright effet that looks like a glossy varnish. under certain lights it looks awful. But its done and I will not scratch everything now... I might have missed something

Edited by Bouargh


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