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Fluff for Skyrar's Dark Wolves

Angry Angron

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I like the fluff so far. But with the whole goddess angle, I lean more to Slaanesh as the mark for the dark wolves. Also the Space Wolves had the most acute senses of all the loyalists so if they were to turn to chaos, wouldn’t enhanced sensual perception and their emotions be linked more with the god of pleasure?


Also from a gaming standpoint, with each having 3 attacks ( 1 for charge, and one for having pistol and cc weapon) wouldn’t the greater initiative value, be worth more than 1 attack?

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AA, why is the fluff useless? You just remove the Huron incident from your fluff. In the Codex the Skyrar Wolves are obviously some traitorous warband of the SW's chapter. I think your fluff is OK(just remove mention that they were the wolves that turned traitor and went to the RC's).
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i got an idea! I'll write that the dark wolves turned renegade before the red corsairs captured the Wolf of fenris. The red corsairs asked for the help of the Dark Wolves and they sended some infiltrators to tell the space wolves about the Goddess of Skyrar and some of the space wolves turned to them those that refused was given for the sacrifices of the astral claws.


you think i should write about that? ;) :HQ:


coz the codex did'nt say that they turned to the red corsairs


oh it does say so :P

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I like the fluff so far. But with the whole goddess angle, I lean more to Slaanesh as the mark for the dark wolves. Also the Space Wolves had the most acute senses of all the loyalists so if they were to turn to chaos, wouldn’t enhanced sensual perception and their emotions be linked more with the god of pleasure?


Also from a gaming standpoint, with each having 3 attacks ( 1 for charge, and one for having pistol and cc weapon) wouldn’t the greater initiative value, be worth more than 1 attack?


Got a point there.


But for the wulfen-flawed, I use berzerkers. For the furios charge(FC), or just use them all as zerkers, for that extra iniative(FC), and being CC-specialist.


Need to look at the codex again.


--> Angry A, Why not, its just a sidetrack of their legacy :)

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I have to look at the codex later to check that...


So yea depending on how well you know your norse mythology I am coming to compare Skyrar as a darker version of Freyja, goddess of Love (hence slaanesh marines) and War (hence Khorne Marines) ....If ya cant lay them, slay them!


Anyways I still have to read that but who cares if they where red corsairs, they have they own scheme and thus are not completly part of them, they are their own fighting element with their own history

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Sweet cant wait to see the pics...Also can anyone make the write up look like the ones in the Librarium? I cant seem to get it to work.


Here you are(Figured least I could do since I made articles for the Libby anyways lol, added a few things too)


Skyrar's Dark Wolves



By:.................Brother Scythe

Re:.................Adeptus Renegades - Skyrar's Dark Wolves

Thought:.........Forgivness is weakness in the eyes of the Emperor


The Dark Wolves are a recently formed warband that now threatens the Fenris Sector. The chapter has aquired a feirce reputaion as close quarters fighters in the years since their first appearnce and now threaten anything from ships to smaller planets across the sector.


Orgins of Skyrar's Dark Wolves


Skyrar’s Dark Wolves are a recently organized renegade warband centered around the previous 8th Great Company before Sven Bloodhowl was elevated to the rank of Wolf Lord. The Great Company had been declared excommicates be the Ordo Hereticus in response to a inncendet whitch saw the Space Wolves 5th Great Company devastated. Though the 8th company pleaded innocence the Ordo would not back down, despite the protests of the Great Wolf Logan Grimnar, due to lack of factual evidence. The company , at the time around 250 marines, was pursed into the Maelstrom and not heard from sense. Recently the Renegades were discovered in the Fenris Sector accompanied by elements of the World Eaters Legion and the Renegade Warband, The Flawless Host. The Ordo Herecticus engaged with a Large IG contingent lead by the Order of our Martyred Lady. The battle, mainly occurring in space, was lost due to several boarding actions in which the Sisters and imperial Guard forces were poorly suited. During the engagement the Dark Wolves were discovered to be obedient to a previous unheard of lesser Chaos Power called Skyrar, of what we known the chaos power reveals itself as a goddess of hospitality, and seems to attract those looking for sanctuary from the Imperium and forging new bonds of brotherhood that they are unable to find elsewhere. While not near as powerful as the 4 Dark Powers, Skyrar is rising in influence as many pirates and excommunicated forces are fleeing from persecution to her protection.





The Warband in found to be exclusive to only renegades of the Space Wolves chapter. Of witch the warbands size is climbing alarmingly as previous traitors from that chapter are flocking to its banner, eager to reclaim the lost bonds of brotherhood only ones of Russes Gene seed can understand. Little else is known besides this, other than that the warbands within the Dark Wolves often retain the titles they held in the Space Wolves chapter such as Wolf Lord and Wolf Guard. Veterans of the Warbands commonly designate themselves by ritually scarring themselves across their left eye, a mark they also make on their helmets.





The Dark Wolves function from their Battle Barge the Wolf’s Vengence, they refuse to call anywhere home but Fenris, and seek to reclaim it as their own.



Combat Doctrine


The Warbands seem to retain their previous tactics they used before their fall, though they now act less like a well organized wolf pack and more like starved, desperate, ravaged wolfs backed into a corner. They prefer Close Combat but not to the extent that they will sacrifice heavy weapons and vehicles.





The Geneseed of the Dark Wolves is exclusively from the Space Wolves Stock. Renegade marines from other chapters are not accepted. It is not unheard of for the Dark Wolves to attack other chaos chapters who venture to close to Fenrissian space, showing that there is still deep bonds within the geneseed of the traitors.





The Dark Wolves view the Imperium as corrupted and the Space Wolves as Oathbreakers. They view chaos as a force that can be beneficial is used correctly, a such they will make deals and packs with daemons but will never sell their souls to them as they belong only to Skyrar. The Dark Wolves seek to free the Imperium from their corrupt High Lords, starting with Fenris.





By my fang and claw! The Goddess will arise! Most often heard accopanied by series of howls from the marines themselves

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It's starting to look better, guys. The SMP image in the above post is pretty much spot-on for the sample given in the codex.


Also, the Dark Wolves and the Space Wolves who betrayed their brothers on the Wolf of Fenris are two completely different groups. I'd suggest avoiding mention of the battle on the Wolf, as those Space Wolves became part of the Red Corsairs, under the command of Huron, rather than an independent warband, which is what you were going for.

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In My Honest Opinion



You could just say the green is part of your lords personal hereldry



Brother Scythe, the Battle Cry is Arise, not arrive...but other than that I love it


Also Brother Scythe, since Angron says ok if you would do the honors and submit it to the Librarium after ya make that change

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In My Honest Opinion



You could just say the green is part of your lords personal hereldry



Brother Scythe, the Battle Cry is Arise, not arrive...but other than that I love it


Also Brother Scythe, since Angron says ok if you would do the honors and submit it to the Librarium after ya make that change


Not to be rude but I hardly think it is ready for the Librarium. IMO we should concentrate on more concrete fluff and bring this chapter to life. If you guys throw out ideas and thoughts I can adjust them and fit them in better. I think we have touched the tip of a great iceberg but we need to find the rest of it before we move on.

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Not to be rude but I hardly think it is ready for the Librarium. IMO we should concentrate on more concrete fluff and bring this chapter to life. If you guys throw out ideas and thoughts I can adjust them and fit them in better. I think we have touched the tip of a great iceberg but we need to find the rest of it before we move on.

Yeah, it's definitely still on the short side. Try to expand some of the various sections, especially Combat Doctrine and Beliefs, and maybe even add some of your own, such as "Major Battles" or a side-bar which contains a mini-narrative of a particularly daring raid they made.

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Oh ok, I didnt know we where going into that much detail, cause some of the articals on there are even shorter than this.


But ok no prob, I was running a big battle between the dark wolves and space wolves through my head last night at work so I will work on that. Angry Angron if you wanna do some info on the chapter master that would be great.

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Kind of late but isnt a Great Company going renegade kinda the death toll for the wolves?


I mean the =][= hate them enough as it is.


I think making them a group of 13th Co. would be quite as good, its lot easier to justify and it adds the feeling of strong vetrans who would have come into contact with the lesser known Skyrar, perhaps fighting her forces on world for centuries.


Anyway all the best

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