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+++ Unforgiven but not Unknown +++


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It has come to attention of the Inner Circle that there has been a trend for new Dark Angel players and collectors to introduce themselves via a plethora of posted threads on this board.

We like this idea. With the advent of the new Codex and possible influx of new Dark Angel fanatics, we thought this was quite a good time to formalise this introduction process.

So, old and new Unforgiven alike can now post a bit about themselves in an attempt to enable us get to know each other better, after all, the Unforgiven must stick together.

(As we all get used to this thread I will sticky it to the top of the Forum, but for now it will sit here.)

Here's a sample of what we're looking for:

Name: Your B&C alter ego.
Age: Your age.
Country/State: Not a full address please ? just tell us your little part of the galaxy you're from.
Occupation: Tell us what funds your 40K obsession.
Time spent in hobby: Tell us how long that obsession has lasted (so far).
Armies collected: Tell us current, past or intended 40K, Battle Fleet Gothic or any other Games Workshop specialist games.
Make your mark: Tell us a bit more about yourself ? something interesting ? but keep it at least vaguely related to our hobby!

So, how do we do it?

Simply cut and paste the text below into your Replies to this thread - just add your details after each heading:

[b]Name:[/b] Type over this
[b]Age:[/b] Type over this
[b]Country/State:[/b] Type over this
[b]Occupation:[/b] Type over this
[b]Time spent in hobby:[/b] Type over this
[b]Armies collected:[/b] Type over this
[b]Make your mark:[/b] Type over this

That's it. No need for lots of stuff, just keep it simple.


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Name: Hertz ( thats a real name!)

Age: 21

Country/State: Sweden, the southern parts of it...

Occupation: mostly trying to avoid doing my studies...

Time spent in hobby: since just before the start of the new millenia

Armies collected: Ravenwing ( 5 years?) Dark angels (now AoR, 6 years?) World eaters (under construction) Bretonnia ( old) and a pure goblin army (new, in progress)

Make your mark: I

OK here goes:


Name: isiah

Age: Too old for 40K (46)

Country/State: Bath, UK

Occupation: Graphic designer, copywriter, husband and dad.

Time spent in hobby: Approx 4 years

Armies collected: Dark Angels (4th Co and Deathwing) and some DA BFG

Make your mark: Although I took to this hobby late I would probably described myself as clinically '40K obsessed' :). There's was a big non-wargaming gap (the widerness years) between now and my early teen years when I spent many happy hours glueing together tanks and playing Napoleonic wargames, both land-based and naval.




Ok, I'll play along.


Name: Valaris, Captain, currently assigned to the venerated First Company, the Deathwing

Age: younger than Star Gods, old enough to know better.

Country/State: Southern California

Occupation: Please, I play 40k, I must be a millionare, right? Haha, student!

Time spent in hobby: This hobby? 14 years, gaming, well, a long time.

Armies collected: Dark Angels, Praetors of Orpheus (SM), Piscina Drop Regiment (IG), LatD, Death Guard, Chaos warband, WHFB Vampire Counts, Empire, Dwarves.

Make your mark: Started out with WWII, now have every period from Minoan Greek (1000 BC) through the middle ages, Napoleonic, WWII and III, Middle East and African wars. 40k was the hot ticket, along side Battletech, back in the day so if you wanted a game you had to play one or the other, so I did both.

Well considering I'm coming back here after a long hiatus I might as well reintroduce myself.


Name: Spiral

Age: 20

Country/State: Canada/Alberta

Occupation: Drama Student

Time spent in hobby: 5 Years...god almighty it seems like forever.

Armies collected: Tyranids (unused), Dark Angels Battle Company (May be becoming Consecrators), Deathwing

Make your mark: I love converting. Gods I love it so. I suck at painting but I am the master of making bitz work for me.

Name: Chivs

Age: 22

Country/State: England (but want to move back to Vancouver)

Occupation: Student

Time spent in hobby: 13 odd years

Armies collected: Dark Angels, Orks (Just started) and some left over Blood Angels.

Make your mark: Games Workshop have far too much emphasis on Space Marines. We need more non Marine armies in the game. Gather your credit cards (and mortgage your homes: the only way you can afford to) and lets bring diversity back to the game.

Also, don't let others dictate how you play your army, especially with the current divide over the new codex. Play your own interpretation.

Name: Chaplain Lucifer

Age: 29

Country/State: Portugal

Occupation: Worker/student

Time spent in hobby: 9 years

Armies collected: Dark Angels, Orks, IG, Space Wolves.

Make your mark: I'll fill this in later.. :)

I'll bite....

Name: Steel Company
Age: 24 (now 30)
Country/State: Victoria BC, Canada
Occupation: General Manager / Dad
Time spent in hobby: about 16 years
Armies collected: Dark Angels (second edition type models), Air-mobile Guard, Iron Warriors, and working on my new DIY SM force.
Make your mark: Well just going to say 'hi' here, and probably get back to lurking, well working on my DIY army, that's modeled mostly on the DA, with some note-able differences when it comes to the second company, and the chapter colours... :rolleyes:


*EDIT* Wow's it's been a while, since I looked at this... needed to make some updates...

I'm game


Name: roachvan

Age: The ripe old age of 36

Country/State: USA/ New Hampshire

Occupation: I'll let you know when I figure it out.

Time spent in hobby: 4 Years

Armies collected: Dark Angels, Deathwing, Ravenwing, DYI Marines (Smurfs), Tyranids, Tau, Chaos marines, Eldar, Fantasy Orcs & Goblins.

Make your mark: In the last year I have started a gaming club in our local store, started running tounaments in the same store, and now I starting to run Mega-battles there also.

My club has just started building new tables for the store and may start selling them at a future date.

Name: Master Ryic, current master of the Dark Angels Third Company

Age: 18

Country/State: Chicago land area

Occupation: Student

Time spent in hobby: 7 years

Armies collected: Dark Angels, IG, Daemon Hunters, and sadly Necrons

Make your mark: Curnently bent on the destruction of the Tau. Also preparing for a campaign against the Bugs.

I'll bite ;)


Name: ==Me==

Age: 18

Country/State: Los Angeles, CA

Occupation: Student (USC FTW)

Time spent in hobby: Conseratively I'd have to say 6 years

Armies collected: Angels of the Lion (AotLBF, LG, LW), Kroot Mercs (WIP), Nurgle LatD (WIP), Skaven (WIP)

Make your mark: ==My== nutty greeting song (to the tune of spongebob squarepants) led to the establishment of the Angels of the Lion :tu:


Are you ready scouts?

Aye, Aye Azrael!

I can't hear you!

Aye, Aye Azrael!!!


Who lives in an asteroid fortress monastery

The Dark Angels!

With Deathwing and Ravenwing, hunting the Fallen are we

The Dark Angels!

If tactics and advice are something ye wish

The Dark Angels!

Then ask ==Me==, SG, isiah, Lucy, Hertz, Valaris, Spiral, Chivs, Steel_Company, roachvan, Angelus, Sandalphon, Traj, Avoghai, Officer, COW_Clara, and Brother Bish (I'm so happy somebody's name rhymes with wish :))!!

The Dark Angels!


The Dark Angels!

The Dark Angels!

The Dark Angels!

The Dark Angels..FORUM!!!!


At the Bolter and Chainsword doo-dee-doo

Name: Ronin_eX

Age: 22

Country/State: Canada/British Columbia

Occupation: Student/Lazy

Time spent in hobby: ...too much (10 years or so)

Armies collected: For WH40k I've never gone past my Dark Angels

Make your mark: I still remember the day I went down to my LGS and picked up the 2nd Edition Warhammer 40,000 box set. After that I was hooked on TT gaming and I never went back. Though I played for a few years during 3rd ed. I never got the same sense of fun I had in 2nd edition so I left for other games. Now with the advent of the new codex I find my excitment coming back. That and the new plastic termies have been calling my name for a while. :tu:

Name: Interrogator Chaplain Barakiel

Age: 29

Country/State: Bavaria, Germany

Occupation: employe at a car dealer.

Time spent in hobby: Approx 12 years

Armies collected: Dark Angels (5th Company, Deathwing, Ravenwing), Iron Warriors, Grey Knights.

Make your mark: Like Isiah I would probably describe myself as clinically '40K obsessed' too! In 12 Years of playing 40k, the Dark Angels are now my biggest and most successful army, starting after the 13th Black Crusade and leading it through many campaigns and battles! For the Lion! Can

Name: Ryan

Age: 24

Country/State: Essex, England

Occupation: Technical Officer for LUL

Time spent in hobby: Since just after the Armageddon Campaign

Armies collected: Dark Angels Ravenwing (In planning stage), Black Templars, Alitoc Eldar, Tyranids, Ork Speed Freeks, Sisters of Battle, Grey Knights.

Make your mark: Well My first love was the Templars and after reading throught the Fluff of the New Dark Angels codex I like the look of the Ravenwing and decided to start one up so you'll be seeing more of me around

I might as well play along

Name: Bigger than jesus


Country/State: Ireland

Occupation: 3rd year student

Time spent in hobby: 8 years

Armies collected: Too many!

Make your mark: I've got about 12 40k armies and I started when I was 7

Name: fearlessgod

Age: 41 (older than dirt ;) )

Country/State: Maryland, USA

Occupation: Social Worker

Time spent in hobby: 22 years (WHFB, 40k)

Armies collected: Blood Angels, IG, Ultramarines

Make your mark: I have always wanted to play Deathwing. With the new codex and upgrade sprues, I can finally reach that goal. Also, the fluff behind the Dark Angels is THE best in the game. I can't wait to start my new army. ;)

Name: Alys Dwr (Alasdair)

Age: not far off 20 now

Country/State: Wales, UK

Occupation: Student at the University Of Wales, Aberystwyth - BSc Plant Biology

Time spent in hobby: about a year.

Armies collected: Deathwing, retro Tyranids, Starting a proper DA force for the new 'dex.

Make your mark: I'm mostly here for the fluff and modeling/painting. I have yet to play a game but will when the new codex is in my hands. My other main hobby is Bonsai, i think i'm obsesed with miniature things. Watch this space got SM with real trees and moss as bases in the near future...

And now for my contribution ;)


Name: The Angelus Sanctus

Age: 24

Country/State: Australia, Western Australia

Occupation: Order Management Officer for a Licenced Telstra Dealer

Time spent in hobby: 10 odd years now, man time flies ;)

Armies collected: DA, AotL (with future Lion Guard and Lion Wing companies), SW (with future 13th Co), EC (with future EC themed LatD), TS, pure SoB, Tyranids, Eldar, Future Necrons, Future Tau, Future WB (in the end, almost every army possibly that arent the Orks).

Make your mark: I am teh Bunny, ye shall fear me ;) Also, In years passed, i too helped aid in the formation of the Angels of the Lion with our might SGM ==Me== (can't believe ==He== forgot about me for the greetwing welcome :().

Hail fraters!


Name: Master Ciaphas

Age: 27

Country/State: Copenhagen, Denmark (Europe)

Occupation: Head of Section

Time spent in hobby: 14 years

Armies collected: Fantasy Orcs and Goblins, High Elves, Dark Angels (Battle Company), Tyranids, Pre-Heresy Dark Angels. Will start to build a Ravenwing force, now that that seems to be the only viable option of actually winning a game with the new codex...

Make your mark: Got into the hobby by reading White Dwarf. Saw some amazing pictures of dark green armoured Marines....and was bought the Fantasy boxed set for Christmas instead....started High Elves and got thorughly thrashed every time, and moved onto Orcs and Goblins instead, which went marginally better. Bought Space Marines when I could afford it, and painted them Dark Green. Once I started studying I could afford the hobby better, and I convinced a mate of mine to invest as well. That started the 40k era of my gaming....

Name: Anubis (an aged Deathwing Dreadnought)

Age: 32

Country/State: UK, Trowbridge (near Bath)

Occupation: Commercial

Time spent in hobby: 10+ years

Armies collected: Dark Angels, Dark Angles and, oh yes, Dark Angels!

Make your mark: I spent vast quantities of time and money building a purpose-built shed at the bottom of the garden to play WH40K in (and get away from the wife!). It has a 6x8' table, sofa, fridge and is fully insulated and heated. Obsessed? Nooooo...

Name: Scythe of vengence

Age: 16, 17 in the next month.

Country/State: England, Oxford, which is in oxfordshire

Occupation: Unemployed....so far

Time spent in hobby: Three years

Armies collected: Tau, empire for fantasy (DA will be next, and first power armoured force)

Make your mark: Take the holy scythe and cut down the heretic's.

Name: Sathanas

Age: 32

Country/State: Canada

Occupation: Designer

Time spent in hobby: 19 years

Armies collected: Dark Angels, Eldar, Harlequins, 8 Blood Bowl teams

Make your mark: I started 40K back with Roque Trader and the early box sets of 30 plastic marines, the Space Ork raiders, original Terminators and Harlequins. The Harlequins were my first real army, using the Army List from White Dwarf 105 or 106... it's been so long since then. 15 models made up 3000 points if you wern't careful because just about everyone could be a lever 4 psyker with vortex grenades. Even the first Space Marine list from WD 102 (guessing on that one) could get you running the points up pretty quickly. I haven't looked through a copy of WD in the past 5 years or so, but I guess they're not publishing full army lists anymore.


Yeah, back then the Dark Angels were black with a red stripe down their nose and even the terminators were advertised as being painted black. It's been fun to see how much the little details have changed over time. Like the Blood Angels wearing desert camoflage. You don't see too much of that kind of thing any more. This old timer has some stories to tell... (none of them are very interesting though.)


Age: 18

Country/State: Shropshire UK (near birminghman)

Occupation: Grease salesman (McDonalds)

Time spent in hobby: coming up on 7 years

Armies collected: Dark Angels (Necrons and Eldar breifly) and Chaos and Wood elves for Warhammer

Make your mark: After my brother starting collecting the poster boy marines I got hooked and trawled through our first, brand spanking new White Dwarf, which happened to be the one the new rhino was launched in, for inspiration on a chapter to start. Immediately I was drawn to the dark green one with huge wings on it :) I've never looked back, and there's been plenty of dark sketches and darker fiction to keep my hooked (and spending lots of money on it as some of you know if you've read the threads on here :))


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