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Sister Alessia

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Everything posted by Sister Alessia

  1. Sorry to hear your having such a hard time STD :( I too have been absent for really sucky real life stuff, but the new Rogue Trader set has got me wanting to do a Rogue Trader Venerator team. So hopefully we will bump into each other more on the forum :) Looking forward to seeing more of your chaos cult and diorama! Hope things get better for you soon lovely <3
  2. Sounds awesome STD :) really cool theme! And no shame in doing a straight from box gang, im planning on doing the same :) I need my gang up and running quickly and I need to ease my way back into the hobby. I love the HellRaiser movies, but I do find them really scary. Can't watch them on my own lol. I think the Jesus pose, with bursting chains sounds more cinematic :)
  3. @SlaveTD have you ever seen me and tank girl at the same place at the same time? :D Thanks love, its good to be back! Looking forward to your Slaaneshi cult! Im torn between the two Dread movies, as I love them both for different reasons. But Karl Urban has such a dreamy chin :) @InquisiFox Big killer robots would make up nicely for the superior Goliath stat line i think :)
  4. Could be very cool! I was thinking of getting one of those Genestealer cult trucks and Eschering it up. But my gang could use a big killy bug robot :)
  5. Killer Ash! :D Evil Dead is great, but I still think its really really scary! So cool to hear people being inspired our Threads STD! Your's is one of my Fav's too! I've not been well the last few days, so I've not been online. I will be doing some more Escher tomorrow though!
  6. Great looking nomads STD! Can't wait to see the finished results! Extra excited to see your Mad Donna! Oh and the muffins were 3 towers of: lemon & lime with cream frosting and zests; earl grey & blueberry and coffee choc chip with coffee frosting. I have pictures if your interested lol.
  7. Why I was up baking yummy muffins for my friend Urshula's birthday! :D We went clubbing over the weekend and we are also playing Space Crusade and Shadow War tomorrow! I know I'm setting myself up here, but I think 13" is plenty big enough! Looks great either way though. Smash Tv was an awesome game for the Snes. I used to play it with my older brother. I'm digging The Running man feel to your Tv show! Sounds like a lot of fun! A Pom would be so awesome! Much more dangerous than a cyber mutant mutt! Haha virtually! ;)
  8. Oh wow somebody has been busy! Both gangs look absolutely stunning! Really cool to see them all together and on terrain. Speaking of terrain, your doing a fantastic job! Looks really good. Thank you for the battle report too! I really like your narrative style! More of these pretty please! X
  9. Great work so far Kordhal! Fab looking gang!
  10. Just my female friends range from between 5"1 and 6"1. Amy and Heather look to be on a totally different scale lol. All though both do wish to be a "regular" height, whatever that is Moving swiftly on. Are you guys still going to play Shadow War in the buildup to Necro, then convert over? My group is going to continue playing both. It seems younger gamer's (except me, because I'm Old Skool ) don't seem as interested in gangs. They like that Shadow War lets them play nids, tau, necrons etc. and aren't really excited about different humans fighting. I'm hoping as more gangs get released, they will come around to the idea.
  11. Airbrush work is looking good!
  12. @OakRiver That's what I thought lol. I tried a newer bolt pistol, but It looked far too sensible! @Hushrong Thanks chicken! I'm having so much fun painting these ladies. Oh those are kill markers. One heart for every 5 kills :) You should totally do both gangs! @Thamier Cheers And do it, do it! The more Escher gangs the better! @Aqui That would be so cool! I'm tempted to get hold of a Mad Donna, but she's so expensive.
  13. @Swarmlord Hooray for super tall men, that are still way taller than me, even when I'm wearing 6" Heels Seriously Leeds is land of the giants! @Bjorn Why yes, yes there will!
  14. @Aiwass Thank you! I just wish there was room for more leopard print lol. I was thinking of a kinda 1950's Diner theme. Of course there will be have to be a waitress @STD Ta duck! She's one of my favourite too! She could still do with some animal print though!
  15. Loving all the terrain ideas! I may have to do a Club with a stage, so the Holograms can play Either that or some kind of Escher Salon lol. I have 2 more gangers for you. Hope you likey! Clash and Shana
  16. Hiya lovlies! I've been hard at work painting today. I have 2 more gangers for you. Hope you likey! Clash and Shana
  17. @STD It was Black Falcon, Evil Eye and Pocket Fox. I didn't know any of the bands, but the gig was literally just around the corner from my flat. It was really good though and Black Falcon were a lot of fun! @TheTraitor Do it Do it! And thank you! Being inspired by my minis makes it all worth while
  18. @STD hahahaha omg, I still think that Pom is all the adorbs! Chewie has his moments I'll be working on more Escher next, I'll probably do another 5. 2 in particular are some of my fav minis ever, the lass with a chainsword and the shotgun autopistol gal. @Calyptra It depends where your from. I went to a gig last weekend and it was like going for a night out on Fenris! All the guys were around 6"4 or taller and the ladies were all around 6", but Leeds has a tall population. However when I visit Glasgow, I'm like the tallest person around lol. They were nice Space Wolves though and let the little woman go to the front
  19. @ I do have a Fuzzy Squig! He's called Chewbacca Megatron Von Spitz Mc bastard Hemingway! Or Chewie for short Apparently pedigree dogs are meant to have fancy long names, but Chewie is a rescue Pom, so I got to name him lol! Glad you like the boots! I think metal wedges will be much cooler and far more practical! I'm 5"8 so I should be about 6"2 in those boots. Just right for an Amazon in space! @Doghouse Awww thanks chicken! The colours really pop on the tabletop! @Bjorn I have been thinking about this. I'd like to think Hello Kitty has evolved into something more like Maneki-neko or an Imperial Saint of luck lol. I will be working on my gang again tomorrow. Updates either late tomorrow or Monday! I still think I will be finished way before the new gangs get released, so I will probably be getting the plastic Escher and Goliath. Just need to decide weather to do the Escher as a separate gang.
  20. Great work Doghouse, really impressive green stuff skills! Wow Calyptra awesome drawing! Care Bare Goliath's need to be a thing!
  21. Thank you Here are the boots! I think they are close enough for a start! Photo bomb Pom!
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