While there are many references in Imperial history, legend, and allegory to the "Wolves that stalk between stars", it is often assumed that they are referring to the Vlka Fenryka, the Space Wolves. In truth, there are many Chapters who bear the cognomen and heraldry of the ancient Terran wolf, and administrative mistakes abound in an empire so massive. That there exists a chapter of far darker mien, less noble of aspect than the sons of Fenris, has been a whispered rumor, a tale to quiet unruly children. As is so often the case with rumors, there is always a kernel of truth beneath the surface, and sometimes, that truth is best left forgotten.
Here we go again! Those of you that remember me and any of my posts know that I am constantly starting and re-starting projects. Horus Heresy 2.0 has me excited to work on my Ultramarines, and I really should be doing that, but I have been suffering from major nostalgia lately. I long for the heady days of the Liber Astartes subforum, and contributing to projects there. I also miss "firstborn" marines and Chapters. So this is an amalgamation of all those ideas. A DIY chapter that I will shortly-ish be posting to the Liber (when I have more concrete ideas for them), and a Firstborn army set in the "new" Imperium and all that entails. Did they shun Primaris reinforcement? Has there been a Torchbearer fleet dispatched to find them? Or have the been forgotten by the Imperium, for they have been removed from Imperial sight for so long? Either way, this will also be my attempt at a true-scale army inspired by the likes of Apologist, Doghouse, and Kizzdougs' fantastic Death Company marine. I have a ton of primaris kits languishing in hobby hell, I hope to find them purpose here. Anyway. Enough rambling. I hope the reader is excited as I am for this, my latest and greatest project.
P.s. Any story ideas or names inspired by the fluff blurb above are greatly appreciated!!