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Ky'Vash Recon Cadre - Firesight Sniper Team - Part 2






Firesight Sniper Teams 01-03 



Firesight Sniper Team 02 - Shas'la with Longshot Pulse Rifle Variant & Shas'la Spotter


Firesight Sniper Team 02 - Shas'la with Longshot Pulse Rifle Variant & Shas'la Spotter


Firesight Sniper Team 03 - Shas'la with Longshot Pulse Rifle Variant & Shas'la Spotter


Firesight Sniper Team 03 - Shas'la with Longshot Pulse Rifle Variant & Shas'la Spotter


And with that, all three teams are complete! This has been a fun little project, something of a proof-of-concept that I can enjoy kitbashing Tau without losing the more uniform, military vibe I'm after for the army. It helps that I've always enjoyed the mini-diorama style of stand-in, where two smaller models stand in as one. I find it very characterful, and it helps me tell what would otherwise be very samey units into something memorable, which is important for Crusade where I'll eventually be fielding them. 


Overall, I'm very happy with how they turned out. 




Up next for the Ky'Vash Recon Cadre: Probably Stealth Suits!


Recommended Comments

They are very nice. Not an aesthetic I've seen very often with Tau and you've really made it work. There's a real sense of a mini story in them as well - as opposed to just a couple of models next to each other - which is great to see. 

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@Doobles57 Too kind. I'm less fond of how the 'both standing and shooting' one came out, but one only has access to so many kneeling/suitable-for-turning-into-prone legs. 


Of course, that one also has the best Tau face I've painted yet, so. Swings and roundabouts. 

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