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Fluff for Skyrar's Dark Wolves

Angry Angron

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Surely the Sorcerer profile would fit him best, maybe with MoTz and Wind of Chaos-Bolt of Change, although this would make him a rather expensive choice, he would probably make some use together with some Csm besides or in front of him :devil:



I foolishly forgot to add my "reasons" to why i think like this. Well because if he has MotZ, his Inv save gets better and he can choose 2 powers in stead of the pitiful one. I don't really think the Warptime power would be of much use if you use the MoTz so i would like to think that either the Bolt of change (tankkiller) or the the Doombolt would be much better.

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I know I'm a newcomer and you all have done a lot of work on this already (and I'm not terribly experienced at this sort of thing) but I felt a small bit of creativity come over me and thought I'd take a crack at polishing the great work you've already done on this piece of background fluff for the Dark Wolves. I tried not to change the core of what was already done, but did try to make it more readable and consistent with what I know of Space Wolf fluff. Please take it in the spirit I'm offering it - use any of it you like and ignore anything you don't like.


I don't remember whether I've posted this before or not, but my goal is to build a core of models that can serve as the basis for playing three different armies ("regular" Space Wolves, 13th Company and Chaotic Wolves) I'm looking at Skyrar's Dark Wolves as just such an inspiration for my Chaotic Wolves.


Without further adieu (sp?) here's my offering (I'm not looking for any credit anywhere if you choose to use any or all of this - just looking to help further refine and establish a back story for this "official" chapter without much "official" lore.


Skyrar's Dark Wolves




By:.................Brother Scythe

Re:.................Adeptus Renegades - Skyrar's Dark Wolves

Thought:.........Forgiveness is weakness in the eyes of the Emperor


Skyrar’s Dark Wolves warbands have recently been sighted on the fringe of the Fenris sector, earning themselves a reputation as fierce close quarters fighters and posing as a threat to anything from ships to smaller planets across the sector.


Origins of Skyrar's Dark Wolves


Wolf Lord (insert cool name here) and his Great Company were accused of involvement in an incident which resulted in the devastation of (insert another non-listed-in-official-fluff Great Company - SWs don’t use numbers, but usually name their Great Companies after their Lord.) Despite claims of innocence, lack of evidence and the protests of the Great Wolf Logan Grimnar, Inquisitor Lord (insert another cool name here) declared the Great Company excomunicatus tratorious. The Great Company, about 250 marines strong, was pursed by the Ordo Hereticus, disappearing into the Maelstrom.


Recently, renegades were discovered in the Fenris Sector, accompanied by elements of the World Eaters and the Flawless Host warband. An IG contingent, lead by the Order of our Martyred Lady, engaged these heretics. The battle, occurring mostly in space, was lost by the Sisters and Imperial Guard due to several boarding actions in which their forces were poorly suited. But during the engagement, heretical warbands were discovered with strong similarities to the Space Wolves, including dark arm.


These Dark Wolves are obedient to a previously unheard of lesser Chaos entity called Skyrar, who reveals herself as a goddess of hospitality - attracting those looking for sanctuary from the Imperium and forging new bonds of brotherhood they are unable to find elsewhere. While not as powerful as the four Dark Powers, Skyrar is rising in influence as pirates and excommunicated forces throughout the Imperium flee persecution and flock to her protection.




The renegade warbands are composed exclusively of former Space Wolves eager to reclaim the lost bonds of brotherhood only those of Russ’ geneseed can truly comprehend…and they are climbing in numbers at an alarming rate. Little else is known about them, though it appears that the Dark Wolves retain the structure with which they operated as Space Wolves (ie. Wolf Lord, Wolf Guard, Priests, etc.) Veterans of the warbands commonly designate themselves by ritually scarring themselves across their left eye, a mark they also make on their helmets.




The Dark Wolves function from their Battle Barge, the Wolf’s Vengence. They refuse to call anywhere home but Fenris and seek to reclaim it as their own.


Combat Doctrine


The Dark Wolves seem to retain the tactics they used before their fall, though they now act less like a well organized wolf pack and more like starved, desperate, ravaged wolfs backed into a corner. They prefer close combat but not to the extent that they sacrifice heavy weapons and vehicles.




The geneseed of the Dark Wolves is exclusively from Space Wolves stock. Renegade marines from other chapters are not accepted into their ranks and it is not unheard of for the Dark Wolves to attack other Chaos chapters who venture too close to Fenrisian space, showing the still deep bonds within the geneseed of the traitors.




The Dark Wolves view the Imperium as corrupt and the Space Wolves chapter and its Great Wolf Grimnar as oath breakers. They view Chaos as a beneficial force that can be used to their own benefit. As such they will make deals and pacts with daemons but never sell their souls to them, and remain loyal to Skyrar. The Dark Wolves seek to free the Imperium from their corrupt High Lords, starting with Fenris.




By my fang and claw, the Goddess will arise! Most often heard accompanied by series of howls from the marines themselves

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Thanks, but I just tried to add some polish and "sanity" to the work done before, as displayed on page 2 and earlier…


…I think I might head a slightly different direction with my own army, but I like the basics.


Some things that are troublesome for me though:

I think that for sure the Space Wolves that are mentioned in the unofficial official fluff ought to be named after their Wolf Lord, or whatever nickname they have taken on for themselves - the only Space Wolf company (and Space Wolves companies are Great Companies) that I'm aware of that had a number associated with it is the 13th and I'm not even sure it was originally called the 13th, I think that's the name that the 13th stone segment of the Grand Annulus has had associated with it, in representation of those lost and mysterious (and the game's 13th Company warbands) Great Companies from the past.


I think it'd be better if the reason the Inquisition investigated this former Great Company had to do with something other than a second Space Wolf Great Company - as it would make Logan Grimnar even more willing to stand on their side against the Inquisition - I guess if there was still infighting between 2 Great Companies Logan would still be wanting to deal with it himself, rather than the OH doing it - which might be an even better twist to the story as there'd be this mystery and the whole idea of the Wolves policing themselves.


But overall it gives me a good basis for building my own backstory (specially since they seem to be warbands (ala 13th Company) rather than a full Great Company and cool potential for playing a fun twist on my wolves from time to time.

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I have to say I've been looking for a new army to make, and I really didn't want to do another loyalist chapter as I already have Blood Angels. The fluff presented by Angry Angron and the combined efforts of everyone here has deffinately fired my imagination! As such my next army will be one of Skyrar's Dark Wolves, thanks everyone for your hard work!!
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