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Cosmic Space Knights (of doom)


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Thanks for the suggestions guys!


More to follow soon! :(


Invictus_BA: You have absolutely no idea how right you are...I gets loads from people asking for help with stuff. :D

I've got no problem at all with that mind you. ;)

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I wish I could make fluff and guys this awsome. I am in love. Also since they thought they were Blood Angels, Space Wolves, Black Templars at one time in history. You should do something with the Blood Angels... You have the TBH for the Space Wolves, and you have the (Former) Emperor's Champion for Black Templars. Any ideas for the Blood Angels? Perhaps a form of Death Company that believed they could see Sanguinius but when they switched then everyone thought they were just crazy?
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Dang, flurry of replies since I last checked...


If i lived in the UK, i'd donate my (useless cos i play 'Nids) Land Speeder, but i don't, so i can't...


Hmm... you have an intreresting choice here...

1) Starvation.

2) Disembowelment at the hands of crazed CSK(od) fans on Frenzon.

3) Seeking asylum in Bolivia.

4) Bank robbery.

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Doghouse you are a prince among me, you have found the true maning of 40k


a quick sudgestion you may or may not like to read:


An honnor guard squad for the chaplain, have fully robed and hooded DA marines facing down with a board in their hands (python style) :P


Keep ap the great work


Cpt X :D

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An honnor guard squad for the chaplain, have fully robed and hooded DA marines facing down with a board in their hands (python style) :P

That brings to memory one of my favorite scenes from Babylon 5...G'Kar telling another Narn to put his face in a book, with the very real implication that once said Narn's face is in the book, that said book will be shut with some force.


I could just see a CSK(oD) wielding a (rather large) open book with the imprint of an Ork or other Xenos face on the pages...

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How about a few misguided souls who think they're Iron Hands successors?


Should fit nicely with the abject lack of competent Tech-Marines.


Proxy marine #2 idea: 2 normal humans in a long overcoat, one on the other's shoulders.

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By chance, have you thought of turning this into a cities of death themed army? I mean instead of scouts in bushes, how about scouts under cardboard boxes? Or pat homage to TSOALR and have a landraider with a sponson turned upside down?
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Wow....just wow. ;)


Amazing models and background, you are an artist Doghouse!


As for the 'The Holy High Order of the Secret Hidden Truth that is Hidden' story, I was in fits of laughter and woke my girlfriend up. :)


Keep up the good work.




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Wow....just wow. :D


Amazing models and background, you are an artist Doghouse!


As for the 'The Holy High Order of the Secret Hidden Truth that is Hidden' story, I was in fits of laughter and woke my girlfriend up. :)


Keep up the good work.





did you not read the warnings beforehand? :lol: I love this thread... keep it up Doghouse!

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I just had a great idea...


A scout biker as a pizza delivery guy. With a pizza box on the back of his bike, and the guy with a silly hat on and pizza hut advertising all over the bike.


I log in every day to see if a new CSK(od) model is on. Keep up the good work!!!

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Thanks guys! :)


Just to let you know that I haven't forgotten about this thread, I'm just waiting for payday to crawl around so I can get some more parts to continue the units I've started. ;)


I'm itching to get painting these guys again and have a load of new ideas but I have to wait untill payday. :(

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