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Call to Arms - On the road toward a third Vow






As a third vow in the Call to Arm 2023 Challenge - Imperium Stronghold, I pledge the following stuff for the Adeptus MEchanicus Sub Forum:

- Cawl - 10 pts

- 2 Kastellns - 2 x 3 pts

- Their Datasmith - 5 pts

- 1 unit of Skitarii - 10 x 1 pt

- 2 Pieces of scenery/small scrap type - 2 x 2 pts

-1 Piece of Scenery/Munitorum Container type - 4 pts


Total: 39 pts




It´s a lot for just 2 weeks left, but I will try it. Pure Glutony. 

I count on the fact that the Scenery and the Kastelans can be painted quite fast and that I already defined and developped the paint scheme on previous models earlier this year.



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