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AT: Reaver #3 and Warhounds #3 & 4



Clearing more of the backlog, these guys have sat primed on a shelf for ~8 months, and I always forget how fast titanicus is to paint, so I managed to crank the reaver out in 2 days, and make good progress on the warhounds in another 2 days, enough to get into the detailing:


Reaver in legs & guns akimbo pose in homage to the old artwork. This guy is on the loyal side so he gets white banding. 



Heat bluing on the laser blaster. 



Initial bit of weathering, he still needs transfers and I need to find my nail art stencils to cover that carapace in checks. large.IMG20231230232512.jpg.52827f1a2cf1d3599fb594c99ddde813.jpglarge.IMG20231230232527.jpg.8b743fa6cb3fe25b27481fe38fab3275.jpg


Loyal warhound #3


Edited by Xenith


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