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Astra Militarum

The Astra Militarum/Imperial Guard, Imperial Army (of the Horus Heresy setting) and Planetary Defense Forces


  1. Tanks and Sentinal

    • 30 images
  2. PHM's Tempestus Scions

    • 57 images
  3. 501st Aenterian cav

    • Album created by lionofjudah
    • Updated
    • 119 images
    • 119 images
  4. Steel Legion

    • 16 images
  5. Imperial Guard

    • Album created by Kriegsmacht
    • Updated
    • 33 images
    • 33 images
  6. Astra Militarum WIP

    Hoots Guard WIP
    • Album created by Hoots
    • Updated
    • 18 images
    • 18 images
  7. 48th Krablokistan

    The Men and Machines of the 48th Regiment of Krablokistan
    • 11 images
  8. DKoK uniform comparison pic

    comparing DKoK uniform to ww1 Fench uniform
    • 1 image
  9. Desert Guard

    Dangerman's Tallarn/Desert Guard army
    • Album created by Dangerman
    • Updated
    • 44 images
    • 44 images
  10. ETLIII

    my stuff for ETLIII
    • Album created by Cap'm Heckus
    • Updated
    • 8 images
    • 8 images
  11. Yukoni 23rd

    Barret's WWI Canadian-style AM
    • Album created by Barret
    • Updated
    • 7 images
    • 7 images
  12. Feudal Guard

    Fuedal Guard
    • Album created by DranuTemplar
    • Updated
    • 23 images
    • 2 image comments
    • 23 images
    • 2 image comments
  13. Heck's IG

    my current IG project.
    • Album created by Cap'm Heckus
    • Updated
    • 125 images
    • 125 images
  14. MinoanFresco's Guard

    The Forces of the 9th Coalition
    • Album created by MinoanFresco
    • Updated
    • 9 images
    • 9 images
  15. Ventrillian 95th WIP

    • 46 images
  16. 127th Dust Reapers

    Lord Commissar Telek and his Scion Raiding force
    • Album created by Dusty_scions
    • Updated
    • 8 images
    • 8 images
  17. Aeronautica

    • Album created by duz_
    • Updated
    • 20 images
    • 20 images
  18. Dwarf guard

    • 5 images
  19. Malleus Tempus WIP

    • Album created by sairence
    • Updated
    • 4 images
    • 4 images
  20. Valhallan Chimetyaz

    • 20 images
  21. 225 Necromundan Armoured

    • Album created by aa.logan
    • Updated
    • 61 images
    • 61 images
  22. Astra Militarum armored company (-ish) - MI

    This is my super slow Growth Imperial Guard collection. Over the years I built these purely as modeling projects for a love of weathering tanks and aircraft. They weren't ever intended to be an army unto themselves, though I think they make a scary one.
    • 16 images
  23. Militarum Tempestus

    • 27 images
  24. 306th Ronarii Rifles

    The Ronarii Rifles and The Treads of Vengeance originally came from a shrine world which ultimately fell to Chaos through having much of the Guard units infiltrated by chaos cultists. The remnants of the loyal Chisholm Royal Army would have been disbanded and members split up across a number of imperial forces if it weren't for the quick actions of several young officers such as Lieutenant Striker and Captain Carmichael (respectively Major and Colonel now) who immediately rallied loyalists to turn on their comrades who had become traitors.

    The shrine world was not saved and Chisholm was left a radioactive hellscape, but the Ronarii Rifles and the Treads of Vengeance were formed from the loyalist forces. Regardless of their quick thinking and actions the prestige and trustworthiness of these soldiers was in question which led to these units being stationed on a small arctic prison moon, Lox Finite. Rather than fall prey to idleness the commanders and the units spent time building infrastructure, arctic training, creating more security protocols for the continental prisons and exploring their new home.

    One of these scouting forces uncovered something in the ice. They had found shelves and shelves of vials, canisters, embryos and gene tools. It appeared to be an old imperial labratory which they brought to the attention of the very small mechanicum contigent that was still with them. One of these vials was thawed and the integrity of the glass-like storage container failed. The immediate aftermath was devastating as it turned out whoever had abandoned this facility had been working with virulent, and what was thought to be dormant strains of xenos bio-viruses. The Ronarii Rifles now find themselves at the hands of another cult this time praising some 8 armed bastardized xenos version of the God-Emperor. This new disaster has spread amongst the northern continent and now attracted the attention of the warp itself. A Nurglefied warband has become intrigued by this impressive xenos disease and has started establishing their own foothold on Lox Finite. The Imperials find themselves now in a running battle of hard-hitting small scale engagements or the entire purging of various cities against both the forces of Papa Nurgle and the alien genestealer cultists that have risen up. This new turn of strife has also caused several prisons to rise up in revolt.
    • Album created by Neotericity
    • Updated
    • 45 images
    • 45 images
  25. IG in progress

    • Album created by nismogrendel
    • Updated
    • 1 image
    • 1 image
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