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Found 14 results

  1. so i just realised if you want to put your Ad-mech onto tech bases instead of martian earth then the new necromunda bases will be just perfect for your skitarii troops to nestle on ! cheers, Mithril
  2. Welcome to the Underhive! This will be a Work in Progress Topic for any and all fraters who wish to put their workings on their gangs here to show others their accomplishments and also to perhaps inspire and encourage others in their own pursuit of gang Domination in the UnderHive. I look forwards to seeing what the Community here can produce for this awesome come back Game!. Please feel free to start posting your WiP's... Mithril
  3. Thought it might be fun taking a trip down memory lane. Le List your favorite movies that helped inspire or that were inspired by the game or anything that makes you think of it. I'll kick this off with some obvious ones. Escape from New York ( 1981 ) The Warriors ( 1979 ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9ZhrD6hMcc
  4. Well as we will soon get another edition of Necromunda I think its time I started a thread for my InquisiGorkaMundaHeim28 TM (IGMH28) warbands. Currently I have or am working on an Escher gang, a Brat gang, a Scavvy gang (Confrontation style Scavs, not the toxic looking 'Munda scavs) and a 'Wastelanders' gang (I play a lot of Fallout and Boarderlands ) I run using the 'Unknown Warriors' rules to create my own gang. Annoyingly most of the images are on my old laptop that I don't have access to at the moment, these are all I could find at the moment. Just for the record I would like to state that all of these are VERY WiP. My Escher. (L-R) Holly Kaust (Heavy) Tiny Tina (Juve) Jenny Cyde and Bittercup Chibbi (Gangers) The ladies from another angle. I think since I took these pictures Jenny has lost her hat, but I have plenty of Berets in the Scion kit so she can still have her Military look. I have also started on the Leader, but she isn't even near ready enough for a pic, but she has got a top hat! My Brats (L-R) Emilie (Juve) and Mistress Sickay0 (Leader) Sickay0 wont be keeping those legs, I just stuck them on so I don't loose the body, might change that sword as well for a Chainsword. Due to staring at these minis for a few years I can say that I have lost interest in finishing them off at the moment. Due to the hype surrounding NuMunda I want to try something new whilst I am all twitchy and excited. ''But Slave, you always complain like an old grognard about how old GW is better, I cant see you trying anything new!'' Ahh yes that is true younglings, but even though I'm doing something new Ill still be keeping it Oldschool. ''What do you mean venerable Greybeard??'' I'm glad you asked... +++ Back in my younger days when I had hair on the top of my head and is wasn't grey we had a game printed in White Dwarf over a number of issues called Confrontation, (I wont go on a nostalgic ramble as most of you know what I'm talking about, if you don't shoot me a PM and Ill eventually get round to emailing you the old articles) and they had a particularly cool looking gang called the Venators. Venators - Official Bounty Hunters, Wytchfinders and Mutant Hunters. Sound like a nice bunch of chaps don't they? So looking at the artwork available the main features that stand out to me are the Hoods, Masks, Boots and some form of padded Flak jacket. For the heads I will try tweaking the masks that come with the Fantasy Witch Elves/whatever the other unit is dual kit, hoods will be greenstuffed. Torso will most probably come from Bretonnian Men at Arms or Archers and some of the bits from the Mordheim Mercanarys/Empire Millita kit. The legs/kinky leather boots Im not too sure, I think I have some suitable legs left over from the Mordheim kit, if not the greenstuff will be coming out again. Ill have a look for suitable axes, the old Fantasy Chaos Warrior kit has some nice axes and they go quite nice on Space Wolf minis as well. The noose around the neck is easy, Empire Flagellants have plenty if I remember correctly. As for weapons the old Confrontation charts gave Venators a higher chance of starting with Needlers and Web Guns (all equipment was chosen randomly for a starting gang, I quite liked that actually). I know we don't know exactly what the new rules will bring us for weapons so I will keep the equipment generic, though I will convert up a few minis armed with the exotic weaponry so I can still use the gang in Inquisitor 28 games etc. Hopefully I will get my stuff back soon so I can crack on and get the ball rolling. The only thing I don't have in my bits box is axes so this will be a cheap project for once.
  5. How about a set of rules for turning Necromunda or Shadow War: Armageddon into a first person shooter style diversion? Most of us are familiar with console and computer FPS games (I played a lot of Quake II, Half-Life, and Counterstrike way back when), and some of us may be familiar with Frag from Steve Jackson Games, which is a boardgame that emulates the computer/console FPS games. About ten years ago, we had some rules for this at a B&C-run table at Games Day Los Angeles, which was quite a bit of fun. With the release of Shadow War: Armageddon and the reincarnation of Necromunda, both of which follow the pattern of Games Workshop's squad skirmish level games, players might find this a fun little diversion. I don't have anything set in stone, but here are the concepts that occurred to me: Each player controls either a single fighter (standard mode) or a team of fighters (when you can only get two or three players). Games can be every man for himself or team play; team play can be two, three, or even more teams. Fighter spawn points can be assigned (e.g., Fighter Bob always spawns on this point, or always on blue spawn points), or they can be random (some mechanism for spawning on a spawn point of the player's choosing). All fighters are Trooper options, starting with a knife and a pistol, as appropriate to the faction. Game play is ideal when everyone is using the same type of fighter (e.g., everyone has a Space Marine Scout); but provisions might be made for fighters from different factions. The board has equipment spawn points that you must run over to get the equipment. Equipment includes various types of weapons, as well as special equipment (Terminator armour, jump packs, etc.). There might even be "advance" spawn points that give stat or skill advancements. Normal turn sequence is followed (just to keep things easy), but fighter order is determined each turn (some mechanism to determine order of fighters - might be a roll of the dice or might be some other method). At the end of each game turn, all equipment spawn points regenerate. Equipment is identified by tokens of some sort (my plan is to use bits to decorate bases to show what is on the spawn point). When a fighter goes out of action, the model is removed from play. A fighter that starts the game turn down can "suicide" and be removed from play. At the start of the game turn, any fighter that has been removed from play re-spawns on its spawn point. If a fighter is removed from play before its turn, it may re-spawn when its turn comes up and may act normally. There might be some mechanism for limiting the amount of gear that a fighter can carry (e.g., you can only carry two weapons (in addition to the knife and pistol that are basic), and up to five other things such as grenades and ammunition reloads). There are lots of different play variations, from kill count (i.e., first fighter/team to reach a certain kill count wins) to capture the flag to kill the zombies to whatever. There should probably be a mechanism driving fast play, such as using a chess timer or the like to limit player turns and drive up the pressure. Anyhoo, while this isn't something completely new, the execution will be a little different from what we've done in the past. This would be a fun little diversion from normal play, and might be fun at conventions and the like. If you have ideas, I'd love to hear them.
  6. The Mohock Blades http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-qDPRrzo4ATI/U6vmQzzd4QI/AAAAAAAACao/ZgVvji3YIqE/s1600/Confrontation+Scan+1.jpg "Now is the time that rakes their revels keep; Kindlers of riot, enemies of sleep. His scattered pence the flying Nicker flings, And with the copper shower the casement rings. Who has not heard the Scourer's midnight fame? Who has not trembled at the Mohock's name? Was there a watchman took his hourly rounds Safe from their blows, or new-invented wounds? I pass their desperate deeds and mischiefs, done Where from Snow-hill black steepy torrents run; How matrons, hooped within the hogshead's womb, Were tumbled furious thence; the rolling tomb O'er the stones thunders, bounds from side to side: So Regulus, to save his country, died." - Fragment, pre-Unity Terra. Hi, so after a period of not really doing much with the hobby I'm making a bit of a return. I have two projects on the go; the first will be focusing on the Mohock Blades, my attempt to celebrate the return of Necromunda by modelling a gang of Bratts. I've always enjoyed the class warfare elements of the Confrontation background, and thought the Bratts were great fun; the House gangs are lovely but I still feel it was a bit of a shame that they were reimagined for Necromunda as the Spyrers, who are a great concept in themselves but nowhere near as varied and interesting. I've seen quite a few Bratt gangs using the classic confrontation models but never anything more up to date, so I figured that would be a fun challenge to set myself. So where am I coming from with this? Here's a quick "concept board" I put together with some of the imagery I wanted to consider aside from the classic artwork and sketches. Aside from the old Jes Goodwin sketches, which are wonderful, I was also heavily influenced by some of the sensibilities and costume design in Kubrick’s Clockwork Orange, which scream Brat to me (ironic when you come to think of it, as Alex was decidedly working class). Alex and his Droogs in their cricket whites are clearly the most memorable costumes in the film and I didn't seek to imitate them particularly, but some aspects were very inspiring. I decided to adopt the film's colour palette, so predominantly white, black and orange as secondary colours and then red and purple spot colours. All those puffed sleeves done in full white should hopefully be rather “Droogy”. As has been noted elsewhere, Brats share a lot of imagery with some aspects of the Eldar range, particularly Harlequins, so the challenge for me was to recall the old sketches without rescuing those design elements too obviously or clumsily, and at the same time also ensuring that the models weren't too obviously kitbashed from other sources. There's also an interesting historical element I want to draw on- London in particular has a long history of aristocratic thugs causing havoc on the streets. From the Elizabethan era right through to the Regency period different gangs caught the imagination of the popular press (not always legitmately- a lot of the moral panic wasn't dissimilar to some of the more fanciful tabloid sensationalism today). My plan was to follow the original concepts quite closely without using any of the classic models; instead I'd make use of various plastic components and greenstuff anything that wasn't immediately available. What that means in practice is a mix of Genestealer Cult, Imperial Guard, Harlequins and WHFB Empire bits, but hopefully not in a clumsy way. My emphasis was on the group as a bunch of privileged youths rather than the more hardscrabble gangers of the underhive; Bullingdon droogs in space, basically. To me this meant a lot of ostentation in costume but a fairly uniform set of weapons; while an underhive gang might grab anything to hand and improvise weaponry, I saw my Bratts as mostly making use of antique pistols and blades pilfered from their family armouries and occasionally (for the more exotic stuff) daddy’s gun closet. There will be 7 members of the Blades; a Leader, a Heavy, four Gangers and a Juve. I don't game, so I decided fairly early on that instead of putting the group on the usual slottas I'd receate a little bit of Hive Primus on a scenic base and have them posing, as if for a pict. There's obviously an element of Bullingdon in there. Because I'd like an element of interaction with the base, that's my first priority and will form the next post. So that's the plan! next up, some actual work.
  7. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/03/21/apocrypha-necromunda-exotic-archeotech-comes-to-the-black-market-in-this-free-scenario/ New game aid, free to download. Extra weapons and similar stuff, an scenario and some background. Very nice
  8. The Imperium Below – Neverwhere inspired Inquisimunda So, I’ll start with a quick plug for the book in case anyone hasn’t read it. Neil Gaiman’s Neverwhere is set in London, or more specifically in London Below, a strange fantasy landscape that exists beneath, beside, around and through the dark nooks and crannies of the city. The book is about an average bloke who gets drawn into this underworld and the odd characters he meets and the adventures they have. For me, Neverwhere shares so much with 40k in general and Necromunda/Inquisitor in particular. The sense of gothic grandeur coexisting with dank squalor, the mixture of the modern with medieval magic and superstition, the slightly random nature of space and time within the setting, not to mention all the weird, wonderful, monstrous and/or macabre characters that inhabit London Below! These people, whether lunatic or simply lost, who have ‘fallen through the cracks’ of society, compare (IMHO) really nicely with the lower levels of humanity in the Imperium’s Hives and cities. So, hopefully that might encourage people to read the book if they hadn’t already, but the long and short of it is that I read the novel* again recently and it struck me how cool it would be to adapt some of the characters into the 40k universe and build an Inq28/Inquisimunda warband around them. Anyway, that’ll do for an introduction, next post I’ll highlight some of my ideas for which characters I’m hoping to adapt. In the meantime, any ideas or C+C are very welcome, especially if you’re a fellow fan of Neverwhere! (I did try to search Neverwhere + 40k/Warhammer/Inquisition, etc, but I couldn’t find anything, but if anyone knows of someone having already done a similar thing, I’d love to see it?) *I have seen the original BBC TV series and will be using a few visual cues etc, but the book apparently just gets that bit closer to what Gaiman wanted and so I’ll be working primarily from that.
  9. Version v1.1


    Released in July 2019, The Book of Judgement introduced a number of new additions to the Necromunda game including a new gang: the Palanite Enforcers. Since then, a number of books have been released covering and updating the main Houses and other gangs, and I feel the Palanite Enforcers could use a rules update to bring them more in-line with recent rules publications. With that in mind, I present to you the Palanite Enforcer Gang List Unofficial Update! The main adjustments: Brought the gang list layout and content up-to-date with those found in the House of books. Made Enforcer and Subjugator classes separate fighter profiles. Adjusted/boosted the stats for Leaders and Champions. Modified the skill access for Leaders and Champions. Removed the free stub gun and (layered) flak armour from each fighter profile. Adjusted/decreased points costs in line with the changes made above. I welcome any feedback that you may have after reading through this. http://image.bolterandchainsword.com//public/style_emoticons/default/thumbsup.gif Click here to post feedback.
  10. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/11/21/apocrypha-necromunda-take-the-fight-to-the-sprawling-cargo-vaults-of-the-nexus/ Quite interesting the rules for the new House Cawdor Path, Path of the Prophet. PDF: https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/rvrmGb00tu9IfqRC.pdf
  11. http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.php?app=downloads&module=display&section=screenshot&id=696 File Name: Palanite Enforcer Gang List Unofficial Update File Submitter: Dosjetka File Submitted: 22 Mar 2022 File Category: Necromunda Released in July 2019, The Book of Judgement introduced a number of new additions to the Necromunda game including a new gang: the Palanite Enforcers. Since then, a number of books have been released covering and updating the main Houses and other gangs, and I feel the Palanite Enforcers could use a rules update to bring them more in-line with recent rules publications. With that in mind, I present to you the Palanite Enforcer Gang List Unofficial Update! The main adjustments: Brought the gang list layout and content up-to-date with those found in the House of books. Made Enforcer and Subjugator classes separate fighter profiles. Adjusted/boosted the stats for Leaders and Champions. Modified the skill access for Leaders and Champions. Removed the free stub gun and (layered) flak armour from each fighter profile. Adjusted/decreased points costs in line with the changes made above. I welcome any feedback that you may have after reading through this. Click here to post feedback. Click here to download this file
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