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Found 18 results

  1. From the album: Iron Gauntlet Characters

    November IX Tri-Star banner made for the Dawn of War series of games.
  2. From the album: Take of X 2015

    Flight base for a future project, and an 80mm clay base.
  3. From the album: Take of X 2015

    The base for the Contemptor, tried getting a little creative with the GW molded base.
  4. From the album: Take of X 2015

    Hobby ADD in full effect
  5. From the album: The IX

    All the Jump Pack wearing marines of he November Warriors, consisting of two assault squads, 3 vanguard vet squads, 2 command squads, a chaplain & librarian, and a jump pack captain in the vein of Knight-Captain Elam Courbray.
  6. About two weeks ago Honda obliged me with my first game of 8th Edition and for me to get a chance to get my game in for the Iron Gauntlet. We ventured out to Goldmine games in Richmond TX, a friendly and super awesome local hobby shop. We claimed their urban table for our game. We used the Patrol deployment, with the combined Imperial Fist/Black Templar force deploying in the North East corner of the table the Dreadnoughts and Artillery of the Warriors set up in the Southwest. (note: The Pre-pre-battle Fluff and the pre-battle fluff http://i.imgur.com/UsCT7EM.jpg Belligerents: November Warriors: Tyberos The Red Wake as Headmaster-Captain Tybault Cataphractii Captain as Adjutant-Captain Bartlot (Combi-Melta, Chainfist) Legion of the Damned as The Ghosts Of Razgriz: Sgt. Blaze (Power Axe, Flamer, Heavy Flamer) Cataphractii Terminators: Sgt.Eyerton (Twin Lightning Claw) Tartaros Terminators: Sgt.Sennan (Twin Lightning Claw) Indomitus Terminator: Sgt.DeSilvra (Twin Lightning Claw) Ironclad Dreadnought: Sands of Futuro - Ancient Alixos (Storm Bolter, Chain Fist, Melta) Mortis Contemptor: Los Canas Avenged - Ancient Zinard (Kheres Assault Cannons, CML) Relic Javelin: Clarity of Purpose (Typhoon ML, Multi-Melta) Pilot: Sgt. Lincan Co-Pilot: Caldus Vex Rapier Quad Mortar: Retribution's Thunder Gunner: Qwentar Gunner: Hayvia Non-Aligned Imperial Forces: Templars: Grimaldus Priamus (Emperor's Champion) 1 x 10 man Crusader squad (Pfist, BP/Chainswords) 1 x 5 man Crusader squad (Las/Plas) 1 x 5 man Crusader squad (HBolter/Plas) 3 x Whirlwinds 1 x Ghost Talon IF: Primaris Lieutenant Apothecary 1 x 5 man Tactical squad (with something) 2 x 5 man Intercessors 2 x 5 man Hellblasters http://i.imgur.com/mrSwuKm.jpg Apologies to Honda, this is the best overall army picture that was taken, everything else ended up quite blurry. http://i.imgur.com/Q2mhUdU.jpg http://i.imgur.com/6JmqPlo.jpg The Battle started with the Dreadnoughts Sands of Futuro and Los Canas Avenged moving towards the Chronometric Chamber. The Rapier Quad Mortar Retributions Thunder fires on the Primaris contingent, scoring first blood by killing an Intercessor. Los Canas Avenged was able fire it's Cyclone missile launcher to take a second kill, this time removing a Hellblaster. http://i.imgur.com/bp2IMsg.jpg Honda wasn't about to allow those wounds to go unanswered, thus the Imperial Fist Primaris Marines charged across the bridge towards the location we called the chapel annex. Both Hellblasters and Intercessors fired at Los Canas Avenged, but it was to no effect. http://i.imgur.com/ylE4zgl.jpg Turn two brought on more reinforcement, Assault Terminators and Adjutant-Captain Bartlot teleported near the chamber to encircle it. The Ghost of Razgriz teleported in to block the Primaris Marines from moving further towards the Chamber. The Javelin Landspeeder "Clarity of Purpose" flew in behind the dreadnoughts to add ranged fire support. While everyone fired at the incoming intercessors, only 3 went down to wounds by the Javelin, the Contemptor and bolter shots by the Razgriz. http://i.imgur.com/Gowf6WO.jpg http://i.imgur.com/KrD2IQN.jpg http://i.imgur.com/G56FgMN.jpg The Templars then began to reinforce their gene-cousins walking on from the eastern edge, not quite as many of them made it as Honda had hoped, thus he spent one of his command points to re-roll for reserves, which unfortunately for him, wasn't to be. What did work in his favor though was firing a Lascannon and a plasma gun into Los Canas Avenged, wounding it to the point where it was slower and less likely to hit. http://i.imgur.com/wCrLgbT.jpg The third turn continued to go well for the November Warriors. Tartaros Terminators with Captain Tybault were able to teleport in. Both dreadnoughts scored kills on the intercessors, wiping them for a victory point. But this would be the start of the swing back. http://i.imgur.com/eR6UbAD.jpg The Templars were able to bring in some artillery support via a whirlwind that somehow perched itself on a set of stairs. I feel there should be note about how this could only be accomplished with the assistance of some sort of magic or psyker, just a note . That Whirlwind was worth whatever magic they used to get it in place since it immediately was able to bring the last wounds off the the Contemptor Los Canas Avenged. The Templar GhostTalon also made it's way on the board coming in from the north firing on the Novemberine to some effect, mostly mitigated by good save rolls but seriously wounding some of the Indomitus Terminators. The remaining hellblasters fired into the amassed terminators but again the terminators made their saves. http://i.imgur.com/Qk2eHkT.jpg http://i.imgur.com/D3vuanK.jpg http://i.imgur.com/USo2vHL.jpg http://i.imgur.com/01uxiSf.jpg Turn 4 saw the Terminators consolidated around the Chronometric chamber, keeping their captains screened from being shot by the flanking tactical squads. Sands of Futuro fired into those squads, but the sheer willpower of their chaplain kept them going. Allowing them to also remove the Sand of Futuro from action. The Javelin Clarity of Purpose had a plan, they would engage the GhostTalon, after shooting failed, they decided to ram it. Which both being aircraft is never a good idea, especially when the GhostTalon was able to fire a wave of overwatch shots that destroyed the relic aircraft. The men the command of Sgt. Blaze would find themselves overwhelming the last of the Hellblasters, allowing them to prepare to jump down and engage the Primaris Lt. http://i.imgur.com/6LAHNkt.jpg The GhostTalon repositioned to support the assaulting Templars, but it's angles of attack were mostly restricted by terrain. The Flanking templar forces charged in to attack waves. Their plan was interrupted by the use of stratagem Counter Offensive, allowing them wipe one of the 5 man squads charging it before it went down. The Emperor's champion was able to charge into the squad of Tartaros Terminators bringing much distress to them as he successfully applied multiple wounds to the much heavier armoured November Warriors. http://i.imgur.com/728KaJi.jpg http://i.imgur.com/JarcFVb.jpg Turn 5 was the make it or break it turn for the Warriors. The Cataphractii terminators failed their reserve roll again, and with all their heavy support gone, things looked grim. The Ghosts had hopped down from their perch on the annex to directly engage the Imperial Fist Primaris Lt. who was sure to make things difficult. Thus a liberal application of flame took out three wounds from the Lt before the Ghosts charged in to bring him low and take him out of the battle. The Tartaros terminators were still stuck in against the Emperors Champion, hoping to keep him from attacking our Captains and all the buffs and de-buffs that would entail. http://i.imgur.com/xeQYTNt.jpg http://i.imgur.com/3sDE3RS.jpg The Templars renewed their wall of fire, with a Hellblaster squad able to get the kill on an Indomitus armoured Terminator. The Magic whirlwind loosed a great fire unto the remaining Indomitus Sgt. killing him and wiping that squad. Now for this last bit we messed up the rule a bit, a squad of 5 intercessors charged the Cataphractii captain, and laid down such a wallop with his combi-melta that it took all 5 of them out, even if the rules say otherwise. At the end of this turn as the attacker I rolled to see if the battle continued. Lucky for the November Warriors it didn't. Thus we recovered our magic phonebooth outside of Circle K. http://i.imgur.com/kceEcel.jpg http://i.imgur.com/vgqyTHQ.jpg http://i.imgur.com/nFCoaMq.jpg Many thanks to Honda for joining me in this game, as always it is a joy to not only see such great models, but to hang out and spend the day in great company. Also many thanks to Goldmine Games, their variety and quality of tables is exceptional. More images can be found at http://imgur.com/a/F4GU6 and in Honda's battle report at http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/253019-the-albigensian-crusade-2nd-8th-game-080717/?p=4848644
  7. With apologies to the balance that GW is attempting to find, these are my three Entries for the Iron Gauntlet 2017 Penultimate Challenge. =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= Espion did not come by his position with any ease, even as a young marine he has fought hundreds of battles, and completed thousands of projects to earn the title of Forgewright. He is often found assisting Forgelord Abielle during non combat operation, as the operational head of MACS, during combat he is often found in the command cupola of any of the numerous November Warriors mobile armour, preferring the Fellblade Unsung War. As a MACS instructor he knows the best ways to improve weapons accuracy and to deny the enemy the same via well placed Chaff Grenades. =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= Headmaster Falken is a presence more felt in the November Warriors than seen. He does not often take to the field, leaving that for his Sergeants and the younger Captains, preferring to train the younger minds and bodies of his Advanced School of Assault Warfare. This does not mean that he is not a prodigious warrior in his own right though. Falken pioneered many of the combat styles now practiced in ASAW, he himself trained Sgt. Johan Wu in the advanced forms of pistol based CQC. It was he who taught the Knight-Captain about the Dynamic Entry technique of battlefield arrival, and it was he who inspired the tactic of assaulting from Imperial places of worship to surprise enemy forces. When Headmaster Falken does take to the field, he prefers his custom gauntlets, Ofnir and Grabacr. =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= Farsa Kas has a long and illustrious history in the November Warriors, he first came to prominence during combat operations against a non-aligned force. His quick thinking that day saved his squad and helped bring victory. In the time since he has been fast tracked towards command opportunities. His ties to the House Garaipena reach back to his younger years, he was initially rescued by Lisandra Garaipena II during an operation to retake an Imperial Colony from secessionist forces. He was raised by Lisandra II personally until his induction in the Warriors. As a neophyte in addition to his regular duties he often volunteered to take watches with the Garaipena and in the walkers bay. This continued entwining of interests has produced an exceptional partnership. Upon promotion to Lieutenant Farsa Kas was granted access to some of the rarest of the November arms and armour. The improved communications and sensor gear his new suit of armour contains has allowed for precisely targeted danger close strikes from Knight Titans that may not have an optimal single source firing solution. In addition to his new armour, he was chosen as the purest representative of the November Ideals and thus wields the Axe of Elegy's Lament and the Hammer of Particular Justice, the very weapons that have inspired the November tactic of Axe & Hammer Edit Log: 9/12/17: Adjusted Forgewright Espion point cost while mounted in Super Heavy.
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