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  1. Or you can just buy them and use them as 40K models. Like Castellax as Kastelans are the most direct fit. Tech-thralls as Skitarii.
  2. Grey Hunters got even BETTER in 8th. 7th Ed, each grey hunter gets 3 attacks when charging and 2 attacks when they don't BUT they cannot fire their bolters. 8th Ed, each grey hunter gets 2 attacks BUT they can fire their bolters. And on subsequent combats, they get to fire their pistols in combat and then still get 2 melee attacks. Overall, Grey Hunters put out more damage than they did in 7th.
  3. Oh man...I knew I should have bought a Leviathan... Considering that we have very effective close combat dreads. I think the Leviathan being kitted out with twin Grav Bombards would be a very terrifying fire support base. And it's quite survivable to boot. Also, Heavy bolters or Auto cannons for the Fire Raptor? I'm inclined towards heavy bolters at the moment just for shear weight of fire.
  4. On foot, he is fine. On the sled...no...Can be targeted AND he drops to 3+ save?! What....I expected an improvement in stats...and not him becoming worse...
  5. Don't forget that you still get to shoot your pistols in CC. So you aren't actually losing that much. So when you're stuck in CC, you get 2 shots from the pistols AND the 2 regular attacks. Which actually is better than a Combi-plasma and Chain sword since all 3 attacks in CC are done at S4 whilst the pistols are resolved at S7, you can even overcharge if you're feeling particularly brave or have a buffer nearby.
  6. As it stands now, we don't have a chapter tactic to make use of the Space Wolves keyword and thus it does make sense to make an "Imperium" army and cherry pick the best each faction has to offer. But that might change once we see what our codex offers, whenever that arrives... That's the rub though, taking a combi-weapon sacrifices 4 bolter shots (per model) for the flexibility of the combi-weapon. Makes sense to take a stormbolter if all you plan for them is anti-hordes which I personally think is kinda wasted on them. When you factor in the other marines with bolters in your army, you should have plenty of bolter shots to spread around and shouldn't need a dedicated unit for it. But I must admit that it is super fun to tell your opponent that the 5 men squad will now roll 40 dice in shooting and then 30 attacks in CC to finish off whatever is left standing....
  7. I'm liking that idea of a CC orientated Biker squad with SS and Frost weapon. You still get a decent shooty element with the twin bolters so they can thin out hordes and you get a pretty hard hitting CC unit. Shooty Jump Packers are another nice one! I totally forgot that Jump Packs can fall back and still shoot. That would indeed be perfect for them then. Still not all that convinced by Storm Shields on 1 wound models though. I think keep it cheap and just give them combi-plasmas and chainsword.
  8. So now that it has been corrected. What's kind of loadout for Wolf Guards? Jump Pack Wolf Guards I'm starting to come around to twin plasma pistols now that they can take it. Jump in, 2 plasma shots (same as comb-plasma) at range and if you get stuck in, you still get 2 plasma shots with them being pistols. It'll probably be cheaper than the plasma armed Inceptors though not as survivable. Don't think I'll give the squad any storm shields though. Biker Wolf Guards Now that they can't carry a storm shield and 2 weapons, I'm beginning to think that not every one of them needs a Storm Shield. 2 shields in a 5 men squad looks about right. I think I'll kit the bikers out as a tough mobile fire base with combi-plasmas. Terminator Wolf Guards Ooh boy! Storm Shield and range weapon! It's really sexy but I'm not sure how useful it'll be. I think these guys will probably still end up being geared for CC.
  9. You can still take it.replace Boltgun with Storm Shield, replace Bolt Pistol with Axe.
  10. You still have it. Replace bolt pistol for melee weapon.
  11. No more triple weapon wolf guards but plasma pistol gun slingers are legit!
  12. I really wonder how long Wolf Guards and their prehensile beard (how else would they wield 3 weapons?!) would be allowed to exist. I hope it's permanent....hahahaha
  13. Could you provide more pictures of that magnetic joint? That's really nifty!
  14. Loving that scythe wielding Cataphract! Where did the scythe come from?
  15. Nice to see a running video of the game but the "commentary" was terrible! They were more chatting with each other than telling us about the game...
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