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  1. Well thought I might as well start a seperate one for my Nurgle daemons as slowly starting to expand more on them with how pretty bad my death guard are slowly starting on just using them as allied units but working on building a seperate daemons force so far just Rotigus and a couple of beasts but looking to add plague bearers drones and a few other Nurgle units
  2. As the Palachian Crusade ground on, the forces of the Imperium found themselves in the unenviable position of facing dug-in Traitor formations. In particular, the Davidian Line was a complex and formidable series of fixed defenses that protected the main approaches to the capitol hive clusters. Breaching the Davidian Line was a slow process, and while this attritional style of warfare suited most of the Astra Militarum officers involved, the Astartes chapters within the Crusade found it to be a contemptible waste of time and resources. The Davidian Line, for all of its strength, was an incomplete fortification. Its extreme ends were anchored in restricted terrain, relying on the difficulty of the ground to support weaker garrisons. An Ironstorm assault force of Iron Hands sought to cut through the Ardenner Wood -- which housed the southern end of the defensive line -- overrun the garrison, and outflank the entire fortification completely. If accomplished, the Davidian Line could either be rolled up from behind or, more likely, the tank column could push on to the capitol hives and unhinge the entire defense. Traitor Guard forces, whether alerted by reconnaissance or else already planning on a build up in the Ardenner Wood, were beginning to gather their strength in the region as well. Powerful mechanized formations had been diverted to this area. While the presence of such powerful formations did come as a mild surprise to the Iron Hands, they were not deterred and, once committed, smashed into the defenses like a tsunami. CLAN COMPANY HAARMEK (2000 pts) Gravis Captain with the Flesh is Weak Apothecary Biologis with Master of Machine War Iron Father Feirros Techmarine with Adept of the Omnissiah 5x Heavy Intercessors (x3) 6x Aggressors 3x Aggressors Brutalis Dreadnought Land Raider Land Raider Redeemer Gladiator Lancer x2 ASTRA MILITARUM My opponent is relatively new to the game and is still learning the ins and outs of his army. Additionally, he threw his list together for a theme, and a bit randomly, so bear with me. Cadian Command Squad Commissar 4x Cadian Infantry Squads 3x Leman Russ Vanquishers 3x Chimaerae 4x Basilisks (Rule of Three, I know, but it's not a tourney and he's new. I figured I'd let him have his big guns) 3x Aegis Defense Lines (using the old trench models) GAME SETUP We drew Supply Drop, Supply Lines, and Search & Destroy. I chose attacker, he deployed first, and I won the roll-off for first turn. My deployment established my Brutalis, Techmarine, and both Land Raiders with their character & Aggressor complements front and center, with the Lancers on the flanks. One HINT squad sat on my home objective for Supply Lines, while the other two deployed on the flanks to make runs to the objectives. The Guard deployed his Aegis Lines across the neck of his DZ and occupied them with infantry. The artillery was crammed in the back, with the battle tanks and APCs sandwiched in between. It was, he admitted, an extreme defensive position -- which fits the "trench warfare" theme he really likes -- though I pointed out the severe handicap he'll face to actually get onto objectives. The objective to my "north" was the Alpha objective, and the central objective was the Omega objective. TURN 1 I drew Area Denial and Tempting Target (the "northern" objective). I thew my assault wave forward, with the flanking infantry rolling low on their Advances as they charged for their assigned objectives. The Dreadnought and the Land Raider Phobos (with Captain, Apothecary, and three Aggressors inside) maneuvered to the north of the central objective, and the Land Raider Redeemer (with Feirros and six Aggressors) cut to the south. Stupidly, I forgot to position close enough to that central objective to actually hold it at the start of the next turn. My opening salvos were quite strong, killing one Leman Russ, one Chimaera, and killing a handful of infantrymen. Because of my positioning :cuss:, I scored neither secondary objective. The Guard response focused heavily on my Redeemer. I used Smokescreen, which combined with good save rolls kept the Redeemer alive with just four wounds remaining. Artillery strikes on my advancing infantry resulted in them being Shaken and slowing them down considerably. The ragged remnant of an infantry squad made a run for the northern objective. TURN 2 It was time to deliver the pain. My assault tanks drew up to the Aegis Lines and disgorged their cargo before laying on another blistering salvo. The Redeemer picked up a whole squad despite the 4++ of the Aegis Line, while the Phobos and the Lancers put paid to a second Russ and almost killed another Chimaera. The Aggressors and their character attachments cut down most of the remaining infantry before charging into the two "ends" of the Aegis Line. One was destroyed outright, while the other survived with just a few remaining wounds due to some poor dice rolling on my part. One Lancer had positioned near the central objective, so I scored Area Denial but zeroed on Primary. The Guard attempted a counterattack, but they were rapidly running out of viable anti-tank weapons. My HINTs were again subjected to bombardments to keep them slow, and Smokescreen and some poor dice rolling by the Guard player meant my Phobos continued to limp along on four wounds. One HINT and one Aggressor were killed by Guard guns, but I rolled very hot on Feirros' FNP for his squad. That alone saved me from losing another two Aggressors this turn. TURN THREE The flank-running HINTs finally made it to their assigned objectives, which scored me Tempting Target, while I finally got some Primary as well from the Lancer holding the center. I drew Bring It Down, which fit really well because he had multiple wounded vehicles ready for finishing blows. Feirros' Aggressors closed in on the remaining Leman Russ, while the Captain's squad was still pounding on the Aegis Line. The Lancers remained stationary, and the Dreadnought and Techmarine moved up to support the final assault. Firepower killed one Chimaera and two Basilisks, while the Aggressors took the last wounds off the Leman Russ in close combat. All remaining infantry were also cleaned up between flamestorms and Aggressors, while Feirros' axe killed the Commissar as his bodyguard chewed up the tank. In addition to Tempting Target, I scored 8 VPs on Bring It Down. The two remaining Basilisks vainly tried to kill some more of my infantry, but his heart wasn't in it since I had ripped apart his army and only lost two infantry models so far. As we contemplated the board at the end of Turn 3, he conceded. TURN 4 & 5 In summary: I worked through the two remaining turns to make a reasonable determination of the final score after five rounds. My Turn 4 draw was Cleanse and No Prisoners (I assumed I would kill two of three remaining vehicles), and my Turn 5 draw was Engage on All Fronts and Extend Battle Lines. Even removing the Alpha objective in Turn 4, I was still holding the other two, and maxed on Primary points in the last two turns. Final score was 73-0. GAME SUMMARY My opponent is a guy I've played before but like I said, he's still pretty new to the game overall and hasn't had a lot of actual table time. Combined with a rather off-the-cuff army list, I'm not surprised at the rather grinding victory. After the mistakes of deployment and Turn One, I tried to start coaching him a little by pointing out stratagems he could use and talking through his shooting priorities but the deck was simply too stacked in my favor. Still, he's a good sport and much good conversation was had post-game. The Astartes assault through the Ardenner Wood was nigh-unstoppable. Though traitor armor was positioned in the region, the Iron Hands proved superior in their handling of their tanks and ruthlessly eliminated the defenders. Imperial forces were now racing through a breach in the Davidian Line, and the entire traitor position on-world was suddenly very much in doubt.
  3. The Dark City paperback 2023-04-01 Giving up on the whole IP because of TEATD... There are still decent books coming out
  4. Heya gang, I've been working on this with another fellow Badab Enthusiast, its just the barebones at the moment, but it will be rapidly expanding as we go along! THE LIBER BADAB
  5. So after quite a long hiatus, I'm back on the B&C. These days I paint and collect a lot of different Space Marines Chapters, so I figured that the Hall of Honour is probably the best place for me to show what I've been up to recently. To begin with, here's a small selection of some of my painted Space Marine models. Death Eagle Veteran, in the classic Rogue Trader colour scheme. Captain of the Golden Halos Chapter. Flesh Eaters Veteran Sergeant. Carcharadons Tactical Marine. Angels Porphyr Intercessor. Red Talons Tactical Marine. Void Scorpion (homebrew Chapter). Howling Griffons Tactical Marine. Brazen Claws Assault Intercessor. Golden Hands Tactical Marine (homebrew Chapter). Blood Drinkers Space Marine (based on Rogue Trader artwork/cover of White Dwarf 137).
  6. Yep, Joined in '04, still here. just nothing to say usually.
  7. I've been lurking for years and in the hobby since 2003/04.
  8. Today's Rumor Engine image: Probably an AoS thing, but we've had some outliers before, so I'm posting it here. Article text suggests an energy, spiderweb thing.
  9. Last year's Battleforces were announced before Halloween, and there's no 40K news on the horizon for the foreseeable, so why not a little rank speculation? Any thoughts on what armies we're likely to see represented this year? Do you think the Battleforce splash boxes released with the codices will change the type/number of boxes released this year? Will we get a little wave of marine chapter boxes to compensate for the dearth of releases? The only ones that strike me as overwhelmingly overdue are Craftworlds and Drukhari, who haven't had a notable splash release since Blood of the Phoenix or the Piety and Pain boxes, which are 4+ years old. Tau also feels plausible. Personally, I'm hoping for a Chaos Knights box on the model of the imperial version from a few years ago. Prior Battleforces: 4: - Tau: 2016, 2017, 2019, 2020 - Adeptus Mechanicus: 2016, 2018, 2021, 2022 - Marines: 2018, 2020, 2021, 2023 3: - Necrons: 2018, 2020, 2021 - Death Guard: 2018, 2021, 2022 - Tyranids: 2019, 2020, 2023 - Astra Militarum: 2017, 2020, 2023 - Orks: 2017, 2021, 2023 2: - Space Wolves: 2016, 2019 - Imperial Fists: 2018, 2022 - CSM: 2019, 2020 - Adepta Sororitas: 2021, 2022 1: - DeathWatch: 2016 - GSC: 2017 - Craftworlds: 2018 - Drukhari: 2019 - Blood Angels: 2019 - Imperial Knights: 2022 - Adeptus Custodes: 2022 - Ravenguard: 2022 - Iron Hands: 2022 - White Scars: 2022 - Salamanders: 2022 - Ultramarines: 2022 - Thousand Sons: 2022 - World Eaters: 2023 - Leagues of Votann: 2023 As for when we can expect them announced, here's the historical trend: 2016 – November 15th 2017 – November 19th 2018 – November 5th (Two were teased on Warcom on Oct 28) 2019 – November 15th 2020 – November 16th 2021 – November 18th 2022 – November 7th (Four additional boxes announced on Dec 26) 2023 – October 23rd
  10. Imperial agents and Ordo Malleus Strike Force preorders next week https://www.warhammer-community.com/2024/08/04/sunday-preview-the-imperial-agents-mobilise/
  11. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2024/08/04/sunday-preview-the-imperial-agents-mobilise/ Preorders next week to include, codex, cards, Ordo Battle Forces, and repacks
  12. Portent/Warseer convert in 04’ I've been playing since 90'. Most active in the community when we were modding DoW1, Daemonhunters and Steel Legion forever baby! Forums > Discord/Reddit
  13. Black Library Dawnbreaker novel and Celestian Sacresant Adeline pre order next week. Also Ordo Hereticus and Imperial Agents https://www.warhammer-community.com/2024/08/04/sunday-preview-the-imperial-agents-mobilise/
  14. Still here I guess Old Timers would be anywhere from 2010 and back... I trawled here for a bit then joined here in 04... Some Frater probably weren't even born then ! M
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