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Brother Sutek

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Everything posted by Brother Sutek

  1. Oh I understand that it's the rules and if someone really wanted to play it that way I'd get it. However I would definitely house rule it. If a once glorious tank that no longer shines with its OP glory anymore can't be used due to poorly written rules...
  2. If someone got that precious about the rules I'm not sure I could ever play them again. That is a brutal read.
  3. Depending on your area the lascannons may be very needed at 2k. I live in a very pleasant meta and although people take good stuff nothing is OP. As example we limit contemptor to one per 1k points. They are still around and many people still use vehicles and I use a lot of terminator in my Death Guard. Being able to chop them down a bit is huge and a lascannon squad can help that immensely. I agree that spamming large units of them is oppressive so you have to decide if you're "that guy" but I don't see an issue with a unit of them. A buddy of mine tool multiple units of them in his Death Guard list and spammed the heck out of them. Then he wondered why no one wanted to play him...
  4. I suggest one t hammer in the cenobium, those weapons are great but the t hammer really helps.
  5. Exactly! We still play 7th edition 40k but with a serious lack of nonsense allowed. One thing I always wanted to field was the Baron from the Dark Eldar book. He disappeared from the rules but I have a third party mini for him and my friends have no issue with me using him. It goes without saying I don't field him with an Eldar Seer Council on jetbikes or any other broken good stuff. Weird how we have fun.
  6. I think we discussed this before? I've been slowing adding 3rd party rules ideas to my group as have a few others. We don't play in the wild anymore so there is no worry about new people feeling cheated with us using different rules. I honestly just want balance. If the artillery stays the same game effect then price should go down, if it improves prices stays the same. SA vehicles tend to be extremely overpriced unlike last edition but now aren't very good. Ok I'll stop beating the dead horse.
  7. Well sadly like the Draconian, that I was going to buy five, these are beautiful models but subpar rules. I'd love to sink my hobby money into buying some, I am a long time field artillery man, but esp versus the group I play they will just be free points. Either cut their points or fix their stats. I do love the models.
  8. And that's my point having the unit/weapon be so nerfed that now we only see one type of cannon in general. It's one of many reasons I disliked 8th edition 40k, I played IG for 15 at the time and was a huge infantry man with some artillery to support. They removed platoons and allowed you to spam units with no balance. So we saw wave after wave of nerfs that still didn't address the problem that not having the platoon structure solved. I want to see a proper mix but still have a few strong vehicles but not a leaf blower list.
  9. I don't necessarily agree that it was bad as the Solar Auxilia needed the punch due to the rest of their army getting little to no saves versus marines. Yes that spam gets annoying with a marine list behind it but in this edition we tend to see a great deal of lascannon so how rough would it really be? Dracosan are rough points wise and real world cost wise, I'd like some better value for my investment.
  10. If only GW wold deNerf the template weapons. I will say I'd love a few Incinerator turrets in plastic. They just look cool. That being said I can't decide if I like the Sentinels. I love Sentinels in general but these are clunky, might just be the GW paintjob but it's not selling itself to me.
  11. Since pretty much every vehicle gets that option you'd think it would as well...
  12. It's that painful moment where the limited usefulness is made even less. Gw don't you want my money!?!
  13. Just a small addition is removing the weapon upgrade from the Argus. I mean I know the shuttle is OP and gamebreaking with a gun but...
  14. While I can't say I'd ever and I mean ever want to play with your group... if you are having fun go for it. Please stay over there as my group is way more casual and even Primarch are for special occasions only. I don't darn anyone for using them in a tournament etc but they, IMO, don't feel as special if used every game.
  15. Can't answer all your questions as I'm not as good as I was last edition due to not having time to play. As far as I know you can pick whatever tank but the caveat being you have to remove wounds on that model first from any remaining wounds. Not 100% on that so you'll need to double check that.
  16. I was pushing for command squad so far but only one Herald. It's annoying and frustrating that they nerf bikes and then double down with not giving line for so many units in the special rite. See also destroyers for not being given line in their rite.
  17. And now for something completely different... Anyone having success with Ravenwing? I'm finally getting a little free time and wanted to try running my bike/jetbike list again but wanted to get some advise first. I'm looking to run bikes, jetbikes and speeders specifically.
  18. I'd do so if I had the skill and access to a 3D printer. I get why the artist doesn't release them as they want a unique unit and I respect that. However even saying that I really would love a set to make a unit of ten. I have 30 destroyers right now and love them even if they aren't all that great. I use them in my Dark Angels Rite of War: Eskaton Imperative all with jump packs and I admit they are partially used to offset how brutal the Interemptors are. Now if I had those weapons for flamers my Death Guard would have at least one unit... maybe two due to my not so secret love affair with jump pack troops.
  19. Anytime! Please share how well it goes. I've spent most of my limited game time working on my Death Guard this edition and my beloved Dark Angels haven't seen the table as much as I'd like.
  20. Yeah 50 points on an already costly vehicle was a slap in the face, esp with the nerf to the demo. It might have been 5th when I used my Valkyrie and Vendetta with Vulture backup that was hated. I used my old plastic Stormtroopers as vets with plasma and melta in the list and I still laugh that the store manager thought they were non GW and had to be shown the old range. Sorry man I'm old lol. Those were units I'd like to see come to the game as I love Vultures and company.
  21. I'll break topic for one comment about 40k 8th edition. I have played IG for decades and love balanced forces, armored assault and infantry heavy. The hate my army got even with nerf after nerf after nerf, was disgusting. In HH I want to be able to run all three styles again. I don't want to spam one specific tank as it's the only good one. If these rules can help that then I'm all in! Now if we could lower the Dracosan points...
  22. It's the usual change what is good to promote sales... I don't like super heavies as a general thing due to in the past their being too good at low level games but for SA they were almost needed to be able to combat Marines. I wanted to build an all around force that wasn't just a gunline but GW doesn't want that and honestly marines should be able to smash small units with no problem. That being said I don't want to be forced to spam rapier and Vanquisher and never use real artillery or dracosan. I'll run this by my group, hopefully they will be fine with it as it's not like they are OP now.
  23. I'd say yes as that sounds fun and helps you control the board and how your opp moves. It may be a little niche and not come up as much as you'd like but the threat of it sounds awesome! Plus I love speeders even in their current version.
  24. It is one thing if you were brand new and someone pulled a gotcha. That would be a jerk move, a learning experience but still a jerk move. For people playing a while it's like you said.
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