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Call to Arms 2023 - Stronghold Xenos - Weeks 1 and 2 progress





After a well deserved rest of 1 week in a cabin in the woods, I finally started working on my first vow.

Progress has been relatively satisfying with two of the units pledged at a completion stage of 75%:


1. The first unit I focussed on is the Wave serpent, for which I had great expectations. Indeed it is the first time I try a bicolor scheme (black/red) on a model so curvy. So a kind of new challenge for me. I worked with masking tap which in the end was globally satisfying even if it might be tricky positionning it in some places. Highlighting and shadding proves to be be quite critical to ensure a good outlook for panel transition even if it is not so obvious on the pic. Here bellow a WIP pic of the stripped hull




2. The second unit is the Defender squad. Although I initially tried a painting recipe (see previous Blog entry), before starting, I decided to give a chance to the Slap Chop technique. Yet the results were not very convincing. In fact comparing the guardians obtained by direct Contrast applied on Grey Seer base vs. Slap Chopped model the difference did not justified the extra time needed by the latter technique vs. the former one. It might be a theme related to the covering grade of Flesh Tearer Red? Is it too opaque to allow a good resolucion of the speed Shading/High Lightning that Slap Chop is supposed to bring? 


So decision is to stick to the initial painting recipe of Blood Angel Mephiston Red base, washed with Flesh Tearer Red and high lighted with Wazzdakka Red.

Edited by Bouargh
Wrong colour...


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