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Everything posted by YannTheMad

  1. I'll be honest, I don't like the the Vashtorr claw. I don't understand why it can't be use as a melee weapon; The thing got huge blades! So... If it's not a melee weapon, I'll make it a tool. It isn't finished, but mostly. The forearm is meant to recall the abdomen. The hand itself is made with two beheaded torsos, with their servoarms making the four fingers, marking it more of a tool than a weapon. The fingers holding to many parts, flamer heating them. Question: Do I add a little fire to the flamer ? Anyway, really like how it turned out and it overall weird aspect of it. Let me know what you guys think! Have a great week
  2. OOOh I love that one! The model composition/color scheme is really inspired and striking on your ancient. Tbh, I don't usually like capes, but it looks really good. The staining look really good too.
  3. Looks real great so far! Thats a lot of putty work, no wonder it took a lot of time. For the walking pose, I think the legs might be too far apart. I'm really eager to see more
  4. Lots of new stuff :-O that captain blade looks real awesome Wasn't too sure about the DIY land raider at first, but it have grown on me. Nice job mate
  5. That paint scheme seems quite hard to achieve, but good job so far ^^ I'm eager to see more
  6. Captain looks awesome ideed ^^ Bare head = bad. Helmet are the first thing you would equip any militaries.
  7. Reading the comments I think agree with the majority. I won't add the tusk/horn as it'll take away from the general weirdness of the head. I might ass little hornlets on the forehead to break the smoothness of it, or maybe alittle quantity of flames to mirror those of the "chest-maw". @Terminatorinhell The bits I was using didn't look good on the top of the head. Also, there's no neck at all XD Just smaller arms holding the hea-mask thinggy @Firedrake Cordova @Rusted Boltgun @Wormwoods @Brother Christopher Thanks a lot, I can only agree with your collective wisdom @Boc Like Brother Christopher I'd be tempted to agree, but on the other hand I don't do horns so much... Only my "Fabius Bile" Magus Biologis and my cultist preacher have some so far. @Razblood Thanks mate Anyway, been working on non-Vasthorr "claw" and so far it's really fun to make and should look real weird ^^
  8. OOOOh I'm so following this one! Great job on the face so far. As I remember, the nose was something like Ralph Fiennes Voldemor's nose slits. Maybe just cur a little of the nostril bulges ? The greenstuff work on the back and spine looks incredible.
  9. @Firedrake Cordova Yeah... That's about how I feel XD @Terminatorinhell @Wormwoods Thanks! Here is this week progress so far. So, I've finally worked a little on the wings. The left one has about the same progress as the right one. Also started the left arm/claw. It's still really early work. In your opinion: Mask horns/tusks ? Yay of nay? Anyway, let me know what you guys think. Have a great week!
  10. Asmodai looks great ^^ Very nice non-metalic on the sword Love the helmet choice for the ancient, really tie him as a dark angel
  11. @sitnam Thanks a lot! Yeah it might still take a while before it'S all the way complete... @Firedrake Cordova That's an awesome idea! I'm not sure I'll be able to sculpt fumes / smoke tho... But I'll try @Rusted Boltgun I know... But god those are annoying to sculpt XD I was planning on 50 but I think I'll have to go all the way to 100 to make the wings look good... That's gonna be a looooong process... I already have some plan for the base so we'll see how it turns out. @WormwoodsME NAME BONK! Lol. Yeah the lord on Juggernaut is probably the next on the list. Here's this week progress! I'm still postponing working on the wings, wich is kindda stupid on my behalf... But, we've got two more arms AND a face/mask. The cog on the forhead has been a pain to sculpt. I ended up redoing it 3 or 4 times to be honest. It will need some more detailing but so far I'm happy with it. Let me know what you guys think! Have a great week
  12. I'm reapeating myself but: Holy hell you work fast! Love the thunder warrior! What helmet did you used? It look awesome but I don't reconize it...
  13. Looking great so far ^^ I'm really eager to see the completed Asmodai. Red robes look badass. As for the liquid masking, this thing looks really hard to use :O
  14. @Terminatorinhell It'll will be a long time to get to the painting part XD but so far I'm happy with the model. @Pearson73 Yeah I love the effect off the servo-skull-wing so far, but god those are annoying to make XD I'm always postponing them XD The hand was a good learning process tbh I did change it to profit for the right hand ;-) @Firedrake Cordova @Boc Thanks both of you ^^ Yeah the number of skulls will make Angron jealous, I'm at 16 so far counting the 3 in the hammer head. So here's some progress. The right arm and hammer are mostly done. Same thing for the right chest muscles. Next stop should be the head/face plate. I had new idea for a next model. Dark mech lord on "bio-juggernaut" anyone? Anyway, let me know what you think. Have a great week!
  15. Been forever since I played anything but killteam. Your captain looks amazing. As always, I love your freehand heraldry work. The weathering on the cap is a nice touch and really add to the overall model. Good work as always ^^
  16. God you work fast XD It's hard to keep up! Centurion looks amazing so far. I'm a big fan of servitors, yours is pretty nice. Love the power blade lightning effect ^^ Overall nice job
  17. Maybe just try it with poster tack? The side picture seems to suggest it would have enough space. If need be, I'd result the cables in greenstuff.
  18. I'd smooth out the top of the meltas and would fit them below the main sponsons I think
  19. The sponson weapons are looking good ^^ mayde add a plasticard piston each to solidify the little servo-arms and compensate the recoil ?
  20. It seems tricky Many shoulder/upper back mounted like primaris agressors?
  21. Your Azrael look awesome and yeah, getting rid of the banner was the good call I think. I'm really not a fan of the judiciar original head, so the hooded one is a great choice, bring back the red of the robe too! Pretty great for loyalist dogs
  22. That's some cool looking centurion. And I agree, the classic kit is really bulky (not in a good way) and kind of childish. So far yours look great. By the way, what's your plan for the weird armpit weapons ?
  23. @Terminatorinhell Thanks ^^ Seriously it's just a lot of pratice and hit and miss. Here's this week progress. Half of the "secondary" arms are pretty much done. the other four will hold the mask/head and the cog/halo. I'm starting to think about the "main" arms, hence the copper wire and weird ball joint. The wing is starting to look a little better, but as I suspected 25 skulls per wing won't be enough... As always, let me know what you guys think. Hae a great week!
  24. @Firedrake Cordova Yeah I was quite proud of that hand XD... Maybe I'll find another use for it one day. I tried casting with "bluestuff" a while back ans A- I don't like the results or B- I'm bad at it so I don't like the results. So casting won't be the solution for that problem XD @Sherrypie Thanks mate ^^ To be honest, I'm really not a big fan of tails... And anyway the way the flames are made I can't take them without scrapping the whole foot... So I'm kind of already committed I'm afraid.
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