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About This Club

A group for enjoyers of 'Classic' 40k. My intent at the time of creation is focussed on 1st/2nd edition but 3rd onwards is also welcome.
  1. What's new in this club
  2. I remember the 1st edition Necromunda scenery being released as a scenery pack. Another thing 13-year old me could have done with, but didn't think about.
  3. Think of it as Dedication...
  4. Thank you, and I think it's my favourite version too; it took me a long time to stop thinking that the plastic one looked like a shoe...
  5. I love the 2E Land Speeder, probably my favourite version of it if I'm honest! That's a great paintjob too. Oh sweet! Gotta love that old War Robot, even if it is just a smaller head on a Wraithlord (Eldar Dreadnought) body. Shame they never brought it or the smaller Ghost Warrior drones back.
  6. When I was younger, I CUT THE BANNERS out of my Codex: Angels of Death to put on the banner poles
  7. I don't own Codex Angels of Death and I haven't got a complete 3rd edition Honour Guard squad. I'm also missing the Vanguard Veteran BA Sergeant from 5th. I only own part of the Necromunda card layout and it's seen better days
  8. I started my 40k Journey in 1997 after HS. Space Marines got my attention, but Sisters of Battle got me hooked. I still have most of pewter Sisters at my parents. My OG Canoness is on my desk waiting to be repainted into the original Order of Our Martyred Lady scheme. I still am working on my Adepta Sororitas plastic army
  9. Mine would have to be OG Necromunda as I started at the tail end of 2nd edition of 40k.
  10. Wish I had picked up more of the firstborn kits in general, but especially the assault squad kit, more bikers, and an assault bike. I have a big thing for full size squads. I have enough stuff to fill out my half size assault squad I am pretty sure, but I don’t have enough bikers nor the assault bike needed to make a full squad of bikers. C’est la vie I guess. Maybe they’ll make some for 30k I can harvest.
  11. For me, it's: 2nd Edition 40K rulebook and codices Original Necromunda & Outlanders and the original Orlock gang. I did pick up the c.2000 reboot, and got the Delaque, Escher, and Cawdor gangs to go with my Redemptionists when GW did away with Specialist Games, but there were some I couldn't get (Delaque lascannon heavy, the Escher plasma cannon heavy, and the Cawdor heavy bolter and grenade launcher heavies). Battlefleet Gothic: Armada (I managed to pick up the main rulebook and most of the ships when GW did away with Specialist Games)
  12. For me, It's GorkaMorka. When it released, I had a gaming group, and we were all keen to give it a go, but no one else had the funds to do it, and my EXTREMELY religious step-dad though they looked like green demons, so I was forbidden. Many years later, I was able to pick up an overpriced copy on eBay, but I no longer have a gaming group, and have never played it
  13. Thought I'd start a topic where we can discuss the things that were available when we started in the hobby, which we missed out on getting for whichever reason. For myself, I'll always regret picking up the2nd ed Imperial Firebase and Landing Pad scenery pieces. Looking back, they were absolutely lovely, but to my 12-13 year mind scenery was less important than more models. One of those "if I had a time machine" moments. Anyone else?
  14. In order to change a little bit, a non SM model! Eldar Spirit Warrior: Saim-hann livery, as usual, even if a Wild-Rider soul being trapped into a wraith structure is probably as odd as a White Scar incarcerated into a Dreadnought sarcophage...
  15. Thanks. A fine and long road Indeed. 18k pts or something of first born, as they are known now, collected since 93. All are or soon will be worth of the oldhammer range once the full primaris transition of the GW range will be completed. My repainting task started during lockdown. And is the achievement of 3 decades of hobby. This will deserve a family portrait...
  16. And it is a fine road you have trodden. I see you too favour the dark slate blue for Wolves. Well met.
  17. Another oldy from my collection, freshly reactualized. This lefts me with only 1 ooP Rhino to paint (and 6 wolves I share with my gobs wolfboyz) before getting 100% of my SW/SM models painted. Looks like the end of the road.
  18. A freshly repainted Vindicator in my usual SW livery. This model is my all times favorite. Probably the one I wanted the most deeply buying from all the ones I adquired in my collection since 89. At the time, I waited months before getting the funds to spend the money. I hadn't that much at the time. I still feel a lot of nostalgy when looking at it.
  19. Those old metal Guard are fantastic, and I totally agree with you that the hand-sculpted nature really adds to the charm. They're also far more fun to paint by virtue of not having a trillion tiny details or hard-to-reach crevices because the CAD sculptor just had to make the interior of the jacket fully sculpted and semi-visible. It's funny, I have some scanned .stl files of the Steel Legion metals (a friend sent them to me, don't judge me!), and when you look at them in the 3D viewer you could be forgiven for thinking they'll come out as mushy messes, by virtue of the computer screen showing every tiny imperfection of those pewter castings of hand-sculpted masters. Then you print them and they look perfect. As someone who's dabbled in mini design myself, it's interesting how much less is more with detail; I've seen very technically accomplished sculpts with things like skulls on every knuckle of a Marine hand, but when you actually paint the model you lose a lot of that detail because it's just so damn small you can't see it. It's actually made me feel a lot more confident as I realize I don't have to get every detail perfect to have a miniature that will look fantastic when printed and painted. Also a miniature I'm very fond of is this old Techmarine. For such a simple sculpt he's brimming with character, and in spite of being quite detailed he's easy and fun to paint. I cheated a bit as he has a modern Tactical Sergeant power fist but anyway. Need to finish him still!
  20. Here's my take on this: The Heresy Force Org Chart allows for more scope than the old 40k one (1-3 HQ and 0-4 Elites, everything else is the same). There have been a good spread of missions from 4th-7th, I don't have a particular favourite. 4th/5th ed vehicle rules (HPs make them too fragile compared to monsters). 6th ed combat (no musical wounds, overwatch is a thing, no backdoor assaults). I've always been a fan of the 5th ed true line of sight rules, as long as you have a reasonable gaming group and no WAAC players modelling for advantage. 4th/5th ed terrain rules for the various types. 6th/7th ed for characters (challenges are really cool). 6th edition onwards for large games. 4th edition/5th edition for small games (everything costs more, missions are designed for smaller armies). I miss blast templates, I get not everyone likes them as they were really awkward at times but I enjoyed them and they made the game feel so much better than the current blast rule. I much prefer universal special rules because it's easier to reference and having multiple bespoke versions of stubborn or rage seems unnecessary.
  21. Version 1.0.0


    Homegrown rules for using the Exorcists Chapter in the 5th edition of the Warhammer 40,000 game.
  22. Version 1.0.0


    A homegrown codex for the Blood Angels, Blood Drinkers, and Flesh Tearers Chapter for use in the 5th edition of the Warhammer 40,000 game.
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