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Everything posted by Banjulhu

  1. Or we accept Sisters or Battle are back to where they were in 3rd Ed. Worse Marines.
  2. Some highlights. 10 Battle sisters: 110pts 10 Dominions: 130pts 5 Retributors: 130pts Did you know that 5 Devastator Marines comes in at 120pts?
  3. Where tanks are concerned am I right i thinking they can never get the under half strength bonus +1 to wound bonus as units of 1 can only be full strength or dead and that the special exception in the detachment rule only lets them count as less than their starting strength if the vehicle is wounded?
  4. And Retributors are capped at 5 models.
  5. Thankfully all the guns sisters have access to look utterly mediocre so a +1 to hit and wound is unlikely to do much. Remember Blood of the Martyrs basically only kicks in when the sisters are already losing to make losing suck a little bit less.
  6. New set of rules and a further weakening of the Exorcist. That checks out. I note that with leadership tests now being a roll over a target number low rolls on Miracle dice are just outright useless.
  7. I dont think the Bloody Rose are going to get much traction in a world where half the armies they could come across ignore their AP buff.
  8. New FAQ. https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/dOhJrI4sapCSm822.pdf Someone on the design team really does not like sisters at the moment it seems
  9. Extra charge range on repentia and being able to shove a none dominion loaded rhino up the board pre-turn one whilst not flashy are useful. Assuming they fix the bit that stops Vahl being taken there are things there that a mono bloody rose list can make use of, it's just no crusher stampede.
  10. https://www.goonhammer.com/warzone-nachmund-vigilus-alone-matched-play-review/ The Bloody Rose rules are apparently average and locked (possibly erroneously) behind a detachment mechanic that does not allow for the use of Sanctified units.
  11. You could see them becoming a very BR friendly unit the moment the Kill Team rules were shown of and the Novitiate had the <Order> Keyword but it is a bit of a shame that outside of the bloody rose that they will be filler at best. On the competive front they may end up pushing the mixed order lists further down the pile in favour of Bloody Rose + Vahl + Celestine lists because 32 S4 Ap -1 attacks, 3 S3 Ap -1 attacks and 4 S4 Ap -4 attacks on the charge that gets to reroll the charge dice for just 85pts is hard to turn down. In summary I may have to try an BR army with three min sized Battle sister units and 3 melee equipped Novitiate units.
  12. So I'm thinking of bringing back the 5 marine Las-Plas crusdaer squad as some cheep filler (updated to 9th Ed conventions by having the Plas bit be a Combi-Plasma on the Sword Brother). It's 115pts and will largely be forgettable at the back of the table when compared to the bigger threats around them but can put some pain on mutli-wound targets from turn 1 onwards. Also A 5 marine Plas-Plas squad packing chainswords for 110pts could have some nice value backing up a large Primaris Crusader squad.
  13. Centurions are likely not core because they would be too powerful for their points if they could benefit from easy rerolls and unit buffs.
  14. They have even been able to ally in a Grey Knights and psyker inquisitors since way back in 4th ed
  15. Not sure, 3 Outriders comes in at 150pts has 3 less wounds than 150pts of bikes (5 bikes), but on the charge the 3 Outriders get 19 attacks compared to the 5 bikes pumping out 16 attacks if you give them chainswords.
  16. It's only 50pts for a 5 marine to replace their flamers with 10 meltaguns and for the most part I think that will pay off a lot more than the flamers. I'm also curious to see how an outrider squad with a Champion of the Feast Sgt packing with a master crafted chainsword would do. It's not ground breaking hence why it is part of my good bad ideas but they are a lot less threatening than Centurions so will likely not be a major target priority for an opponent and so will hopefully get a chance to hit above their weight.
  17. 20 marines packing carbines and auto-bolt rifles with a couple of power fists thrown in feels like it could get a lot of work done in the centre of the table especially if a there is a chappie or apothecary in support. It's a lot of bodies but not too costly and generally speaking your opponent will be focusing their effort on the more poignent threats like redemptors, vanguard vets and Helbrcht etc to want to waste shots on a blob squad.
  18. They have not done so for years hence why it was pushed out of Imperial Armour at the start of 9th ed, but it was a popular kit in itls day and thanks to all the ornate dreadnaught chasis FW still sell or even the venerable dread kit from the standard marine line it's not hard to make a cool looking conversions.
  19. Sort of. GW dont include them in their balance passes and so suggest that legends units might be unbalanced and so it is up to tournament organisers as to whether to allow them which is hilarious given the meta warping that the 100% tournament legal Dark Eldar and Ad Mech have done in the last half a year.
  20. Why not? The relic wording in the new supplement is "If your army is led by an BLACK TEMPLARS WARLORD, you can, when mustering your army, give one of the following Relics of the Eternal Crusade to an BLACK TEMPLARS CHARACTER model from your army instead of giving them a Relic from |Codex Space Marines. These are considered to Be Chapter Reiics for all real purposes. Named characters cannot be given any of the following Relics." This deviates from the main codex relic wording which expressly calls our "Named characters and VEHICLE models" as being unable to take the relics listed.
  21. They can as long as GW did not cock up their rules writing and that never happens.
  22. I dont think you get enough attacks out of the Eradicators to make the extra D noticeable. Realistically you want the damage upgrade on a unit that has a lot of shots or makes a lot of melee attacks over a game. On top of that you need to find the sweet break points, D1 to D2 is nice, D2 up to D3 starts to worry a lot of things but I'm not sure if D6+5 on a low rate of fire weapon is a big enough gain over D6+4
  23. I wont lie, having a super centurion that just wont die was the plan. Also I'm of thinking a lot of meltaguns in the squad but that may make them too big a target because 10 melta shots ignoring cover is the kind of thing that just screams "Please remove use from the table post haste".
  24. Tannhauser's Bones is a normal Black Templar relic available to characters in an army as long as there is a Black Templar warlord present not one of the Chaplain linked unit upgrade things.
  25. The wording is that they can't take the relics listed in space marine codex. "If your army is led by an ADEPTUS ASTARTES WARLORD, you can, when mustering your army, give one of the following Chapter Relics to an ADEPTUS ASTARTES CHARACTER model from your army. Named characters and VEHICLE models cannot be given any of the following Relics." This wording does not exist in the new supplement as it only stipulates that named characters cant take the relics listed.
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