Fat Necron
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Everything posted by Fat Necron
Hello! So I read through this in its entirety and there's not much criticism I can give. If anything this is without question a solid homebrew. You've presented the Cold Fire Coalition in a very professional prose while maintaining a calm bias. Other Homebrews suggest whoever is greatest at this and that, yet when I come here, it's the opposite. Good on you, I appreciate that. I'll mull it over and get back to you on suggestions on where you could take them but as it stands, you've got gold here.
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Nooo not a double post but I must for this feels important... So let me begin. For future writing and since Space Marines will need chaff enemies, you all have my blessing to use the Singala Cadre however you see fit. Seriously, I'd just be flattered they're being used. I don't even care if they build a tapestry of defeats. The current actives, from what I see, only have Space Marine Chapters... Besides Ace. Ace obviously has plans and there's a void to be filled. I hope to fulfill the role of generic Chaos villain and actively support others who need that generic villain. And yes, I am absolutely serious. If anyone contributes to the overall faction all I ask is you keep within the warp centric themes. So psykers, mutants, monsters, terror, and overall horror. Feel free to explore the internal hierarchy, command structure, relations, society, whatever you want. I am reserving the overall leader position for a contributor, not myself. I am leaving it open since this is a community based project. If I assign a leader, it feels like I'm saying 'Mine don't touch'. No, I want them thoroughly fondled, god dammit! Now for a good old fashion info dump so people have a basic idea of how they function. Just a briefing on them; their means of transportation is fairly limited. Below will be a list of current means of getting from A to B and then C. Flotilla: Ships lost in transit around the Tempest eventually find their way to Singala, the Daemon world at the storms heart. Mutants, Warp Spawn, Undivided Daemons, and Singala Marines will use these lost ships as a means of travel. Take note that they don't have navigators or dedicated psykers, so their warp travel is done through communal sermon of the ships officers / priests. A mortal servant ( Most likely heavily mutated ) will lead the begin the sermon. If there's a a particular war torn hot spot, famine, a place enduring extensive strife they'll be spat out there. Keep in mind these flotillas are like religious mission trips. They're there to convert the populace by charitable means, and when that fails, stuff them in the hulls. Converts are treated surprisingly well as opposed to other warbands where they're chaff. Flesh Chamber and Dead Zone: Probably the scariest bit about them. To put it plainly, a psyker is twisted into, churned, expanded in a chamber until they themselves are the chamber. Depending on the psykers psychic ability depends on how long the chamber remains active. Other psykers can be sacrificed and bounded with said chamber, increasing its overall size and transportation capacity. The dead zone created around the chamber is several kilometers in diameter. If more psykers are bound inside the existing chamber, and depending on their ability, this can be increased exponentially. A dead zone is an area where the world of Singala materializes into real-space, absorbing the existing landscape and replacing it entirely. Through this transition are Singalans able to enter real space. Only a few dozen inhabitants can materialize at any given time, be it mutant, Marine, monster, or Daemon. Once the chamber is either exhausted or destroy, all Singalans within the dead zone will return home. Those outside, well, they're probably fudged. Oh, the warp corruption during and after the Singalan incursion is a little off the charts. Expect an exponential rate of still births, rampant mutations, madness, and worse for the coming decades. -------------------------------------------------- Currently those are the only two methods Singalans can enter real space. Feel free to add more. My version makes a point emphasize they have no dedicated battleships except for a few. This curbs a potential discount Black Crusade happening. However, whomever is free to add to this. Again, they're open for anyone. Physiology: Singalans have a stabilized albeit corrupted gene-seed. This gene-seed is mass produced to churn out subpar Space Marines in considerable numbers. As long as the recipient is compatible with said gene-seed, they will undergo the transition. Do to warp exposure and inevitable organ failure from the substandard gene-seed, Neophytes and Marines will opt for crude cybernetic appendage to compensate. If the mutation that follows with age is too extensive, they'll either be entered in the Mourners Tomb (Will be detailed later), flat out die, or admit themselves into the Possessed Cults. Most die before their possession because it takes decades to properly prepare for the symbiosis of man and daemon. During these years in devotional service, organ failure or mutation sees them dead before their Last Communion (Possession). Psyker Aura: (WIP) Short version; within a few meter radius those not of Singalan origin will either feel their rage subside, and / or feel distinctly somber. Raptors: There is no official Assault Marine core within the Singalan combat doctrine, aside from Possessed and Raptors. To become a Raptor, specifically, honored veterans will feed solely on Possessed citizens in ritualistic fashion. A priest / priestess (Psyker) shapes their rapid mutations and an appointed Apothecary (Human / Mutant) is on standby to administer treatment if the mutations are too severe. Typically a few months of this practice will result in a rather vicious combatant. These chosen few are admitted into the Possessed Cults. Ordinary Singalan bred Marines cannot properly tame them as they're far too stoic and passive. This quirk of personality has made capital punishment such as self flagellation, dismemberment, firing lines, and the like non-existent in their command structure. Because they do not administer these responses simply because disobedience is a foreign concept, Possessed Cults absorb them. No Armored Support: As it stands, lore wise, there's currently no existing armored contingents within the Singala Cadre. Theoretically there's a plethora of Daemon Engines ready and roaring to go but for the time being, I'd rather leave that up to interpretation. It's plausible and feel free to do so but again, as it stands I don't think I will write much on it. Anyone else is free to do so. Warp Monstrosities: Where at first glance the lack of armored support appears crippling, their extensive Warp Spawns, genetic abominations, and flocks of Furries suppliments this dilemma... Short-term. Warp Spawn can only be kept at bay for so long and their insatiable desire for gore and mayhem will undoubtedly overcome the docility aura Singalan Marines exude. Flocks of Furries captured and 'tamed' within the confines of Singala are difficult to manage. Once released into a combat zone or populated area, they'll run rampant until either all or most of the food is depleted. They will aptly return where, under the Singalan Psyker aura, are more accomidating to given instructions.
Good lord I am a slow reader. I spent two hours reading two and a half pages of fresh posts. Anyway, I am still around. It's been awhile because I noticed the thread was in necrosis. Hmm... I did major edits to the Saiko Maxum conflict in regards to the Heralds of Lecturn being involved but as it stands, that's not Liber canon. Eh, I'll keep throwing mud at the wall and hope something sticks. I've been wanting to do some co-writing in here for awhile but attempts have been dashed... Until now! So I have an idea for a Chaos v Chaos conflict between the Singala affiliates and the Sons of Calderon. It isn't current events, more so fleshing out a bit of history. See I am a huge fan of the twenty year schism within the Penumbra. I feel it's a good place to start since I am more interested in filling out that history. Anyway, this conflict would be more along the lines of a low-key conflict. With the Sons essentially wrenching out the hierarchy of Penumbra, a few key members turn to more 'esoteric' means for salvation. Where they're fantastic manipulators, those in positions of authority manipulate events and cultists in such away they draw the eye of Singala. Myths circulating the systems surrounding the Tempest basically say protracted conflicts, drawn out genocides, and generally prolonged suffering draws the followers of Singala. So these funny little Penumbra chaps mozy on over there, ramp current conflicts up to 11/10 and invite the Sons over. What the Sons encounter is another beast entirely. Whether the Sons live, die, scrape a win or decisively win is no consequence to me. I'm more concerned with adding to the current time line and having fun. Plus unlike other Warbands, these guys are tens of thousands strong. They're designed specifically for the meat grinder. Hehe EDIT: Maybe not that simplified but something along those lines. Ace: Oh, and sorry for not getting back to you Ace. Anyway, I love writing Chaos fluff and thought it would be a fun exercise figuring out a plausible reason for Plague Marine contingents. The basic concept is fairly cut and dry; delusional, half-sane Plague Marines seeking to bring salvation to Humanity. This salvation comes via drop podding down into abandoned, war-torn worlds and stations and spreading madness amongst the populace. Alexin gives them the means to do this by offering transport. After they're done the nitty gritty, Alexin has a host of new rabid serfs to crew his ships and puts the Plague Marines in stasis. Why stasis, because they're so steeped in warp corruption their presence alone causes insanity.
@Ace Debonair: Hey, when you get a moment, could you give a synopsis on the Corsairs leader? I'm typing up a piece describing his manipulation of Plague Marines but I'm worried I'm betraying his character. Thanks in advance.
Count me in. I'm down for some gritty chaos nastiness. I've got a plethora of ideas, so if you're still feeling it, get back to me.
Praise be the Primordial Creator, the B&C rises. Our saviour has denied fate and returned to save the site! So I want to contribute to Chaos Warbands/Factions. It feels like there's little love there and being a definitive lover of Chaos, it seems fitting I contribute there. I'm neither a fast nor competent writer yet still want to spend a bit of time expanding on the existing groups. I will be asking for advice and opinions regarding these groups before setting anything in stone Any suggestions for who I can add to my to-do list is welcome. For now I want to focus on the Corsairs, Blackened and Malbinos. @Ace Debonair: Okay, I'll read along and cross my fingers that the Loyalist fudge it up. On another note I've been chipping away at a fairly interesting idea concerning the Corsairs. To sum it up I've been writing about the Plague Marine contingents among the Corsairs. Basically Azahan plays to their delusions, pretending to perceive the false reality they believe is real. They're former Singala Marines either maimed in prior engagements or refused to succumb to organ failure. I like to think Azahan doesn't see these 'creatures' as genuine Astartes. They're fairly convincing replications yet lack the human aspect... Ya know, cause they're vat-grown. I've got a fair bit written down relating to this idea. I wanted ask for your opinion considering you contributed the Corsairs. @Kelborn: Good sir, I was wondering if you'd be down for brain storming a Heretek Cult for the Blackened Fist. I'm rather found of the idea your sires of the Iron Hands expanded on their, presumed, affinity of technology. Feel free to say otherwise I want to attempt to stay true to their character. @Machine God: Fellow follower of Nurgle, my brother... Might I have the honour of expanding upon The Followers Slaaneshy/Nurgly practices, rituals and how each compliments the other? I've got some vague ideas but I'd rather produce a few rough drafts to build from. If you have your own ideas or feel there's gaps to be filled for the Followers, I'd be down for attempting to fill those in.
@Ace Much obliged, my good man. I appreciate the support. Maybe once or twice I'll add a weird snippet about them. And I'm not going to dare throw them on the podium beside your Corsairs. Those guys are ambitious war mongers fuelling their ambitions for conquest and glory. Personally I wouldn't mind seeing them attempting to assimilate other Chaos factions into their ranks. I kinda see them almost blitzing certain worlds and forcing the ruling class to bend the knee. Keep doing that, force Imperials to constantly expend forces to recapture territory. Space Marines are so damn nutty I wouldn't put it past them to burn worlds for simply surrendering, whether or not their claim of allegiance to the Corsairs was genuine or not. The way I see it they a relatively small force with no obligation to hold territory, at least not yet... But I digress. I'm just flinging thoughts for whatever reason. The Singala's are more an unnatural disaster. If you're in the Liber Cluster, accept that malformed, discount Marines might one day kick down your front door. A consequence of Imperial colonization, if you will. Hehe Besides that little reply I've noticed a disparity of people writing for our delightful Dark Eldar. A damn shame cause the Plucked Eye and Heart would be fascinating. An unaccounted force plucking through the aftermath of grizzly battles... So, if you're looking for a xenos writing I'd like to volunteer for the Plucked Eye and Heart. I've got a functioning idea on utilizing bounties to acquire specific samples of those nifty Sza'Koa. Basically expend the clusters more sinister elements, throw in some Corsairs, tempt a Freeboota with Dakka and have a few Kabalites oversee the operation. I'm typing up in an actual background for their involvement. However, if it's too late to volunteer I'll still post it to give their involvement some substance.
Well... The scent of misfortune and tides of devastation to come have drawn me back. Before anything, I'm typing everything via a phone so bare with me. So, to be incredibly frank, I wasn't happy with my own creation. The Singala Cadre had a distinct theme I failed to uphold. The whole hubbub over conquering who, how dangerous they were, that such non-sense distracted me... But more importantly I was failing to uphold the spirit of The Liber Cluster. The whole inception is a community project where we introduce concepts and the community expand upon them- I failed to grasp that. If anything I was doing the exact opposite. No joke I re-worked the entire Saikos war bit I did, expanded upon it, grindy stuff yet I wasn't confident posting it. It revolved wholly around them, no one else. So I scrapped it and fudged off. I've returned a more humble man asking for clemency given my abrupt absence. That said, I ask you indulge my sudden info drop. It's essentially a foundation to be worked over by others. I feel I must clarify that I personally have no grievances with whomever portrays the Singalan's. If whoever feels so inclined to utilize them as cannon fodder, so be it. A bit extreme but I want to stress the point. Alright I can't describe what Singala is or how the Astartes function in menacing details so I'll outright explain them. Singala, Aspect of Nurgle: I wouldn't describe it as a greater deamonic as it's so much more. Singala is a portrayal of Nurgle who's not obsessed with pestilence or disease. It's an entity who's entire existence revolves around the preservation of life, hence, why I depict it as an aspect of Nurgle. So preserving life, relieving suffrage, denying agony is this pseudo-gods whole shtick. What exactly Singala does is a bit complicated. See, it's not exactly powerful. All it's actions are performed by those worshipping it, and by proxy, living on it; Singala is an ever expanding planet at the heart of the Tempest. It provides all the necessities it's worshippers require, that sort of deus machina. A seemingly benevolent being all things required but as we all know there's no positive role models in 40K. Where Singala is a reflection of essentially mercy, those many millions who plead for salvation also plead for more. If you were being tortured, odds are you'd want to cap your torturer. So while at face value Singala appears benevolent, it's arguable as malicious. By embodying the safe haven for the down trodden, it'll provide plentiful resources to say... Fuel a war. And this is war I stop hamstringing myself with false modesty and go ham. You see, the Astartes are utilized by the big four in one way or another. Singala utilizes them as stewards, so to speak. Humans perceive Astartes from both sides of the coin as divine, be them arrogant pricks or wise councils. As a reflection of human thoughts and emotions it's logical to conclude Astartes would represent Singala... To a certain degree. We'll get into the details soon but bar with me. I need to note that Singala cannot provide everything. The munitions and scarce vehicles are provided via industrial planes. These are provided proportional to skirmishes, not full scale wars. I must stress that Singalan's, Astares or otherwise are not conquerors. To best describe them, they're more akin to guerilla fighters. What's truly distinguishes the followers of Singala, on a militant level, is the rampant chaotic taint. While Singala may embody mercy, the warp, as a whole isn't so incline. Their presence thins the veil between realms dangerously so. I'm hoping this will be a particular trait people might wan to explore. It's the aftermath of their encounters that are most prominent. People might hear whispers throughout their daily business. Perhaps a particularly charismatic woman hears the murmurs of Singala and leads a nasty revolution. A whole generation of beastmen born from genetically pure humans. That's the core of this faction, undiluted chaos with all the perks to come with it. Scale isn't everything. A cult praying to an eldritch deity for salvation can be quite compelling. Their same prayers might be answered as a Convergence anomaly suddenly occurs. You could have dark tech adapts deviating from procedure to invoke Singala's will. Cures for sicknesses might result in physical abnormalities. Maybe they attempt to build a device to connect their planet to Singala. It's possible. That's another point I want to make clear; don't think about overall power. The Singala Astartes are a minuscule factor in the grand scheme. At the very core the focus is mutants, manipulating the warp, using Chaos to enact your gods will. Singala doesn't care how you do it, if you kill your oppressors or rationalize oppression to minimize suffering. At the end of the day, I like the thought of an ever present threat. Nothing world shattering, more akin to a natural disaster. You can't kill nor destroy it, it's followers spring up sporadically and even other chaos factions are threatened by it. Let the slaves below deck catch a whiff and your navigator might find itself torn apart by rampant mutation a few years down the line. That's a synopsis of what Singala is and does. I'll put a bit more work into it later in a homebrew fashion. Singalan Marine: These bastardized Astartes aren't exactly true Astartes. The gene-seed used is a mass produced sample of Mortarion. I'm the most technical terms a stable seed that was only stabilized after millennia of degradation. Now combine that with vat-grown subjects and you have a recipe for disaster. While they function, biologically to ordinary Astartes, they're riddled with medical complications. Lungs might suddenly collapse, heart palpitations; a lot of nasty disadvantages. They correct this rather drastic side affect through extensive cybernetics. Another prominent feature is their neural uplink. Being vat-grown beings, some aren't particularly remarkable stock. The mutations might fuse their mouths together and such. The neural uplink relays information from the lead Astartes for immediate action while allowing communication without being jammed. As a whole, they easily number in the thousands... Roughly twenty thousand. Despite being legion strength only a few venture outside the realm of Singala. The vast majority live only a few hundred years before either dying, succumbing to possession or worse. So they venture only when the residual thoughts and emotions of suffering and pleading are concentrated. Even then a psychic link must house the connection between realms. A psyker is usually preferred but a tainted item can potentially do the trick. What happens after that is up to you. Will they seek a means to maintain the dimensional bridge, remain to wage a guerilla war, attempt to establish a cult? The point is no one can foresee where they'll appear next. When they do it's seldom documented, if ever. A sudden spike in warp energies is usually a clear indication a Convergence has transpired. Anyone is free to do as they with the Marines. Do some utilize their mutations. Perhaps their weapons are built into their armor. Are the possessed portions of this legion in active commune with their deamon or slaves to it? I will be expanding on them here and there but I'd prefer to keep it as bare bones as possible. I do enjoy the concept of the Liber Cluster and really want to contribute something truly chaos oriented. The legion numbers are simply there for plot convenience. So if you're lacking a big nasty, have at it! I think it should be mentioned that my musing began when I was reading the Plucked Eye Kabal. After I'm done finalizing editing the Singala Cadre I hope to throw my hat into that Kabal's lore. I do love the idea of a swine dog priest twisting the faith for her Kabal patrons. Hehe String me up on the gallows and I hope you enjoy my new approach.
Hey everyone, I was wondering if anyone would be willing to do a bit of collaboration with me. I had this nifty idea for a campaign called The Tempest Quarantine. To sum it up, a small Imperial Crusade is hastily mustered together in response to the Singala Cadre. The military objective is securing a foothold on a few choice worlds and establishing bases. These bases would be rapid response posts against future incursions. Black Ships have been restricted access to a handful of star systems, most notably ones where Black Ships reported breaches or outright disappear. The idea is isolating planets with suspected Convergence rifts and those either influenced/threatened by the Singala Cadre. Companies from various Astartes in or around the Sub-Sector Centralis would be a good kick off. However, I'm more pressed for Regiments. I've got oodles of idea's for different Regiments for the Imperium and Chaos Lost and Damned but I'm unsure if we're allowed to begin adding them. If we are, I'll begin writing immediately. Another aspect I wanted to touch upon is an emphasis on Renegades. I had the idea the during this campaign we'd have small engagements with Renegades. Grave Walkers preforming covert missions in contested zones, ambushing currently engaged Astartes, harvesting gene-seed, just being a perpetual thorn in the side. We could introduce the Oneiroi who just screw everyone over. Singala forces toiling day and night to erect the monolithic temples of worship and forge are decimated days before completion. Bombs go off and everything goes crumbling down. The Imperium have the same issues on their end. I've been wanting to write more Warhammer 40K material with other people, learn from their example. I figured a campaign like this might be a good exercise. We don't just have to write conflicts, we could also write about mass evacuations going array, governors scheming or small pockets of hope peeking through the darkness. If anyone is down for joining this little adventure, let me know and I'll get to writing some random information.
From the album: Mutants and Monsters
From the album: Mutants and Monsters
From the album: Mutants and Monsters
From the album: Mutants and Monsters
One day I will figure out how to do sectional quoting but until that day, a wall of text must suffice. Before I reply I wanted to share this little gem Teetengee wrote years ago: Battle For Cenicika: Prayer I've always been a fan of first person writing done well. I tip my hat to you, good sir! Ace Debonair, See, I don't know about other people but I personally like it when a in depth question is brushed off for Rule of cool, don't argue just enjoy. My instinctive response is to nod, agree and enjoy the mayhem that's to ensue. On a more serious note- you're not wrong. Tech-Priest think very alien to the average human. This isn't to say they're not human, however, they've purged many human concepts. Compassion and morality are considered anathema to them as both those run contrary to the quest for knowledge. It's my belief that this eternal quest leads them on paths of mind shattering proportions where human perceptions eventually become a blur... Err, a little off track but you get my gist. I'm just gonna apply the thought to Tagaroth and sprinkle some Rule of Cool on top. Hehe Oh trust me, my chaps are not pressed for daemons weapons. It's a little funny cause as I've been writing bits and pieces here and there, I've come up with a neat little story involving your Corsairs. The idea is the Singala Cadre are a direct response to your Corsairs. Essentially their activities were wholly religious, the Singalan Marines portraying stewards protecting the faithful. All that comes null and void when the Corsairs roll up on the Cluster. You see, the Black Legion are pretty infamous. The Daemon Realm of Singala is quite the hub for all things psychotic and daemon related. So if the Corsairs manage to seize the Cluster for themselves it stands to reason they do the same to Singala, gifting both to Abaddon-don for favor. I'm actually revamping the entire Saikos Maxum war. Chopped off the swallowing city ending and going for a more tactical approach. I've read your swan song battle with the Seiriki Lions against the Reclamation two, going on three times now. It's a fantastic rendering of the grandiose battles happening throughout 40K on the daily. But back on topic! My apologizes there, I'm so use to wagging my finger at the Inquisition whenever Chaos ensues. It is just so easy to pin the blame on them. Honestly, heresy within the Imperium is such a broad term. Tagaroth might've been innocently researching new hair spray to keep those pesky daemons out of a nobles powdered wigs. His mentor was off to a great start until things got out of hand, maybe he'll fair better; a damn shame a rival tech-priest gets a bit too jealous. That rival calls up the Mechanicus cops, embellishes an elaborate story with a sprinkle of truth and Tagaroth gets a letter a week later stating he's a traitor... And that poor noble will never find the solution to ridding his favorite wigs of pesky Nurglings and Blood Letters. Hehe, a little silly but worth it! Ooo, imagine that nasty Daemon ship chomping into an Apocalypse class ship and its fangs inject oodles of Dark Mechanicum gribbles. Now there's a bleak situation... But hey, food for thought.
Machine God No problem, thanks for getting back to me. Excuse my pedants, I thoroughly enjoy theory crafting and, possibly, sight little tidbits hidden throughout the text. I've played a lot of Dark Souls and Bloodborne and spent a lot of time lore hunting. So I like to believe there's something to be discovered with homebrews, as well... Then again, I could just as easily be wrong. While we're on the topic of battlefield looting, my interest was suddenly peeked. You said Gene-Seed looting was a specialty- does that imply they have a higher number of Apothocarians than normal? Just curiosity. The neat fact they had behind or around Ork Waagh!'s was interesting. Personally, I'd rather that go unexplained and we just enjoy the mystique of it. You said there are fouler things living in the deep; so I'm inclined to believe the Naufragii have adapted a number of innovating techniques to avoid, destroy or otherwise elude these dangers. One of these ways is lurking along the borders of a Waaagh!. Last question, I promise: Do the Naufragii Astarte's modify/repair/improve their own armor or is that a task for menials? Tenegee Interesting. Most Renegade depend on Imperial allies and industry to support their exploits and yet here we have the exact opposite. Somethings I'm iffy on but like you said, this is a very stressed alliance between The Enlightened and Orks; and I'm to assume they're Freebooterz, of a sorts. From my reckoning Orks just want to fight tough opponents... Nurgle and Khorne worshipers are tough nuts to crack. A few potential holes here being Orks aren't wholly dependable BUUUUUT! I'm assuming The Enlightened just point them in roughly the direction of the enemy. Again, issues most certainly arise with spores infecting ships, infighting stretching beyond Orkoid borders but those are minor detail. What I'm most fascinated by, and look forward to, Draethan's diplomacy with these Orks. How does he keep them (loosely) in line, does he mimic their cockny (Spelling?) accents and speech, using their slang and turns of phrase. Does the Khan often fight their presumed Warboss and best him repeatedly to assert himself over the Orks? The Ynnari alliance is another fascinating aspect. From what I know, and could be wrong, Ynnari are Aeldari from all branches; from the depths of Commoragh and the magnificent Craftworlds. I'd wager Corsairs are joining them, as well. Anyway, this tenuous alliance raises a few more questions: Do the Enlightened use Aeldari technology? Despite fans stating how awesome Astarte's arms and armor are, Aeldari technology is most definitively superior in every regard. I'd honestly encourage exploring this chance opportunity to innovative the arms and armaments of Draethan and friends. Poke around the Dark Eldar and Eldar codexes and see what you can come up with. I'd be more than happy to drop a plethora of idea's and suggestions to further expand on the idea... If you're down, that is. Unfortunately, as much as I'd love to explore the Xeno's alliance, life calls me once more. Thanks for humoring me and look forward to your replies!
Jus Naufragii Here's an interesting group of pirates. I read the group a little awhile ago but life sorta spun me off track. Anyway, there's a few intriguing tidbits I feel inclined to explore a bit more thoroughly. The emphasis on looting leaves me to ponder what their psyche must be like. We all know Astarte's were initially created for shock and awe, surgical strikes and bringing the galaxy to its knee's. What we have here, from what I gather, is brigands whom abandoned all pretenses of glory and former purpose. Personally it feels like they've shed the shackles of Imperial servitude to seek another path, one that isn't dedicated to a cycle of death. Maybe I'm reading too much into this but I'm theory crafting with homebrews so attempt to humor me. I've been reading about the sub-sectors around the Cluster and the Deep is especially hostile. Human expansion into that particular region is quite the chore leaving some worlds barren of colonies. These same worlds might be tempting refuges for all sorts of renegade ilk. Granted, many don't return from their trek there but here we have the Naufragii surviving, potentially even thriving... Rather interesting. So I'm reading more and I come across this: * Jus Naufragii attack Coral's Veil and seize numerous ocean harvesters and foodstuffs. Maybe there's a bit more than piracy transpiring here. I'm lead to believe their guise as a collection of orphaned Astarte's pillaging and looting is a rouse. Again, reading too much into this but I'm theorizing there's a little empire being built under the clusters nose. The coordination listed in their simultaneous attacks on multiple planets lends further credence to this theory. You'd need some powerful equipment to organize inter planetary attacks with that amount of precision. Organization like that comes from established civilization, bases of operation, atropathic chiors, ect ect. Here we have these presumed pirates launching these strikes with practiced precision. I'm gonna cut myself short there. I want to go on and on theory crafting but I'm afraid Machine God will swing on in and shut me down completely. Hehe Tagaroth's Dark Mechanicum Okay, so as I was reading this I was kinda indifferent during the first half. It was overall good but nothing stood out... Until that Eagles of Glory fiasco. Excellent use of Chaos manipulation there. That scheming prick sent off high-profile equipment infected with Chaos and, a decade or so later, we've got the Eagles committing fratricide on an unheard scale. A company, no non-sense, murdered each other to a man to hold a flag... Emperor Be Damned, I read that three times just to soak it in. The flesh is weak, seek stronger flesh... I get it and don't at the same time. Daemons are utterly alien creatures who don't conform to our universal laws of motion, gravity, physics and so on and so forth. So a quest to breed/create beings of stronger or similar flesh is trickier than Tagaroth and his predecessor originally thought. The obvious solution is the machine but I'm guessing you're already aware. I'm not exactly sure where this leads as later information states he's cruising around in a mean ole Daemon ship. Did he find stronger flesh by fusing daemons with people and machines or is he attempting to create something else entirely? So setting that aside, I'm a fan of the story you've put together, as a whole. An adapt following in his mentors footsteps is a nice addition and adds layers instead of being 'Evil cyborg monster'. There's genuine character here. Tagaroth is honoring his mentors work by continuing and expanding upon it. Whether he liked the mad man or not is left to debate but we can clearly see a inkling of appreciation here. Personally, I'm of the opinion the Inquisition robbed Tagaroth of opportunity and a perceived friend, mentor, whatever have you. I don't know, tragedy and betrayal seems to breed Chaos in 40K. So while it's a budding troupe (Could be wrong) I do think it'd make for some compelling stories. I mean come on, he's riding around in a nasty Daemon ship that probably, literately speaking, gobbles up frigates in a few bites. Something must've snapped in that noggin' of his go from top dog on Guletor to this guy. I'm not complaining, in fact, I'm rooting for him and look forward to reading more about his Dark Mechanicum in the future. Now I must go so have good day everyone!
Ace Debonair, Thank you. That mess I posted is just an outline. I'll be writing up different stuff here and there to better explains different phenomenons and spooky warp stuff. I'm sitting on things for a few weeks while I dabble with a few idea's Right now I'm trying to think of a good name for the Cult of Destruction I'm sluggishly typing up for Tagaroth and friends. An emphasis on Mutilators seems apt wear they seek stronger flesh. Nice chitinous techno monsters scurrying across the battlefield slashing holes in Land Raiders. Hehe Kelborn, I'm liking the call back to the Horus Heresy you're doing there. I'm looking forward to future updates for your renegades.
So this took a long time to write up, that's for damn sure. I've written a solid forty odd pages of random non-sense, deleting most and revamping others. I'm not even sure what I think of this but I'm kinda/sorta proud of it. It's essentially depicting the first large scale conflict with the Singala Cadre in all its terrifying glory. I'm positive it needs oodles of work but I felt compelled to introduce my, hopefully, terrifying Chaos Space Marines to the cluster. I hope you enjoy my wall of jibber-jabber!
From the album: Mutants and Monsters
From the album: Mutants and Monsters