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Rusted Boltgun

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Rusted Boltgun last won the day on February 18 2024

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  1. Very smart indeed. What tufts are you using on those bases? The combination work well with your Marine scheme and ground colour.
  2. Deff Dredd progress. Lower arm is posed for the moment, will be attached once the body has been fully painted. It is coming together, as are the koptas.
  3. I have been working on my Deffkoptas and nearly got them fully basecoated and at the same time I have been assembling, priming and basecoating the Deff Dread from the Combat Patrol. I weirdly started with the base and some chopped up sprue to try and create some interest. These 60mm bases can be a bit dull with just a couple of feet on them (looking at you, Ballistus). Tactical rubble in place, I have partially assembled the Dread
  4. Great looking GSC in your gallery, I especially like your rail track bases. I've liked GSC since Genestealer but only now starting to collect them. Welcome to the forum!
  5. Out of stock after 10 minutes at Wayland and Eclectic but my local FLGS came to the rescue, just not quite the same discount.
  6. Some gory updates Goremongers A 'no' from me. I only want the Imperial team and the statue from this box. The mechanic for this team just doesn't work for me Getting close for your kills is important as the Gore Tanks carried by operatives can only be filled when somebody dies within arm’s reach. They start half full and each half can be expended to activate one of six powerful Sanguavitae abilities, which range from healing grievous wounds to adding APL – handy for picking up mission actions between all the killing. That said, it is meant to be Kill Team rather than Objective Team after all.
  7. The noise marine looks fab but the red on the drop pod looks really good! I've got one part-assembled so feel your pain. Courage and honour, Frater - you'll get there!
  8. Hi, I use external image hosting at the moment but this should help
  9. I recently purchased some AP Fanatic paints Fiery Vermilion and Banshee Brown and Death Metal on the metallic mechadendrites on these wee Skulls.
  10. Updated my Kill Team storage. Box One - I magnetised my Kommandos and my Phobos as they were loose in the old box. Couldn't fit the Phobos in because of the Stingwings so they have gone in what is now Box Two with my unfinished Fellgor Ravagers and Imperial Agents. I appear to be amassing unfinished projects so need to turn my attention back to getting them done. Maybe one day I'll have both sides from a Kill Team box with appropriate terrain painted but who knows when that will be?!
  11. My completed Vespid Stingwings I found it hard to pull together fluff for these guys, having set them on Volkus. I miss the name generators from the previous rulebooks (though these guys are just SF1, SF2, etc in the eyes of their handler). Looking forward to seeing more completions! Your Ratlings are superb @zulu.tango and their bios are great!
  12. The Sun Flare Kill team operate under the guidance of their Fire Caste handler, Chi'don Ka'no. These Tau auxiliaries have been deployed to swiftly insert and disrupt the Volkus defences. The Vespid are nameless killers with a truly alien savagery, according local reports. Faster than should be possible, they strike with ruthless efficiency and carry deadly weaponry not previously identified. The xenos are unnervingly silent apart from the theming of their wings and the shriek of their Tau pulse weapons. A team of Tempests Aquilons are being prepped to combat this new menace and reduce the defenders' casualty rate.
  13. I think I have made it to the end of the Vespid Stingwing project They received a drybrush highlight of Jokaero Orange (thanks @Firedrake Cordova) and some black base rims to finish them off. Having assembled and primed the Orks in the last post, I carried on with the remainder of the Combat Patrol. The dread is part assembled and I've made some rubble from chopped up sprue so I can give it a base.. Tactical rubble rather than tactical rock. That base was just a bit too big to be totally flat. Especially given the bases on the Deffkoptas They might be ETB but what fun models! Having got the part assembled, I couldn't stop myself from getting some paint on them. Unfortunately, they have stalled as I'm lacking the colours for some Blood Axes fatigues which will also be used as the basis for a camo pattern on the koptas. I still haven't finished the Bladeguard (or started his pals) or basecoated the Ballistus Dreadnought weapons though they are at least primed. I need to pull together a little fluff for the Vespid and the KITS challenge, then get painting again!
  14. There is Revell Contacta Professional (in the UK/Europe at least) but it is also a bit fumey and the nozzle clogs (though it is designed so you can store it tipped to reduce the clogging potential). Revell.de
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