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About That Colour Scheme...



I had intended to post this for new year, but time got away from me :sweat: I'm currently on a brief break from painting Ashen Sentinels to work on Imperial Fists for Legions Imperialis - but just to give a further insight into my creative process :biggrin: I wanted to talk about the inspirations for the colour scheme I chose for this army. 


To start with, a factor in my hobby decisions is usually whether I've painted a particular colour scheme before - if I've done something previously, then I tend to look for something different for a new challenge. 


Having said that, it's time to admit that the biggest influence on the choice of grey as the main colour for this army is down to... 


Cars :laugh:


Now, I'm not much of a 'petrol head' - I don't much care about the performance of any car I drive, so long as it gets me to where I need to go. Having said that, I noticed over the last couple of years that an increasing number of new cars on the road are grey - and even I have to admit that these new cars do look good in the colour :biggrin:




Out on the roads with my wife (who is more in to cars than I am), we'd spit one of these new grey cars, and we'd both remark how good that they look in that colour - only when my wife was probably thinking she'd like that car, I was actually thinking 'my Space Marine miniatures will look good painted that colour..!' :laugh:


So I had decided on grey for my Primaris Space Marine Chapter probably a year before I was ready to start painting them. The addition of the red helmet was a bit later, and again the inspiration might unusual for our hobby..! 


Last June my wife and I enjoyed a fantastic holiday, on a Virgin Voyages cruise in the Mediterranean. While waiting to board I noticed that the hull was the same grey I wanted to do my Marines in - but with the added flourish of some flashes of red, including the funnels at the top. 




Here's a happy geek getting ready to board the cruise ship in Barcelona :biggrin:



I liked the combination of the red above the grey, which gave me the idea to do the helmets red. As well as that, it's a colour scheme that always reminds me of our holiday when I see it! :smile:




So those are the two biggest influences on the colour scheme I chose for the Ashen Sentinels :yes: Maybe not what you were expecting, but I hope you find this insight into what influences my choices... interesting! :whistling::biggrin:


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