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I think of this guy as "The Grey Hunter", out on a solo slog across Fenris to slay a monster between campaigns. Think he's probably the sole survivor of his pack, and maybe fresh home from a rotation in the Death Watch? Converted from a chaos warrior. Going to experiment with some snow effects to do up the base, and then weather the cloak to match. Would love c&c if you've got any - i know its not the best photo so might be hard to comment.
- 40 replies
- black templars
- Firstborn
- (and 10 more)
From the album: tactical squads & lieutenant
From the album: tactical squads & lieutenant
From the album: tactical squads & lieutenant
need to be cleaned up and they look great -
From the album: tactical squads & lieutenant
well the unit came with three sprues and i have 1.5 left after basing the unit -
From the album: The Black Hand of Melanchthon
Bases for my initial Night Lords 30k army - basic GW/Citadel sand flock with GF9 rocks and GW/Citadel skulls. Primed/basecoated with Zandri Dust spray (GW), washed with Agrax Earthshade (GW), dry-brushed with Tyrant Skull (GW). Rims done in Battlefield Brown (P3).-
- Night Lords
- Horus Heresy
(and 3 more)
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From the album: Titanicus
Hey guys, I'm just curious what you guys have been doing for the base stems on the Vertus Praetor models. As I build them I can see a potential issue for models just falling off during movement. Over time this could get worse. I really didn't think the magnet thing was going to be something I wanted to do with these, but I'm wondering what you've done, or perhaps they're fine?
- 11 replies
- Custodes
- Vertus Praetor
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From the album: Tutorial: Bases
So that's how to build custom bases out of leftover sprue and putty! I hope this helps, and let me know if you have any questions. -
From the album: Tutorial: Bases
It doesn't matter if you hit underlying sprue - it carves away just as easily as the millistuff, no worries. -
From the album: Tutorial: Bases
You can also use sandpaper to help shape and smooth out the base, if so desired (I haven't done so with this one but oh well). -
From the album: Tutorial: Bases
Let everything dry again! Preferably overnight at least. Once it's dry, you can start carving parts away to further refine the shape of the base and remove any leftover, stray fingerprints. -
From the album: Tutorial: Bases
It also helps to wet the feet of the model and press it into the millistuff while it's still soft, to leave an impression of where the feet/whatever should go. Some of the water used to keep the model from sticking to the base is still visible here. -
From the album: Tutorial: Bases
Now's a good time to make sure your model fits properly on the base - if not, adjust as necessary! -
From the album: Tutorial: Bases
Here's the base completely covered with millistuff and roughly shaped. -
From the album: Tutorial: Bases
Keep on building up the millistuff! Remember, it doesn't have to be particularly neat at this point. Use water to help smooth surfaces out and remove any fingerprints. -
From the album: Tutorial: Bases
When everything's dry enough to no longer move around, start spreading on more millistuff, roughly shaping the base as you go. -
From the album: Tutorial: Bases
Trim any stray sprue bits down, and fill in any large gaps with either millistuff or smaller bits of sprue. Once you've got an overall shape you're happy with, let things dry so they're not shifting around for the next part. -
From the album: Tutorial: Bases
First step: Coat the base with a thin layer of greenstuff/milliput and smooth it out. Then start shoving sprue onto it! Rough out the general shape with various bits of sprue either glued into place, or held in place with more bits of millistuff. -
From the album: Take of X 2015
Flight base for a future project, and an 80mm clay base.-
- November Warriors
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From the album: White Scars
Hail Brothers! I love the rapier weapons platform, I currently have 3 laser destroyers and I'm getting some of the solar quad mortars (As I don't like the Marine quad/thunderfire ones, I mean look at them, they're amazing!). My question is what do you base them on? They don't have bases, like some vehicles I guess. But that feels a little odd to me. I've stuck the laser destroyers on box dread bases, but I've realised that in ZM rules, if it can't fit through the gap, it can't go! obviously I don't want my favourite gun carriages to get stuck in the middle of a boarding action, so I'm looking at alternative bases. I'm thinking of the 74mm x 42mm oval bases, that some of the AoS mounts use (Stormcast Palladors for ref, as I have a couple about). Has anyone come across this before? Do you even care about the base size? Cheers
- 5 replies
- 30k
- horus heresy
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I have some of the old GW lush type grass and want to use this in developing a very grassy basing scheme - not the more patched affair you usually see but rather predominately grass, something you might imagine on a Maiden World. Obviously it can't be 100% grass as that will look weird, I have some 6mm flowers to spread around and can look at little stones and the like for rocks to spice it up - I'm stumped on what goes under the grass. I don't want it to be completely flat or look lazy by going straight on the base, but I can't figure out what will work. I've thought about some modelling sand but it might make the grass appear too high next to the model? Or should I be looking at one of the texture paints? Any help would be appreciated, all the more so with examples and such
so i just realised if you want to put your Ad-mech onto tech bases instead of martian earth then the new necromunda bases will be just perfect for your skitarii troops to nestle on ! cheers, Mithril
- 11 replies
- bases
- Necromunda game
(and 2 more)
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Edit! this post was from more then 3 years ago...they have not passed in vain! My new stuff looks more like this Still not a good level, but something I am more happy with Yes, I still have to do the bases ------------------------------------ Hi! While tring to kill time waiting for Etl's results, let me show you some results of the Etl Here on B&C you may find all kinds of marvelous armies, with legendary background, incredible conversions and unbelievable paint jobs. I, for a change, will offer you a journey into a sonic weapons / bikers heavy army who at best goes for a little more then 6 and half out of ten in all the previously nominated fields. Which, by the way, is thematically appropriate (Slaanesh) as the vote should be near 6,666666666666...etc ^^ So, (not so well taken, better to come) pics first! Most of the army (everything excluded the actual noise marines, the hellbrute and a couple of characters) was unpainted or even unconstructed before this year ETL (Thank you Semper, and all of you(and my wife), wonderful event!) A bit of background Long story short, they are posers. Nobody knows exactly how it started, but a chaos lord was a freaky fan of Fulgrim and had an obsession for sonic weaponry, even if he was not a part of the original Emperor's Children legion. So he simply sought after renegades warriors and the equipment and implants of fallen noise marines to make the warband of his dreams. More concerned with finding the perfect and loudest sound of the galaxy then to seek victory or glory he eventually became a spawn (included in the army, guess which one!). His successor was only a bit smarter, but the warband was to crumble if not for a Sorcerer (without the mark of Slaanesh) that now subtlety manipulates the new lord into doing his bidding. More story to follow And now...modeling problems: HOW SHOULD I BASE THEM?? (options are red sand, putty heavy/demonic flash bases or...well, any suggestions? What goes with pink?)
- 34 replies